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The Haze discussion thread

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Unfortunately kids today don't understand the importance of CBD. All they want is high THC flower/concentrates. Trying to explain why a good ratio is better goes on deaf ears. I'm sure people have read about some getting panic attacks from Cannabis. I would bet there all related to High THC and no or very little CBD in them.
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The Haze Whisperer
That's right, the MM/Thai78 F1 wasn't a hermie-prone F1, I know because Nevil sent seeds to me during our collaboration when he was part of Auscann. Donald Mallard tried those too before and had similar experience. Nev and I exchanged genetics a few times, sent him several Colombians, Afghans, Pakistan and a lemony Oaxacan for his new works. Some of his latest strains were Oaxacan x Lemon Skunk and a Colombian hybrid from what I remember.

In return he sent to me stuff like MM/Thai78, Thai78/Thai82, Nh21/Thai78, Nh21/Oax and Swiss Thai along others. But you are right, he never broke his word with you and mentioned to me he couldn't share the Thai78 because of that promise to you. He was an honorable guy after all. Nev told Bushy as well that he would never release certain seeds because they were too good and people would steal them easily. This definitely included the Thai78 as far as I know. This gives you an idea of how Nevil really was aside the bussiness, a true ganja lover. I've also received other seeds from Nevil via Bushy, before Beanz did the MM78 reproduction for him, so after researching on the message dates I believe they were all F1s since germination wasn't perfect either.

Anyway this are MM/Thai78, after re-examining all the pics I can say all were quite homogeneus both in structure and terpenes (as a true F1 should be), except for one thinner and later plant and another a bit more productive, firm on sex too despite I was warned about that and checking them often, all nice and quite productive and as Donald Mallard noted, hard to describe spicy woody unique smell, which resembled to me to the Thai phenos of the DTC99 and DTH in fact from years before, also an enjoyable energetic high:

This is the Swiss Thai via Nevil that same season:

I've sent pictures to John Greenhornet because it didn't look like the oldschool Thai I was expecting and he said they didn't really look like his Thais actually. We are receiving a different stock to compare with the originals as well, and John sent two new import Thais he sourced the past year for me to explore.

So IMHO Reeferman was either lying in order to make a buck or just growing something different to what he believed. The story on how he obtained this genetics is funny as well. Nevil said that apparently Reef and a company went into business together, they lent him money and eventually he took off without paying it back, but on the way out he snipped and stole a branch from the seeded Thai mother at the garden. Sounds like a nice story to me but he never seem very reliable on transparency or sharing the source of his seeds (like most), unlike Nevil by the way. He also mentioned Reef told him that Skunkman bought some of those Thai seeds off him for big money.

Maybe you are speaking about this packs?
View Image

Skunkman should have asked about those before instead, at least he could have bought some straight from the source and 100% verified haha.

Anyway John is still alive and well and doing his thing, focusing as well on his passion which is being a musician. I got to know him in 2013. We got on really well and even tried to motivate him in order to come back to the seed industry, telling him how legendary his company had became between a bunch of Cannabis snobs like myself! He also shared many info with me about how he started his company and the techniques he used. He's an US expat who moved to Switzerland for those who wonder, so not really from Switzerland.

We got on well and eventually John was very generous and gifted to me most of his seed collection, including 200 seeds from the released Thai82 along with another 200 seeds from the unreleased Thai82#2 stock. Which were just different more extreme flowering batches, a similar thing happened with the released Malawi Gold by the way, since only the most compact plants were sold. Unfortunately the germination was poor since they were 10 years already. Anyway we've been in touch and collaborating since then and hoping to release some seeds in the future perhaps. He was recently planning to open a seed shop in Austria and release seeds, but no longer under Green Hornet brand. He posted some pics from his latest projects like Very Berry Haze or Strawberry MKII on a different forum shortly ago.


Hi Mustafunk as you know i was close to Nevil and we got on well i loved hearing all his story's chatting about cannabis and breeding and life.

I dont have a problem that people got the MM x 78Thia my problem was to see so many of Nevil's work being listed at the time of his passing and Other stuff i found out later also did not sit well.

The 78Thia was the last Thai he tried turned out to be the best and it surprised me when Nevil told me it reminded him of the Haze he worked with Holland.

I have never smoked Kangas MM but have smoked the MM years before Kanga was gifted it and a few times up until around 84 .I know how good that was so i suspect the cross would be very Good.

I always spelled Thai Thia and Nevil called her Thia lol.

I dont smoke more than a cone of her she has savaged a few of my friends.

Thanks for the response Mustafunk glad you got it and are enjoying the cross.


The Haze Whisperer
The Go Fund me was pre launch of Oz Med MJ companies that had Nevil on the prospectus .

Matty Riot wanted to pass the hat around to buy Nevil a better internet connection so he could learn breeding tips from Nevil once upon .

Then MMJ became the hot ticket for investors
One Co gave Nevil a shit ton of shares to be a breeding consultant then proposed some operations on Norfolk Island and the stocks increased in value exponentially .

Nothing was ever produced . Just more stock market gambling and speculation .

Nevil was living with his mother when he 1st reappeared at Mr Nice . So he probably was very well off relatively compared to those times .

You shouldn't post about things you have no clue on honestly.

Nevil joined TassCann in 2012/2013 that then went on to become AussCan and UIC was not a medical cannabis company it was and still is a NGO not for profit organization.

Nevil also joined a company called Stem Cell United.

You have no clue your hate blinds you from any truth and facts.

Wealthy means many millions of Dollars Nevil out foxed the wolfs so you keep talking shit.


The Haze Whisperer
Patent changed on Harvoni ?
Then they started making a generic in India that was a fraction of the price .
Oz Gov subsequently subsidised it on pharma benefits . Cured a lot of people who would have gone on to further health problems from the damage the hepatitis does to the liver .

Nevil and a Dr in Tasmania were the guys to get it from India first they worked out how to go threw the TGA and import it in paying a few 1000 vs close to 100.000 threw normal channels or free from public hospitals.


The Haze Whisperer
That is exactly what I’m talking about..personally Back then I didn’t know Indica or sativa for squat...all weed was just called What it was from the point of origin... I want to hear what Hempy has to say as far as the Psycho-active effects were for the 78 Thai ...Was it in narcotic-like , or trippy ? The Thai I knew Would knock you on your ass very pleasantly:)It was very expensive compared to everything else and for connoisseur who wanted to pay for it

Colombian sativas all the ones i have grown and or smoked have always had an element of stone to there affect.

The 78Thia has a very electric high body mind very racy long lasting comes in waves creeps up on you, You smoke it you feel it a bit but it builds and builds like a good haze.

If you smoke to much it turns into a unpleasant experience.


The Haze Whisperer
Unfortunately kids today don't understand the importance of CBD. All they want is high THC flower/concentrates. Trying to explain why a good ratio is better goes on deaf ears. I'm sure people have read about some getting panic attacks from Cannabis. I would bet there all related to phones with High THC and no or very little CBD in them.

Cannabis apart from most rudaralis has always had a high THC% and a low to very low CBD %.

hard rain

Cannabis apart from most rudaralis has always had a high THC% and a low to very low CBD %.
Low and high are subjective.
Do you have any evidence to back that up?

I can recall smoking what I now think were varieties with CBD in certain sativa's, pre seed bank days. No idea where from as in Australia at that time very few varieties had names. I always associated CBD with tiredness. Certainly these varieties were not used by seedbanks which led to higher THC varieties.

Never had anything with ruderalis in and hopefully never will.


The Haze Whisperer
Low and high are subjective.
Do you have any evidence to back that up?

I can recall smoking what I now think were varieties with CBD in certain sativa's, pre seed bank days. No idea where from as in Australia at that time very few varieties had names. I always associated CBD with tiredness. Certainly these varieties were not used by seedbanks which led to higher THC varieties.

Never had anything with ruderalis in and hopefully never will.

Look up the definition of cannabis at the UN drug agency.

Traditional Hemp variety's in Japan are all high THC low to no CBD THC % is that of Jamaican and Mexican from the 70s and Japan has one of the oldest hemp cultures.

The hemp that Joseph Banks brought to Australia was all high in THC documented.

High CBD industrial hemp being grown today was developed as a result of prohibition and came from Europe and are all patented variety's.

Up until Hortafarm (Sam and Rob ) developed the 2 plants that make up sativex medical cannabis was recreational cannabis.

There was no high CBD cannabis seeds on the market until 2011/2012 when the CBD crew first put out high CBD cannabis seed.

If your getting high the cannabis is not high CBD.

Not all rudaralis is high CBD some can be high THC low CBD.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Cannabis apart from most rudaralis has always had a high THC% and a low to very low CBD %.

LOL, That couldn't be more false. That brick weed that was smoked in the 70's was high in CBD low in THC. That crap was 8-12%. I already know the only thing you believe is the none sense in your head lol.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
How about hash ?

Traditional hash has THC / CBD . Some hash plants are CBD only , some mixed CBD / THC and some THC only . Lebanon / Morocco / Afghanistan .

When they harvest they are all bundled together and blended to make the hash .

One reason why Skunk is synonymous with psychosis in the UK is it doesn`t have the anti psychotic CBD that the Trad Hash had .

The last 10 years a lot has been revealed Professor Hempy . You need to do some study ...

Cannatonic from Resin Seeds was high CBD . That`s where all this new wave CBD comes from .CBD crew are about 1:1 THC CBD ratios .


The Haze Whisperer
How about hash ?

Traditional hash has THC / CBD . Some hash plants are CBD only , some mixed CBD / THC and some THC only . Lebanon / Morocco / Afghanistan .

When they harvest they are all bundled together and blended to make the hash .

One reason why Skunk is synonymous with psychosis in the UK is it doesn`t have the anti psychotic CBD that the Trad Hash had .

The last 10 years a lot has been revealed Professor Hempy . You need to do some study ...

Cannatonic from Resin Seeds was high CBD . That`s where all this new wave CBD comes from .CBD crew are about 1:1 THC CBD ratios .

Cannatonic Lab results

Posted on December 29, 2013

0.73% CBG-A
  • < 0.01% CBG
  • 0.73% CBG-TOTAL
  • 13.13% ∆9-THC-A
  • 0.44% ∆9-THC
  • < 0.01% ∆8-THC
  • < 0.01% CBN
  • 13.57% THC-TOTAL
  • 0.17% CBD-A
  • 0.13% CBD
  • 0.30% CBD-TOTAL
  • 0.10% CBC

I am sure it was after it was crossed to rudaralis.


The Haze Whisperer
LOL, That couldn't be more false. That brick weed that was smoked in the 70's was high in CBD low in THC. That crap was 8-12%. I already know the only thing you believe is the none sense in your head lol.

Are you going to tell me Jamaican and Mexican cannabis from the 70s was crap Hammer and or high in CBD ?.

Because traditional variety's from Japan are to high in THC to be grown legally since prohibition and test as high as Jamaican and Mexicans from the 70s in THC.

High THC hemp produces far superior fiber oil pepper so on and a lot more seed to the industrial hemp plant variety's that came about because of prohibition.

Medical cannabis was also recreational cannabis and for the most part still is.

How many company's flogging high CBD for medical use tell the patients that CBD iterations with pharmaceutical medications it reacts like Grape fruit .

What are the side affects of high CBD on clinical trials with CBD Hammer do you know ?.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I'm telling you there are many varieties that have all kinds of ratios of THC/CBD dating back decades. Not all cannabis is high in thc. Common sense goes a long way my friend. I grow high quality weed, I don't conducted trails lol.


The Haze Whisperer
International research over the past few decades has indicated an increase in cannabis potency as measured by THC, as well as very low levels of potentially therapeutic components such as cannabidiol (CBD), which does not get users high and is thought to counteract some of the negative effects of THC.

The samples seized from street users revealed high average THC content of just under 15% and low average CBD content of 0.14%. Results were similar for samples seized from indoor (known as hydro) and outdoor (known as bush) cultivation sites:

  • 43% of the samples seized on the street and more than half (54%) of the samples seized from cultivation sites contained more than 15% THC – the level recommended in the Netherlands as warranting the reclassification of cannabis as a hard drug
  • Nearly three quarters (74 %) of the street level cannabis cautioning samples contained at least 10% THC
  • 91% of the cannabis seized on the streets contained less than 0.1% CBD, as did 85% of the samples seized from cultivation sites.

Analysis of Cannabis Seizures in NSW, Australia: Cannabis Potency and Cannabinoid Profile


Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Cannatonic Lab results

Posted on December 29, 2013

0.73% CBG-A
  • < 0.01% CBG
  • 0.73% CBG-TOTAL
  • 13.13% ∆9-THC-A
  • 0.44% ∆9-THC
  • < 0.01% ∆8-THC
  • < 0.01% CBN
  • 13.57% THC-TOTAL
  • 0.17% CBD-A
  • 0.13% CBD
  • 0.30% CBD-TOTAL
  • 0.10% CBC

I am sure it was after it was crossed to rudaralis.

You missed a few chapters Professor Hempy .

Like the part about Shanti and Oward smoking Cannatonic and getting relief from back pain .
Because the Cannatonic placed in the cup in Spain it got lab analysis .That sample had CBD . And then they realised that CBD could work on some kinds of pain .

Why do you think they used Cannatonic in the initial breeding of the CBD crew gears ? And no it wasn`t because Jaime was a nice guy . lol .


The Haze Whisperer
Not hard to get hold of a rudaralis and bang it to a drug strain and create 1.1s or different ratios or should not post that lol.


The Haze Whisperer
You missed a few chapters Professor Hempy .

Like the part about Shanti and Oward smoking Cannatonic and getting relief from back pain .
Because the Cannatonic placed in the cup in Spain it got lab analysis .That sample had CBD . And then they realised that CBD could work on some kinds of pain .

Why do you think they used Cannatonic in the initial breeding of the CBD crew gears ? And no it wasn`t because Jaime was a nice guy . lol .

Lab results dont lie people do and i use recreational cannabis for my damaged spine works a treat.

Have you read a set patent by a set company on set high CBD plants ?. The use of rudaralis in breeding is in the patent people should research more.
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