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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Active member
I'm interested what you Trump lovers have to say about him claiming that his dad was born in Germany?

I have some more queries but that was one particularly peculiar pork pie....

honestly?....couldn't give less of a fuck....


Active member
heres a question...how come you dems aint calling your reps and tellin them to get off their collective asses and get sumpin done? 2020s right around the corner...showin up to the party with open borders,free health care for all,and a green new deal..prolly wont get ya over the hump....jus sayin


heres a question...how come you dems aint calling your reps and tellin them to get off their collective asses and get sumpin done? 2020s right around the corner...showin up to the party with open borders,free health care for all,and a green new deal..prolly wont get ya over the hump....jus sayin

'You dems' :biglaugh:

No political affiliation, but sure, the Democrats do seem to have their hearts in a better place (generally but not absolutely)....

If Trump had a (D) or an (I) next to his name he would still be an international joke....


Active member
international? yea sorry bro..don't give a fuck about that either...little busy makin america great again...lotta clean up from Kenya boys mess...but soon as we get back on track we'll all have a beer and a chuckle

where you from Fry?


international? yea sorry bro..don't give a fuck about that either...little busy makin america great again...lotta clean up from Kenya boys mess...but soon as we get back on track we'll all have a beer and a chuckle

where you from Fry?

Busy Making America Great Again :biglaugh: when in time was it 'Great' exactly?

I am from the beautiful place in Germany where Donald's father was born. :biggrin:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
'You dems' :biglaugh:

No political affiliation, but sure, the Democrats do seem to have their hearts in a better place (generally but not absolutely)....

If Trump had a (D) or an (I) next to his name he would still be an international joke....

Merkle made me laugh then cry. So Trump is being impeached, he certainly is not going to win the next election right? :laughing:


Active member
well...it was pretty great when we kicked snot outta Germany's ass back in ww 2...so theres that...:dance:

hey I luv Germany back in the 80s beautiful country so clean and friendly...hows all that immigration stuff workin out for you guys nowadays?


well...it was pretty great when we kicked snot outta Germany's ass back in ww 2...so theres that...:dance:

hey I luv Germany back in the 80s beautiful country so clean and friendly...hows all that immigration stuff workin out for you guys nowadays?

You were alive back then?

The more i talk to 'Trumpers' the more i see how he 'happened' :covereyes:
Hitler was funded by many Americans . Mostly american banks and US elite financiers .
Its well documented.

IBM helped them count the people they massacred.
Without IBM machines and technicians at many checkpoints ,
the movement would not have been so efficient.
Coca cola sent agents over, and designed fanta for hitlers youth.

Wasnt bushes grandad in court for trading with the enemy?
His grandson stole 1 million black peoples votes in 2000.
Stealing elections is how america is run.

Not sure how you kick the snot out of someone your tax dollars pay and fund.
good books on topic for readers out there.

IBM & the Holocaust by Edwin Black
The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black

I think the US went into ww2 for its owners, ie non US citizens.
the Fed is owned by non-americans.
US Citizens are just pawns in a game.

As for immigration, we are all immigrants. Thats the truth of it.
trump grandad was connected to certain elite europeans when he was living in germany.

During periods of war and anti-German discrimination in the United States,
Trump's son Fred later denied his German heritage, claiming his father had been a Swede

Soon after the family arrived in Germany, Bavarian authorities determined that Trump
had emigrated from Germany to avoid his military-service obligations, and he was classified as a draft dodger.

Time is a cycle , not a line.
History repeatin itself


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Germany has a great record of electing fine leaders eh? If you are born in a country you are not an immigrant, simple for a normal iq to understand.


Active member
Where is that spicy meme about zero Hussein officials being indicted? Pretty cool his lead council has been indicted for the same ‘Russian’ collusion as Manafort.


ICMag Donor
Theresa May has Assange. You think she'll hand him over?

In a heartbeat.:biggrin:



Well-known member
Frylock turns out to be a Hitler Youth. That sounds about right. LOL! If people would have their locations under their names I wouldn't bother chatting with them.

Now go lick the boots of the Russians for your oil Frylock. Germany is a fucked up mess and the country and people need to shut the fuck up and stay out of America's business. All of you foreigners need to concentrate on your own countries. Not one of them is as great as America.

Lazy, we want free stuff, socialist libtards and jealous, idiot citizens of inferior countries start these threads. They keep starting them despite the brutal intellectual beatings they receive in all of them. They keep starting them even though while the threads are active the very thing the thread is about becomes disproved in the news of the day. LOL!

President Donald Trump


Trump Flipped It, Dipped It and Reversed It!


Well-known member
Lazy, we want free stuff, socialist libtards and jealous, idiot citizens of inferior countries start these threads. They keep starting them despite the brutal intellectual beatings they receive in all of them. They keep starting them even though while the threads are active the very thing the thread is about becomes disproved in the news of the day. LOL!

i started the thread
my location is NY, USA
just pointing out a small flaw in your argument
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