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The joke thread, cause we all need to laugh!!!!!!


Well-known member
In this day and age how the hell can people be so stupid? Flat Earth, now that's one of the funniest jokes in this thread!

Lester, a guy i work with told me the other day that the only reason that the earth looks round when you are way the hell up in a plane is...how the glass in the window is shaped. he says it is only an optical illusion because of the "fish-eye" lens effect from the windows shape. oh, & NASA faked all of the pictures from outer space etc. but this imbecile still believes in UFOs. i guess they hide UNDER the planet where we can't see them...:laughing:


Still Learning
Lester, a guy i work with told me the other day that the only reason that the earth looks round when you are way the hell up in a plane is...how the glass in the window is shaped. he says it is only an optical illusion because of the "fish-eye" lens effect from the windows shape. oh, & NASA faked all of the pictures from outer space etc. but this imbecile still believes in UFOs. i guess they hide UNDER the planet where we can't see them...:laughing:
world is flat... imbecile, yes
UFOs??? I'm still leaning could be.. imbecile??? maybe sometimes..:tiphat:


Still Learning
I spent 9 months in and around Portsmouth, England used to frequent a pub in ??? Havant?? few miles west of the Holiday Inn on a bay that was told the best wind surfing anywhere.. RoyalOak.. And I hear you compared to real beer, I drank quite allot of Stella when I was there and did find a couple Budweisers (the beer, couldn't find any 'buds' 1981) they did suk... no joke!:tiphat:
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Well-known member
world is flat... imbecile, yes
UFOs??? I'm still leaning could be.. imbecile??? maybe sometimes..:tiphat:

hell, i've seen UFOs myself. once when my father was with me. he was an over the road long haul truck driver, told me stories about things he saw that made my skin crawl. i DO NOT believe we are "alone" in the universe myself. :) i just found it inconsistent that someone rabidly believed in aliens but thought the world was flat...:biggrin:


Active member
I remember being concerned as a kid, so I told my teacher that I think my Dad eats light bulbs. She said "Why do you think that Johnny?" I said because I walked by my parents bedroom, and my Dad yelled "Turn off that light and I'll eat it."


Active member


My girlfriend and I often laugh about how competitive we are.

But I laugh more.


Well-known member
So a guy dies and goes to the pearly gates, st pete says you have to check out each place to see where you want to go.
He gets in the elevator and pushes up. Folks there are hanging on the clouds playing harps, it looks good but boring.
He gets back in the elevator and hits the down button. The doors open to a beautiful golf course with his buddies smoking a fattie with a bunch of hot chicks in the golf cart. He decides right away he wants to come here.
He goes back to st pete and says i'll go down below, pete says so be it and off he goes.
This time when the doors open it is a wasteland with all of his buds sitting around sweating. He says where is the golf course, chicks, and joints? His buddies look up and say we were campaigning...


Active member
Went to the doctor yesterday, and told him I accidentally swallowed Scrabble tiles....he said my next shit could spell disaster.


Active member
I bought a pair of shoes from a drug dealer.

I don't know what he laced them with but I have been trippin all day.