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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Active member
You guys do realize both parties are in shambles. Neither will ever be the same. At least the dems have started the infusion of new blood. GOP hasn't even started the repair process. I see nothing to be happy about with either party. I say fukum both elect a independent POTUS.

Your half right, Gop has never been stronger, or more unified. The Dems have started to burn it to the ground, but hey the best way to fix something so defective is to bring in the wrecking ball.

No one has an opinion on terrorist getting voting rights? No I would guess you would rather bury your heads in the sand, I wouldn't want to acknowledge that as a party position. It seems every Democrat is doing everything they can to help Donald Trump. Must be a conspiracy, or something. Who knows. Lol. It's all part of RUSSIAN COOOOOLLLLLLUUUUUUSSSSSIIIIOOOONNNN.

Well it's been fun kiddos, but it's time to get back to the real world. Enjoy your bubble.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Follow moral people of a cliff I think most would if its the end.. You guys are no better than CNN. You all put a disastrous spin on it. Its the end of the world the skies falling. If you support xxx your gonna die LMAO.

If fact/truth don't matter you guys are lost.. The truth matters, facts matter, you break the law you pay for it. Doesn't matter what fucking party you support.

Sorry thats your take on the GOP. MY take there fucked.


Well-known member
Hate to break to anyone, but the GOP was eviscerated quite a while ago.
Those who did so have moved on to other projects.

Forty years ago those who were interested in propaganda one would
have been pointed towards the efforts of WWII.
Today we all know which name it that would be first mentioned.

Mr D

Average Americans are tired of this crap and stopped paying attention. I've heard about dozens of things Trump has done (grab em by the pussy, paid off porn star, Cohen testimony) over the last 2 years that was going to be his demise. Nothing happened and the Mueller report did not help bring in more members to the party of fake outrage.

More investigations, more lies from Schiff and more lies from the media will have no effect on a population that is ignoring the clown circus. Inaction and resistance on border security is much more concerning to the majority of Americans than Jerry Nadler's ramblings are.

Thanks to Barr, Trump will go in to 2020 following a string of indictments of former Obama officials. Cummings, Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi will be non issues.

The Democrats are determined to get Trump reelected.


I can see some cant judge character well. Knowingly standing behind a morally corrupt individual says allot about our country.

Person A rips off your plants, gets caught and says he's sorry and will make in right.

Person B rips off your plants, gets caught tells ya it was your fault for not having appropriate security you deserved to get ripped off.

Of course neither could be trusted again. Which has better character lol.

Alternative Person B rips off your plants, gets caught red handed loading them into a moving van.... when questioned says 'I wasn't stealing them, it was that guy over there (points to drunk hobo passed out on some cardboard)', then accuses you of being paranoid and that nobody is actually stealing your plants- that it's just a hoax.
Once you take the plants back he starts to whine that you are un-American and that he needs the plants to heal his bone spurs and his PTSD from watching Vietnam documentaries on TV.


Active member
Average Americans are tired of this crap and stopped paying attention. I've heard about dozens of things Trump has done (grab em by the pussy, paid off porn star, Cohen testimony) over the last 2 years that was going to be his demise. Nothing happened and the Mueller report did not help bring in more members to the party of fake outrage.

More investigations, more lies from Schiff and more lies from the media will have no effect on a population that is ignoring the clown circus. Inaction and resistance on border security is much more concerning to the majority of Americans than Jerry Nadler's ramblings are.

Thanks to Barr, Trump will go in to 2020 following a string of indictments of former Obama officials. Cummings, Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi will be non issues.

The Democrats are determined to get Trump reelected.

Stop telling them, its going to be hilarious when their heads explode. Like Obama said it's a circular firing squad. Let em take each other out.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Alternative Person B rips off your plants, gets caught red handed loading them into a moving van.... when questioned says 'I wasn't stealing them, it was that guy over there (points to drunk hobo passed out on some cardboard)', then accuses you of being paranoid and that nobody is actually stealing your plants- that it's just a hoax.
Once you take the plants back he starts to whine that you are un-American and that he needs the plants to heal his bone spurs and his PTSD from watching Vietnam documentaries on TV.


IMHO Neither party has done the USA any good. DEMS/REPS have been in power far to long. Most of the shit they do are not for the middle class or the poor. We are the people that makeup the bulk of the voting block. Yet every year we keep giving Rep/Dem the power. Year after year round and round we go. How long will it take for everyone to see they don't deserve any more chances. Just maybe voting in a different fuckwad might make them think twice and start doing there jobs.


Active member
Average Americans are tired of this crap and stopped paying attention. I've heard about dozens of things Trump has done (grab em by the pussy, paid off porn star, Cohen testimony) over the last 2 years that was going to be his demise. Nothing happened and the Mueller report did not help bring in more members to the party of fake outrage.

More investigations, more lies from Schiff and more lies from the media will have no effect on a population that is ignoring the clown circus. Inaction and resistance on border security is much more concerning to the majority of Americans than Jerry Nadler's ramblings are.

Thanks to Barr, Trump will go in to 2020 following a string of indictments of former Obama officials. Cummings, Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi will be non issues.

The Democrats are determined to get Trump reelected.

Hello all,

Positive affirmations will not help, dirty donald said it himself...I'm fucked!

IMO, it is going to get more fucked for tRump leading upto 2020.

It would seem that dirty donald has a softball disinformation interview on state tv tomorrow night.



Mr D

Stop telling them, its going to be hilarious when their heads explode. Like Obama said it's a circular firing squad. Let em take each other out.

Their heads won't explode. They will adopt what ever the media talking points are with the same smugness that allows them to post shit like "Pelosi is shrewd" and "Trump's going down" with a straight face.

I like the ones who try to appear intelligent and informed while they parrot their discredited media sources.


Active member
It's just an opinion , just like all your statements. How nice it must be from your ivory tower to look down on your plebs. Do you ever think you just might be wrong once in a while? The arrogance is quite thick with you.

If I repeated things without any actual truth , I would be making millions working for CNN. I surely wouldn't be wasting my time conversing with you.

Sounds like your just full of shit and don’t like getting called on it.

Another jab at CNN with zero proof of a single lie.

Try to get a grip on your inferiority complex, whatever triggers that.


Active member
Sounds like your just full of shit and don’t like getting called on it.

Another jab at CNN with zero proof of a single lie.

Try to get a grip on your inferiority complex, whatever triggers that.

Funny cause I think the same of you. You really don't help your credibility, when you come screaming to CNN'S defense. Oh, did I insult your source for every opinion you have, cry me a river. Lol. You're quite transparent. I don't give a shit when people talk shit about Fox, why do you get your panties in a bunch. No one at CNN gives a fuck about you. Just like no one at FOX gives a shit about me. Get over your infatuation with CNN its propaganda. Read something and shut the boob tube off before you become a complete boob. Go spend some time with your plants, or kids if you got any.


Active member
So, nothing to back up the new trump voters claim, or any credible lie by CNN, is what I’m hearing?

You are consistent if nothing else


Active member
Both Pelosi and Schumer are no nonsense people who do what they say and don't mess around. Trump is completely out gunned by people like this because he is a dummy.


Lololololol....You totally remind me of CNN's Liddle Brian Stelter

This is you !!!! hahahahhahahahahah



Active member
Hello all,

Positive affirmations will not help, dirty donald said it himself...I'm fucked!

IMO, it is going to get more fucked for tRump leading upto 2020.

It would seem that dirty donald has a softball disinformation interview on state tv tomorrow night.



Hey Bay Area Boy...not to long ago you were telling us Mueller was going to end President Trump. What happened ? Trump was a Russian Spy...Hashtag Resist....remember ?? Trump is going down ! Just wait....well...we waited...and you were wrong. I am surprised you still post in these threads. I mean...it's kind of like sucking a dick for crack, get sober but still hang on the corner. I don't get it. But hey...whatever fingers your butt. Speaking of which....have you checked out the poop map for San Francisco lately??

Democratic leadership in action !!


I still like to drive by and dump a load of poop like in san fran on the bakers dozen of mental hair on fire half dozen ring leaders here. This spot is what the inside of a padded room full of Venezuelans in straight jackets looks like after there is no more toilet paper or soap.
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