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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
No he didn't. I can spell it out again

What crime would Trumptard need to commit for you to have an issue? and if you even care if he commits any crimes?>


Active member
Trump's tax returns are audited yearly due to the size and amount of income. So, you guys are assuming house Democrats are more able to find complex money laundering and tax fraud, than the IRS auditors?

Doesn't even make sense. His finances have been investigated by the government yearly. We are still waiting for courts to decide issues for Obama's first term. Hell their are probably still cases pending for Bush's term. The executive privilege will stay in place for many years, the Democrats know this. It's pandering to the base, and the media. Every move is a 2020 move.

Mr D

Tax crimes are discovered in the internal revenue service then brought to the AG who decides to prosecute or not

NY would also be able to go after Trump for Tax crimes.

The Ways and Means committee has oversight over tax laws and the agencies tasked with carrying out the tax laws. They do not have the mandate or expertise to conduct individual tax audits.

Of course as Social Security burns down in the background they think Trump's taxes are more important.

They will continue to neglect their oversight duties related to Social Security while they dig out arcane rules which they claim gives them the right to try this BS.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Trump's tax returns are audited yearly due to the size and amount of income. So, you guys are assuming house Democrats are more able to find complex money laundering and tax fraud, than the IRS auditors?

Doesn't even make sense. His finances have been investigated by the government yearly. We are still waiting for courts to decide issues for Obama's first term. Hell their are probably still cases pending for Bush's term. The executive privilege will stay in place for many years, the Democrats know this. It's pandering to the base, and the media. Every move is a 2020 move.

You have no clue what IRS is doing with Trumptards returns. With all his own people in these positions you really think any would say a word if crimes where found lol. From what Ive seen its unlikely hes being audited at all. He might have been audited in the past. 2018 I highly doubt it.

Mr D

You have no clue what IRS is doing with Trumptards returns. With all his own people in these positions you really think any would say a word if crimes where found lol. From what Ive seen its unlikely hes being audited at all. He might have been audited in the past. 2018 I highly doubt it.

Just because you don't know shit doesn't mean others can't do a simple fuckin google search.


The requirement for mandatory audits of the tax returns of the president and vice president dates back to the Watergate era in the 1970s,” the IRS said in a statement to McClatchy, noting that nonpartisan career employees adopted the requirement. “Since then, this provision has remained in place during both Republican and Democratic administrations as well as under IRS Commissioners appointed by both parties.”

What a fuckin tool bag..


Active member
No he didn't. I can spell it out again

What crime would Trumptard need to commit for you to have an issue? and if you even care if he commits any crimes?>

Can’t really answer that for him. For myself... a crime he is convicted of... not a bunch of accusations made by the assblasted propaganda wing of Zion.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
@mindless I...Lol couldn't give less of a fuck... does your post count give you some significant affirmation missing from your childhood? Hate to break it to ya...no matter how many post you make...you will still have a small infantile penis..and no you never lived up to your father's expectations
Deal with it princess

lol who the fuck is @mindless I. Whats my post count have to do with anything. How old are u 5 lol. I can tell common sense isn't your strong point. Its a pretty simple question. You seem to think insulting me is gonna help your cause. Its not. We can all see what kind of Trumptard supporter you are.. I sure hope the rest have better character then you. You still didn't answer the question lol. I will infer you could care less what Trumptard does.. Let me remind every one

No need to submit tax returns, Its OK to Obstruct justice , Have inappropriate meetings with outer countries. Having affairs is OK, Sticking up for white supremacists, Make fun of the disabled. Tell 100's of lies daily. Lock up your political enemies. Beat criminal suspects during arrest. There are many more. Trumptards supports are blind tho them all.
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Well-known member
Trump's tax returns are audited yearly due to the size and amount of income. So, you guys are assuming house Democrats are more able to find complex money laundering and tax fraud, than the IRS auditors?

Doesn't even make sense. His finances have been investigated by the government yearly. We are still waiting for courts to decide issues for Obama's first term. Hell their are probably still cases pending for Bush's term. The executive privilege will stay in place for many years, the Democrats know this. It's pandering to the base, and the media. Every move is a 2020 move.
the meat of the potato is about sources
it's quite possible all is legal in an IRS compliance way
it's about russian sources, been about it from day 1
and plainly the country needs to know that its president is not compromised from russian(or other nefarious agencies) sourced money


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Can’t really answer that for him. For myself... a crime he is convicted of... not a bunch of accusations made by the assblasted propaganda wing of Zion.

How can he be committed of a crime when he cant be indicted. Accusations mean nothing. Let congress do there jobs.


Well-known member
the meat of the potato is about sources
it's quite possible all is legal in an IRS compliance way
it's about russian sources, been about it from day 1
and plainly the country needs to know that its president is not compromised from russian(or other nefarious agencies) sourced money

According to the polls, the majority of the country is not worried about Trump and the Russian conspiracy theory.


Well-known member
so what your saying is terrorist murdering baby raping fucks in prison should have a right to vote....but some small fraction of far right extremist yet still law abiding citizens have no rights?
you truly have a knack for talkin out of your ass

those convicted of violent crimes, sex offenses etc are not eligible to have voting rights returned. and no one in prison gets to vote ANYWHERE that i am aware of. you have to completely serve your sentence plus probation, pay all fines etc before you can even APPLY to have rights restored. "talking out your ass" is very appropriate for that line of shit...:laughing:


Well-known member
According to the polls, the majority of the country is not worried about Trump and the Russian conspiracy theory.
depends on which poll you're talking about, there's a lot of polls
the majority of the country wants full disclosure, no question about it
most people are fine with being shown the evidence, then they'll make the call


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
According to the polls, the majority of the country is not worried about Trump and the Russian conspiracy theory.
I agree with this. POTUS should be allowed to have conversations with any country about anything. What I don't agree on is not having someone else in the room when having discussions. Having your people have meetings in secret you dont know about.

My perception of Trumptard is he would say things he shouldn't or make promises he shouldn't. We know he already told Russia top secret shit he wasn't suppose to. Since POTUS can declassify anything everyone thinks it was OK. I do not.


Active member
lol. Whats my post count have to do with anything. How old are u 5 lol. Its a pretty simple question. You seem to think insulting me is gonna help your cause. Its not. We can all see what kind of people support Trumptard. You still didn't answer the question lol. I will infer you could care less what Trumptard does.. Let me remind every one

No need to submit tax returns, Its OK to Obstruct justice , Have inappropriate meetings with outer countries. Having affairs is OK, Sticking up for white supremacists, Make fun of the disabled. Tell 100's of lies daily. Lock up your political enemies. Beat criminal suspects during arrest. There are many more. Trumptards supports are blind tho them all.
That was in response to mindless I
Apparently I misinterpreted your question...
I think anyone who breaks the law and can be found guilty of it beyond a reasonable doubt should be prosecuted...but nuances and innuendo dont cut it...I fully understand you are not happy with trumps win..that's just tuff rocks
But you gotta come up with real crimes with real evidence
Do you think Cavanaugh should have been prosecuted without the benefit of presumption of innocents?
What if you found yourself in such a position? We can't just put people in jail cuz we assume they are guilty of something it's the very basis of our legal system..hope that answers your question


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That was in response to mindless I
Apparently I misinterpreted your question...
I think anyone who breaks the law and can be found guilty of it should be prosecuted...but nuances and innuendo dont cut it...I fully understand you are not happy with trumps win..that's just tuff rocks
But you gotta come up with real crimes with real evidence
Do you think Cavanaugh should have been prosecuted without the benefit of presumption of innocents?
What if you found yourself in such a position? We can't just put people in jail cuz we assume they are guilty of something it's the very basis of our legal system..hope that answers your question

I don't care who won. I didn't vote for either of them. None of you trumptard supports really read what I post. I care how my POTUS conducts himself. I care my POTUS is not a crook. I care my POTUS has Morals. I care my POTUS has good character.. I'm not asking for more than that.



Active member
those convicted of violent crimes, sex offenses etc are not eligible to have voting rights returned. and no one in prison gets to vote ANYWHERE that i am aware of. you have to completely serve your sentence plus probation, pay all fines etc before you can even APPLY to have rights restored. "talking out your ass" is very appropriate for that line of shit...:laughing:

Not what Bernie said...goggle it it's not classified...he was ask if the Boston bomber could vote from prison...Bernie said yes
It is you who is talking from your ass
Spewing shit without the actual facts only serves to downgrade the perception of your intelligence by others


Well-known member
i am drawn to this conspiracy thread like a moth to a flame.
it lets me know what antifa people are really like.
the dems have screamed impeach. before trump even took office.
i wish the USA well, so i wish trump well.
i lived thru many presidents i did not like.
yet i never seen such hatred as i have seen trump go thru.
both sides suck and are pulling people apart.
carry on.. just thru my 2 cents in there.

White Beard

Active member
i am drawn to this conspiracy thread like a moth to a flame.
it lets me know what antifa people are really like.
the dems have screamed impeach. before trump even took office.
i wish the USA well, so i wish trump well.
i lived thru many presidents i did not like.
yet i never seen such hatred as i have seen trump go thru.

both sides suck and are pulling people apart.
carry on.. just thru my 2 cents in there.

Great job sleeping through the Obama years, why wreck a good record?
Nighty-nite l’Russe....


Well-known member
obama was not front page news every day..
ya i lived thru his turn. i am glad every day
that clinton did not win.
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