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The Impeachment Of Trump

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ICMag Donor
Their heads won't explode. They will adopt what ever the media talking points are with the same smugness that allows them to post shit like "Pelosi is shrewd" and "Trump's going down" with a straight face.

I like the ones who try to appear intelligent and informed while they parrot their discredited media sources.

The government does not work on playground slang and insults.

Grow up!

Make an attempt to use reason, facts and law. Think of government as representatives guided by voters, laws and case history. Statements like yours above show blatant childish ignorance based in propaganda. You couldn't go to court and talk your way out of a jay walking ticket with this nonsense.

How is it that your user ID has existed for years but all of your posts began a few weeks ago?


Active member
CNN told a lie ? More like...CNN told the truth ??

I’m still waiting to hear the list of lies told by CNN, everybody that talks shit about them can’t seem to find any.

Bunch of trump parrots crying fake news like a two year old being told something they don’t want to hear.


Active member
Hey Bay Area Boy...not to long ago you were telling us Mueller was going to end President Trump. What happened ? Trump was a Russian Spy...Hashtag Resist....remember ?? Trump is going down ! Just wait....well...we waited...and you were wrong.

Patience young one, patience.

I am surprised you still post in these threads. I mean...it's kind of like sucking a dick for crack, get sober but still hang on the corner.

I will defer to your experience on this matter.

I don't get it.

No,no you don't do you?

But hey...whatever fingers your butt. Speaking of which....have you checked out the poop map for San Francisco lately??

Never go to the bay area....I am just fine here in the edit "707".

Democratic leadership in action !!
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Hello all,

You triggered vta? you sound triggered. Buahahahaha



Well-known member
I’m still waiting to hear the list of lies told by CNN, everybody that talks shit about them can’t seem to find any.

Bunch of trump parrots crying fake news like a two year old being told something they don’t want to hear.

Fox and CNN are both biased as fuck. It's one sided news.


Well-known member
I saw President Trump on a television at the gym and I must say, he is one handsome guy. Small wonder he has had such beautiful wives. He sure is a lucky guy to have brains, money AND good looks.

I am proud to have him as the President of my country.


I saw President Trump on a television at the gym and I must say, he is one handsome guy. Small wonder he has had such beautiful wives. He sure is a lucky guy to have brains, money AND good looks.

I am proud to have him as the President of my country.

We all know you are Eric Trump pretending to be a stoner Ringo :)

White Beard

Active member
All the crying here about how awful CNN is caused me to break habit and actually watch some of their stuff...I must say, pretty straightforward reporting and pretty sound analysis - which must surely mean I’m parroting MSM talking points to some...it would be much funnier if it weren’t so stupid, but hey: if you’re a true believer, any disagreement *must* mean dupes and parrots (and it does, they just can’t tell they’re looking into a mirror, poor puppies...)


Well-known member
I saw President Trump on a television at the gym and I must say, he is one handsome guy. Small wonder he has had such beautiful wives. He sure is a lucky guy to have brains, money AND good looks.

I am proud to have him as the President of my country.

You have mastered putting a shine on a turd.

Most people do not play with turds. So while it is a small accomplishment, I would not brag. At least not til all the stink is gone.



Active member
I’m still waiting to hear the list of lies told by CNN, everybody that talks shit about them can’t seem to find any.

Bunch of trump parrots crying fake news like a two year old being told something they don’t want to hear.

I left a post w 51 Zionist media lies and ‘conveniently’ you ‘missed’ that post. #learnToCope

White Beard

Active member
It doesn't seem to be that you should be condemning others thinking arts. Not a strong suit of people who blindly follow the masses off the cliff. Lol.

...and your parakeet is teaching you calculus...saying things isn’t knowing things. Being able to recognize when you’re out of your depth is a practiced skill (and I KNOW you’ll turn this around on me but *that’s* how much I care)...and as for ‘following the masses off a cliff’, back at ya, brother.

I also like to work with my hands, and while you may have taken it as disrespect, it was not: manual arts are very frequently HIGH arts, and there’s no shame or blame in it - and I was offering you respect, again, which you do not return - again.

I’ve been working since I was twelve. I was raised with respect and admiration for people who work and work hard. I still work, and hard, harder than my body is willing to do many times, but pulling my weight is as much a matter of pride and honor for me as craftsmanship and attention to detail - which in attempt to apply to everything I do.

I have been specifically working with my hands and working hard at it for the last ten years (after 20 years as a software designer and project manager - which I *also* took pride in). The truth is, I LIKE working with my hands. I like it vastly better than any office or clerical or managerial or any other sort of inside work. I am proud of the work I do, and I take more pleasure in the satisfaction of my clients than I do in the money I earn, and I will continue to do so for all my life.

I do not disrespect you for what work you do, nor do I imagine you don’t put pride and quality into your work. I admire ANYONE who works with a will and doesn’t just go through the motions for a paycheck. We are not so different. We both take pains to pull our own weight, and to help others pull theirs.


Active member


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
One more thing, Pelosi is playing it smart because impeachment would still be dragging on past election time. Right wingers took a pounding in the mid terms. With the amount of stuff that will be exposed in the next 18 months, voters will be in the "we'll take care of this" mode way more than they were in the midterms. After trump is gone, his prosecutions will be like a coliseum event with lots of tigers wanting to eat trump. Works for me.

I agree they should just let the document speak for itself. Maybe little baby Donny wetpants junior testifying would raise big Donny's blood pressure enough....


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I will agree Pelosi is a shrewd politician. Except for the creepy Pelosi/ Schumer press confrence in the hallway nightmare. Schumer is a schmuck. If you haven't figured it out yet, Trump isn't afraid of anyone, even when he should be more cautious. He does respect Pelosi. No he's not terrified.

Any opinion on the new democratic party platform of voting rights for homicidal terrorists, and rapist? The Democratic party is diversifying in their attempt to buy votes.

Trump brain; respect = fear I would bet.
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