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The Haze discussion thread

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Nevil got more than 10 Haze seed from Sam and the seed Nevil got from Afghanistan were shit.

Now i need to double check but i am prity sure the Afghan1 as it was called also came from Sam.

Gorge the Flower abuser and killer lol.

Hi Hempy,
I talked to Nevil about this personally, he told me there were around 3000 seeds roughly, he popped 2000, got 7 sprouts, and has since tried to pop several of the remainder without luck, at the time I discussed it with him several years ago he said he was still holding some of those original seeds he bought from Sam back in the 80s.
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The Haze Whisperer
Hi Hempy,
I talked to Nevil about this personally, he told me there were around 3000 seeds roughly, he popped 2000, got 7 sprouts, and has since tried to pop several of the remainder without luck, at the time I discussed it with him several years ago he said he was still holding some of those original seeds he bought from Sam back in the 80s.

Hiya Mate i had the same conversation with Nevil a few times heard the story to i cant remember the seed numbers now but what matters is what came from them seeds.

A few seam to love to nock Nevil's haze make it out to be the red headed step child of the Haze lines.

People that Grew out NH took the time to grow out 10 or 20 seed know how special of a strain NH really is.


Well-known member

Hempy did you get any pictures of the finshed bud from you ssh .....your mango haze finished buds look near enough like the original ssh...thats how ssh used to look only the ssh used to come out a bit tighter buded an crystallized more an a bit more of the orange to it...loads of round caylaxes....it was easily identifiable...
Hempy wer nh(along with others) is concerned you got lucky....you manged to get some of nevils old stock....


The Haze Whisperer
Hempy did you get any pictures of the finshed bud from you ssh .....your mango haze finished buds look near enough like the original ssh...thats how ssh used to look only the ssh used to come out a bit tighter buded an crystallized more an a bit more of the orange to it...loads of round caylaxes....it was easily identifiable...
Hempy wer nh(along with others) is concerned you got lucky....you manged to get some of nevils old stock....

Hi mate lots of people got seed from Nevil or from what Nevil had made even threw Mrnice.

Were i got lucky was with the Test seed Mango Haze and Shit Haze most people growing out the MH culled the plants because they acted more like NH or a pure sativa.Not me i ran them all found the best and made f2s and stored them.

The released MH look re worked very different to the test seed version and i never saw the shit haze get offered.

I got all my Haze lines early on the last seed was say 15 years ago.


See the world through a puff of smoke

Most were smoking hashish in the 1970s in Holland.Old Ed came in 1979 to Holland and he did not bring Thai/Kerala to Holland.Ed Rosenthal is mixing up some dates in his book lol


Hiya Mate i had the same conversation with Nevil a few times heard the story to i cant remember the seed numbers now but what matters is what came from them seeds.

A few seam to love to nock Nevil's haze make it out to be the red headed step child of the Haze lines.

People that Grew out NH took the time to grow out 10 or 20 seed know how special of a strain NH really is.

Hi Hempy


Yes well Nevil's NL5 haze C was the only Haze I grew or even knew about back in the day.

Me and some friends pitched on seeds, didn't know haze from Adam, all we cared about was the warning on the label. We always just called it the Holland Haze, My cut was legendary, even had seasoned heads asking me if it was laced. Had people chasing me with guns once because their friend flipped out on it, but that's another story... (For the record don't smoke this stuff outside a bar with people you don't know.)

For the most part It really opened doors for me. Nobody had ever seen anything quite like it, including me.



The Haze Whisperer
Hi Hempy

Yes well Nevil's NL5 haze C was the only Haze I grew or even knew about back in the day.

Me and some friends pitched on seeds, didn't know haze from Adam, all we cared about was the warning on the label. We always just called it the Holland Haze, My cut was legendary, even had seasoned heads asking me if it was laced. Had people chasing me with guns once because their friend flipped out on it, but that's another story... (For the record don't smoke this stuff outside a bar with people you don't know.)

For the most part It really opened doors for me. Nobody had ever seen anything quite like it, including me.

My first experience with haze was the Mango Haze test seed in 2001 i think it was then straght after Was NH. The first thing i noticed was how haze reminded me of the Mullum madness and tripping weed we saw here.

Before that every thing i tried from Holland friends had collected on their trips i thought was weak and disappointing to be honest.


The Haze Whisperer
Most were smoking hashish in the 1970s in Holland.Old Ed came in 1979 to Holland and he did not bring Thai/Kerala to Holland.Ed Rosenthal is mixing up some dates in his book lol

Most in the EU were smoking hash even in the 80s and Ed was claiming Haze was taken to Holland in the 70s and we know that is a lie.


See the world through a puff of smoke
Most in the EU were smoking hash even in the 80s and Ed was claiming Haze was taken to Holland in the 70s and we know that is a lie.
Haze was brought by Sam in 1984 I believe.Bought OHz seeds in 1994 myself.Ed is confusing the years or it was just type fault,unless he said it.


Well-known member
Hi Hempy,
I talked to Nevil about this personally, he told me there were around 3000 seeds roughly, he popped 2000, got 7 sprouts, and has since tried to pop several of the remainder without luck, at the time I discussed it with him several years ago he said he was still holding some of those original seeds he bought from Sam back in the 80s.

Did he make seeds with the 7 plants?


The Haze Whisperer
I have never seen Nevil's Original Haze around, if I don't remember male I read that he made seeds but I don't remember that he ever sold, or at least nobody ever mentioned it ...

Nevil never sold pure Haze Nevil's Haze was the closest to pure haze he sold but he did make pure haze and grew them out they were never as good as the Haze hybrids he offered.


Active member
Hi All,

I'd like to hear what you think of the release of the 'Holy Grail' @ MNS (Neville's Haze x Haze AC).

"Holy Grail:
It took a lot of research to prepare this and test the final selections, especially as they take 12 -14 weeks to flower. The results came good: the selected NH x AC mother performed well and contained the tribal
aromas from generations past. The combination of this with the Haze C male and doubling (even tripling) up on the Haze C, has given this progeny seed the feeling that the Holy Grail really does exist.
Patience is a virtue and one you will need when it comes to this strain. It possesses wonderfully flavoured buds to fill your cellar and you’ll need a minimum of 3 to 6 months to cure this flower, but the wait and tending care will have been worth it; much the same as how a master vintner brings a fine Barolo wine from a DOC rating to one of DOCG status as a result of his expertise and patience; it may always represent a risky and nervous time but when it works every last bottle, or in this case, bud oozes uncompromising pleasure for the honoured person lucky enough to experience it.
The Holy Grail has yet to be found and it is different for everyone, but it exists and you’ll realize it yourself when you find it. So, with the right level of perception and dedication, experience and awareness, the adventuring cultivator / breeder has the chance to one day find their very own Holy Grail of Cannabis.
Expected yield on an average 14-week flowering plant is between 750 and 850 grams m2. Curing of this
flower is advised as it increases the flavour and effects once the chlorophyll naturally breaks down over a 6 week to 3 month period. There may be some longer flowering plants which are not really practical for an indoor garden but it will be rewarding to have this in your stash of stashes."


The Haze Whisperer
Hey Mustafunk,

Thanks again for taking the time to share your opinion which is based on hearing just 1 side of the story.
So this makes me feel obligated once more to add my own POV and speak my heart.
I don't blame you having this opinion cause you are not aware of the complexity, context and set and setting of many things at play simply because you weren't there.

Allow me to try and give you a deeper understanding of certain aspects.

When Nevil arrived in Holland he was in a miserable state, being a heroin addict. He was however fortunate to meet a group of friends that i refer to as "the old crew" because his aunties house where he lived while he was rehabilitating was next door to one of them.
This group of friends, all passionate hash lovers who had set the bar regarding top quality import hashish, advised and helped Nevil to start a business as seed maker and presented the idea to use state fundings to help recovering addicts reintegrate into society.

These people were what inspired him to start his breeding and supported him throughout his early years in Holland, so in fact these people were at the cradle of Nevils first breeding work and played a crucial part in what is still considered being his best work.

When Nevil later moved to the dam the relationship faded and they each moved in different directions.
Nevil being very ambitious making a name for himself and attracting much attention while the crews main focus remained sustaining their availability to their beloved hashish.
The cuts were made and kept in South Holland for flower and preserving Nevils early work and selections giving him acces to the when things got raided or stolen or lost by other elements at play which happened more than once.
In short the fact is that over time his growing status, ego and change of attitude towards his old friends was counter productive for the quality of the long term relationship without much drama between both parties.
So when after many years Nevil reappeared and heard some of the old cuts were still being preserved in South Holland it must have sparkled his enthousiasme to simply retrieve 'em once more.
However they seemed to be on different pages to make it happen.
I did my part helping Nevil getting them back by reestablishing the contact between him and his old friends, the rest was between them considering their old relationship preceding my own involvement.
I have my loyalty towards the people i cherish as my tribe. Each of them invaluable for the work they have done and the things they have accomplished even though they don't carrie names or titles or take something as someone status seriously.
The connection i feel with each of them is spiritual and transcends titles and/or status and ego.
Rest assured we do respect the plant and community, no need for monopoly's or other nonsense.
Because of this i feel that the people that preserved these cuts are exactly the ones who have earned it to do what they feel is right.
Without them Nevils legacy simply wouldn't be what it is.
Inter human relations are complex things let alone over this kind of time span, very complicated to fully grasp without hearing out all involved.
Premature judgment based on bias assumptions don't contribute to establish a deeper understanding of certain matters that each hold many layers of "truth", it merely carries negativity trying to achieve a false sense of superiority by the one who lowers himself doing so.
I'm sure opening up and try to comprehend people's true intentions more objectively will help you to get a better perception and understanding in the long run, the world is much more appealing in colour than just black and white.

Hempy, did you actualy read Mustafunks post? If you did please read again and focus. To me it's clear Nevil was pretty sure about the cuts being from his hand. Of course he doubts this being factual after such a long period of time. He couldn't verify it himself in all absoluteness until he got to grow em again. Sadly that was't meant to be, it would have made all things clear.
However i rest assured that all proof is within the plants. Who ever grows them will conclude no other that these plants hold certain qualities that clearly came forth from Nevils early haze breeding.
And if they are not, well then so much to do about nothing would be utter foolishness... haha

Excuse me for going of topic once more.

This was posted in the tripping weed thread so i did not want to post this there and fill Thais thread with off topic discussion so i will post this here as it is a Haze discussion thread.

There are holes in your post/story Sammy a main one being the Haze Nevil got from Sam was grown out in the Castle that was were the haze work was done.

You also forget Dj9 was the southern crew that grew all of what Brenda got at the time Nevil was supplying Brenda.

Its almost like people are trying to re write history and discredit Nevil at every turn.


Well-known member
Hi All,

I'd like to hear what you think of the release of the 'Holy Grail' @ MNS (Neville's Haze x Haze AC).

"Holy Grail:
It took a lot of research to prepare this and test the final selections, especially as they take 12 -14 weeks to flower. The results came good: the selected NH x AC mother performed well and contained the tribal
aromas from generations past. The combination of this with the Haze C male and doubling (even tripling) up on the Haze C, has given this progeny seed the feeling that the Holy Grail really does exist.
Patience is a virtue and one you will need when it comes to this strain. It possesses wonderfully flavoured buds to fill your cellar and you’ll need a minimum of 3 to 6 months to cure this flower, but the wait and tending care will have been worth it; much the same as how a master vintner brings a fine Barolo wine from a DOC rating to one of DOCG status as a result of his expertise and patience; it may always represent a risky and nervous time but when it works every last bottle, or in this case, bud oozes uncompromising pleasure for the honoured person lucky enough to experience it.
The Holy Grail has yet to be found and it is different for everyone, but it exists and you’ll realize it yourself when you find it. So, with the right level of perception and dedication, experience and awareness, the adventuring cultivator / breeder has the chance to one day find their very own Holy Grail of Cannabis.
Expected yield on an average 14-week flowering plant is between 750 and 850 grams m2. Curing of this
flower is advised as it increases the flavour and effects once the chlorophyll naturally breaks down over a 6 week to 3 month period. There may be some longer flowering plants which are not really practical for an indoor garden but it will be rewarding to have this in your stash of stashes."

Was HazeAC an actual plant (being male x male) or a mix of A and C pollen?


My first experience with haze was the Mango Haze test seed in 2001 i think it was then straght after Was NH. The first thing i noticed was how haze reminded me of the Mullum madness and tripping weed we saw here.

Before that every thing i tried from Holland friends had collected on their trips i thought was weak and disappointing to be honest.

Yes, I did go to Holland a few times many years later, always tried as many hazes as I could, to my taste none them were hazy and most were weak, at least the SSH was strong, even if it wasn't so hazy to my palate at least it had a tinge. That would have been around the same time, 2001-2003 or something like that. Wish I would have tried the Mango.


The Haze Whisperer
Yes, I did go to Holland a few times many years later, always tried as many hazes as I could, to my taste none them were hazy and most were weak, at least the SSH was strong, even if it wasn't so hazy to my palate at least it had a tinge. That would have been around the same time, 2001-2003 or something like that. Wish I would have tried the Mango.

I have never been shanti told me what i was smoking was better than what you could find over in Holland.

I was just lucky right place at the right time the NH i got was made by Nevil sold by Mrnice and the Haze hybrids coming from Mrnice were i and many others felt were the best available at the time.

The SSH that i got was made by Nevil also the Mango Haze was a calibration of Nevil and Shanti and the shit Haze were test seed but were never released.


So has anybody tried the MrNice mango haze recently? I just got a pack and it’s going to be a few months at least before I can run them.
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