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The joke thread, cause we all need to laugh!!!!!!


Wife asks husband for money for breast enlargement.
Husband hands her a two pieces of toilet paper and tells her to rub the folded paper between her small breasts every morning.
Wife says "How the hell is that going to make them bigger?"
He replies "I don't know but it worked on your ass"


Active member
Wife asks husband for money for breast enlargement.
Husband hands her a two pieces of toilet paper and tells her to rub the folded paper between her small breasts every morning.
Wife says "How the hell is that going to make them bigger?"
He replies "I don't know but it worked on your ass"



Active member
The sadistic nurse at the urology department Was fired for repeatedly answering the phone urology department please hold.


Did you hear about the blind goal keeper?

you had to hand it to him

Or the man with 5 cocks?

his underpants fit like glove
yet again, torn from today's headlines

yet again, torn from today's headlines

Why won't congress impeach Trump?

Because Republicans believe in carrying a baby the full term.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Anyone here ever grew a bud big enough to hug?

Close enough?


Communism jokes aren't funny unless everyone gets them.

So true.

I often wondered what the people of Russia (and their surrounding countries) would be like if communism never took hold there....probably more smiles and less vodka


Well-known member
Anybody that drives slower than you is an idiot
Anybody that drives faster than you is a maniac...

anybody that drives slower IN THE LEFT LANE is an idiot.:biggrin:
anyone that drives faster will pass me ON THE LEFT because i won't try to block them...whether they are a maniac or just late for work.:tiphat:

Midnite Toker

Active member
Well sir, this old feller an' is wife was settin' on th' porch, an' she said, 'Guess what I'd like t'have?'"....
He said, 'What's that?'
She said, 'A great big bowl of vaniller ice cream with choc'late sauce and nuts on top!'
He says, 'Boys howdy, that'd be good. I'll go down to th'store and git us some.'
She said, 'Now that's vaniller ice cream with choc'late sauce and nuts. Better write it down.'
He said, 'Don't need t'write it down, I can remember.'
Little while later, he come back. Had two ham san'wiches. Give one t'her. She looked at that san'wich, lifted the top off and said...
'You mulehead, I told you t'write it down, I wanted mustard on mine.'"
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