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The joke thread, cause we all need to laugh!!!!!!


Well-known member
a Florida graduate thought he would celebrate getting out of school with a cool vacation while he was at a Blues Festival in Memphis. walking down Beale Street, he saw a sign that said "Deluxe Mississippi Riverboat Cruise & Gulf of Mexico Vacation! inquire within" "fuck me" he thinks, "that sounds like fun!" so he steps into the office & finds out no one is watching the counter. when he rings the bell for service, two huge goons rush out of the back room & beat him senseless! he wakes up the next morning, tied to an inner-tube & drifting in circles in a Mississippi backwater. suddenly, he spots another person in the same predicament! "hey, buddy!" he yells. when the fellow looks up, he recognizes him as a graduate member of his fraternity at Gainesville. "do they serve breakfast on this cruise?" he asks. "well" his frat bro says "they didn't last year..."

Midnite Toker

Active member
A car full of Irish nuns is sitting at a traffic light in downtown Dublin, when a bunch of rowdy drunks pull up alongside of them.
"Hey, show us yer tits, ya bloody penguins!" shouts one of the drunks.
Quite shocked, Mother Superior turns to Sister Mary Immaculata and says, "I don't think they know who we are; show them your cross."
Sister Mary Immaculata rolls down her window and shouts, "Piss off, ya fookin' little wankers, before I come over there and rip yer balls off!"
Sister Mary Immaculata then rolls up her window, looks back at Mother Superior, quite innocently, and asks, "Did that sound cross enough?


Well-known member
- There's an israeli jew, a chinese, an annoying ugly woman and a black guy...
- Stop with those racist jokes!
- Sorry, there's the man with the capolet, the one with slit eyes, the annoying ugly woman and the african american...
- That's the same thing, can't you think of them as persons?
- Sure, madam, didn't want to offend. There's these three scared male passengers and this horrendous looking annoying woman on a plane about to crash...
-That's downright sexist!
- Sorry, there's these four individual passenger persons and only three parachutes...
- Aw, for God's sake, that's such and old joke!
- I'm afraid it's not a joke, madam, if you let me finish, i'm only telling you we just voted to keep the parachutes for ourselves because you're such an ugly annoying woman...


Active member
It just goes to show my luck.
I tell a chemistry joke - and no reaction.

(Q) Know a good joke about sodium hypobromate?

(A) NaBro.

Uhh... I don't wanna get all TECHNICAL an' shit,
but... you know TECHNICALLY,
a solution.

It seems to me... chemistry is just like cooking.
Except for the part about
'don't lick the spoon while I'm gone to the bathroom ok?'

I should probably
take these chemistry jokes
and barium

One time two molecules were hanging out.
One of em said ''Omg I've lost an electron!''
The other one said - are you positive?
The first one said, ''Oh yeah - I'm positive!''


My wife's birthday is in two days, and she told me that she would be happy as long as I get her something with a lot of diamonds in it.

She's gonna love this pack of playing cards.


Active member
Definition of a 'Ho'

You tell your girlfriend
you be pregnant.
And she say
''By who?''

I named my dog Five Miles so I can tell everybody I walk 5 miles every day.

Warmest place in any room?
The corner. No matter what the temp elsewhere,
the corner's about 90 degrees or so.