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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Active member
so many wasted tears...the cold hard reality for naysayers is that trumps power and popularity are expanding despite the plethora of negativity being bantered about by left wing radicals who have overplayed their hand in desperation and in doing so, exposing their own vulnerabilities and weaknesses
trump is percolating the swampy bottom dwellers and skimming off the scum of Washington elites....i.e. what he was elected to do...the end will justify the means
it may not be pretty or politically correct, but a necessary evil after years of complacency by the ineffective career politicians who have been sitting on their hands for decades


Well-known member
Imagine thinking centrist democrats who uphold the will of corporations and wall street above all else are left wing radicals.


ICMag Donor
The Fool.



Well-known member
Same could be said about the Dems.

It is the United States of Face-Palm.

so many wasted tears...the cold hard reality for naysayers is that trumps power and popularity are expanding despite the plethora of negativity being bantered about by left wing radicals who have overplayed their hand in desperation and in doing so, exposing their own vulnerabilities and weaknesses
trump is percolating the swampy bottom dwellers and skimming off the scum of Washington elites....i.e. what he was elected to do...the end will justify the means
it may not be pretty or politically correct, but a necessary evil after years of complacency by the ineffective career politicians who have been sitting on their hands for decades

Would make sense but at the same time he is draining the swamp he is also granting permission to pollute and drill for oil under it. He is filling his cabinet with people that do in fact have some of the worst records in terms of human rights and enviroment protection.

Bring a turd in to drain the swamp and let him smear shit on everything.


Active member
:laughing: uh huh, uh huh, that's not what the polls are sayin' on this planet! :tiphat:

ah yes the polls...would that be the same polls that predicted the crushing of trump on election night? hmmm...

gaging reality on polls is an exercise in futility and more times than not, leave you with your bare face hangin out..js


Active member
Would make sense but at the same time he is draining the swamp he is also granting permission to pollute and drill for oil under it. He is filling his cabinet with people that do in fact have some of the worst records in terms of human rights and enviroment protection.

Bring a turd in to drain the swamp and let him smear shit on everything.

as I said necessary inconveniences are part of the program..
hes firing up a nation...not jump starting a Toyota...oil wells can be capped quicker than be drilled,once their use is deemed no longer needed

changes and shake ups in upper tier cabinet members is a well proven and effective business tool..in by the mass and out on their ass..retaining only effective agenda promoters..this relieves stagnation that has hand tied previous administrations

making an omelet requires the smashing of some eggs... in time all will realize the benefits of services provided by trump...fear not trump wont be in forever...i have found a grin and bear it attitude will help keep political emotions on a more even keel..if we made it thru Obama..anything can be beared


Well-known member
as I said necessary inconveniences are part of the program..
hes firing up a nation...not jump starting a Toyota...oil wells can be capped quicker than be drilled,once their use is deemed no longer needed

changes and shake ups in upper tier cabinet members is a well proven and effective business tool..in by the mass and out on their ass..retaining only effective agenda promoters..this relieves stagnation that has hand tied previous administrations

making an omelet requires the smashing of some eggs... in time all will realize the benefits of services provided by trump...fear not trump wont be in forever...i have found a grin and bear it attitude will help keep political emotions on a more even keel..if we made it thru Obama..anything can be beared

How? How is fucking shit up and hiring racists and retarded people going to help anything? I understand getting rid of the current crooks. And if shit head appointed one good person or improved a single law I would be tempted to say you might have a point. I do not understand at all?

It would be like letting my 9 year old spraypaint and smash everything in the neighborhood. Then trying to tell the neighbors that after all their shit is destroyed and everything is covered in trash that it is actually an improvement. Also they should give all his friends that help trash the place money as a reward.


Active member
Would make sense but at the same time he is draining the swamp he is also granting permission to pollute and drill for oil under it. He is filling his cabinet with people that do in fact have some of the worst records in terms of human rights and enviroment protection.

Bring a turd in to drain the swamp and let him smear shit on everything.

If anything trump is a disaster for our natural resources and keeping folks safe from pollutions. Facts. I fail to see how this HELPS ANYTHING!
Teddy Roosevelt would bitch slap this pres mindset towards wildlife and parks!:dance013:


Well-known member
ah yes the polls...would that be the same polls that predicted the crushing of trump on election night? hmmm...

gaging reality on polls is an exercise in futility and more times than not, leave you with your bare face hangin out..js

... why yes, as I recall the polls did accurately predict that Hillary would win the popular vote which is exactly what happened, by almost 300,000 votes.

Let's see how it plays out next time!:biggrin::tiphat:


Active member
How? How is fucking shit up and hiring racists and retarded people going to help anything? I understand getting rid of the current crooks. And if shit head appointed one good person or improved a single law I would be tempted to say you might have a point. I do not understand at all?

It would be like letting my 9 year old spraypaint and smash everything in the neighborhood. Then trying to tell the neighbors that after all their shit is destroyed and everything is covered in trash that it is actually an improvement. Also they should give all his friends that help trash the place money as a reward.

the hiring of racist and as you say retarded personnel is a false narrative pushed by the left media...if looked at objectively.
it has been used to the point of exhaustion by the left for decades for its shock value..nothing new here

I would also say that using your analogy of your kids possible neighborhood rampage...
a different assessment could be made looking at Detroit for an example,where old dilapidated houses and vacated crumbling buildings are being torn down and replaced with new and useful business structures and affordable housing...the "tagging" or spray painting by misguided youth has been channeled and encouraged to produce some magnificent works of building artwork some of which have been worthy of praise and encouraged some underprivileged youth to become career minded individuals and entrepreneurs
or perhaps your nine year old would need a little more parental guidance with some old fashioned politically incorrect disciplinary measures...

a clear objective view of a situation can sometimes give way to reasonable thought process

the unemployment of minorities across the board are the tell tell that racism is not the case
again using Detroit ...the unemployment rates of afro americans has dropped by a full 8%...the same can be found across the us and with other minorities..so its hard to buy the racism narrative in light of these numbers


Well-known member
Name someone appointed by shithead. And I will look up and see if you make sense. So far it looks like science deniers and extreme right wingers.

St. Phatty

Active member
Trump said Boeing should re-name the 737 Max.

Why don't they re-name it Air Force One - and give all the planes to the Trump White House ?

= Progress.

Because Boeing & the FAA are so trustworthy !!! /sarc


Active member
Name someone appointed by shithead. And I will look up and see if you make sense. So far it looks like science deniers and extreme right wingers.

a persons race should have nothing to do with their effectiveness in a given position..perhaps you could suggest a minority who could perform on a high ly effective level and I for one would get behind them....but for your entertainment trump just tried to put herman cain in charge of the fed...and ben carson has been tried out at several positions many of homeland security border patrol leaders are of latino decent...this is not the academy awards were an equal amount of minorities need to be elevated just for the sake of their race..which in my humble opinion does nothing more than promote the racial divide plaguing this nation


Well-known member
a persons race should have nothing to do with their effectiveness in a given position..perhaps you could suggest a minority who could perform on a high ly effective level and I for one would get behind them....but for your entertainment trump just tried to put herman cain in charge of the fed...and ben carson has been tried out at several positions many of homeland security border patrol leaders are of latino decent...this is not the academy awards were an equal amount of minorities need to be elevated just for the sake of their race..which in my humble opinion does nothing more than promote the racial divide plaguing this nation

I said science deniers. You heard race? Wtf, no wonder you like shithead.


Active member
just to let you know the term "retard" as a derogatory connotation may be very offensive to some whos family members may be mentally challenged..and is in itself quit racist and bigoted
so you may reconsider showing your hypocritical side...besides the term was more effective in the fourth grade..

and if you truly feel a disdain towards "retards"... you must have applauded the reduction of funding for the special Olympics proposed by the educational budgeting team..and rejected by trump himself


Well-known member
See the pattern yet? Racists and climate change is the only thing they give a fuck about while most Americans are more concerned with the economy.


ICMag Donor
When you google "shithead" and go to images, He does come up on the first page.

Just sayin'.
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