i run 1.2-1.4 max ever in bloom 56-62 p.h.
Thanks. That's 600-700 PPM and I'm right in that range.
How do you get them up to that range?
When do you feed them 1/4th, 1/2 then full strength?
i run 1.2-1.4 max ever in bloom 56-62 p.h.
I have some PPM questions.
I tested my PPM meter this morning in distilled water. It read 004 PPM. Can I assume that my meter is reasonably accurate and does not need calibration?
Second question: If my meter is correct, should I raise my PPM's to the 800-850 range REGARDLESS of how much Maxibloom I need to add, even 1.5-2 teaspoons per gallon?
I'm running <675 PPM now, and if I'm not feeding the maximum amount of food my plants can eat at a time they can take it, I need to fix that.
I have some PPM questions.
I tested my PPM meter this morning in distilled water. It read 004 PPM. Can I assume that my meter is reasonably accurate and does not need calibration?
Second question: If my meter is correct, should I raise my PPM's to the 800-850 range REGARDLESS of how much Maxibloom I need to add, even 1.5-2 teaspoons per gallon?
I'm running <675 PPM now, and if I'm not feeding the maximum amount of food my plants can eat at a time they can take it, I need to fix that.
you would see better growth in veg, more yield, and a higher quality end product in flower using maxigrow from veg to harvest vs using maxibloom from veg to harvest.
with maxigrow you can definitely run your EC at 1.0 aka 500ppm and be just fine.
The closet to a MJ plant is the "hemp" plants grown through out the U.S.. during WW II and just after that time. They found that the plants grow best when fertilized as if they were tobacco, corn silage or fodder when field grown and as foliage plants when green house grown. One does have to consider all the early research geared mainly around growing plant in the vegetative state until the plants started diverting its energy into reproduction. Then the testing went into importing ruderalis and hash strains so as to shorten and bush out the plants as the combines could not handle the ntaural sativa plants which were to tall. It wasn't until the 60's that much research was geared towards improving its possible medicinal qualities.
Consider Green peppers or chiles are 3:1:3, fodder is 3:1:3, spinach is 3:1:4, herbs are 2:1:1.5 while tomatoes are 4:1:5 and very high in calcium. The hydroponic grows in the 50's and 60's showed that MJ responded best to the simple 3:1:2 ratios used for green house foliage type plants. Even AN, low and be hold, who say they are at the forefront of the MJ nutrient field are now putting out Sensi formulas that are nearing the old traditional 3:1:2 formulas of old. Why do I use a near 3:1:2 ratio etc, because over the years I have found it to work the best and have mixed and sold it to dozens of large growers who also swear by it. I also know many commercial growers who mix their own fertilizers and in general they always seem to return to a formula near the standard old 3:1:2 ratio. Recently (the last year or a bit more) has brought about better nutrient delivery systems and therefore allowing increases in the other parameters meaning a k higher potash than from the 3:1:2 ratio.
Lucas is not really a good mix, it is just a fair and simple mix that works. It is a 0.42, 0.83, 1.0 ratio. Nothing like what is really recommended. I really do not know why it made it to the Fad level. I really find it hard to believe that GH even came up with the Flora Bloom formula which is Lucas with humus. It is simply a matter of a manufacturer providing what people want even when it is not a better product. If you actually look at the analysis of GH FloraBloom and Flora micro you would see that Lucas was back ass back wards when he came up with his formula. He advised two parts Bloom to one part Micro. If he would have gone with two parts micro and one part bloom he would have gotten a ratio of 3.3, 1.6, 2 but it would have a mess of calcium at 333 ppm. That high calcium would mean that the reservoir s would likely have to be changed out weekly rather than going for weeks or a full grow by just adding water and more nutrients.
IMHO neither GH or AN make a really good mj nutrient product for hydroponics, especially not for a good aero system with large tubes or chambers. I really doubt they will ever make a good formulation for good intermittent mists systems such as high pressure chamber or atomized chamber. They do not make formulations for commercial growers just hobbyists and it is doubtful enough hobbyists will ever spend the energy, time or money to move up to the better more expensive systems. The more efficient the system is the greater the difference ratios, and balanced pH's mean. Carbonate chemistry is much harder to deal with when TDS levels low right from the beginning as they are with efficient systems. Consider this: the actual recommended calcium to nitrogen ratio for MJ is 0.8-1. How many retailed nutrients out there do you see where the calcium to nitrogen ratio is that high unless the nitrogen level is very low. That is why the retail manufacturers are selling low nitrogen formulas. They sell low nitrogen so they can use lower levels of calcium. Low level calcium formulations make growers happy as they can go longer times between reservoir change outs and so they have to adjust the pH less and worry about magnesium deficiency less.
Basically it means poorer quality nutrients, potency and yields for a given growing time in order to allow for easier maintenance and less grower knowledge. It has become quiet common in the last few years for people to say the use plain tap water without problems. That says a lot about too low calcium levels supplied by manufacturers and that is usually an indication that their Nitrogen levels are really low also. Lately the trends has been high phosphorus and high potash, then throw in high calcium and magnesium at blooming. That is strange as balanced nutrients near or about 3:1:2, calcium of at least half to 1.5 to 3 and magnesium about half on the nitrogen or calcium through out still produce the best results. Calcium is really a very good way to control nutrient up take in efficient systems. As long as the ratio of calcium to magnesium is about 2:1 the calciums high EC means it has a lot of control over the amount of other nutrients that are available.
yeah, seems good. does your meter have EC capability? is your PPM at a 0.5 conversion rate?
anyway, in my opinion.. the target PPM (1 scoop of maxibloom = ec of around 1.6 or so, or 800ppm at .5 conversion) is a maximum..
you want to find the PPM level to feed your plant right before it starts to show deficiencies.. then stay barely above that mark. i ran maxibloom at 1.7 in flower and i honestly feel i could have ran it as low as 1.0-1.2 and been fine. (500-600ppm).
please don't fall into the trap of giving them a PK boost in flower. just run straight maxibloom and nothing else.
Nice clean setup do dad
MY meter is this one. .05.
It's brand new so I have to think it's been somewhat calibrated.
I'm not using anything else except maxibloom. I have a few other ferts that were just a waste of time and money.
I don't even adjust PH. I have the PH drops from GH to test and PH up/down but 1 tsp per gallon brings my tap right in line with what the drops say is close enough.
I'm about to start a new watering system with maxi. A top feed recirculating system that I have been working on the last couple of days.
I'm checking with the hempy guys about how often I can water, continuous flow, drip or intervals and once I find that out, I'll be running maxibloom out of an external reservoir. Can't get any easier than that.
I'll run it in the 650 ppm range and see how they do. If they look overfed, I'll pull back. Close is good enough.
the issue i have with this too much nitrogen in flower is who determined this information because it seems that the blind is just leading the blind. no disrespect intended. the issue i have with forums is most people read something someone else says, and then it becomes their gospel. 500ppm's is plenty, unless your nutrients are misbalanced (as maxibloom is) so you have to overcompensate.
what makes you think you're going to smoke nitogen oxide?
Thanks my man!
thanks do you get good results from the rockwool in cloning do you jus snip the branch add the power cloner and put it in the rockwool inside a humidity dome i've never cloned before this is all new to me thats why i was gonna buy the turbo cloner 144 site cause i heard the domes were complicated and had a bad live/death ratio thanks for the help and thanks ioni for making the thread
Easiest way for me to clone using MB was to
Cut 90 degree angle
Hold cut underwater where u made the cut from mom
Cut above 1st cut to ensure no air pockets
Dip into cutting powder or gel
Place into rockwool 1.5 x 1.5 cube
Place into humidity dome
Take 3-5 drops of liquid kelp to a pinch of maxibloom mix together spray inside of dome and cuts once a day.
Keep cubes damp ,not wet .Try to keep puddles in dome to a minimum. Puddles will cause a dampening off or stem rot effect
I couldn't help myself I had to dive in! I've had it with the mixing and the money. I gave them a feeding yesterday 1tsp with tap. So far so good!I would just finish off your nutes that your on now and then switch over next round or start using maxibloom during flower transition.
just me though. dont fix it if it aint broken.
The more I watered, the more they seem to like it.