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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Well-known member
See the pattern yet? Racists and climate change is the only thing they give a fuck about while most Americans are more concerned with the economy.

The economy is also retarded. I care about clean food, air, water and politics. Could care less if anyone gets rich. Quit poisoning shit.


Well-known member
When you google "shithead" and go to images, He does come up on the first page.

Just sayin'.

This is on the first page on google images. Just sayin'.


  • hey-rose-when-you-finishpackingmour-shit-head-.png
    105.9 KB · Views: 14
  • 232n2u.jpg
    17.8 KB · Views: 10


Active member
... why yes, as I recall the polls did accurately predict that Hillary would win the popular vote which is exactly what happened, by almost 300,000 votes.

Let's see how it plays out next time!:biggrin::tiphat:

well you are quite mistaken...polls of popular vote are not used as a scale for a preemptive victory... our election system works on electoral votes and polls on election night reflect that... depending on the bias news outlet of choice.. results can be varied to say the least

indeed we will...I would suggest early reservations for space in a quiet room with coloring books ...maybe a speed dial for a suicide prevention hot line as well...never hurts to be prepared :tiphat:
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Well-known member
I confident shithead will go down in history as a shit stain. The only positive I can think of is it hopefully the last time we elect a "fuck you" instead of an intellegent human. Learn from our mistakes.


Well-known member
Get some hippys, tree huggers, scientists and farmers to run for office and say fuck you and I will vote for them every time. Just not shithead or people that are equally stupid.


Well-known member
the moment is approaching
report to be released on Thursday
now we're talking progress, maybe
gonna be an interesting day


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have my doubts anyone will do the right thing. Many of these clowns think there doing whats best for USA. In reality there doing whats best for themselves. That includes keeping any crimes POTUS has committed secret. At some point the full report will get out. Just like Nixon. His took 45 years.


ICMag Donor
Once they give up on The Rule Of Law, we might as well throw in the towel and start over.


Well-known member
The world is in the process of learning the murican way of life is not sustainable for a healthy planet. Voters need to think about what is good for everyone and realize the team murica attitude is outdated.

White Beard

Active member
The Trump-deranged are back out in force, punching hippies and mixing their gloats and taunts indiscriminately. Barr’s summary letter has filled them with “Dutch courage” and they *KNOW* that they’re ‘right’ once again.... DJT-Rex has the bully pulpit and the bully boys are in full hard-on mode....

EVERYONE will be *smashed* but them, “enemies of the people” will be eliminated, and a new dawn of rapacity and indifference will light up the skies of a burning Nation at war with itself.

What a glorious vision: a world afraid, Money unleashed to do whatever it wants, without consequence for “externalities”!

Women pregnant and chained to the stove, people of color worked to death and starved for the effort, just like in the old traditional-values Confederacy!

Opportunity for all those wealthy and well-connected enough to extract every dollar from them! Copperheads and carpetbaggers in positions of authority in every district! Every state its own kingdom, run by their “executives” for the good of their funders, with the aid of their back-pocket parliaments! Arm in arm with their Uber-rich brothers in every nation, fighting the good fight against other viewpoints, ridding the world of checks and balances, returning the poor to their rightful place as servants to their “betters”! Making the world safe for conquest, genocide, and nonstop dancing in the ballrooms of the mighty!

While their voters, in their roadhouses, find themselves rising through ruthlessness or not at all, left to adapt themselves to servitude or just shut up...y’all really should take that guff about objective observation, and actually spend a day objectively observing the things you post - and no doubt the things you say out loud, too.

Or ask yourselves this question:
What would it mean if my political opinions have been shaped by liars in my own camp?
Or, shorter: what if those I consider my enemies are in fact right?

It’s a serious question, one you really should find a real answer to, no matter where you fall on the (real or imaginary) spectrum. It’s hard work, but it needs to be done, and it takes real guts to see it through. Not popular with bullies, taunters, or bandwagon-jumpers.

It is, however, the DUTY of every citizen who casts a vote.


Active member
Tell trump I need a loan, I'm sick and Tired of running out of flowers.....(2 plant only here which is bullshit in my opinion) he could queef enough for me to have a decent stash u til harvest in late June! Shit I'll even help him with the comb over if I have to!

Wendull C.

Active member
Women pregnant and chained to the stove, people of color worked to death and starved for the effort, just like in the old traditional-values Confederacy!

If I chain my wife to the stove, how in the fuck will she be able to do the laundry? I will have to rearrange all kinds of shit...

Weren't the Confederate rebels Democrats also???


Active member
ah yes the polls...would that be the same polls that predicted the crushing of trump on election night? hmmm...

gaging reality on polls is an exercise in futility and more times than not, leave you with your bare face hangin out..js

Hello all,

Yeah they it wrong by 2.8 million votes. Phuquing polls.



Active member
If I chain my wife to the stove, how in the fuck will she be able to do the laundry? I will have to rearrange all kinds of shit...

Weren't the Confederate rebels Democrats also???

The funniest part is that they actually believe this garbage. At this point it's just entertainment. The far left extremist and yes you guys are far left extremist are completely unhinged. They are doing everything they can think of to get Trump reelected. The resistance and their turd balls are ready for the battle. Lol.

To all you far left extremist, a sincere Thank you for all the time, effort and money you have provided to the re-election of your President Donald J. Trump.



Well-known member
now that we have some 'promise' of concrete information
here's a thought i've been mulling through
the possibility of crime from foreign interference in an USA election is new
social media/internet is the enabler
before that? just wouldn't work, information sources much smaller in number
and the law needs some catching up to do
otherwise why can't Bernie have his team of Chinese hackers screw Trump properly?
just as legal


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
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