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*The K.I.S.S. Method*


Active member
IC didn't become this wealth of information and community based on sharing of ideas and knowledge it is today with attitudes, and more so egos, like that. And then you have influential new comers who see posts like that by members that should know better such as yourself, and stroke them along thinking it's the lay of the land and the cool thing to do.. And it's not. It perpetuates the cycle of those kinda posts and before you know it..this place is another online desert as far as members that are civil, willing to learn through discussion and debate, and most importantly willing to teach each other… Sure, people should be encouraged to read certain things and build some foundation as we all once required, but definitely not be afraid or ashamed, and especially not demeaned! for asking questions along the way...

It's sad man, but definitely reassuring to have members like str8edge around who prove in their posts that this place isn't gone just yet.

I can't imagine it pisses you off so much that when you see a reply to this thread at almost 200 pages and it isn't some groundbreaking, new, perplexing question that you can't help BUT reply with comments such as those... Give the guy a break. And yourself:joint:

Take it easy brother, and next time something pisses you off so much as to make another post like that(which is getting more common for you here as you become increasingly territorial/egotistical to the thread in a way, it's actually kinda crazy to watch bud) just sit back, press delete, and don't post anything at all. There'll always be members such as str8edge who have the time and patience to help out the new guys like resinscientist.

It's common courtesy to read a thread before asking redundant questions, that were already answered on page one. It's rude to pop into the end of a long thread, without having read it, and making it longer than it needs to be, which this thread already is. If the "new guy" can read, he should read, and not ask the same questions over and over. This is the K.I.S.S. thread. It's about making things simple. It is incredibly simple. If you read the first page or two, you have the "method". One teaspoon of Maxibloom per gallon. 800 PPMs. End of story! When a lazy person comes on here and refuses to do the reading, I am not going to "help" them by continually spoon feeding redundant material, making the thread even longer.
If someone gets alerts on their I-phone and needs to play with it and immediately post a reply to a stupid (yes, I said stupid) question, that's their business. I have no respect for people who refuse to read what has already been laid out for them. They are just mucking up a thread, IMO. The whole concept of the thread is to keep it simple, which it is, but some folks want to take simplicity and make it complicated.
Again, reading a thread before posting is common courtesy. Some "newbies" not only don't get this, but they really don't care. The people who enable them are mucking up the thread as well, IMO. This entire thread can be summed up in a couple of paragraphs, and a few pages to ask questions and get responses. That's why it's called "Keep It Simple Stoner".
Again, it's common courtesy on ALL online forums, not just this one, to read first, then post.


Well-known member
... This is the K.I.S.S. thread...When a lazy person comes on here and refuses to do the reading, I am not going to "help" them by continually spoon feeding redundant material, making the thread even longer...

so instead you act like its your job to smack them down......give it a break.

thanks everyone for your helpful recommendations ! i do know that it is the kiss thread and should be kept simple, but i wanted to use a cheaper nute line such as maxibloom while still dialing in the plants with my ph meter and ec meter. i have read this entire thread , so sorry superjet to make you so made but you didnt have to comment on it if you didnt want to help. i appreciate everyone elses help greatly! i have been doing this a little over 8 years but i am no expert at all. this is why i came on here to listen and talk to others with more experience . i thought that this website was for that kind of thing.. asking questions, reading, and learning. im always open do new ideas and opinions. i wouldnt tell someone they are a dummy just because what they do is diff than what i do. there are many ways to skin a cat... but thanks again to everyone else for their support and suggestions. i think im over watering and have too high of an ec/ ppm. but we shall see in the coming weeks . thanks fellas!


Active member
i do know that it is the kiss thread and should be kept simple, but i wanted to use a cheaper nute line such as maxibloom while still dialing in the plants with my ph meter and ec meter.

That is the definition of keeping it simple mate.

When you learn to use a simple one part nutrient such as maxigrow and maxibloom, you can use your ec pen to dial that like you can any other.

To do what you're asking, just start off your seedlings on 0.8-1.0ec of maxigrow when they pop their first little leaves out. Nothing else. That'll satisfy most any strain on the market. Find out for yourself.

People should want to evolve a method for the better, if it can be.

Plants can and will tolerate a lot more phosphate than they really need. A lot of it is just washed through the pot and back out the bottom and into the water supply.

If a full spoon of MB is 1.8ec, which I'm sure I've read somewhere it is, then without doubt it can be cut back to a lower amount while still keeping the plant in full health.

If there are any complaints about paling when cutting back on the nutes, it's only because the bloom is very low in nitrogen to begin with.

You can get round this problem by mixing in some maxigrow... however much you need to to keep things just green enough. Simple. The overall EC should still be around 1.0-1.2

These are all simple things to do. The maxi system is very modifiable for this reason, and allows you to adjust the basic NPK while still keeping a well balanced all round nutrient. It's good stuff.


Active member
one piece of advice ill repeat that ive seen in coco threads that i think was pretty good.

using weight to dial your feed times and duration.forgive me if you already heard this one.

when your coco has just been watered to runoff and is done dripping weigh it with a bathroom scale.
when its drying out and the leaves start to show a relaxed position but not yet wilting. the praying tops drop down ever so slightly and the medium feels a lot dryer and looks it too weigh it again. the difference is your water weight.

now in the future when you lose half your water weight you resoak the medium.
for dialing a timer or your handwater schedule time or measure the ammount to runoff. thats your duration. then watch the plants and time how long it takes for half your water weight to drop and thats your interval or frequency. be aware it woill increase as stretch proceeds and may need a little maintainnce throughout the grow. my roots look fucking nuts right now. fuck bud porn i want to start a root porn thread.
thanks everyone for your helpful recommendations ! i do know that it is the kiss thread and should be kept simple, but i wanted to use a cheaper nute line such as maxibloom while still dialing in the plants with my ph meter and ec meter. i have read this entire thread , so sorry superjet to make you so made but you didnt have to comment on it if you didnt want to help. i appreciate everyone elses help greatly! i have been doing this a little over 8 years but i am no expert at all. this is why i came on here to listen and talk to others with more experience . i thought that this website was for that kind of thing.. asking questions, reading, and learning. im always open do new ideas and opinions. i wouldnt tell someone they are a dummy just because what they do is diff than what i do. there are many ways to skin a cat... but thanks again to everyone else for their support and suggestions. i think im over watering and have too high of an ec/ ppm. but we shall see in the coming weeks . thanks fellas!
Just for the record ive been growing in Coco for 2yrs now and no longer do any kind of runoff. Just use Drip Clean and throw in a 100ppm calmg pure water feed 1x week. No issues.

Runoff is overstated in its requirements IMO. Im running 24 4x8 tables.
im currently using drip clean as well in coco. drip clean @ 1ml/gal, floracious+ 1/2 ml/gal ( half the recommended), and maxibloom. with tapwater @ 250ppm or .5ec. i watered down the mix with straight RO water till i got .9 ec. things are looking slightly better but i still have yellowing leaves on the bottom of the plant, and i mean straight yellow that fall off. going to wait a few more days to see if it gets any better.... if not i may raise my nute strength just to see if it helps..ive tried everything else.. starting to really frustrate me... 7grams maxibloom per gallon just seems so hot ec wise.... but if it doesnt get any better im just going to do the 7g/gal of maxi and see what happens...:rasta:


Active member
im currently using drip clean as well in coco. drip clean @ 1ml/gal, floracious+ 1/2 ml/gal ( half the recommended), and maxibloom. with tapwater @ 250ppm or .5ec. i watered down the mix with straight RO water till i got .9 ec. things are looking slightly better but i still have yellowing leaves on the bottom of the plant, and i mean straight yellow that fall off. going to wait a few more days to see if it gets any better.... if not i may raise my nute strength just to see if it helps..ive tried everything else.. starting to really frustrate me... 7grams maxibloom per gallon just seems so hot ec wise.... but if it doesnt get any better im just going to do the 7g/gal of maxi and see what happens...:rasta:
the bottom leaves are showing you what you've been doing wrong in the past (like starving your plant!) focus from there up those leaves are probably done anyways. i'm not getting the .9 ec. are you feeding at a ec .9 total? that's only 450ppms, mine start starving at anything less than 800ppms total mix. my environment is pretty aggressive though and I keep my runoff ppms close, under a 1000.


Active member
im currently using drip clean as well in coco. drip clean @ 1ml/gal, floracious+ 1/2 ml/gal ( half the recommended), and maxibloom. with tapwater @ 250ppm or .5ec. i watered down the mix with straight RO water till i got .9 ec. things are looking slightly better but i still have yellowing leaves on the bottom of the plant, and i mean straight yellow that fall off. going to wait a few more days to see if it gets any better.... if not i may raise my nute strength just to see if it helps..ive tried everything else.. starting to really frustrate me... 7grams maxibloom per gallon just seems so hot ec wise.... but if it doesnt get any better im just going to do the 7g/gal of maxi and see what happens...:rasta:

You don't need to keep upping the phosphate-high maxibloom to fix a nitrogen issue...All that will mean is you're wasting lots of phosphates just to get that N in there.

If you've got maxigrow use that. If you haven't, get some.

When you say you're feeding 0.9, do you mean you;re putting in 0.4 on top of your tap water?

If so, that's too weak a feed.
my tap is .5 ec and im only putting in .9 ec in total.. so yes only .4 feed solution ... i was always under the assumption that less is more in coco.. looks like from everyone's advice i should up my ec. would it be safe to us 7g/gal of maxi or should i slowly raise the ec over time... i just didnt want to fry my baby .. but she is rather large and has been vegging under a 600w MH for over a month
superjet , i was watering down the 7g/gal with ro in order to get to .9 i know 7g/gal is much higher... my fear was it was way too high ..forget exactly what ec it was
just mixed up 5 gallons. 7g/gal maxi=35g tap ec .5 total ec with nutes = 1.9ec ph 6.0 going to let it sit for awhile and then check ph again. hope this doesnt fry them.. thanks for all the help everyone , and sorry for the dumb questions.


Active member
Yes, just slowly increase EC until you see dark green or curling of the leaves, might canoe a bit, or even burned tips) If you see any signs of this lower EC a little and stay there.. It's all about being able to read your plants brother. 1.2.-1.3 should perk them up nicely though. No pics?

If you wanna be able to read your plants much better, read a lot more of the infirmary. When you think you've read enough just keep reading.

Good luck:tiphat:


Active member
And that batch you just mixed up is too hot, to go from .9- 1.9, in coco especially..

Sometimes in 5gal bucket you really only have like 4gal if you leave a few inches for water to mix and not splash over. Try 28-30g next time for that same amount of water. In the meantime, dilute that 1.9 down to at least 1.4- 1.5
thanks man ! will do ... onto the the infirmary it is ....ill have pics soon waiting for my camera in the mail .. about the tips of the leaves ... currently they have a very very small yellow/orange on the very end of the tips of the leaves and they kind of curve at the end sideways.... thats why i thot maybe i was already too high nute wise..very paranoid about burning them