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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It would help knowing how the Senate and house elections work. Here ya go.

Senators serve 6 years. The U.S. Senate has 53 Republicans and 47 Democrats (including two independents). There are 34 seats up in 2020 - including a special election in Arizona - of which 22 are held by the GOP. Democrats only need to gain 3 or 4 seats to take control.

House Representatives get two-year terms and are considered for reelection every even year.


ICMag Donor
trump also had a ten year old son...must of made you feel pretty big to pick on him...
bunch of pussies...

Your first fact. Trump has a son. You must be so proud.

Of course the rest was the usual troll bullshit.


ICMag Donor
It would help knowing how the Senate and house elections work. Here ya go.

Senators serve 6 years. The U.S. Senate has 53 Republicans and 47 Democrats (including two independents). There are 34 seats up in 2020 - including a special election in Arizona - of which 22 are held by the GOP. Democrats only need to gain 3 or 4 seats to take control.

House Representatives get two-year terms and are considered for reelection every even year.

Yes Sir. And with control of the house and senate it's gong to be time for some real accountability. People will have to answer for their Idiocracy.


Active member
his kids are fair game because they're part of a criminal enterprise
they're not innocent bystanders

13 year old kid is not part of a criminal conspiracy... proof of criminal enterprise where? Oh next to the Russia conspiracy evidence. Once again ZERO facts all BUTTHURT TDS... god the better part of you dribbled down your father’s leg...


Active member

Hussein implicated now? Ahhhh comfy as fuck.


Well-known member
13 year old kid is not part of a criminal conspiracy... proof of criminal enterprise where? Oh next to the Russia conspiracy evidence. Once again ZERO facts all BUTTHURT TDS... god the better part of you dribbled down your father’s leg...
obviously the 13 year old was not mentioned or intended, you of course know this
your statement has no information or value
the children that are part of the criminal enterprise are the only ones that need fear
which ones? the courts will decide ultimately
just like any other crime in america

Mr D

Nice little summary..

What is occurring now is an unprecedented and almost unbelievable episode of political theatrics. The Democrats are pretending that their fraudulent attempt at what amounted to a coup d’état against the election of an administration of the other party still possesses the legitimacy to be continued and taken seriously after it has been largely unmasked by its own chosen investigators for what it was.

At the same time, the machinery of dispassionate justice is already turning towards the identification and eventual punishment of the Democrats for subverting the justice and intelligence apparatus of the former administration in order to influence the results of the election of the succeeding president and vice president of the United States.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I see many Trumptard supporters think all the crap going on is some kind of attempt to make Trumptards win illegitimate. Some believe he had help from Russia. It really doesn't matter that he did. He is POTUS.
Moving on from that. The house has every right to do oversight. That's there job. Obviously there's some issues with Trumptard tax returns. I'm pretty sure it will prove tax fraud. For me it doesn't matter who is in office. If there's corrupt shenanigans going on we the people should know about it.

I'm curious how many of you Trumptard supporters care if he committed any crimes. What crimes specifically would be a problem for you?


Active member
Subpoena for an individuals taxes from Congress must show cause for legislative need ...not for curiosity or fishing expeditions
Criminal subpeonas are served thru attorney general with probable cause
Of tax fraud etc...
This is the problem..the stupid dems think they have some power...the house controls expenditures nothing more ...many of fat Jerry's subpoenas were meet with.. fuck off...


Well-known member
speaking of crime and investigation
see the latest on Rosenstein? those promises he made to Trump about how the investigation would go better for Trump if he stayed on the team
all obviously improper, and likely illegal
so many wheels turning, lots of people going to be falling and falling ...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That's not answering my question. If you don't think there's no cause I got a bridge to sale ya lol. There's plenty of reasons to seek Trumptards tax returns. Hes dripping in money laundering schemes. No crook is gonna say sure here's the evidence you seek lol.

In all honesty the subpoena power of congress is pretty much useless with an AG that supports and protects Trumptard. He can block it for months or even years. No AG should put POTUS above the law. The writing is on the wall. If you protect this POTUS you cant then say anything about a dem POTUS. You know that's never going to happen.

Mr D

speaking of crime and investigation
see the latest on Rosenstein? those promises he made to Trump about how the investigation would go better for Trump if he stayed on the team
all obviously improper, and likely illegal
so many wheels turning, lots of people going to be falling and falling ...

WaPo bunk :laughing:

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein delivered some remarks at the Armenian Bar Association’s Public Servants Dinner Thursday night — and made several assertions about the Russia investigation, including the role of the "previous administration," that have turned some heads.


Active member
Tax crimes are discovered in the internal revenue service then brought to the AG who decides to prosecute or not
Yall should face it..your swinging at air..and trumps got the federal circuit
Fat with repubs ...while you where spinnin wheels on collusion trump was stacking federal courts
Now you have a house full of ridiculousness that hasnt got shit done for their peeps...all will be primaried and prolly booted..it takes more than just being elected...you gotta do somethin..are least what you promised


Active member
trump also had a ten year old son...must of made you feel pretty big to pick on him...
bunch of pussies...

Hello all,

Never heard a word about Barron...still have not.

So again, spreading disseminating false information.

How's that post count working for you? Getting it up there are you?



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Tax crimes are discovered in the internal revenue service then brought to the AG who decides to prosecute or not
Yall should face it..your swinging at air..and trumps got the federal circuit
Fat with repubs ...while you where spinnin wheels on collusion trump was stacking federal courts
Now you have a house full of ridiculousness that hasnt got shit done for their peeps...all will be primaried and prolly booted..it takes more than just being elected...you gotta do somethin..are least what you promised
LOL, u do realize many people get away with tax fraud every year. You guys seem to forgot rules. YOU CAN'T INDICT A SITTING PRESIDENT. The only recourse available is impeachment. Since that is unlikely. Trumptard can be indicted once he leaves office.


Active member
That's not answering my question. If you don't think there's no cause I got a bridge to sale ya lol. There's plenty of reasons to seek Trumptards tax returns. Hes dripping in money laundering schemes. No crook is gonna say sure here's the evidence you seek lol.

In all honesty the subpoena power of congress is pretty much useless with an AG that supports and protects Trumptard. He can block it for months or even years. No AG should put POTUS above the law. The writing is on the wall. If you protect this POTUS you cant then say anything about a dem POTUS. You know that's never going to happen.

I think he did answer your post, perhaps not in a clear manner. He’s trying to say trump is giving a big fuck you to Congress. After 3 years of a politically motivated illegal investigation, Trump is giving them a big fuck off. Inb4 he’s hiding something. No no no. How many times has Trump used executive priviledge since being in office? Literally ZERO. Time for the left and congress to move the fuck on. She lost. Nothing you can do about it now other than drive a wedge further. The left has followed the Kang Hussein and Queen Hillary like a bunch of ignorant sheep. Wake the fuck up. Quit falling for the gaslighting and move on. You are STILL on the wrong side of history. Suck it up and #LearnToCope

(Not a single ‘you’ was aimed towards HH specifically)
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