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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Wendull C.

Active member
Fortunately, I *know* you don’t think educated people are sponges...you’re too intelligent yourself not to see it in others. As for sponging off parents and never doing a day’s honest work in their lives, you can only be talking about Our Feckless Leader, who has BOTH of those ‘accomplishments’ to his...credit....

As for sponging off student loans: you clearly have no experience with them, or you would know that isn’t possible, and if you’ve heard different, and believed it - shame on you for taking the words of liars to heart against your fellow citizens.

Student loans are considerably less generous than welfare, and are not discharged via bankruptcy or any other avoidant ploy favored by the wealthy. The interest over time is usurious, and crippling to those forced out of their education by *anything*.

I hope you and your family are never faced with anything as...ruinous...due to misfortune

What I meant was their education was facilitated through student loans or they otherwise would not have had the money to go to school. That was all.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
High skilled hourly employees would make as much or more than salaried where I worked. We didn't have to work those long ass hrs they did without getting paid. Salaried positions suck unless you work for the GOV LOL.
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White Beard

Active member
High skilled hourly employees would make as much or more than salaried where I worked. We didn't have to work those long as hrs they did without getting paid. Salaried positions suck unless you work for the GOV LOL.

Just a different level of servitude, in or out of government

White Beard

Active member
I agree there's no such thing as Collusion so how could anyone do it lol.

Collusion, with respect, IS a thing, and while it’s not itself a crime, many things that constitute collusion are in fact criminal in intent.

Consider: You’re Entity A (for the purpose of example) and you have a fraud in mind for Target A, and you’re setting things in motion; you discover that Entity B has a completely different scam prepared to run, also on Target A. If *their* scam will make Target A even more vulnerable to your planned fraud, and you adjust your timing to accommodate that scam, or not, THAT is collusion. If you have a legal obligation or duty to warn Target A of the scam, or to report what you’ve learned about Entity B’s plans to the authority in a timely manner, then your collusion in the matter becomes criminal - and makes you an accomplice by virtue of both your guilty knowledge and your refusal to perform on that duty.

Conspiracy is coordinated planning; collusion can be as simple as a nod and a wink.
It can definitely get more complicated, but some folks find even the simplest stuff complicated
(and even the most complicated things “simple”)

Hope the example helps


Active member
Sir Donald Trump, has a nice ring about it

the german english queen could give him one, got to look after your fellow ****rymen


Well-known member
The story behind why a college education cost what it does is something no fan of
Ronald Regan will ever tell.


Well-known member
a wake up call for the morning

The Iowa Legislature's longest-serving Republican announced Tuesday that because of President Donald Trump, he will be joining the Democratic Party, calling Trump "a poor example for the nation and particularly for our children."

Iowa does figure fairly large in national politics




ICMag Donor
a wake up call for the morning

The Iowa Legislature's longest-serving Republican announced Tuesday that because of President Donald Trump, he will be joining the Democratic Party, calling Trump "a poor example for the nation and particularly for our children."

Iowa does figure fairly large in national politics

Life boats on the sinking ship began to fill.


The band kept playing in the ballroom.


Active member
Hello all,

"If the partisan Dems ever tried to Impeach, I would first head to the U.S. Supreme Court."

Dirty dirty donald is scared...so much so that he is lashing out with incoherent babbling...Sad!

And the band played on...



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Collusion, with respect, IS a thing, and while it’s not itself a crime, many things that constitute collusion are in fact criminal in intent.

Consider: You’re Entity A (for the purpose of example) and you have a fraud in mind for Target A, and you’re setting things in motion; you discover that Entity B has a completely different scam prepared to run, also on Target A. If *their* scam will make Target A even more vulnerable to your planned fraud, and you adjust your timing to accommodate that scam, or not, THAT is collusion. If you have a legal obligation or duty to warn Target A of the scam, or to report what you’ve learned about Entity B’s plans to the authority in a timely manner, then your collusion in the matter becomes criminal - and makes you an accomplice by virtue of both your guilty knowledge and your refusal to perform on that duty.

Conspiracy is coordinated planning; collusion can be as simple as a nod and a wink.
It can definitely get more complicated, but some folks find even the simplest stuff complicated
(and even the most complicated things “simple”)

Hope the example helps

Collusion: secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy in order to deceive others. Collusion is translated into Conspiracy. You cant be charged with Collusion therefore its moot.

Here is an example of Collision. Everyone colludes everyday about many things. This is a benign example. Since Muller could not determine Trumptards intent so Conspiracy is out.
You and some close family friends got together one evening to plan a surprise party for your spouse's 40th birthday. You claimed you were seeing a movie instead, thereby deceiving your spouse. What's more, everyone who helped you plan the big event was sworn to secrecy, prompting a flurry of little white lies leading up to the party. All was revealed when you brought your spouse home after an early dinner and his closest friends jumped out of the shadows and yelled "Surprise!"

This part of Muller's report satisfies that Trumptard did not commit Conspiracy. He def used poor judgment dealing with Russia. I'm sure he did it all for $$$. I'm sure He prob did things with Russia we don't know about but it cant be proven. Time to move on from Collusion.


Well-known member
Impeachment time has passed...

Impeachment time has passed...

Time to pull the collective heads out and start figuring out who can beat him. And I don't mean Hilz or Barak. :bandit:


Well-known member
the thing is that it's not really possible to take impeachment off the table
the other investigations are under the control of various prosecutors
and in the American system their power is huge
they answer to their immediate supervisors and the judiciary


Well-known member
a wake up call for the morning

The Iowa Legislature's longest-serving Republican announced Tuesday that because of President Donald Trump, he will be joining the Democratic Party, calling Trump "a poor example for the nation and particularly for our children."

Iowa does figure fairly large in national politics

the funny thing is I bet this clown is just like Jeb Bush.... he doesn't actually disagree with Trump's policies.... just his decorum and the way he goes about doing things.


ICMag Donor
Mr. McGahn, Did trump tell you to fire Comey?

Yes Sir he did.

Did he tell you why he wanted you to fire Mr. Comey?

Yes Sir, He said he wanted to "get that motherfucker off his ass".

What was your response to president trump's request?

I told him to fuck off Sir.

The band playing in the ballroom on the sinking ship decided it was a good time for a blues set....

White Beard

Active member
the funny thing is I bet this clown is just like Jeb Bush.... he doesn't actually disagree with Trump's policies.... just his decorum and the way he goes about doing things.

The evacuees from the Tea-Rump GOP has pushed the Democrats further to the right over the last 14 years - not that the loyal party hounds can (or will try to) sniff it out.

Poor old dogs...
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