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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Boreal Curing
Let me know when CNN receives unanimous sources linking Trump to the fire. :tiphat:

Diction. Making America Great Again.



Active member
farmers scientist and hippies running our lives?....yea we already have that and they don't even need to run for office....its called Monsanto:tiphat:


Well-known member
farmers scientist and hippies running our lives?....yea we already have that and they don't even need to run for office....its called Monsanto:tiphat:

Monsanto is not for farmers. Soil is for farmers. Jeez.

I am talking about real farmers. That know how to care for the land. The kind monsanto has ruined.


Well-known member
farmers scientist and hippies running our lives?....yea we already have that and they don't even need to run for office....its called Monsanto:tiphat:

So you are pro shithead, anti Monsanto and do not see the harm in lowering environmental regulations?

Oxymoron much?

I suspect too many glyphosphates in your bud light are effecting clear thought.


Its sad and funny, over 3300 post mostly by the same handful of bitter lost balls. And yet I love it to occasionally read a few here to see how one man has totally gotten in the head of some folks with little else already in their heads besides cobwebs and conspiracy theories about big pharma and black helicoptors.

Some of you are still convinced he is going to be impeached. I really dont see how any sane person lets one other person be the sole focus of their life that you never even met. Its not healthy. Those are usually called stalkers and that comes with restraining orders.

St. Phatty

Active member
Trump may not be impeached, but he could be impaled by a peach -

if it was dropped from 35,000 feet ... and he was laying on his back in the sun ... and the peach strikes him in the soft underbelly.


Well-known member
Some of you are still convinced he is going to be impeached..../QUOTE]

Why go to alla the trouble to impeach when that would take alla the time he has left in office?

I'ma just sit back and wait 'til he's outa office and the 9th District Court hauls the whole family in for a little conference!:joint:


Well-known member
Some of you are still convinced he is going to be impeached..../QUOTE]

Why go to alla the trouble to impeach when that would take alla the time he has left in office?

I'ma just sit back and wait 'til he's outa office and the 9th District Court hauls the whole family in for a little conference!:joint:

yes, a reward for his service
of course impeachment and conviction would be better, would put him in a category of presidents all his own


Well-known member
Yes, of course you're right, impeachment, conviction and then the 9th DC of NY, gonna make a lot of lawyers riich but the question still remains, will he plead insanity or alzheimer's?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Impeachment is not gonna happen in this election cycle. All these investigations will be are important for all to see in this election cycle.

I'm not expecting anything that would point to Trumps quilt after Barrs redactions. Lets see whats what on Thursday. I think there's much more serious legal issues for Trump and his family coming. All of that will be front and center.


Well-known member
Yea, at this point the Senate will never get 2/3 to impeach because impeachment was banking on a damning Muller report. The 9th district in New York needs Barr to sign off on arrest warrants from what I have read so I believe that is a bust too.

Wendull C.

Active member
'unanimous sources', lol.:laughing:

If it said anonymous you wouldn't be laughing though right? As long as you agreed with the so called journalist's pre drawn conclusion.

You are a special kind of stupid. National treasure stupid. Carry on ss. It's good for you.:comfort:
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