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The joke thread, cause we all need to laugh!!!!!!



"Grow for love, not money. If you grow for love, the money will come." - Soma

I've met Soma, he was a nice guy...but I have to say that if you grow for love (of cannabis) money may come if that's what you want, but pleasure and satisfaction will definitely come your way.


Active member
"Grow for love, not money. If you grow for love, the money will come." - Soma

I've met Soma, he was a nice guy...but I have to say that if you grow for love (of cannabis) money may come if that's what you want, but pleasure and satisfaction will definitely come your way.

If that's supposed to be funny, it went completely over my head.


If that's supposed to be funny, it went completely over my head.

You're sense of humor is intact, there was no comedy there...I was just off on a tangent about Soma.


Who's songs do you never hear in a whorehouse?

The Ramones...."Hey! Ho!, Lets go!"


Well-known member
salesmans car breaks down. he walks back to last house & asks to borrow the phone. after calling a wrecker, he sits on the porch with the farmer, discussing the weather & talking politics. suddenly, a pig with a wooden leg trots around the porch! amazed, the salesman asks "where the hell did you get a 3-legged pig?" farmer says "that aint no ordinary porker. last fall, i was working on my tractor & it fell off the jackstands. i would have died if that pig had not lifted the tractor off of me & dragged me clear." astounded, the salesman asks "is that how he lost his leg? did the tractor fall on him?" "yer about stupid, aint ya?" the farmer says "you got a pig like that, you don't eat him all at once..."


Paddy asked his doctor “Do you treat alcoholics?”

His Doctor replied “Yes sir, of course I do.”

“Great,” said Paddy. “Put your coat on and let’s go, I’m skint!”


What is the difference between a wife and a job?
After five years a job still sucks. :biggrin:


Written on wall above urinal:

"Don't look here.. the joke's on your hand"

It's a classic but I saw it in a 7-11 last week.


An Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman each order a Guinness in a pub. Upon being served, each finds a fly in their beer. Repulsed, the Englishman sends his back. The Scotsman gently flicks the fly out of his mug and begins drinking. The Irishman, carefully lifts the fly up by its wings and screams, "Spit it out! Spit it out!"