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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Well-known member
well iTarzan, while we're waiting for your masters in Moscow to tell you what to do next
here's a tidbit you can enlighten us on
seems your hero The Trump was putting together a plan that DANGEROUS illegal detainees be released in sanctuary cities
you know, as payback for opposing Trump
what do you think? good idea or bad?


Active member
sounds like a good fix to me...then they can use the 9th circuit to process asylum claims
its a win win


Active member
Frylock turns out to be a Hitler Youth. That sounds about right. LOL! If people would have their locations under their names I wouldn't bother chatting with them.

Now go lick the boots of the Russians for your oil Frylock. Germany is a fucked up mess and the country and people need to shut the fuck up and stay out of America's business. All of you foreigners need to concentrate on your own countries. Not one of them is as great as America.

Lazy, we want free stuff, socialist libtards and jealous, idiot citizens of inferior countries start these threads. They keep starting them despite the brutal intellectual beatings they receive in all of them. They keep starting them even though while the threads are active the very thing the thread is about becomes disproved in the news of the day. LOL!

President Donald Trump


Trump Flipped It, Dipped It and Reversed It!

Awwww, did somebawdy gitt dare feeeewings hurt? So day desided to dish out a bwutal inteweckchule beeting?

Tell us more how smart you are metarzan, in the bigliest font possible so us at the bottom of the intellectual spectrum can decipher your genius.


Well-known member
i started the thread
my location is NY, USA
just pointing out a small flaw in your argument

Reading is fundamental igrowone. You fall under my described classification of "socialist libtard". Plus your original post has been disproved by the news of the day, the fucking Mueller report. So there is no flaw in my argument genius. This has resulted in you and your side taking another intellectual beating. LOL!!!


Well-known member
Reading is fundamental igrowone. You fall under my described classification of "socialist libtard". Plus your original post has been disproved by the news of the day, the fucking Mueller report. So there is no flaw in my argument genius. This has resulted in you and your side taking another intellectual beating. LOL!!!

your classifications change as needed
much like your master


Well-known member
Awwww, did somebawdy gitt dare feeeewings hurt? So day desided to dish out a bwutal inteweckchule beeting?

Tell us more how smart you are metarzan, in the bigliest font possible so us at the bottom of the intellectual spectrum can decipher your genius.

Why would somebody on the winning side have their feelings hurt? We are singing, dancing and puffing away in Trumpville. Baby talk coming from Loserville won't turn the tide. It is over. Trump has won and now he can work full-time to Make America Great Again.



Well-known member
well iTarzan, while we're waiting for your masters in Moscow to tell you what to do next
here's a tidbit you can enlighten us on
seems your hero The Trump was putting together a plan that DANGEROUS illegal detainees be released in sanctuary cities
you know, as payback for opposing Trump
what do you think? good idea or bad?

This is a perfect answer.

sounds like a good fix to me...then they can use the 9th circuit to process asylum claims
its a win win


Well-known member
your classifications change as needed
much like your master
And yet I didn't change anything. I put it in bold or you.

Lazy, we want free stuff, socialist libtards and jealous, idiot citizens of inferior countries start these threads. They keep starting them despite the brutal intellectual beatings they receive in all of them. They keep starting them even though while the threads are active the very thing the thread is about becomes disproved in the news of the day. LOL!

You should get a job on CNN. Lying and denying come natural to you.


Well-known member
And yet I didn't change anything. I put it in bold or you.

You should get a job on CNN. Lying and denying come natural to you.

i have noticed that your posts have changed much over time
almost as if you aren't the same poster, not even close
are you really an American iTarzan?
if so you don't seem to be helping America, more about creating dissension
now who or what agencies would do that?
a forever mystery, not


Well-known member
i have noticed that your posts have changed much over time
almost as if you aren't the same poster, not even close
are you really an American iTarzan?
if so you don't seem to be helping America, more about creating dissension
now who or what agencies would do that?
a forever mystery, not

I was a happy, weed smoking and growing guy. Having fun on the boards. Sometimes I would clash with a few people. I never felt as if I went looking for it though. I really just wanted to discuss common interests with people.
Slowly but steadily I couldn't take the lying bullshit on the news and the constant barrage of anti-Trump and anti-USA threads and posts any longer. I just decided to join the people that support Trump and help them put on the good fight. Which they did! And won!

I live by the first blood rule. I don't want to argue but lines in the sand do exist.


Boreal Curing
i have noticed that your posts have changed much over time
almost as if you aren't the same poster, not even close
are you really an American iTarzan?
if so you don't seem to be helping America, more about creating dissension
now who or what agencies would do that?
a forever mystery, not



Active member
Frylock turns out to be a Hitler Youth. That sounds about right. LOL! If people would have their locations under their names I wouldn't bother chatting with them.

Now go lick the boots of the Russians for your oil Frylock. Germany is a fucked up mess and the country and people need to shut the fuck up and stay out of America's business. All of you foreigners need to concentrate on your own countries. Not one of them is as great as America.

Lazy, we want free stuff, socialist libtards and jealous, idiot citizens of inferior countries start these threads. They keep starting them despite the brutal intellectual beatings they receive in all of them. They keep starting them even though while the threads are active the very thing the thread is about becomes disproved in the news of the day. LOL!

President Donald Trump


Trump Flipped It, Dipped It and Reversed It!

Lol your implication that there are ANY German citizens today that aren’t North African rape-u-gees is xenophobic... tighten up you rayyyycisssss


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I hope you all know Trump bots are just baiting you to respond. As I said there's nothing you could say to make them turn on there master. Trumps trolls are all over the net in every social media platform. It will get worse as we get closer to 2020. Your best response is to make sure you get everyone you know to vote. All these bots are taking every opportunity to continue to divide our country. With all the discord Trumps put us and our allies through I cant say we are a united country. There's so much division now its gonna takes years to fix. If any think MAGA was the goal you've been fooled. We are so far from that the slogan is just lame to use anymore.. The rule of laws do not pertain to Trump. Division is what all the Trump bots wanted. They accomplished that goal.


ICMag Donor
Absolutely true. They've done so much to screw up the government.
Circumventing senate approval by having acting cabinet members,
Private meetings with Russians in the White House,
Lining their pockets with governmental people staying at their hotels and paying for access,
Tax cuts that favor the billionaire cabinet collection.
Appointing family members and bypassing security clearance norms.
It's a very long list.

I hope you all know Trump bots are just baiting you to respond. As I said there's nothing you could say to make them turn on there master. Trumps trolls are all over the net in every social media platform. It will get worse as we get closer to 2020. Your best response is to make sure you get everyone you know to vote. All these bots are taking every opportunity to continue to divide our country. With all the discord Trumps put us and our allies through I cant say we are a united country. There's so much division now its gonna takes years to fix. If any think MAGA was the goal you've been fooled. We are so far from that the slogan is just lame to use anymore.. The rule of laws do not pertain to Trump. Division is what all the Trump bots wanted. They accomplished that goal.


Active member
Hitler was funded by many Americans . Mostly american banks and US elite financiers .
Its well documented.

IBM helped them count the people they massacred.
Without IBM machines and technicians at many checkpoints ,
the movement would not have been so efficient.
Coca cola sent agents over, and designed fanta for hitlers youth.

Wasnt bushes grandad in court for trading with the enemy?
His grandson stole 1 million black peoples votes in 2000.
Stealing elections is how america is run.

Not sure how you kick the snot out of someone your tax dollars pay and fund.
good books on topic for readers out there.

IBM & the Holocaust by Edwin Black
The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black

I think the US went into ww2 for its owners, ie non US citizens.
the Fed is owned by non-americans.
US Citizens are just pawns in a game.

As for immigration, we are all immigrants. Thats the truth of it.

you are partial correct in some of your assertions...I would recommend reading The Creature from Jekyll Island to further your understanding of banking institutions and their involvement in most all wars since the Napoleonic wars
am I correct in assuming you are from the united kingdom?...

"Not sure how you kick the snot out of someone your tax dollars pay and fund"

its how we roll....one may recall the revolutionary war...in which a young America was being forced to pay taxes and fund the English crown....yep kicked the snot out of British tyranny and shipped em back across the pond...but keep up the historical research...knowledge is power
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Active member
:laughing: Maybe, maybe not, what I wanna know is what they're gonna do when this House of Cards collapses??? :tiphat:

This ‘house of cards’ was supposed to collapse after mueller, yet approval rating went UP and appears the DNC/ FBI/ DOJ is now about to be under investigation... ahhhh keep salty and #LearnToCope


Well-known member
This ‘house of cards’ was supposed to collapse after mueller, yet approval rating went UP and appears the DNC/ FBI/ DOJ is now about to be under investigation... ahhhh keep salty and #LearnToCope
care to quote the numbers on that?
what i saw was 1/10th of 1%
kind of unprecedented, talk about polarized
if you believe these numbers, and you seem to since you're using them
don't be counting on a long political life, they aren't winning numbers
and seem destined to get lower not higher


Active member
Where is that spicy meme about zero Hussein officials being indicted? Pretty cool his lead council has been indicted for the same ‘Russian’ collusion as Manafort.

Hello all,

It is also funny that Craig was working with Manafort at the time...they were business partners in the same scheme...as it is reported.

As a side note that craig was not working for the WH at the time.

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