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Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
They used shipping and planes HB it was huge news here at the time as you can understand.

Once this was all exposed the imported cannabis started to slow sure a few smugglers were still active but it was noticeable once the big players were exposed.

The last imported Thai i saw was 86 and it was rubbish nothing like the earlier Thai then it stopped.It was not Thai sticks but compressed brick.

I can say the same for the Colombian and Mexican that used to make it here. There was a time when it was damn good smoke, then it fell off in the early/mid 80s...only to be supplanted by Skunk...which was the new hot variety that everyone wanted.

The first herb I ever smoked was golden in color and it got us ripped. This must have been 1980 or maybe 81, if I remember correctly.

From time to time, I'll hear people say they didn't get high the first time they smoked weed...I just have to shake my head and wonder what the hell they were smoking. I'm not 100% sure, but that first herb I smoked might have been Acapulco Gold. It was fantastic herb...and pin sized joint had all 3 of us laughing and rolling around in the dirt...we then went and watched the girls volleyball practice. We sat there staring off into space and eating candy bars...realizing what we'd discovered that day.



The Haze Whisperer
I can say the same for the Colombian and Mexican that used to make it here. There was a time when it was damn good smoke, then it fell off in the early/mid 80s...only to be supplanted by Skunk...which was the new hot variety that everyone wanted.

The first herb I ever smoked was golden in color and it got us ripped. This must have been 1980 or maybe 81, if I remember correctly.

From time to time, I'll hear people say they didn't get high the first time they smoked weed...I just have to shake my head and wonder what the hell they were smoking. I'm not 100% sure, but that first herb I smoked might have been Acapulco Gold. It was fantastic herb...and pin sized joint had all 3 of us laughing and rolling around in the dirt...we then went and watched the girls volleyball practice. We sat there staring off into space and eating candy bars...realizing what we'd discovered that day.


The time frame seams to fit there also HB the US/Australian syndicate was huge and tentacles in all corners i think we have them to thank for the best cannabis and hash landing and ending up in ow joints /bongs / pipes.

I honestly miss them days no hype no bull shit no greed just good smoke and people being for the most part cool and grounded.

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
The time frame seams to fit there also HB the US/Australian syndicate was huge and tentacles in all corners i think we have them to thank for the best cannabis and hash landing and ending up in ow joints /bongs / pipes.

I honestly miss them days no hype no bull shit no greed just good smoke and people being for the most part cool and grounded.

Hash wasn't that big a deal out here for some reason. Maybe it's because we had such good herb to smoke, but it just wasn't that common. I had friends shipping us herb from Hawaii that was even better than the skunk that was going around. When those shipments would come in, it was already spoken for before it hit the ground.

Hawaii is one of those magical places where herb just grows so much better than anywhere else, it seems...well, at least back then it was that way. The taste, the high, everything was better when you had some Hawaiian herb. Guys were shipping cocaine via UPS to the islands back then and trading it for herb. Both sides felt they were getting a good deal and all was well. Lot of people made a lot of money running that scam for a while, lol

Hey, forgot to post this up earlier...here's one of Todd's Haze plants...still looking fairly NLD, imho





Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Processing opium (from the PDF govt report I linked earlier):


Before opium is smoked, it is usually cooked. Uncooked opium contains moisture, vegetable matter and other impurities which detract from a smooth-smoking product. The raw opium which is collected from the opium poppy pod is placed in an open cooking pot of boiling water where the sticky glob of opium alkaloids quickly dissolve. The soil, twigs, plant scrapings, etc. remain undissolved. The solution is strained through cheesecloth to remove these impurities. The clear brown liquid, sometimes called "liquid opium," is actually opium in solution. This liquid is then re-heated over a low flame until the water turns to steam and is driven off into the air. When the water has evaporated. a thick paste remains. This paste is called "prepared opium," "cooked opium," or "smoking opium" and itis dried in the sun until it has a putty-like consistency. The net weight of the cooked opium is generally about twenty percent lighter than the original raw opium. Likewise, cooked opium is also more pure than in its original, raw form.
Cooked opium is suitable for smoking or eating by opium users. Traditionally there is only one group of opium poppy farmers, the Hmong, who prefer to not cook their opium before smoking. Most other ethnic groups, including Chinese opium addicts, prefer smoking cooked opium.
If the opium is to be sold to traders for use in morphineorheroinlaboratories,itisnotnecessaryto cook it first. The laboratory operators generally use 55-gallon oil drums or huge cooking vats to cook the raw opium before beginning the morphine extraction process (described in the next chapter).


Raw or cooked opium contains more than 35 different alkaloids, including morphine, which accounts for approximately ten percent of the total raw opium weight. Heroin manufacturers must first extract the morphine from the opium, before converting the morphine to heroin. The extraction is a simple process, requiring only a few chemicals and a supply of water. Morphine is usually extracted from opium in small clandestine "laboratories" which are typically set up near the opium poppy fields. Since the morphine base is about one-tenth the weight and volume of raw opium, it is desirable to reduce the opium to morphine before transporting the product from the field to a heroin laboratory.
The process of extracting morphine from opium involves dissolving opium in hot water, adding lime to precipitate non-morphine alkaloids and then adding ammonium chloride to precipitate morphine from the solution. An empty oil drum and some cooking pots are needed.
Following is a step-by-step description of morphine extraction in a typical Southeast Asian laboratory:
1. An empty 55-gallon oil drum is placed on bricks about a foot above the ground and a fire is built under the drum. Thirty gallons of water are added to the drum and brought to a boil. Ten to fifteen kilograms of raw opium are added to the boiling water.
2. With stirring, the raw opium eventually dissolves in the boiling water, while soil, leaves, twigs, and other non-soluble materia1s float in the solution. Most of these materials are scooped out of the clear brown "liquid opium" solution.
3. Slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) or more often a readily available chemical fertilizer with a high content of lime is added to the solution. The lime will convert the water insoluble morphine into the water soluble calcium morphenate. The other opium alkaloids do not react with the lime to form calcium salts. Codeine is an opium alkaloid which is slighty water soluble and which will be carried over with the calcium morphenate in the liquid. For the most part, the other alkaloids will become a part of the "sluge."
4. As the solution cools, the morphine solution is scooped from the drum and poured through a filter of some kind. Burlap rice sacks are often used as filters and can then be squeezed in a press to remove most of the solution from the wet sacks. The solution is then poured into largecookingpotsandre-heated,butnotboiled.
5. Ammonium chloride is added to the heated calcium morphenate solution to adjust the alkalinity to a pH of8 to 9, and the solution is then allowed to cool. Within one or two hours, the morphine base and the unreacted codeine base precipitate out of the solution and settle to the bottom of the cooking pot.
6. The solution is then poured off through cloth fllters. Any solid morphine base chunks in the solution will remain on the cloth. The morphine base is reploved from both the cooking pot and from the filter cloths, wrapped and squeezed in cloth, and then dried in the sun. When dry, the crude morphine base is a coffeecolored powder.
7. This "crude" morphine base, commonly known by the Chinese term pi-tzu in Southeast Asia, may be further purified by its dissolution in hydrochloric acid, adding activated charcoal, re-heating and filtering. The solution is filtered several times, and the morphine (morphine hydrochloride) is then dried in the sun. (See Figure 8.)
8. Morphine hydrochloride (tainted with codeine hydrochloride) is usually pressed into small brick-sized blocks in a press and wrapped in paper or cloth. Themost common block size is 2 inches by 4 inches by 5 inches weighing about 1.3 kilograms. The bricks are dried for transport to heroin processing laborabories.
Approximately 13 kilograms of opium, from one hectare of opium poppies, are needed to produce each morphine block of this size. The morphine blocks are then bundled and packed for transport to heroin laboratories by human couriers or by pack animals. Pack mules are able to carry lOO-kilogram payloads over 200 miles of rugged mountain trails in less than three weeks.

I explained the process a cpl of hundred pages back !! lol .

Like Hemphrey said it was not actual opium allegedly in the Thai Sticks it was the steam from the opium processing .

The name for this is early water . I once saw drawings to illustrate the process . It may have happened on a small scale but not on the scale the urban legends describe .

But then we have the opinionated Hash ... and the white opium contained in . lol .

Udon Thani the US Air Force base where bombing of Laos emanated from ,and Nong Kai on the Mekong its a long way to Tachilek and the Golden Triangle . Other side of the country . Though the Mekong connects the two places . And Air America was flying in those neighborhoods .

CIA was most definitely in the Golden Triangle . Khun Sa was the fire wall between China and Thailand .


The Haze Whisperer
Hash wasn't that big a deal out here for some reason. Maybe it's because we had such good herb to smoke, but it just wasn't that common. I had friends shipping us herb from Hawaii that was even better than the skunk that was going around. When those shipments would come in, it was already spoken for before it hit the ground.

Hawaii is one of those magical places where herb just grows so much better than anywhere else, it seems...well, at least back then it was that way. The taste, the high, everything was better when you had some Hawaiian herb. Guys were shipping cocaine via UPS to the islands back then and trading it for herb. Both sides felt they were getting a good deal and all was well. Lot of people made a lot of money running that scam for a while, lol

Hey, forgot to post this up earlier...here's one of Todd's Haze plants...still looking fairly NLD, imho

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Hawaiian herb turned out to be one of my favorites and i spent decades trying to re find what i had never managed to find the line again.

Todd's Haze are looking good and a huge difference in size since the last up date to HB.Considering they are in soil that is a good increase.

I like the color the plants are showing good job so far mate.


The Haze Whisperer
Like Hemphrey said it was not actual opium allegedly in the Thai Sticks it was the steam from the opium processing .

The name for this is early water . I once saw drawings to illustrate the process . It may havve happened on a small scale but not on the scale the urban legends describe .

But then we have the opinionated Hash ... and the white opium contained in . lol .

The opium was not white it was brown very dark brown.
The US Air Force large bases were based in Thailand.


Well-known member
I wish we had Mobil phones with cameras and video back then the things we saw :biggrin:.

for sure ,,makes ya wonder how we ever got things done without em,,,less bullshitters back then to wernt so easy to bluff knowledge ,,today you can be an expert and talk the talk on a subject after a couple weeks on google lol

Donald Mallard

el duck
The foreign demand for marijuana produced a boom in Thailand’s poorest region during the 1970s and 80s. North of Udorn on the banks of the Mekong sits Isan, a plateau as large as many American states (62,000 square miles) that floods during monsoon season and is arid and dusty during the dry season. Although rice fields are hard to irrigate and do not yield much, marijuana thrives thanks to the Mekong River, whose tributaries replenish the region with rich, silty soil. Farmers in Northeast Thailand take the same care with their cannabis plants that French vintners take with their grapevines.

yep thats the place , but its not near where eb showed pictures of previously , logistics as i said would make it difficult if not impossible to have the two meeting one another ,,

ive been to udon and nong khai many times now and over the border to laos also since its not far,
interestingly , udon is the very same latitude as where i am , almost exactly , but we are in the south of course ,
thats why i reckon thai does and should grow well here ...


Well-known member
This opiated Thai stick discussion is still going here?

I know I'm not well known here so what I say won't be heard but I'll say it anyway.

There was no such thing as "opiated" Thai sticks!

I'm old enough that I was around in the 70s and 80 both in the east coast and west coast. I was in the pot business in CA starting '78 and onward. I spent time in Thailand in the 80s and I hiked through poppy fields north of Chiang Mai and smoked opium in hill tribe villages. I did travel in Isaan but didn't see or check out the cannabis scene. I did get plenty of personal use stash while in Thailand. Most of it was average quality. Nothing like the best sticks.

I handled many many batches of Thai sticks. I heard people talking about opiated Thai sticks often in those days. It was bullshit. I had Thai sticks people would say were opiated but I knew that was not true. I was right there selling them and they were telling me that and I was saying no they aren't. Those people did not know what they were talking about.

If there was such a thing, there would be no doubt about it. But it would be a bad idea as a product anyway. The effects do not mesh well. Only someone who has no experience of opium would think it could be real. A friend of mine who fell into heroin addiction in Bangkok completely stopped smoking any pot once that happened. It did nothing for him.

If there was opiate in sticks, enough to feel effects, several things would have happened. The first is that casual pot smokers who had zero opiate tolerance would have had nausea and some would have had vomiting spells from their first few hits. Opium definitely will cause that to happen to zero tolerance users. The next thing would have been that for those who kept smoking them, opiate dependence would have developed soon. A week or two of daily smoking would do it. No way around it and most stoners were chronic smokers of what they were holding. Addiction from sticks would have become a well known issue. FOR SURE.

All this would have become known to Law Enforcement. Something like that would not have remained a secret or gone unnoticed. And they would have freaked out. It would have been a big deal. But none of that happened because there was NO OPIUM IN THAI STICKS.


The Haze Whisperer
yep thats the place , but its not near where eb showed pictures of previously , logistics as i said would make it difficult if not impossible to have the two meeting one another ,,

ive been to udon and nong khai many times now and over the border to laos also since its not far,
interestingly , udon is the very same latitude as where i am , almost exactly , but we are in the south of course ,
thats why i reckon thai does and should grow well here ...

From the reading i have done the US set up all its massive Air Force bases in Thailand and even after the war ended in 1975 the US /AU military were still there.

You had traffickers like the surfers and others but the largest cartel was the US/AU operating out of Asia they were huge until the 80s when it was all exposed.

They would of set up grows all over the place any that got basted / destroyed would of been their competitors i am a summing.

I was watching a video yesterday the opium processing in 95 was done on the boarder of Thailand the growing of opium is done around the Border of Burma the Army that gives traffickers and growers and processes protection is a privet army that gets paid for protecting them all but has no part in growing or trafficking.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
The opium was not white it was brown very dark brown.
The US Air Force large bases were based in Thailand.

Udon Thani and Nong Kai are in Thailand Professor Hempy .
Cross the bridge at Nong Kai and you are in Laos .


The Haze Whisperer
Udon Thani and Nong Kai are in Thailand Professor Hempy .
Cross the bridge at Nong Kai and you are in Laos .

I am not a professor but the culture of growing some of the worlds best cannabis and opium around that part of the world is longer than most country's.


That Thai stick would go straight to the pool room !

Hey Hempy I was reading about Nevil playing around with a Thai variety called Hempys 78 Thai, got any good pictures of her ? I'm assuming it's you lol.


The Haze Whisperer
That Thai stick would go straight to the pool room !

Hey Hempy I was reading about Nevil playing around with a Thai variety called Hempys 78 Thai, got any good pictures of her ? I'm assuming it's you lol.

It was the last Thai Nevil tried in his grail project turned out to be the best.

I was gifted to me i think around 17 years ago ruffly a very different Thai line to the others i grew.

I have posted pics of it but will re post a few more as others are also asking.
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