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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Active member
and on a side note....no matter were you stand on trump...putin is laughing his ass off at the stupid Americans. Yet, dirty Donald has not spoke out about it at all and is in my opinion "still stinky from Helsinki" (yeah I made that up...pretty good huh?).

put that in your bong and smoke it...


Well-known member
i read the report mostly was done before the last election.
why a 2 year wait ? to swing election maybe.
most people want jobs. trump has made many jobs.
you have to admit we do have a border problem.
most people want a lot of things in common.
let's work on those, not the hot button issues.
i like trump over another clinton. one was enough.
just my opinion Lrus007

Mr D

So let's hear him and these other blokes say 'yes they know Trump is a scumbag and that he should not hold the office he does based upon the numerous corrupt and likely criminal things he has done throughout his life'.

As for this happening to a president and happening to the rest of us, where have you been? This has been happening to common folk for decades.

Why...most Americans are well aware politicians are corrupt and Americans seem to be fine with picking "the lesser of two evils". It's not like Hillary would have been less corrupt. So choosing between criminals is how we roll these days. He's no different from those who refuse to admit to Clinton and Obama's corruption.

Yes to a some what lesser extent this has been happening, so it's about time some people are held accountable.


Active member
Hello all,

Mueller: report lays out tRump's effort to stop inquiry and details multiple contacts with Russians.

Mueller: tRump engaged in series of targeted efforts to control and end the Russia investigation.

Can't be right? could it? hmmmm


You know trump could have claimed executive privilege and kept the whole report sealed and he would still not be in any trouble and you nor anyone else would even know shit about it.trump decline too exercise his right for the sake of transparency to the citizens of the us...you. cant say that about most other presidents
He's a true patriot that loves this country and wants it to be great again...also something our previous president cannot claim
Some of us can appreciate a leader that is not shrouded in secrecy making shitty deals and bad decisions to the detriment of our nation...those days are over so to the washington elitists
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Active member
CNN settled the lawsuit he had against them. They also were tried in the media and it showed they new but kept running with the story.

I am only giving you that one again. There were at least 10 of them. If you don't remember them I can't help you. The last time I linked Tucker and he had them all laid out. You could easily fact check.

Start here and get back to me.


Like was previously mentioned the Tucker video was a joke, he believes trump is owed an apology for being investigated because all the lies about Russian contact.

You obviously didn’t read the wiki link, worst thing in there is the buzzfeed story they ran, which was not claimed to be accurate or verified by buzzfeed.
Big deal on the settled lawsuit, if true, could be for peanuts if true who knows.

I’m not saying they never ran something that didn’t have to be later corrected. That’s different than making shit up and sticking to it because you have some agenda


Active member
@redlaser..do you truly believe that
CNN is an unbiased and agenda free
News source?
Truth is.. relying on any one source for news and opinions is doing one's self a diservice... not an easy task nowadays but one worth the effort


Active member
Hello all,

Mueller: if we had confidence tRump did not commit obstruction of justice, we would say so.



Active member
@redlaser..do you truly believe that
CNN is an unbiased and agenda free
News source?
Truth is.. relying on any one source for news and opinions is doing one's self a diservice... not an easy task nowadays but one worth the effort

Hello all,

Now that is some good advice.



You know trump could have claimed executive privilege and kept the whole report sealed and he would still not be in any trouble and you nor anyone else would even know shit about it.trump decline too exercise his right for the sake of transparency to the citizens of the us...you. cant say that about most other presidents
He's a true patriot that loves this country and wants it to be great again...also something our previous president cannot claim
Some of us can appreciate a leader that is not shrouded in secrecy making shitty deals and bad decisions to the detriment of our nation...those days are over so to the washington elitists

It's a nice spin you have about Donald J Transparency.... who threatened legal action against his former school if they released his grades, sent thugs to raid his doctors office and claims his tax has been under audit for 3 years.... he plays the transparent-victim card but lies about everything under the sun....

It is such a strange phenomenon how someone who is so phony can come across as genuine to so many.... i think it's part to do with the fact that he has told so many lies that even he doesn't know what is real anymore, which gives him an air of authenticity, maybe??

People are going to believe what they want though.... :dunno:



Well-known member
24 hrs of digesting the report
did Trump commit crimes? obviously
impeachable crimes? not yet
so much more investigation is in the pipeline
again the lesson of Richard Nixon
Watergate didn't get him by itself, it was when his tax returns were released
which made him look like a common tax cheat, shit flowed downhill at that point
deja vu all over again?


Active member
It's a nice spin you have about Donald J Transparency.... who threatened legal action against his former school if they released his grades, sent thugs to raid his doctors office and claims his tax has been under audit for 3 years.... he plays the transparent-victim card but lies about everything under the sun....

It is such a strange phenomenon how someone who is so phony can come across as genuine to so many.... i think it's part to do with the fact that he has told so many lies that even he doesn't know what is real anymore, which gives him an air of authenticity, maybe??

People are going to believe what they want though.... :dunno:


All about relevance..the trivial bullshit like the ones you mention
And others like how many big mac's he eats or how many porno bitches he fucked..have fuck all with stopping nuclear proliferation or keeping our economy and jobs growing.... real shit
All that other crap is just for desperate straw grasping of the left to try and bring our country back down to a path of destruction and third world status


Active member
All about relevance..the trivial bullshit like the ones you mention
And others like how many big mac's he eats or how many porno bitches he fucked..have fuck all with stopping nuclear proliferation or keeping our economy and jobs growing.... real shit
All that other crap is just for desperate straw grasping of the left to try and bring our country back down to a path of destruction and third world status

No no, the real shit is the 2 scoops and having a 9lb hammer... these try hards can’t keep drumpf off their mind or out of their mouths...


Active member
So let's hear him and these other blokes say 'yes they know Trump is a scumbag and that he should not hold the office he does based upon the numerous corrupt and likely criminal things he has done throughout his life'.

As for this happening to a president and happening to the rest of us, where have you been? This has been happening to common folk for decades.

Lol. My vote isn’t based on your moral compass. Who he fucks, how big his dick is, and how many scoops of ice cream have ZERO weight on who i vote for. The issues that are important to me are the economy and the safety and security of my family. Inb4 Hussein era economy blah blah blah. That is 100% fan fiction. Hussein had ZERO to do with regulations that were removed after a natural disaster that made it possible for the state I live in to start rebuilding. Hussein had NOTHING to do with the tariffs on China (which I admit actually personally hurt my industry but have clearly helped the national economy). Hussein had NOTHING to do with bringing jobs back to middle America. Hussein had NOTHING to do with tax cuts that put more in my weekly check. Hussein had NOTHING to do with black, Hispanic and women unemployment being lowest in history. Hussein had 8 years in office and not once hit 3% gdp. A feat only Hussein was able to manage post WW. It’s about time the Hussein fanboys quit dickriding drumpf. Hussein had 8 years and couldn’t smash a bunch of Arabs in the Middle East but had no problem sending pallets of cash to Iran.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Reading some of the Trumptard supporters responses is just to funny. It's like trying to teach a baby what Morality means. You guys are all over the map when the problem is right here in the USA.

When are you guys gonna take the Russian attack on our elections seriously. Oh wait its because your Master doesn't believe it happened lol.

White Beard

Active member
All about relevance..the trivial bullshit like the ones you mention
And others like how many big mac's he eats or how many porno bitches he fucked..have fuck all with stopping nuclear proliferation or keeping our economy and jobs growing.... real shit
All that other crap is just for desperate straw grasping of the left to try and bring our country back down to a path of destruction and third world status
Sounds like someone needs a refresher course in the founding documents of the USA, and perhaps the Federalist Papers (and Anti-Federalist Papers) as well...and I *don’t* mean another spin cycle at the Limbaugh Institute.

No wonder y’all support Hump so fiercely: he is, so far, a massively successful con artist and huckster - and you respect him for that, you admire him, enough to buy any bullshit that pushes him forward, enough to savage anyone who tries to balance the conversation.

Petty little fanboys and hangers-on, like Cohen and Stone....

White Beard

Active member
As a general response to a point that keeps getting raised: you’re getting your unemployment assessments (*not* data, opinions) from liars you like.

Those assessments ignore the number of people who have given up trying to find work, and it ignores the number of people who are UNDER-employed (“brain the size of a planet, and they have me parking cars”)....

But go ahead, sprain your arm patting yourself on the back...that’s all the good you’ll do


Well-known member
It's a nice spin you have about Donald J Transparency.... who threatened legal action against his former school if they released his grades, sent thugs to raid his doctors office and claims his tax has been under audit for 3 years.... he plays the transparent-victim card but lies about everything under the sun....

It is such a strange phenomenon how someone who is so phony can come across as genuine to so many.... i think it's part to do with the fact that he has told so many lies that even he doesn't know what is real anymore, which gives him an air of authenticity, maybe??

People are going to believe what they want though.... :dunno:


You keep forgetting. They did not want honest and admirable, they want a giant fuck you! I still struggle to grasp what the fuck that is supposed to help. But fuck you it is. So much facepalm.
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