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The Impeachment Of Trump

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ICMag Donor
while that is true, the Democrats have also been so focused on "the other side" they don't see how they are being led around by the nose by verifiably idiotic claims. They are Biting on any shit bait that floats past them. :tiphat:

I get it. Not sure about being led around, but the constant volume of new idiocy....

It's like some kids decide to prank their high school. They steal a herd of pigs and feed em exlax. The night janitor gets overwhelmed trying to clean up because they just keep going everywhere. :biggrin:


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Words of wisdom from Boogie

Words of wisdom from Boogie

You don't have to be super rich to have a good life.

Sustainable economy is practically a cure all.

When Trump stated that he was going to allow competition in the realm of health insurance and remove state boundaries related to this industry, I thought that was a great idea. So long as non profit organizations (NGOs) were permitted to compete then health costs would go down. As long as the NGOs also received the same government incentives/subsidies as the for profit companies the high priced greedy insurance companies would be obliterated.

Alas, it seems his republican comrades would not allow this to happen, perhaps due to lobbyist pressure.

It seems that health care for all (single payer?) is the way to go. Besides waiting lists for hip and knee surgeries it functions well in Canada. Top notch care and full choice of doctor, if one is willing to wait for the most popular ones.

Canada's medical care is pretty much on par with that of the US but it costs the taxpayer much less (according consistent stats). I do not know why Americans seem afraid to adopt a similar system. Some call it socialism and bring forth the typical knee jerk reaction.

My father served in the US navy in WW2 sinking German submarines off the east coast of the US {The US's secret war}. His family home was in Canada because his father was sent there to run the Canadian branch of Christies cookies. He met and married my mother in Canada who was also American, her father working for Eveready.
After the war they considered moving back to the USA until I popped out twisted and paralyzed. All the surgeries required to make me functional were beyond their financial capacity, except in Canada. [in the days before Shriners hospitals > bless them] So the family remained and grew in Canada.

In the province of BC Canada where I hang my hat, everyone has government medical insurance. If one lives on a low enough income, they pay nothing. From there premiums are paid monthly on a sliding scale according to one's income up to a cap (I believe).

This seems an excellent system to me. If you do the math you can see it pretty much pays for itself. I do not get why the American people allow themselves to be mistreated as they are and believe the lies they are told about 'socialist programs'.


ICMag Donor

White Beard

Active member
Interesting when you look at the date this video was posted

Published on Aug 1, 2016
WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, defends publishing the DNC emails...


Will Chuck Todd be indicted for knowing on Aug. 1, 2016 about upcoming DNC hacked emails that Assange said would be released?

I didn’t see a posting date, but the oldest comments are from 20*17*, so it looks like you’re a year behind yourself

White Beard

Active member
while that is true, the Democrats have also been so focused on "the other side" they don't see how they are being led around by the nose by verifiably idiotic claims. They are Biting on any shit bait that floats past them. :tiphat:

I will stipulate the possibility.

However, given how completely gulled the GOP base has become over the last 45 years, and how steadfastly they refuse to even consider the foundations of their own opinions, I’ll just quote the Bible: take the lumber out of your own eye before you try finding specks in someone else’s....

White Beard

Active member
Enjoying my day off, just smoked. My god why do I come here? Only read the last 4 posts. Nobody want's to surrender our country to billionaires we just want a thriving economy so everyone has a chance at success. You don't have to be super rich to have a good life.

Not yet, you don’t, but it’s coming on fast.

As for the billionaire thing: take a good long look at who got the lion’s share of tax cuts from Reagan thru now. Take a look at how pay for the top 10% has quadrupled in the same time frame, and how average wages for the other 90% have stayed flat for that very same timeframe.

Your statement, that nobody wants to advantage the wealthy over the workers, is just plain false.


Boreal Curing
You don't have to be super rich to have a good life.
Be out of work for 3 months and say that again.

Yes - looks to me like he's on-the-ball with his reports - here is a link.


A leopard doesn't change it's spots, so look deeper. He's right on this for a reason.

If I want to bring someone closer to me, I'll sew a thread of truth into everything I say. Some thin, some thick. The closer to my goal, the thicker the threads. The reason? 2020 where he'll play the crowd.


Well-known member
“Brutal intellectual beatings”...*funniest* thing you’ve ever said: the gap between your semi-hysterical know-nothing boosterism and any functional “intellectual” process just gets wider with every word you type. See ya in the funny pages, sport!

Says the guy who preached the Collusion Delusion. In fact there is not one thing you posted about that has come true.

This thread is about Trump is going to be impeached for colluding with the Russians. He didn't.

It is fucking over. Make a new thread or stick to the point of the thread. That isn't that much fun though because it was all bullshit. Just like everything you and your trump hating moronic cohorts post.

Back when this thread was first posted and commented on all you Trump hating, American hating cretins thought Trump would be facing impeachment by now. Instead you are facing a 2020 landslide victory for President Trump.

Stay on point of the thread. Russian collusion. LOL! Man were you people wrong. Very, very wrong.

Russian collusion.... please discuss!



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Says the guy who preached the Collusion Delusion. In fact there is not one thing you posted about that has come true.

This thread is about Trump is going to be impeached for colluding with the Russians. He didn't.

It is fucking over. Make a new thread or stick to the point of the thread. That isn't that much fun though because it was all bullshit. Just like everything you and your trump hating moronic cohorts post.

Back when this thread was first posted and commented on all you Trump hating, American hating cretins thought Trump would be facing impeachment by now. Instead you are facing a 2020 landslide victory for President Trump.

Stay on point of the thread. Russian collusion. LOL! Man were you people wrong. Very, very wrong.

Russian collusion.... please discuss!


Well here is the opening post. Please point out 'Russian collusion' or did you just assume this?

I believe it's time for the subject to be broached.
Not saying it's a sure thing, then again it might just happen.
Lots of twists and turns to this road, where ever it goes.
I'm looking for the amateur constitutional lawyers among us.
I think gotchas lie in wait no matter which side you're on.


Active member
Be out of work for 3 months and say that again.

Originally Posted by Gypsy Nirvana View Post
Yes - looks to me like he's on-the-ball with his reports - here is a link.

A leopard doesn't change it's spots, so look deeper. He's right on this for a reason.

If I want to bring someone closer to me, I'll sew a thread of truth into everything I say. Some thin, some thick. The closer to my goal, the thicker the threads. The reason? 2020 where he'll play the crowd.

Must be the maple syrup ^^^^ keeps the trash from destroying your bullshit meter! I like this post a lot!


Well-known member
i wouldn't lock him up, lets do it with some style
sending him naked out into the wilderness sounds better
i'm sure some wandering family of illegal immigrants will take him in
he'll be fine


ICMag Donor
It would have to be something to make him understand what a miserable POS he is. Make him live in a working class neighborhood and sweat a mortgage with a shitty job and a boss that's an asshole. Every day his first generation neighbors would know who he is. When he drives his beater car through the neighborhood they throw rotten fish at him and yell "Get Out!" at him.


Well-known member
In 2021 he is going to be released into the White House again. Right after he wins the 2020 election. And all you POS Trump haters will realize he wasn't a POS, you were.

Microbeman we all know what the post was about at the time it was posted. The OP was just sitting at home chilling the champaign ready to pop the cork when Mueller indicted Trump with his report. Didn't happen. So please feel free to suck on the Mueller report.




Russian Collusion... discuss please.
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