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DEA Agent
Premium user
What i see Royal is you now throwing in your 2 cents and a boot so what has my posts to Donald got to do with you ?.

Your siding with Donald who had no involvement in any of the conversations with Nevil and the Thai or with the Thai full stop.

Facts vs fiction what you or any one want to believe is up to each of you but at lest give me the same respect as any other person posting to post up the facts for those that want them.

So me telling Donald not to be mad at you, instead be mad at himself is "siding with Donald"?

Now you're trolling me


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Royal how is it you or others can post and no ones on your case about your experiences but i dont seam to get the same respect clearly why is that then a problem when i defend my ward ?.

Hempy what you do when other post there experiences. If it doesn't match what you believe there experience must be BS even though you where never there.. There's just no way you could know everything Nevil did. You think you do. Its just silly to believe such a thing.

You know hammer up until i read what bushweed had done and then finding out what others had done with Nevil's work or selected clones i was happy to share.

Now that has changed i will still share genetics but only with people well away from the online community were people grow for the smoke not for ego and or profit.

I was just joking. A mans work speaks volumes. Nothing else need be said. Its pretty easy to spot those with big egos. As for profit maybe someday I will start making some profit. Rarely do I ever break even. I do it because I love what I do. Money and fame aren't part of that equation. Making seeds is in no way a get rich quick business. You really gotta love it to do it well.Your gonna lose allot of $$ doing it. If someone comes along before I die with a pocket full of cash to burn, and help me better my game Ill give it a go. Ill make sure my library is shared with good people before its my time. Ive come to believe the older generation still has the ethics I believe in. Kids today want that instant gratification. Cash is the primary motivation :D


Active member
ICMag Donor
Is the big mullm mother still over ther with you guys in oz...anyone still hold that clone. ?

Hi TheDarkStorm,
The big Mullum Mother or MML as Nevil referred to it, wasn't a clone that Nevil held when I was with Nevil as his live in carer for over the last year of his life. He did have it before this time. There are MML x MMa & MML x MMb seed in the vault.

Sorry to bring this up again, the Thai's the Nevil used in his crosses caused myself some confusion. When I was going though Nevils seeds with him.He was explaining to me what was what, I said cant you spell Thai as in Thailand you have miss spelled this on many packs you have here. His reply was Shit I'm glad you noticed that because the Thia 78 is Hempy's Thai and you will as so find there some other Thai 78 crosses which are Gypsy's Thai. I asked why you referred to it as Thai 78 Nevil said that's what Reeferman used to call it and it stuck...He also told me that no one ever got any of the Thia crosses as he was holding them close to his chest. The other plants that Nevil held in the same category were; NHz#21 and the O#9( Kangas Oaxacan). end of story.

I'm not here to sling shit at people nor do I care who has Nevil's work. I have been entrusted with his legacy and to follow on with his wishes.
I have more than I can deal with in one lifetime here.
I know a lot of things about what went on in Nevils life and I know one of the people who was entrusted with his cut's as well as a fair amount of seeds was handing them out against Nevils wishes nor his Knowledge that person has also passed RIP SM. The only cut that I hold is the NHz#21 pus the seeds.

@odj the NHz#23 x Kariba
Notes say NHz#23 is piney menthol with woody earth and the Kariba ex 20ft Thai to Kanga African from the Zimbabwe side of the Zambezi River which boarders Zambia (Frankincense)
the MML x Kanga's 04 is The MML ( the big plant in the MM post) and the O4 is Kangas's Oaxacan plant #4

Cheers Wallynoland


The Haze Whisperer
I edited this post no need to respond to Hammer what has been posted above by Wallynolands covers it well.

Thanks Wallynolands


Well-known member
Hi TheDarkStorm,
The big Mullum Mother or MML as Nevil referred to it, wasn't a clone that Nevil held when I was with Nevil as his live in carer for over the last year of his life. He did have it before this time. There are MML x MMa & MML x MMb seed in the vault.

Sorry to bring this up again, the Thai's the Nevil used in his crosses caused myself some confusion. When I was going though Nevils seeds with him.He was explaining to me what was what, I said cant you spell Thai as in Thailand you have miss spelled this on many packs you have here. His reply was Shit I'm glad you noticed that because the Thia 78 is Hempy's Thai and you will as so find there some other Thai 78 crosses which are Gypsy's Thai. I asked why you referred to it as Thai 78 Nevil said that's what Reeferman used to call it and it stuck...He also told me that no one ever got any of the Thia crosses as he was holding them close to his chest. The other plants that Nevil held in the same category were; NHz#21 and the O#9( Kangas Oaxacan). end of story.

I'm not here to sling shit at people nor do I care who has Nevil's work. I have been entrusted with his legacy and to follow on with his wishes.
I have more than I can deal with in one lifetime here.
I know a lot of things about what went on in Nevils life and I know one of the people who was entrusted with his cut's as well as a fair amount of seeds was handing them out against Nevils wishes nor his Knowledge that person has also passed RIP SM. The only cut that I hold is the NHz#21 pus the seeds.

@odj the NHz#23 x Kariba
Notes say NHz#23 is piney menthol with woody earth and the Kariba ex 20ft Thai to Kanga African from the Zimbabwe side of the Zambezi River which boarders Zambia (Frankincense)
the MML x Kanga's 04 is The MML ( the big plant in the MM post) and the O4 is Kangas's Oaxacan plant #4

Cheers Wallynoland

Thanks for the reply wally...dont wory abit of confusion is to be expected with the amount of names an tags with pedigrees...it can get complicated getting evrything down accurately an then having to rember it all accurately.
Yeah I seen some pictures of the nh23 outdoors, its a crazy looking plant...its actually quite nice seeing the plants express themselves fully under the full sun an in the right place, especially wen you get so used to seeing them done indoors.
I herd about some of the things that went down over ther...some of us saw similar things happen over this way for many years...makes you sad to see the way some things wen down an wer the futures heading.
Anyway get your posts up man so your able to get messages...Itl be nice to be able to have a chat with you.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Hi TheDarkStorm,
The big Mullum Mother or MML as Nevil referred to it, wasn't a clone that Nevil held when I was with Nevil as his live in carer for over the last year of his life. He did have it before this time. There are MML x MMa & MML x MMb seed in the vault.

Sorry to bring this up again, the Thai's the Nevil used in his crosses caused myself some confusion. When I was going though Nevils seeds with him.He was explaining to me what was what, I said cant you spell Thai as in Thailand you have miss spelled this on many packs you have here. His reply was Shit I'm glad you noticed that because the Thia 78 is Hempy's Thai and you will as so find there some other Thai 78 crosses which are Gypsy's Thai. I asked why you referred to it as Thai 78 Nevil said that's what Reeferman used to call it and it stuck...He also told me that no one ever got any of the Thia crosses as he was holding them close to his chest. The other plants that Nevil held in the same category were; NHz#21 and the O#9( Kangas Oaxacan). end of story.

I'm not here to sling shit at people nor do I care who has Nevil's work. I have been entrusted with his legacy and to follow on with his wishes.
I have more than I can deal with in one lifetime here.
I know a lot of things about what went on in Nevils life and I know one of the people who was entrusted with his cut's as well as a fair amount of seeds was handing them out against Nevils wishes nor his Knowledge that person has also passed RIP SM. The only cut that I hold is the NHz#21 pus the seeds.

@odj the NHz#23 x Kariba
Notes say NHz#23 is piney menthol with woody earth and the Kariba ex 20ft Thai to Kanga African from the Zimbabwe side of the Zambezi River which boarders Zambia (Frankincense)
the MML x Kanga's 04 is The MML ( the big plant in the MM post) and the O4 is Kangas's Oaxacan plant #4

Cheers Wallynoland
oh so your in Australia mr noland??

why did reeferman call gn thai 78 thai ,
that sounds kinda weird since there was already something called that ,,

i might ask gn and reeferman their thoughts on that ...

its a shame old bushweed isnt here to clear up things , im sure he would make fast work of it being the quick witted chap he is

have you met bushweed or kanga mr noland ??

Donald Mallard

el duck
ok so i asked reeferman mr nolands ,
he said he never grew gn thai ,
only green hornets thai aka swiss thai which seems to be labelled thai 82

and u see a picture of that cross in the core flute i showed .. ,

so maybe your getting a bit mixed up there buddy ...

should i ask gn if he has ever called his thai 78 thai ,
or are we good now ??

you are welcome to speak with reeferman yourself , im sure he will tell you the same thing as he told me ...


Active member
ICMag Donor
oh so your in Australia mr noland??

why did reeferman call gn thai 78 thai ,
that sounds kinda weird since there was already something called that ,,
Nevil was a strange guy only repeating what he told me.

i might ask gn and reeferman their thoughts on that ...
Thats a good idea any feedback is good for all.

its a shame old bushweed isnt here to clear up things , im sure he would make fast work of it being the quick witted chap he is
Nevil said not to get involved with Bushy so I wont.
have you met bushweed or kanga mr noland ??
No not in person


The Haze Whisperer
You never grew the 78Thia Donald your own account of the time line it the 78Thia was germinated and who grew it is WRONG. You are getting worked up over something you know nothing about and claiming to know more than even me on the subject.

Why are you so keen to prove bushy and others got this line is more the question now from were i sit.

Originally Posted by Donald Mallard
grew out , but when was it made is the question??

he made them when he and kanga were partners ,, i first grew them a while before kanga went to jail , why would they not both have some seed??

why dont u think its possible hempy ,
is it because i said the second lot was full of hermies ??

wouldnt it be a bit weird for bushy to pretend to have something he didnt and label it wrongly ??

i know people can be a bit strange sometimes , but/however ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
You never grew the 78Thia Donald your own account of the time line it the 78Thia was germinated and who grew it is WRONG. You are getting worked up over something you know nothing about and claiming to know more than even me on the subject.

Why are you so keen to prove bushy and others got this line is more the question now from were i sit.
man settle down , i was talking to another person in the room ,
hold onto that massive ego of yours please while civil people discuss stuff , ,
good show ... as i said im not talking to you about that its done and dusted , i proved what i needed , no need to keep reliving it ,
i was asking a question to mr wally ,, which he can reply to and theres no need for your massive cranium to butt in ...


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
Todd doesn't ship outside the USA. Now I can't get real OHaze seeds. :cry:
Also they don't seem to care about customer service, they answer zero mails you sent to them.

Anybody know where I can get some real OHaze which are reproduced from Sam his stock who ships outside the USA? With no crossing but only a little bit of selecting?

I want to grow and smoke it. I don't have much money too, so please no hundreds of dollars packs.


Well-known member
Todd doesn't ship outside the USA. Now I can't get real OHaze seeds. :cry:
Also they don't seem to care about customer service, they answer zero mails you sent to them.

Anybody know where I can get some real OHaze which are reproduced from Sam his stock who ships outside the USA? With no crossing but only a little bit of selecting?

I want to grow and smoke it. I don't have much money too, so please no hundreds of dollars packs.

my experiance is he does ship to uk ,,he aint good with emails


Well-known member
Only crosses. Not pure OHaze. But I appreciate you trying to help me.

It does not give me much confidence(todd) , I stayed with him for this year in spanabis, but when he saw that he did not want seeds he stopped talking to me


The Haze Whisperer
man settle down , i was talking to another person in the room ,
hold onto that massive ego of yours please while civil people discuss stuff , ,
good show ... as i said im not talking to you about that its done and dusted , i proved what i needed , no need to keep reliving it ,
i was asking a question to mr wally ,, which he can reply to and theres no need for your massive cranium to butt in ...

Like i said Why are you so keen to prove bushy and others got this line is more the question now from were i sit.

I know for a fact Nevil did not germinate the 78Thia until mid 2014 at the earliest and how do i know that simple they were germinated a short time only a few weeks before Kangas drama.

I have been researching and what i am finding is kinda sad to be honest.

Originally Posted by bushweed
I am also forbidden to send out some of the best seeds I have - MMxThai'78 and MMxOaxacan - owing to the fact that I gave an undertaking not to share them. I'm truly sorry they aren't available.

Is there something I should know bushy?
I have both of those and planned on making fgens to pass around, much like I've done with the others. I don't remember any restrictions when I received them, but my source was a horse of a different color...

On a side note is it true that the 78Thai, and the Meao Thai from Charlie are one and the same strain? I remember hearing that but was really not quite sure.


The Maos where testers for a friend and not commercially available. I am not sure if he plans on releasing the line or not.

The MM78 I have was made by Nevil and reproduced by Beanz. I have no idea what Bushweed is selling now that's something you would need to ask him. Pretty much the only MM78 crosses available to the public where the freebies from Beanz. I did give a bunch of SFV78 I made as freebies as well.

Connoisseur Genetics is making some nice looking crosses from Nevil's haze work and is something you can look into. He might be working with something like a Nev Haze x Thai78 but I don't know just a guess?

The Australian sativa genetics I have all came from friends with the exception of one NH21 x MM F1 plant that came from Nevil through RIMMEO.

It seams that not a few but a shit load of people all over the internet have been lied to.

Who is Beanz by the way ?.

Originally Posted by bushweed
Hi e.T, sorry mate I deleted then reposted after you replied. OK - the Thai x NHz21/MM is something I cooked up using Kangativa's cut of Gypsy's Thai stick with Nevil's 21Hz/MM, and as you probably know the MMxThai78 is Nevil's cross using hempy's old Thai.

Man it it was nice to see your pics and read your positive review of MM x Oaxacan; your the only other person I know who has that strain. Unfortunately it doesn't appear as if it's being sold (same with the MMxThai). It's a shame I think it may be the best of Nevil's latest offerings.
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