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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Well-known member
Who cares what the rest of the world thinks, this is not a popularity contest. My problem with illegal immigration is that so many are crossing the border its not sustainable, we have more coming in then we can accommodate, this will eventually raise my taxes and you can bet I will vote against that. Now those hard working Mexican families that are capable of supporting themselves are very welcome to come here as far as im concerned.

this is 1 trend Trump can claim credit for
it's gotten worse, and it makes sense why it's gotten worse
south of the border they're taking him at face value, that border is going to be shut tight
so it's cross now while you still can


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Yes, and she retired with health insurance benefits and a decent pension on top of her social security checks. She is well taken care of.

Good, but I'm sure you get my point. There are many whom we must care for. When it comes your turn to be cared for you will realize this to a greater extent.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Who cares what the rest of the world thinks, this is not a popularity contest. My problem with illegal immigration is that so many are crossing the border its not sustainable, we have more coming in then we can accommodate, this will eventually raise my taxes and you can bet I will vote against that. Now those hard working Mexican families that are capable of supporting themselves are very welcome to come here as far as im concerned.

Do you think Americas' indigenous people thought the same thing?
Were immigrants in the 1700s to late 1800s legal or illegal?

You should care how the world perceives you because ultimately the rest of the world decides your fate.


Well-known member
Do you think Americas' indigenous people thought the same thing?
Were immigrants in the 1700s to late 1800s legal or illegal?

You should care how the world perceives you because ultimately the rest of the world decides your fate.

Im part Cherokee myself 12.5%. Unfortunately that was a time when whoever conquered the land owned it. It's a known fact that the Cherokee tribe tried to conquer land from other tribes and vice versa. Have you ever heard of the right of conquest? Im not saying this was right but it was how the world viewed conquest up until Germany tried to take over the world.

"The*right of conquest*is the*right*of a conqueror to*territory*taken by*force*of arms. It was traditionally a principle of*international law*that has gradually given way in modern times until its proscription after*World War II*when the crime of*war of aggression*was first codified in the*Nuremberg Principles*and then finally, in 1974, as*United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3314."

As far as the world deciding my fate... I don't think so show me one example because last time I checked we make and live by our own rules.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Yes, and she retired with health insurance benefits and a decent pension on top of her social security checks. She is well taken care of.

Very few retired people have it that easy. Most live off there SSI which isn't enough. If you think Medicare is good insurance your wrong. Most have 2 choices. Either go bankrupt paying for there health care needs or don't go to the Dr when something hurts. How many do you think will stay home in pain. Most will.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
As far as the world deciding my fate... I don't think so show me one example because last time I checked we make and live by our own rules.

You said it yourself; not that it is right but by conquest. The US does not stand an inkling of a chance in a military conflict with a united world. Don't fool yourself by believing propaganda. If you throw out the rules (like seems to be happening) then all's fair in war.


Well-known member
When you post a link of Tucker Carlson demanding an apology because CNN covered the endless lying about Russian contact with the Trump campaign you have no credibility, just like Carlson.

If Obama, Hillary would have had all that contact you’d be ok with it?

CNN no doubt covered stories that changed as more info was revealed.

Not the same as lying, or making shit up like Tucker does daily.

They lied. The list is there. Stop trying to rationalize it so it fits your needs. They have been sued multiple times.

CNN, MSNBC and ABC have been peddling fake news. Have you heard... Trump didn't collude and didn't obstruct. That was there new big lie.



Well-known member
They lied. The list is there. Stop trying to rationalize it so it fits your needs. They have been sued multiple times.

CNN, MSNBC and ABC have been peddling fake news. Have you heard... Trump didn't collude and didn't obstruct. That was there new big lie.


Still a turd, not a leader.


Well-known member
You said it yourself; not that it is right but by conquest. The US does not stand an inkling of a chance in a military conflict with a united world. Don't fool yourself by believing propaganda. If you throw out the rules (like seems to be happening) then all's fair in war.

So your saying the world is going to unite and attack my country? So Russia and China who realistically could do the most damage and have the most to lose economically will unite with Europe to fight our country over immigration laws even though their immigration laws are even stricter? That would literally lead to World War 3 and result in massive destruction everywhere. I think you should smoke one Microbeman...


Well-known member
They lied. The list is there. Stop trying to rationalize it so it fits your needs. They have been sued multiple times.

CNN, MSNBC and ABC have been peddling fake news. Have you heard... Trump didn't collude and didn't obstruct. That was there new big lie.


Sez who???

Trumps new fixer, that's who, I'ma wait 'n see for myself.:tiphat:


Active member
I just can't imagine why anyone would question CNN or MSNBC's credibility. Michael was a huge supporter/contributor to the Russian Conspiracy Theory.

The Julian Assange arrest is a travesty. The bullshit news stories circulating about him joining forces with the Russian's to hack the DNC are a joke.


Avenetti represented the porn star that got paid off a couple weeks before the election for something that happened 10 years prior, triggering the campaign finance issue by lack of its disclosure.

How is that, or his current legal situation, a reflection of CNN’s reputation?

tarzan, that list is a joke, much like your source of news with Carlson.
If you had any reading comprehension you would already know chump wasn’t cleared of obstruction.
You are providing examples of “rationalizing to fit your beliefs” in your own posts.
CNN has been sued? Oh my word, means zero to say that without any context.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Americans should start educating themselves and tone things down. The number one phrase throughout the world to describe Americans now is 'dumb'. This is not what you want. I think it used to be 'generous'.

It's 'Fat and Dumb' actually...

I can't imagine anyone ever thought the US was a generous nation either. US influence and power is waning worldwide, as has every world 'superpower' in history. Trump is just a symptom of this. Infighting and division are not a sign of a united or strong country. There's a reason the countries that used to bend over for the US are now giving them the finger, but everyone seems so fixated on what's going on inside the US they can't see the bigger picture that the US really doesn't matter anymore. I don't see this as a negative though, something has to breakdown before it can be rebuilt better. Hopefully that's where the US goes, but at this stage it doens't look promising.

Carry on arguing about it though, that's really fixing things.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
So your saying the world is going to unite and attack my country? So Russia and China who realistically could do the most damage and have the most to lose economically will unite with Europe to fight our country over immigration laws even though their immigration laws are even stricter? That would literally lead to World War 3 and result in massive destruction everywhere. I think you should smoke one Microbeman...

not what I said..go back and read.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
It's 'Fat and Dumb' actually...

I can't imagine anyone ever thought the US was a generous nation either. US influence and power is waning worldwide, as has every world 'superpower' in history. Trump is just a symptom of this. Infighting and division are not a sign of a united or strong country. There's a reason the countries that used to bend over for the US are now giving them the finger, but everyone seems so fixated on what's going on inside the US they can't see the bigger picture that the US really doesn't matter anymore. I don't see this as a negative though, something has to breakdown before it can be rebuilt better. Hopefully that's where the US goes, but at this stage it doens't look promising.

Carry on arguing about it though, that's really fixing things.

Sorry...right; fat and dumb. Americans should care what the rest of the world thinks, not having anything to do with immigration. If they do not start treating other countries with more respect they are finished. If they do not begin treating each other with more respect they are finished.


Well-known member
The US does not stand an inkling of a chance in a military conflict with a united world.

You did not specify why the world would unite to attack my country, since we were talking illegal immigration I figured that was the reason.

Tell me, what makes you believe the world would unite and start a military conflict with my country?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I hope our allies have some insight on the larger picture. Trump should be gone in 2020. Even if our country has another brain fart. That will be the last 4 years we will endure his crap. I would think whom ever gets elected next will fix all the shit he's fucked up.. I would make an educated guess that everyone trump put into jobs would be FIRED! Most of them are also dumb as a rock including Barr.

Our country is not the only one having issues right now. UK is also pretty fucked. I would imagine its gonna get worse before it gets better.

St. Phatty

Active member
I hope our allies have some insight on the larger picture. Trump should be gone in 2020. Even if our country has another brain fart. That will be the last 4 years we will endure his crap. I would think whom ever gets elected next will fix all the shit he's fucked up.. I would make an educated guess that everyone trump put into jobs would be FIRED! Most of them are also dumb as a rock including Barr.

Our country is not the only one having issues right now. UK is also pretty fucked. I would imagine its gonna get worse before it gets better.

I think Buttigieg is sort of standing out.

I'm learning to say Buttigieg's name. They say it's Butt-edge-edge, but I think that's not entirely right.

It's Butt-i-jij - accent on the first syllable.

Given that he's gay ... with a name like Buttigieg ... more politics as entertainment.

I don't see why people are so afraid of Brexit.

English was AOK before they joined the EU.

Are they so weak now that a vote to leave the EU threatens them ?


Active member
Fortunately Trump's supreme court picks will put the constitution back in charge of our country. Trump's legacy will last for decades. For this reason I couldn't care less about the activist judges who constantly overturn every attempt to fix our screwed up country , it will get to the supreme court. Nothing the nutjob leftist can do but scream and cry. Well they can bang on the doors until they get arrested. :laughing::dance013::biggrin::moon:

I know, I know, that was mean, but the truth hurts
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