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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Active member
@redlaser..do you truly believe that
CNN is an unbiased and agenda free
News source?
Truth is.. relying on any one source for news and opinions is doing one's self a diservice... not an easy task nowadays but one worth the effort

I wouldn’t say anyone or anything is 100% without bias, but it seems like some sources get discounted simply for reporting endless bullshit a person produces.

That’s why verifiable facts are what I’m asking for, wherever they come from.

Trying to get a factual reason to discount entire news sources, or hear others reasoning why they do so. It’s done often by trumpers, so far without credible facts. CNN and MSNBC seem to be the most hated, so they are the ones I’ve attempted to get reasoning behind. Boogie is at least honest and admits he just doesn’t like what they have to say.

In fairness I discount most of Fox, but they have a couple worthwhile people there who deal in facts.


Well-known member
I wouldn’t say anyone or anything is 100% without bias, but it seems like some sources get discounted simply for reporting endless bullshit a person produces.

That’s why verifiable facts are what I’m asking for, wherever they come from.

Trying to get a factual reason to discount entire news sources, or hear others reasoning why they do so. It’s done often by trumpers, so far without credible facts. CNN and MSNBC seem to be the most hated, so they are the ones I’ve attempted to get reasoning behind. Boogie is at least honest and admits he just doesn’t like what they have to say.

In fairness I discount most of Fox, but they have a couple worthwhile people there who deal in facts.

Fox is news for the right and cnn is news for the left for the most part, the truth is usually somewhere in the middle.


Well-known member
CNN are center-right leaning. There's no such thing as a liberal news source on TV. They are all profit driven corporations. You don't get put on TV unless you are a status quo bootlicker who will tow the party line so the establishment never loses their power.


Well-known member
CNN are center-right leaning. There's no such thing as a liberal news source on TV. They are all profit driven corporations. You don't get put on TV unless you are a status quo bootlicker who will tow the party line so the establishment never loses their power.

Please, cnn are not center right when they push for higher taxes, socialism in some cases, gun control, and many other policies the left advocates for. Most of the "republicans" on cnn don't even represent your average Republican and have more left leaning views than right. Msnbc is a left wing news organization no denying that.


Well-known member
Msnbc is a corporate entity, no getting around it. They ARE farther left than Fox. But this is like the coffee shop that only has medium, large, and extra large. Which one is the small? None if you go by label, medium if you really boil it down.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
When any news source reports news that can be backed up by video can't be disputed. Much of the news that makes Trumptard look bad is from his own mouth. Thank god for Video lol.. I still see many Trumptard supporters say its fake news even when they can see it themselves.. Any with some common sense can tell whats real News and whats opinion based. All news puts there spin of it. Most reporting by major news outlets is pretty accurate when its on video. Any news thats opinion based is fake news.


Well-known member
Msnbc is a left wing news organization no denying that.
i'll deny it every day of the year because it isn't true.

Please, cnn are not center right when they push for higher taxes, socialism in some cases, gun control, and many other policies the left advocates for.
a majority want higher taxes on the rich, majority want "socialism" in some cases, majority want gun reform.
if they are advocated and/or supported by the majority, are they really left or far left? the answer is no, they are populist.

Most of the "republicans" on cnn don't even represent your average Republican and have more left leaning views than right.
that's because the right has gone further and further to the right and the democrats became the moderate republicans of old.

being pro gay and anti trump isn't the qualifications on being a liberal any longer. sorry.

msnbc, cnn, ect, they are all corporatists/corporate facsists. they're okay with gay people but are deeply on the right when it comes to the real issues of foreign policy and the economy, or gaslighting actual liberals like Bernie Sanders, AOC, Ilhan Omar, Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang.


Well-known member
Socialism is not left wing? I'm done lol no point carrying this conversation any further. What a joke. Most Republicans dont support that shit gun control, higher taxes, and socialism are left wing policies period end of story.


Well-known member
Socialism is your framing. Notice how I put it into quotation marks? It's cause it's not true.

Socialism = workers own the economy. Without that, you can't have socialism. NO ONE in US politics advocates for such a thing.

Socialistic policies that fit within the framework of our mixed economy however, is American as apple pie. But by your logic, anyone who supports publicly funded programs is a socialist.


Active member
When any news source reports news that can be backed up by video can't be disputed. Much of the news that makes Trumptard look bad is from his own mouth. Thank god for Video lol.. I still see many Trumptard supporters say its fake news even when they can see it themselves.. Any with some common sense can tell whats real News and whats opinion based. All news puts there spin of it. Most reporting by major news outlets is pretty accurate when its on video. Any news thats opinion based is fake news.

wasn't this the very reason cnn was sued? partial video not representing the whole picture


Well-known member
CNN are so left wing that no leftist I know or follow including myself uses them as their news source, or can speak positive of them. lol.

you're confusing left with democrat, comrade. they ain't the same thang.

i suggest watching the documentary Manufacturing Consent


Well-known member
CNN are so left wing that no leftist I know or follow including myself uses them as their news source, or speak highly of them. lol.

you're confusing left with democrat, comrade. they ain't the same thang.

You may be correct that I'm confusing left with Democrat, so let me correct myself in saying Fox is for Republicans and CNN is for Democrats. I still believe msnbc is a left wing organization. I view Rachel Maddow as hard left just like I view Hannity as a hard right.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
wasn't this the very reason cnn was sued? partial video not representing the whole picture

It isn't difficult to find full length video. Most people don't like CNN or MSNBC because they represent the establishment. I could care less who supports whom. If they report on something that interests me I will look up all info I need to make my own educated guess who's being honest in there reporting. Why would any believe what any news source reports without looking for the truth yourself. In todays political climate common sense is a forgotten art.


ICMag Donor
Y'know, people throw the word socialism around all the time and rarely understand what it means. It doesn't even exist. Europe got a bit socialist with governments owning the national airlines but that's all over with.

Thank you.

Socialism is your framing. Notice how I put it into quotation marks? It's cause it's not true.

Socialism = workers own the economy. Without that, you can't have socialism. NO ONE in US politics advocates for such a thing.

Socialistic policies that fit within the framework of our mixed economy however, is American as apple pie. But by your logic, anyone who supports publicly funded programs is a socialist.


Active member
isn't Bernie a socialist ticket running on a democratic platform?

would you be more inclined to back a Bernie or a biden?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
All about relevance..the trivial bullshit like the ones you mention
And others like how many big mac's he eats or how many porno bitches he fucked..have fuck all with stopping nuclear proliferation or keeping our economy and jobs growing.... real shit
All that other crap is just for desperate straw grasping of the left to try and bring our country back down to a path of destruction and third world status

kinda reminds ya of the time the trivial bullshit was applied to bring down a president over getting a blow job huh?

Trump has it coming to him just for his childish antics over Obama's birth certificate but there is a plethora of others, not even close to what could be mounted about Hilary Clinton.

Are you able to delineate the vast improvements made for trade within North America, since the NAFTA reshuffle, justified with real numbers/percentages? Don't forget bureaucratic costs like new publications, software, training, etc. Where's the beef?
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