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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Active member
Pretty weak list.

I don’t think you understand how a developing story is reported. When new news is found to contradict what was reported in the past, a retraction is issued, or story updated

Standard stuff, not the same as telling a lie and sticking to it.

Like chump does, and you guys can’t seem to get enough of it.

There’s 51 other ones waiting in the thread you somehow ‘missed’. I get it you love the Zionist media and being a sheep. Now jog on back to DB and get your new shill talking points...


Well-known member
Vividly recall Dick Cheney's shameless bragging over expenditures targeted at manipulation of the media.


Active member
So, none of the Democrats here want to tackle voting rights for terrorists and rapist. Lol. I love it. Can't argue with silence.

Is their a single Democrat who will actually support the policy, naw just bury your heads in the sand.


Active member
...and your parakeet is teaching you calculus...saying things isn’t knowing things. Being able to recognize when you’re out of your depth is a practiced skill (and I KNOW you’ll turn this around on me but *that’s* how much I care)...and as for ‘following the masses off a cliff’, back at ya, brother.

I also like to work with my hands, and while you may have taken it as disrespect, it was not: manual arts are very frequently HIGH arts, and there’s no shame or blame in it - and I was offering you respect, again, which you do not return - again.

I’ve been working since I was twelve. I was raised with respect and admiration for people who work and work hard. I still work, and hard, harder than my body is willing to do many times, but pulling my weight is as much a matter of pride and honor for me as craftsmanship and attention to detail - which in attempt to apply to everything I do.

I have been specifically working with my hands and working hard at it for the last ten years (after 20 years as a software designer and project manager - which I *also* took pride in). The truth is, I LIKE working with my hands. I like it vastly better than any office or clerical or managerial or any other sort of inside work. I am proud of the work I do, and I take more pleasure in the satisfaction of my clients than I do in the money I earn, and I will continue to do so for all my life.

I do not disrespect you for what work you do, nor do I imagine you don’t put pride and quality into your work. I admire ANYONE who works with a will and doesn’t just go through the motions for a paycheck. We are not so different. We both take pains to pull our own weight, and to help others pull theirs.

Nice try walking back your elitism. Are you a part of Kamalas campaign? Don't worry I will stick to working with my hands and machines. Since according to you i can't do anything else. Don't pretend you are aren't a judgmental ass. Be what you are, don't change a thing. You are obviously way to important to embrace humility. Lol. You're a freaking joke. Go grow some weed.


Well-known member
So, none of the Democrats here want to tackle voting rights for terrorists and rapist. Lol. I love it. Can't argue with silence.

Is their a single Democrat who will actually support the policy, naw just bury your heads in the sand.

this is a reasonable request
but didn't notice your original call out of the issue
i guess it falls under the category for ex cons in general
i do see some states(i think) have recently changed that felons can vote again
the response here(ic i mean) has been mostly positive since some members have dealt with having the experience


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I'm all in fav for ex cons having the right to vote. They served there time. Doesn't matter what crime you committed. The slate is clean once released.
Anyone still serving prison time needs to finish before having that right restored.. Anyone willing to do the crime should be willing to do the time.
Our criminal justice system is broken. All should know this.


Active member
@packerfan..Indeed more long winded diatribes and useless information about hinself...truly puke worthy
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White Beard

Active member
*SIGH*. Okay, no more. Have it your own way.

As far as I know THERE IS NO “POLICY” intent on giving the vote to rapists and terrorists, but if there IS one, I’m AGAINST it: I’ll even go so far as to include our home-grown, real-red terrorists and rapists, too. Not that you’re listening.

In the future, if you wonder whether I’m talking to you, rest assured I’m *not* talking to you, or to anyone else who isn’t listening. Imagine whatever you want. I’m done.

UPDATE - Hammerhead suggests that the “rapists’ vote” thing is the policy...if that’s the case then I will definitely get called a liar for this...I do in fact support the restoration of voting rights for ex-cons in the US. Just in case the reason matters, it’s because the entire point of the ‘school-to-prison pipeline’ has been (and still is) to incarcerate as many black citizens as possible, as young as possible, in order to prevent them from having any impact on the society that has been doing this since the Jim Crow south was hatched.

If this is the truth behind the “terrorists and rapists” squall, then leaving out the fact that the policy applies to all drug cases, and any other crime, to focus only on the Ts and Rs is at least as much of a lie as I can be accused of.


Well-known member
So, none of the Democrats here want to tackle voting rights for terrorists and rapist. Lol. I love it. Can't argue with silence.

Is their a single Democrat who will actually support the policy, naw just bury your heads in the sand.

sure i will in a quick out the door rambling post lol

there are 2.3 million Americans in jail. i've seen numbers that say we have 440 terrorists in our jails (which is what? idk i hate math but 0.01% of the prison population?). 163k sexual offenders and rapists in jail (8% of the prison population)

meanwhile 45.2% of all Americans in prison are there for drug related charges. Something like half the people in jail aren't even convicted because they can't pay bail.

"1 in every 37 adults in the United States, or 2.7% of the adult population, is under some form of correctional supervision."

Prison population has exploded since the 80's. Black people are incarcerated at 5 times the rate of every one else for example when it comes to drugs.

There's nothing in the constitution that says revoke the voting rights of criminals, and it's currently being used as yet another form of voter disenfranchisement. Every American has the right to vote. If you start picking and choosing who can't, well, you know what they say about slippery slopes.

There's nothing forcing a terrorist or rapist or prisoner in general to vote either. It isn't mandatory. How many prisoners do you really think would vote lmao. Half of the non incarcerated population of Americans don't vote. To think prison voter turnout would be even close to that is laughable. Nor could they possibly do any harm. They'll vote for one of the party clowns just like every one else.

Source: https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/pie2019.html


Well-known member
I'm all in fav for ex cons having the right to vote. They served there time. Doesn't matter what crime you committed. The slate is clean once released.
Anyone still serving prison time needs to finish before having that right restored.. Anyone willing to do the crime should be willing to do the time.
Our criminal justice system is broken. All should know this.

The slate is never clean for child rapists, they deserve to have a broomstick shoved up their ass then stomped on until its broken day after day after day after day.


Active member
There’s 51 other ones waiting in the thread you somehow ‘missed’. I get it you love the Zionist media and being a sheep. Now jog on back to DB and get your new shill talking points...

51 more yawns, just like your other list, and packers, and stewies.

Again because you seem to not understand, developing stories that “develop” is not the same as lying and sticking with the lie, like chump and faux do all day everyday.

It’s obvious you are either unable or unwilling to acknowledge the difference.

Feel free to cherry pick your best example, because they all look pretty weak to me


Active member
CNN canned Alan Dersoweitz one of the most brilliant legal scholars in the country... for not lying about trump
And was replaced by creepy pornstar liewyer m avenetti
How's that working out for ya?


Active member
CNN canned Alan Dersoweitz one of the most brilliant legal scholars in the country... for not lying about trump
And was replaced by creepy pornstar liewyer m avenetti
How's that working out for ya?

Hello all,


this is not the first time you have tried to spread disinformation.....maybe your a russian hack? IDK, but it is curious.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The slate is never clean for child rapists, they deserve to have a broomstick shoved up their ass then stomped on until its broken day after day after day after day.
Here are the guidelines for STATUTORY RAPE in California. I could not find info for babies. The laws should be changed to put people like this away for life.
This is just another example of our justice system being broken. People that commit heinous acts like this should never be released let alone vote..
Some states have the romeo and Juliet law. Cali doesn't.
Anyone who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a person under age 18 and the actor is not more than three years older or three years younger, is guilty of a misdemeanor
Up to one year in county jail

Anyone who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a person under age 18 who is more than three years younger than the actor is guilty of either a misdemeanor or a felony
Up to one year in county jail or by imprisonment in the state prison (period unspecified)

Any person 21 years of age or older who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is under 16 years of age is guilty of either a misdemeanor or a felony.
Up to one year in a county jail or by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or four years


Mr D

It is now looking as though there is more evidence that Obama had a heavier hand in interfering in the 2016 election than Putin.

FBI agents Joe Pientka and Mike Gaeta, along with DOJ official Stu Evans, are figuring prominently as witnesses in IG Horowitz's investigation of department FISA abuses. The findings in the forthcoming IG report are said to be "devastating."

“The problem for Brennan and Clapper and Comey and Baker and all of them now is that the FISA court has already communicated with the Justice Department about its findings and their findings are that for more than four years before the election of Donald Trump there was an illegal spying operation going on by FBI contractors, four of them, to steal personal information – electronic information about Americans and to use it against the Republican party. There are going to be indictments. There’s going to be grand juries. ”

“The Obama Administration for more than four years before the 2016 election allowed four contractors working for the FBI to illegally surveil American citizens – illegally. The FISA court has already found that.”

“The FISA court abuse is the center of this entire abuse of governmental power and the chief judge of that court has already ruled that the FBI broke the law and that the people at the head of the Justice Department, Sally Yates, John Carlin, the Assistant Attorney General for the National Security — all knew about it and lied to the court, the FISA court, about it.”

“The FISA court has already been told – and has already told the Justice Department who lied to that court and that has been given to Bill Barr already.”



Active member
Word on the street is a separate report on just lying James Comey will be out in 2 weeks
Hope he kept some dough back from his book sales...he's gonna need all that and then some


Active member
Word on the street is a separate report on just lying James Comey will be out in 2 weeks
Hope he kept some dough back from his book sales...he's gonna need all that and then some

I am sure Michael Avenati will represent him, wait maybe not. Uh oh.
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