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The Haze discussion thread

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Active member
If any thread can answer this qestion i hope its this one .

So i have sampled and have some seed left of a strian called m21 /mother 21. It is a haze for sure but cant find back ground on her .

She is 100% unique . it permeates a ferniture pollish lacquer terp that carries through heavaly when smoked

What is her back ground

Also gpt some crown royel seed left that are 20+ years old and xant find much info on . i have 5 or so seeds left and would like to find a way to save the genetics


The Haze Whisperer
If any thread can answer this qestion i hope its this one .

So i have sampled and have some seed left of a strian called m21 /mother 21. It is a haze for sure but cant find back ground on her .

She is 100% unique . it permeates a ferniture pollish lacquer terp that carries through heavaly when smoked

What is her back ground

Also gpt some crown royel seed left that are 20+ years old and xant find much info on . i have 5 or so seeds left and would like to find a way to save the genetics

Hope this helps
sssc m21 = victor baarn

Sweet Heaven ( Heirloom Seed M-21)


About Crown Royale

Crown Royal is an indica-dominant hybrid that blends two colorful and fruity strains: it is a cross between Blueberry and Purple Kush, both indicas themselves. Not to be confused with the Canadian blended whiskey of a similar name, Crown Royale is a tasty and potent strain with impressive landrace genes -- its grandparent strains include landrace varietals from Thailand, Afghanistan, and the Hindu Kush. This strain’s potency has been tested at between a modest 12% and an impressive 22%.


Active member
From what I can gather yes both are males and the Haze AC is (NL5 x HazeA) x (Skunk x HazeC).

Hope I'm not running over old ground and causing a shit fight if this is wrong info, this thread is awesome even if it gets a bit hot in the room at times!


Well-known member
Hi All,

I'd like to hear what you think of the release of the 'Holy Grail' @ MNS (Neville's Haze x Haze AC).

"Holy Grail:
It took a lot of research to prepare this and test the final selections, especially as they take 12 -14 weeks to flower. The results came good: the selected NH x AC mother performed well and contained the tribal
aromas from generations past. The combination of this with the Haze C male and doubling (even tripling) up on the Haze C, has given this progeny seed the feeling that the Holy Grail really does exist.
Patience is a virtue and one you will need when it comes to this strain. It possesses wonderfully flavoured buds to fill your cellar and you’ll need a minimum of 3 to 6 months to cure this flower, but the wait and tending care will have been worth it; much the same as how a master vintner brings a fine Barolo wine from a DOC rating to one of DOCG status as a result of his expertise and patience; it may always represent a risky and nervous time but when it works every last bottle, or in this case, bud oozes uncompromising pleasure for the honoured person lucky enough to experience it.
The Holy Grail has yet to be found and it is different for everyone, but it exists and you’ll realize it yourself when you find it. So, with the right level of perception and dedication, experience and awareness, the adventuring cultivator / breeder has the chance to one day find their very own Holy Grail of Cannabis.
Expected yield on an average 14-week flowering plant is between 750 and 850 grams m2. Curing of this
flower is advised as it increases the flavour and effects once the chlorophyll naturally breaks down over a 6 week to 3 month period. There may be some longer flowering plants which are not really practical for an indoor garden but it will be rewarding to have this in your stash of stashes."

I don't need to be buying more seeds but this sure got my attention. I've had pretty good luck with MNS strains. In response to the haters, yes I have seen bananas but not often and usually explained by grower mistake. There was one The Doors plant in particular that took 120+ days to finish that was the most memorable weed I've ever grown. That and Zamaldelica are the only plants I've ever grown that left a sticky oil behind in the jar. That strain was part of the rock n roll series that came from the Haze AC line. There's not a lot of love for MNS anymore but I'm still tempted to give a pack of the Holy Grail a try. I've never used their auction site before but often times in this line of purchasing one must make a leap of faith.

I suppose that technically this comment belongs in the Haze Hybrid thread because their Haze AC line has NL and Skunk lineage but it sure can produce some Hazy plants. I beg for forgiveness from those I have offended.


The Haze Whisperer


The Haze Whisperer
I don't need to be buying more seeds but this sure got my attention. I've had pretty good luck with MNS strains. In response to the haters, yes I have seen bananas but not often and usually explained by grower mistake. There was one The Doors plant in particular that took 120+ days to finish that was the most memorable weed I've ever grown. That and Zamaldelica are the only plants I've ever grown that left a sticky oil behind in the jar. That strain was part of the rock n roll series that came from the Haze AC line. There's not a lot of love for MNS anymore but I'm still tempted to give a pack of the Holy Grail a try. I've never used their auction site before but often times in this line of purchasing one must make a leap of faith.

I suppose that technically this comment belongs in the Haze Hybrid thread because their Haze AC line has NL and Skunk lineage but it sure can produce some Hazy plants. I beg for forgiveness from those I have offended.

Offend away Peacefrog the truth is all that matters in my book if people cant handle the truth then they need to deal with it.


Well-known member
Nevil never sold pure Haze Nevil's Haze was the closest to pure haze he sold but he did make pure haze and grew them out they were never as good as the Haze hybrids he offered.

What happened to the pure Haze seeds he did make?
I can understand that for the holder of Haze A & C and creator of NH, it made not much sense to explore in depth the pure Haze. Also the market was demanding indoor friendly and good yielding stuff. And that's not what pure Haze is. Look at Seedsman OHaze sold for less than 2$ a seed. Not the very best seller...


The Haze Whisperer
What happened to the pure Haze seeds he did make?
I can understand that for the holder of Haze A & C and creator of NH, it made not much sense to explore in depth the pure Haze. Also the market was demanding indoor friendly and good yielding stuff. And that's not what pure Haze is. Look at Seedsman OHaze sold for less than 2$ a seed. Not the very best seller...

Well i would assume they were made as back up but both Nevil and Sam have both said inbreeding haze is not the way forward.Nevil did inbreed haze results did not improve it.

The Haze hybrids Nevil produced like NH SSH that i grew were far from indoor Friendly.Plants grew huge and had explosive vigor and good to huge yield.Once they went into flower the daily growth was noticeable and the plants needed a large area to grow in you were dealing with plants that acted like sativas.

Not seen to many huge Ohaze plants from the Dutchman or from Seedsman but happy to be proven wrong.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Dont take it wrong but I was looking for someone from IC that has tried it, I wouldnt have spent the money if I didnt find it intriguing but would still like to hear if anyone here has tried it. When I do it down the road I will post about it though.

Stewie !

You`re back again ? And no hint of an apology ...

Mango Haze ? It has lots of pheno types . Some very clean clear highs . Can be very good in the day time . Excellent for hiking , or physical activities .

Generally 100 days or more flower and lots of stretch . Susceptible to botrytis in wet weather .

Leet`s grow log of 12 / 12 Mango Haze from seed @ Mr Nice is a good reference . Lots of pics and descriptions .


The Haze Whisperer
He did make seeds with the female.
3 matings I think .But with NL and or NL x Ruderalis .
But no repro of the Burning Bush [Thai x Haze] he got from Sam .

How do you know what Haze Nevil got from Sam did Nevil tell you ?.

Burning bush was not Thai x Haze and most are becoming tired of the repeated miss information regarding both Nevil and Sam's work.

Burning Bush was an Original Haze with a strong Thai influence. I named it.
There were only Two Haze Brothers and they did not go to NYC and visit HT.
Joe Haze is not a Haze brother. The Haze Brothers did not grow Indica's, they grew Sativa's.
They did grow my Skunk #1 after 1980, because it was easier and faster for them.
-SamS (who was there)


The Haze Whisperer
I've decided to start a new thread. It's a subject close to the hearts of many growers/breeders. It's something we need to take action on, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. We need to put aside our prejudices and ego's in this quest. It's all about the end result.

I'll give you my understanding of how to work with this variety.

As I said before, I got a total of 7 plants from the original seed stock. They were all different. The Original female (the one that I didn't keep a clone of) and Haze male A, may have been siblings, but just as likely not. Yet there was a common Haze like thread among all of them. This tells me that there was likely no pure haze among them. Haze did not improve when put back to itself as I was told and later discovered. People who think that B.C. is the hope for the future ( if it can be resurrected) are likely to be disappointed. A NL5xHzA would be the best mate for it to test this out. Haze males A+C were at best half brothers, but certainly shared a common ancestor, so my guess is that the inbreeding co-efficient to the haze ancestor in Nevil's Haze is at most 37.5%.
So if we want to go back to a Haze hybrid, we are looking for one not directly related to A or C. So don't talk to me about S.S.H. or Jack Herrer or Diesel or Sage (all the same plant). Double up HzC! I'm not saying that excellent plants can't be produced from inbreeding what we have, but we are going for the Ultimate (Grail). If anybody pinches this name I'll be pissed off.
This should start the ball rolling, I'll continue later.


Its right there in print for all of time (Haze did not improve when put back to itself as I was told and later discovered.)

So yes Nevil did make pure haze and did grow them out and did work out inbreeding haze did not improve Haze.

haze didn't get better when you inbred it. The NL5xHzC1 X Sk1xHzC1 Was not as good as the mother. The best I could do was combine the two different males over the NL5, and I put it out there.
Haze really needed to go to a good Buddah Thai lineage, but I could never find one good enough. Went to Thailand, but I couldn't find really good weed there anymore. I'm hoping that someone from Australia will have what we're looking for.


The information has all be posted


Well-known member
I've decided to start a new thread. It's a subject close to the hearts of many growers/breeders. It's something we need to take action on, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. We need to put aside our prejudices and ego's in this quest. It's all about the end result.

I'll give you my understanding of how to work with this variety.

As I said before, I got a total of 7 plants from the original seed stock. They were all different. The Original female (the one that I didn't keep a clone of) and Haze male A, may have been siblings, but just as likely not. Yet there was a common Haze like thread among all of them. This tells me that there was likely no pure haze among them. Haze did not improve when put back to itself as I was told and later discovered. People who think that B.C. is the hope for the future ( if it can be resurrected) are likely to be disappointed. A NL5xHzA would be the best mate for it to test this out. Haze males A+C were at best half brothers, but certainly shared a common ancestor, so my guess is that the inbreeding co-efficient to the haze ancestor in Nevil's Haze is at most 37.5%.
So if we want to go back to a Haze hybrid, we are looking for one not directly related to A or C. So don't talk to me about S.S.H. or Jack Herrer or Diesel or Sage (all the same plant). Double up HzC! I'm not saying that excellent plants can't be produced from inbreeding what we have, but we are going for the Ultimate (Grail). If anybody pinches this name I'll be pissed off.
This should start the ball rolling, I'll continue later.


Its right there in print for all of time (Haze did not improve when put back to itself as I was told and later discovered.)

So yes Nevil did make pure haze and did grow them out and did work out inbreeding haze did not improve Haze.

haze didn't get better when you inbred it. The NL5xHzC1 X Sk1xHzC1 Was not as good as the mother. The best I could do was combine the two different males over the NL5, and I put it out there.
Haze really needed to go to a good Buddah Thai lineage, but I could never find one good enough. Went to Thailand, but I couldn't find really good weed there anymore. I'm hoping that someone from Australia will have what we're looking for.


The information has all be posted

This brings back memories of following Nevil's contributions on the MNS forums many years ago. And all you Aussie dudes stirring up shit with each other like you do here! Good times indeed.

I'm latching on to the part where Nev said to double up on the Haze C. Having just ordered a pack of the Holy Grail with Shanti's description saying the Haze C could have been tripled I don't see how I can fail in this endeavor! I have totally validated the decision to once again give in to a strain description because of the possibility of what could be. When I die, somebody is going to find a pile of awesome genetics.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Dont take it wrong but I was looking for someone from IC that has tried it, I wouldnt have spent the money if I didnt find it intriguing but would still like to hear if anyone here has tried it. When I do it down the road I will post about it though.
i have grown quite a bit of it over the years ,

i liked it , its both potent and tasty , and often has a particularly euphoric buzz about it ,

also despite elmers post above saying it suffered mold easily , i found the opposite when i grew it ,
a few plants went through weeks of heavy rain without even a sign of mold , true champions ,
i grew a paddock full of it the following season and they went through a cyclone that knocked many down , the only bud rot was on a few that were hanging on each other ,
so it certainly has the potential to withstand mold ..






Well-known member
^^^ My experience with MH mold resistance was same as Donald. A SSH and Durban Poison grown out next to the MH got it. The MH was untouched. Could be timing - the MH bud formation lagged behind the others by a good month so most rain had passed by time MH started to fill out. Also, important to note Im referring to MH and not the MH IBL.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
IT BEGINS :smoke out:
Bandaid#7 x A5 from Karma

(Cuban Black Haze) x (a5/thai x Mirakel) x (A5)

Last edited:


Well-known member
what are must try to grow hazes? i am searching for clearer effect than in amnesia core cut i think so. something special what everybody have to try.
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