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The Impeachment Of Trump

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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Lol. My vote isn’t based on your moral compass. Who he fucks, how big his dick is, and how many scoops of ice cream have ZERO weight on who i vote for. The issues that are important to me are the economy and the safety and security of my family. Inb4 Hussein era economy blah blah blah. That is 100% fan fiction. Hussein had ZERO to do with regulations that were removed after a natural disaster that made it possible for the state I live in to start rebuilding. Hussein had NOTHING to do with the tariffs on China (which I admit actually personally hurt my industry but have clearly helped the national economy). Hussein had NOTHING to do with bringing jobs back to middle America. Hussein had NOTHING to do with tax cuts that put more in my weekly check. Hussein had NOTHING to do with black, Hispanic and women unemployment being lowest in history. Hussein had 8 years in office and not once hit 3% gdp. A feat only Hussein was able to manage post WW. It’s about time the Hussein fanboys quit dickriding drumpf. Hussein had 8 years and couldn’t smash a bunch of Arabs in the Middle East but had no problem sending pallets of cash to Iran.

What? Where is Forest Gump's mother with her clever saying when you need it?
BTW you do realize the money given to Iran was just their money which had been seized right? I do hope you know that much.

See Mr D. You were wrong.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Socialism; (agree, disagree? Something missing)
Social Security
Food stamps
Public schools
Armed Forces (let us pay for your education)
Unemployment insurance
Child Protection Dept.
Road maintenance
Farmer subsidies (dairy & grain especially)
Public transit


ICMag Donor
Republicans and Democrats practice socialism on the rich. The the plebs get raw capitalism.

In our case, its like the rich own the government and they pay no tax. We pay for the airports for their private jets, police to protect their wealth etc.


Active member
fuck iran....they hold our people hostage,commit terrorism around the world,killing our troops in Syria, they get nothing,and stank ass Obama paying the muslim brotherhood to further his muslim agenda....we now know that money was used by Hezbollah to fund attacks on Israel,help fund troops to Syria that resulted in us troops being killed and to help carry out many terrorist bombings around the middle east
with"their money"
giving aid or funding to a foreign advisary resulting in the death of us citizens, troops or coalition forces is a violation of high treason under us constitution punishable by death


Well-known member
BTW you do realize the money given to Iran was just their money which had been seized right? I do hope you know that much.

If we owed nazis billions of dollars would you be happy if we paid it? I sure wouldn't and I feel the same with other evil regimes like Iran.


Boreal Curing
Barr is guilty of lying to congress and with what he said was is in the report.

Nixon said "I am not a crook"
Barr is saying "Trump is not a crook."

Only the Senate can impeach so I don't know what the Congress can do. A republican senate impeached Nixon, but the current bunch are shameless economic rapists.

Medicare is a form of socialism if I didn't have it I would be screwed like millions of other Americans
People confuse socialism with communism. They're very different.


Well-known member
it's the house that does the impeaching
the senate holds the trial
the dems are weighing their next move, an impeachment could work in their favor
or it could blow up in their faces
so they are weighing carefully


Active member
Hello all,

I will just leave this here...


  • imfucked.jpg
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Absolutely, Its never been so blatantly abused as it is by Republicans today. They know the shit Trumptard does is unacceptable. If this was a Dem POTUS they would be outraged.
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Well-known member
As a general response to a point that keeps getting raised: you’re getting your unemployment assessments (*not* data, opinions) from liars you like.

Those assessments ignore the number of people who have given up trying to find work, and it ignores the number of people who are UNDER-employed (“brain the size of a planet, and they have me parking cars”)....

But go ahead, sprain your arm patting yourself on the back...that’s all the good you’ll do

They changed the way they calculated for Obama. That is why his looked better than before. Trump is using the same formula as Obama so he is flat out beating him on a level playing field. Nice try fact twister.


Well-known member
You Trump hating crybabies can start a new thread when you find a new stupid wild ass theory to get rid of Trump. This was another lost cause. Trump won again.

Mueller probe was hogwash, illegally started, unfairly carried out and still failed.



ICMag Donor
LOL, The hypocrisy is so deep the rep are drowning in the own BS. Do as we say not as we do.

It's true. The guy lies to America several times per day, and then has the balls (or stupidity) to tell us that the reporters are "Fake News".

You would think that the dumber third of the country might eventually figure that one out. But they don't.


Active member
Hello all,

It is being reported that putin and kim are to meet in the near future....think dirty donald will get jealous?

Just wondering out loud.



All about relevance..the trivial bullshit like the ones you mention
And others like how many big mac's he eats or how many porno bitches he fucked..have fuck all with stopping nuclear proliferation or keeping our economy and jobs growing.... real shit
All that other crap is just for desperate straw grasping of the left to try and bring our country back down to a path of destruction and third world status

To think everything he lies about is only 'trivial' stuff is just crazy.... when he actually tells the truth it is a sight to behold.

If he catches you right in the 'feels' though, then i'm happy for you. :comfort:


Active member
Hello all,

Mueller: The President’s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests

The federal statute and case law make this clear. An attempt to obstruct that fails is still a crime....hmmmm

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