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The Haze discussion thread

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Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
IT BEGINS :smoke out:
Bandaid#7 x A5 from Karma

(Cuban Black Haze) x (a5/thai x Mirakel) x (A5)

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Very cool! Got me some of those going outside too, Hammer...some nice looking plants so far. I’m running Karma’s a5s1 as well.

what are must try to grow hazes? i am searching for clearer effect than in amnesia core cut i think so. something special what everybody have to try.

IMHO, best bang for your buck regarding a Haze that is good quality and easy to grow would be Mango Haze from Mr Nice seedbank. Pretty solid genetics and good all around smoke. You can’t go wrong with Mango Haze.



secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
hola amigos ---wish I had the time to participate

Glad to see this thread running full cylinder LOL...no steam is lost

I still have a 12 yrs old clone of the "hard to kill" THH P1s

I have Laos from down under..qwack qwack :D:woohoo:

SMG, DC....etc

Wish me luck :)


Well-known member
Yo Sammy
Yes all the old clones were selected by Nevil and crew.
The perception that Nevil did everything solo in early stage is whats causing most misconceptions regarding his first work and selections....
The difference you talk about could be due to many things like substrate, placement, grower, ferts, light, indoor/outdoor etc.
A5 (2) is still the same cutting as 30+ years ago. There were 4 other selected pheno's, A5 (5) is also still around but wasn't shared with many as it was the most Haze leaning and not practical to grow indoors.
Nevil also shared 5HzA seeds with some lucky few over time so who knows whats still around, for example the CubanBlackHaze/Piff/Uptown cut could be from Nevil sharing 5HzA seeds.
Take into account that over time a numerous number of cuts were shared around as A5 but were in fact fake ones causing many people to have wrong ideas about A5. It definitely didn't get any easier over time to distinguish the real deal from fake ones by people who were 100% sure to hold it but in fact was something else.
When i was in Barcelona a few months ago i was presented with some A5 bud coming from a "trusted" source so being 100% convinced it was A5 but was in fact C5 instead.
Goes to show how many misconceptions are still around.

Back to trip weed now, all things haze can be further discussed in hempy's discussion thread.

Intresting sammy....thanks for the reply....so your saying your still able to gett your hands on what you guys call 5a (5) ?.....is ther anyway you can get a snap please.....I was just wondering if its not that cut I may have seen before....someone had one along time ago....the one I rember the scent was wat I can only disribe as...you know wen you have a couple of leather jackets in a proper old wooden cupboard, on a very hot day...an you open the cupboard an you get the smell really strong of old antique leather an old wood an polish...with touches of liver an decay...an the finised bud used to be very pale covered in a thin layer of crystal...ther was a slightly darker one that was abit more spicy an piney comming from the otherside..the bud was thicker but wasnt no wer near as strong...

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
How do you know what Haze Nevil got from Sam did Nevil tell you ?.

Burning bush was not Thai x Haze and most are becoming tired of the repeated miss information regarding both Nevil and Sam's work.

I was teasing Doctor Hempy .

And yes Nevil did tell me And any one else who was taking notice .

He said Sam said the seeds he sold him had an ancestor named Burning Bush .

We have established Burning Bush was an O Haze leaning to the Thai side .

Haze A and C Seem to be vey different . One Haze Thai influences and the other more Colombian .

You can work it out from there ...

Maybe why folks didn`t find the same in O Haze .

Why do you say the seeds got were not Haze x Thai ?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
mirakle is the thai part

That doesn't work with how the genetic label is written for Bandaid unless its wrong. This indicates Mirakel is another cross from the a5/Thai
(Cuban Black Haze) x (a5/thai x Mirakel)

This is how it would be written following your info for Bandaid.
(Cuban Black Haze) x (a5 x Thai)

Mirakel was the coffee shop the Thai came from .

Mirakel Thai was grown in a room with A5 .
Seeds were found ...

The Thai is strong in the crosses . Some very light airy flowers .

Does this is mean it should be like this? Or Above?.

(Cuban Black Haze) x (a5/Thai x Thai)
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
This is the info I got on the web. Looks like this info was wrote incorrectly for Bandaid haze

It should be like this..
(Cuban Black Haze) x (a5 x Mirakel Thai)

Bandaide Haze
Bandaid Haze – Bodhi’s Cut
Breeder: Bodhi (intentional breeding project)
Source: Bodhi > Doc D > DocGreenStone
Genetics: Cuban Black Haze x (a5/thai x Mirakel) This is incorrect
Type: Sativa
Flower Time: 100 days
Yield: Average
Difficulty expert

There were these seeds that came from this Spanish grower in South Holland, Ronni aka Ronaldo, who was part of the “A5 crew”, who had a Thai pollinate his room. “a5” is shorthand for ‘nl5 x haze A’ different from her sister “c5”, or ‘nl5 x haze C’. These seeds were sent to e.T., who then shared some with Bodhi. Bodhi germinated them in early 2013 and all he got was one male (a5Haze x Mirakel). He doesn’t normally keep males if there are no females to evaluate but he used it anyway to pollinate the Cuban Black Haze cut that he had. The strain was referred to as Piff by Bodhi initially. The beans were shared almost exclusively with Doc D, who after running them selected the Piff #7 and shared a cut of it back with Bodhi. Bodhi had it tested and it came back in the high 20’s. Bodhi and Doc D shared cuts with other forum members here in late 2014 and after some discussion most of us agree that it is actually better than Cuban Black Haze and it also has a shorter flower time (100 days). Everyone, Bodhi, Doc D, e.T and everyone else, refer to this cut now as “Bandaid Haze”. Bodhi coined the term because, “it heals all wounds”.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
My back yard ...this pics from summer seasons past...

Donald Mallard

el duck
I've decided to start a new thread. It's a subject close to the hearts of many growers/breeders. It's something we need to take action on, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. We need to put aside our prejudices and ego's in this quest. It's all about the end result.

I'll give you my understanding of how to work with this variety.

As I said before, I got a total of 7 plants from the original seed stock. They were all different. The Original female (the one that I didn't keep a clone of) and Haze male A, may have been siblings, but just as likely not. Yet there was a common Haze like thread among all of them. This tells me that there was likely no pure haze among them. Haze did not improve when put back to itself as I was told and later discovered. People who think that B.C. is the hope for the future ( if it can be resurrected) are likely to be disappointed. A NL5xHzA would be the best mate for it to test this out. Haze males A+C were at best half brothers, but certainly shared a common ancestor, so my guess is that the inbreeding co-efficient to the haze ancestor in Nevil's Haze is at most 37.5%.
So if we want to go back to a Haze hybrid, we are looking for one not directly related to A or C. So don't talk to me about S.S.H. or Jack Herrer or Diesel or Sage (all the same plant). Double up HzC! I'm not saying that excellent plants can't be produced from inbreeding what we have, but we are going for the Ultimate (Grail). If anybody pinches this name I'll be pissed off.
This should start the ball rolling, I'll continue later.


Its right there in print for all of time (Haze did not improve when put back to itself as I was told and later discovered.)

So yes Nevil did make pure haze and did grow them out and did work out inbreeding haze did not improve Haze.

haze didn't get better when you inbred it. The NL5xHzC1 X Sk1xHzC1 Was not as good as the mother. The best I could do was combine the two different males over the NL5, and I put it out there.
Haze really needed to go to a good Buddah Thai lineage, but I could never find one good enough. Went to Thailand, but I couldn't find really good weed there anymore. I'm hoping that someone from Australia will have what we're looking for.


The information has all be posted
at first i thought u were starting another thread , but realized it was nevils words ,,

anyhow heres a few things i got from his post ..

I'm not saying that excellent plants can't be produced from inbreeding what we have, but we are going for the Ultimate

Haze did not improve when put back to itself as I was told and later discovered

from those words i gather as it says , excellent plants can be found , but they dont get any better than that ,
excellent is pretty ok for most id assume ,
it doesnt say they deteriorate ,, only they dont improve beyond excellent ,
is that what you got from it too hempy ,

i didnt think you did , u seem to mention to folks dont do it because it puts you on the path to ruin ,
but the exact words he says is simply they dont improve beyond excellent and he wanted better , a grail , is his very words ...

Haze really needed to go to a good Buddah Thai lineage, but I could never find one good enough. Went to Thailand, but I couldn't find really good weed there anymore.

then this little morsel ,
most know the thai stick died out long ago ,
there are still some seeds around descendant from that ,
but less chances of finding keepers than one would have from the originals , but im sure one could find them if they looked hard enough ,
id say nevil was simply sampling the brick weed from laos and making his judgements from that ,
sadly other than being compressed , i dont think its grown to its optimum , the buds are very stringy and not well formed , i doubt it was fully mature when harvested and compressed ,
it may well be related to the original thai stick weed ,
but they would have to be grown better to find a sample worthy imho ..

anyhow its just speculation ...
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