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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Most issues never make it to the supreme court. They do not take every case. Only a small few make it.. Some that do are kicked back to the lower court. Not everyone that thinks Trump is a nut job are leftists. I sure as hell have no party affiliation to these clowns. It always goes back to Truth is not Truth. Trump Fakes it until he makes it. If you lie enough people will believe him that's pretty evident.


ICMag Donor
The truth?

The results of the midterm elections prove that a majority of people think otherwise.

Fortunately Trump's supreme court picks will put the constitution back in charge of our country. Trump's legacy will last for decades. For this reason I couldn't care less about the activist judges who constantly overturn every attempt to fix our screwed up country , it will get to the supreme court. Nothing the nutjob leftist can do but scream and cry. Well they can bang on the doors until they get arrested. :laughing::dance013::biggrin::moon:

I know, I know, that was mean, but the truth hurts


Active member
Today's politics are Benny and The Jets and not much else, as most any political discussion will demonstrate.


Active member
The truth?

The results of the midterm elections prove that a majority of people think otherwise.

If you haven't noticed, I don't reply to you after your unhinged comments about me being a bigoted hateful racist, who is responsible for a psychopathic environmental terrorist who killed 50 innocent muslims.

On this special occasion, I will make an exception. It's consistent, the party in power regularly loses both houses of Congress in off year elections. Even with that precedent, the so called blue wave,couldn't even manage to take a slight majority in both houses. You lost ground in the Senate. You know that congressional body that confirm Judges. Your lack of knowledge is astounding.

You will now resume your position of invisibility.


Ohhhh man, i decided i needed my fix of youtube and Trump news this morning.... well Trump didn't disappoint :biglaugh:
(i saw clips of this on a progressive channel but thought i would look for the unedited Trump-friendly version :redface: )


Is it just me or is he looking more and more dissociated lately?
Talk about making sh*t up as you go.... even FOX cuts him off at the end, Looking very 'alpha' Donald :covereyes:


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
You did not specify why the world would unite to attack my country, since we were talking illegal immigration I figured that was the reason.

Tell me, what makes you believe the world would unite and start a military conflict with my country?

read our discussion. I just said you should care what the world thinks because 'ultimately' they decide your fate. You asked how. I told you. Simple, right?
Also I did not say this was happening. Where on earth do you dig that from? if and could are not will and would.....read.


Active member
You NPC's are really going deep. The movie is just getting started. The next chapter should be glorious.

Don't forget...it goes all the way up to the Kenyan.



Active member
You NPC's are really going deep. The movie is just getting started. The next chapter should be glorious.

Don't forget...it goes all the way up to the Kenyan.

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Hello all,

I presume you are referring to the birther thing....did you not hear..tRump told us that Obama was born in USA...not Kenya...what a relief to know that...donald would not lie would he?



I would say vta = TRIGGERED :biglaugh:

Your unbridled devotion to Trump would be great material for a Hollywood Rom-Com :huggg:


Active member
Hello all,

I presume you are referring to the birther thing....did you not hear..tRump told us that Obama was born in USA...not Kenya...what a relief to know that...donald would not lie would he?


Hello all ? or Hello vta ?? Weirdo.

You presumed wrong.

Manchurian all the way...


I'm interested what you Trump lovers have to say about him claiming that his dad was born in Germany?

I have some more queries but that was one particularly peculiar pork pie....


Well-known member
I'm interested what you Trump lovers have to say about him claiming that his dad was born in Germany?

Don't care one bit to be honest. Now if he changes my health insurance while telling everyone I can keep my doctor and that turns out to be false... I will be really pissed off.


Don't care one bit to be honest. Now if he changes my health insurance while telling everyone I can keep my doctor and that turns out to be false... I will be really pissed off.

Having the most powerful man in the world being a pathological liar doesn't concern you at all?
As long as he doesn't mess with your finances?
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