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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Charlotte's Web has spurred a wave of innovation in CBD breeding, giving us strains like Cannatonic. With limited psycho activity, Charlotte's Web contains little to no THC. Its CBD content, however, runs from 15 to 20% — that's 300 times higher than the CBD of the average recreational strain. I guess your not in fav of all the help high CBD strains have with Seizures.


Well-known member

High cbd hemp breeding veg leaf test

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Lab results dont lie people do and i use recreational cannabis for my damaged spine works a treat.

Have you read a set patent by a set company on set high CBD plants ?. The use of rudaralis in breeding is in the patent people should research more.

Dude , you missed the memo ?

Like I said this has all gone down while you were not around .
I have been to Barcelona and smoked the Resin Seeds CBD plant .

My friend worked for Resin Seeds , I am familiar with the story of it and CBD Crew .

The Med MJ grown in my part of Oz comes from clones sourced from Israel and guess what ............................. no wait for it ............... they are bred from Cannatonic would you believe !!!!!!!!!

Weak sauce I know but . Here`s a reference .
I`ll see your minimal THC test and raise you a 2 : 1 CBD : THC claim . :woohoo:

Because of the high CBD levels, usually around 10% and a low THC level of 5% Cannatonic provides medical patients with strong pain relief without a heavy head high.



The Haze Whisperer
Dude , you missed the memo ?

Like I said this has all gone down while you were not around .
I have been to Barcelona and smoked the Resin Seeds CBD plant .

My friend worked for Resin Seeds , I am familiar with the story of it and CBD Crew .

Do you think Shanti is just breeding some Rudi to every strain under the sun and selling for top dollar ?
I don`t think so .

The Med MJ grown in my part of Oz comes from clones sourced from Israel and guess what ............................. no wait for it ............... they are bred from Cannatonic would you believe !!!!!!!!!

Weak sauce I know but . Here`s a reference .
I`ll see your minimal CBD test result and raise you a 2 : 1 CBD : THC claim . :woohoo:

Because of the high CBD levels, usually around 10% and a low THC level of 5% Cannatonic provides medical patients with strong pain relief without a heavy head high.


I did not miss a thing trust me i have been happily researching well away from the dramas.

I know who got the high CBD seed Nevil filled me in i also know they came from test seed sent in 2011.

I also know Cannatonic was a drug strain sold as a high THC line before they joined and started the CBD crew.Testing high in THC low to almost nil CBD then to test high in CBD and little to no THC tells me all i need to know.

I also know who the Israeli team got there first high CBD plant from that all there work originates from.

I dont buy the sales and marketing i also dont believe fixing something that is not broken because others are jumping on new fade.

Only last year Raphael Mechoulam said non of the claims being made about CBD has been proven .


The Haze Whisperer
Sam and Rob started Hortafarm they with Dr Rosso were the first to create a 1.1 mix they achieved it by creating 2 plants one was high THC other plant was high CBD When equal amounts of each plant is combined and extracted you end up with a 1.1.

That was in the 90s then years later others started to follow because they saw an opportunity to cash in as prohibition governments found a cannabis product that did not get you high appealing.

This is how high CBD and 1.1 islets started.

Article from 1998



Brand new oldschool
Charlotte's Web has spurred a wave of innovation in CBD breeding, giving us strains like Cannatonic.

AFAIK Cannatonic and the Spanish CBD pioneers predate anything that happened in USA, including Charlotte's Web, ACDC and so on.

Jaime from Resin Seeds was sending Cannatonic batches to USA from 2009 onwards, despite Jamie was just using Reggae Seed's genetics to produce his own CBD hybrids like the Cannatonic... they also sent seeds to Israel's Tikum Olam.

Charlotte's Web didn't appear before the 2014 as far as I recall. So it should be the other way around, but US are much better with marketing of course.

Spanish seed companies started the CBD trend, there's no doubt of that, even if it was by accident. But they provided the foundation for the rest to come. :biggrin:


Chasing The Present
Look up the definition of cannabis at the UN drug agency.

Traditional Hemp variety's in Japan are all high THC low to no CBD THC % is that of Jamaican and Mexican from the 70s and Japan has one of the oldest hemp cultures.

The hemp that Joseph Banks brought to Australia was all high in THC documented.

High CBD industrial hemp being grown today was developed as a result of prohibition and came from Europe and are all patented variety's.

Up until Hortafarm (Sam and Rob ) developed the 2 plants that make up sativex medical cannabis was recreational cannabis.

There was no high CBD cannabis seeds on the market until 2011/2012 when the CBD crew first put out high CBD cannabis seed.

If your getting high the cannabis is not high CBD.

Not all rudaralis is high CBD some can be high THC low CBD.

I’ll give you this little nugget. By no means does this mean I agree with the entirety of your post. You speak often in specifics and absolutes and this traps you, makes for an easy target which detracts from things, leads to friction, often... this also makes you often wrong... No finger pointing, some humble advice - accept as you choose



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Well-known member
AFAIK Cannatonic and the Spanish CBD pioneers predate anything that happened in USA, including Charlotte's Web, ACDC and so on.

Jaime from Resin Seeds was sending Cannatonic batches to USA from 2009 onwards, despite Jamie was just using Reggae Seed's genetics to produce his own CBD hybrids like the Cannatonic... they also sent seeds to Israel's Tikum Olam.

Charlotte's Web didn't appear before the 2014 as far as I recall. So it should be the other way around, but US are much better with marketing of course.

Spanish seed companies started the CBD trend, there's no doubt of that, even if it was by accident. But they provided the foundation for the rest to come. :biggrin:

Rob Clarke gave Adam Dunn A load (buckets full) of high CBD low THC weed for free in the mid 90's Adam used to use this for photo shoots and stunts like the weed leaf blower/burner to the point he still calls it stunt weed FYI.

It was from my High CBD very low THC variety I developed in mid 90's, the worlds first high CBD almost no THC variety. It was not buckets, it was a large barrel full, many Kgs. I do not like CBD but hated to just toss it in the trash, so we gave it to Adam to find a use for. I bred it because I knew CBD and the other minor Cannabinoids would be needed for Researxh and Medical use so I bred single minor Cannabinoid varieties for each of the minor Cannabinoids, sort of build a field and the players will show up. The varieties all were high in a single minor Cannabinoid with little to no THC or other Cannabinoids. Seems like yesterday.

So to say the Spanish were the first working CBD angle may not be correct.
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The Haze Whisperer
That's google for ya. Like I've said high CBD has been around for decades.

High CBD has been around a long time most rudaralis is high CBD and very low THC but that dose not mean traditional variety's of hemp was low THC high CBD.

For thousands of years cannabis has been at the very heart of Japanese culture,” explains Takayasu Junichi, one of the country’s leading experts. According to Takayasu, the earliest traces of cannabis in Japan are seeds and woven fibers discovered in the west of the country dating back to the Jomon Period (10,000 BC - 300 BC). Archaeologists suggest that cannabis fibers were used for clothes - as well as for bow strings and fishing lines. These plants were likely cannabis sativa - prized for its strong fibers - a thesis supported by a Japanese prehistoric cave painting which appears to show a tall spindly plant with cannabis’s tell-tale leaves.
“Cannabis was the most important substance for prehistoric people in Japan. But today many Japanese people have a very negative image of the plant,” says Takayasu.
In order to put Japanese people back in touch with their cannabis roots, in 2001 Takayasu founded Taima Hakubutsukan (The Cannabis Museum) - the only museum in Japan dedicated to the much-maligned weed.2

Botanists usually divide the cannabis family into three broad categories - tall cannabis sativa, bushy cannabis indica and small cannabis ruderalis. However this simple taxonomy is often frustrated in practice by the interfertility of these three types, which allows them to be crossbred into limitless new varieties.
The desired properties of these hybrids tend to determine the name by which they are commonly known.
Marijuana, for example, usually refers to cannabis plants that are grown for ingestion for medical or recreational uses. Cannabis sativa is said to give users a feeling of energetic euphoria and can be prescribed for depression, whereas cannabis indica is apparently more sedating so can be used as a muscle relaxant or to treat chronic pain.
Hemp, is the name often applied to tall plants from the cannabis sativa category which are primarily grown for their strong fibres - but may also contain significant levels of THC.
Most recently, the term industrial hemp has been coined in the U.S. to refer to cannabis plants which have been specially-bred to contain very low levels of THC (less than 1%) in order to conform to current drug laws. Today, many of Japan’s licensed cannabis farms grow a low-THC strain called Tochigi shiro which was first developed in the post-War period.



The Haze Whisperer
[FONT=Arial mt rounded bold, arial, helvectica, geneva]
"A survey of the THC, CBN and CBD content of hemp from all parts of Japan was reported by Dr. Keizo Watanabe. Marihuana from Tochigi and Hokkaido regions contained a 3.9 per cent and 3.4 per cent THC, respectively." [SIZE=-1](UNDCP 73/3)
These potency figures are comparable to marijuana available in Jamaica and Mexico in the 1970s.
Before worldwide laws against cannabis were introduced over the last few decades, there was no real incentive to breed plants specifically for low THC yield. There is no known genetic link between qualities desirable in fibre plants and low THC-yield. In fact, since the resin acts as a natural repellant against insects and other pests it is likely that more resinous plants are more robust. Thus plants could be usable both as industrial crops grown for fibre and seed and for medical and recreational purposes.

"Many of the older fibre hemp varieties were in actual fact rather rich in THC, since psychoactivity was not used as a selection/breeding criterion prior to the 1970s." [SIZE=-1](Prof. Szendrei, UNDCP 1999) [/SIZE]​

[SIZE=-1]Hemp harvest in Nagano[/SIZE] Many of the old hemp seed strains of pre-war Japan can no longer be legally cultivated because they don't meet the low THC-requirements imposed by some prefectural governments. This is even though the Cannabis Control Law does not specify any THC limits and regulates only based on the intended purpose of the crop. The Nagano prefectural government is refusing to issuing licenses to grow the traditional local mountain hemp and will only permit cultivation of a specially bred low-THC strain called "Tochigishiro". That strain was developed at Hiroshima University and its main cannabinoid is CBDA. Some old hemp farmers complain that it produces fibre of inferior quality when compared to more traditional strains that do contain noticable amounts of THC.
Because potent cannabis is uncommon at northern lattitudes it seems likely that Hokkaido hemp is unrelated to Siberian hemp and was introduced from further south. It may have originated from seed hemp cultivated there for making oil, bird feed or human food. In other countries varieties grown for seed production were sometimes psychoactive. For example, the most common type of bird seed hemp in the USA before cannabis was prohibited was a strain known as "Smyrna hemp". Besides seeds this plant from modern day Izmir, Turkey also produced resin for hashish known as "Smyrna powder".


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Chasing The Present
That's google for ya. Like I've said high CBD has been around for decades.

Nah, I just have the book from Merlin & Clarke- which btw dives deep into all the shit up there, lifetimes of work there, it's obvious in that book the level of love & detail is profound - worth getting, reading.... Google, sigh - ..... ); But Yeah, I recall reading it, found the page, took a picture... try finding that pic prior to here, I don't post others pics, or plants


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Nah, I just have the book from Merlin & Clarke- which btw dives deep into all the shit up there, lifetimes of work there, it's obvious in that book the level of love & detail is profound - worth getting, reading.... Google, sigh - ..... ); But Yeah, I recall reading it, found the page, took a picture... try finding that pic prior to here, I don't post others pics, or plants

My post was from google regarding CW. I was responding to Mustafunk

@hempy;8886008[B said:
High CBD has been around a long time most rudaralis is high CBD and very low THC but that dose not mean traditional variety's of hemp was low THC high CBD.

For thousands of years cannabis has been at the very heart of Japanese culture,” explains Takayasu Junichi, one of the country’s leading experts. According to Takayasu, the earliest traces of cannabis in Japan are seeds and woven fibers discovered in the west of the country dating back to the Jomon Period (10,000 BC - 300 BC). Archaeologists suggest that cannabis fibers were used for clothes - as well as for bow strings and fishing lines. These plants were likely cannabis sativa - prized for its strong fibers - a thesis supported by a Japanese prehistoric cave painting which appears to show a tall spindly plant with cannabis’s tell-tale leaves.
“Cannabis was the most important substance for prehistoric people in Japan. But today many Japanese people have a very negative image of the plant,” says Takayasu.
In order to put Japanese people back in touch with their cannabis roots, in 2001 Takayasu founded Taima Hakubutsukan (The Cannabis Museum) - the only museum in Japan dedicated to the much-maligned weed.2

Botanists usually divide the cannabis family into three broad categories - tall cannabis sativa, bushy cannabis indica and small cannabis ruderalis. However this simple taxonomy is often frustrated in practice by the interfertility of these three types, which allows them to be crossbred into limitless new varieties.
The desired properties of these hybrids tend to determine the name by which they are commonly known.
Marijuana, for example, usually refers to cannabis plants that are grown for ingestion for medical or recreational uses. Cannabis sativa is said to give users a feeling of energetic euphoria and can be prescribed for depression, whereas cannabis indica is apparently more sedating so can be used as a muscle relaxant or to treat chronic pain.
Hemp, is the name often applied to tall plants from the cannabis sativa category which are primarily grown for their strong fibres - but may also contain significant levels of THC.
Most recently, the term industrial hemp has been coined in the U.S. to refer to cannabis plants which have been specially-bred to contain very low levels of THC (less than 1%) in order to conform to current drug laws. Today, many of Japan’s licensed cannabis farms grow a low-THC strain called Tochigi shiro which was first developed in the post-War period.


How can any have a discussion when you flip flop constantly. The whole debate started because you posted Cannabis has always been high in THC low in CBD lol. As you can see that false so you flip flopped :D


The Haze Whisperer
How can any have a discussion when you flip flop constantly. The whole debate started because you posted Cannabis has always been high in THC low in CBD lol. As you can see that false so you flip flopped :D

Cannabis as in sativas and indicas yes rudaralis no they are mostly high CBD low THC but a small % of rudaralis are high THC low CBD also and that surprised me.

I did a lot of research on this topic i used The International Hemp Association and other sauces.

If cannabis had naturally high CBD why are people needing to breed it into cannabis now and develop so called medical cannabis ?.


The Haze Whisperer
Hammerhead your a breeder and understand genetics .

Have you heard about industrial hemp becoming hot (THC% increasing) as a result being destroyed ?.

Hemp and cannabis are both of the family Cannabis sativa, but hemp plants produce low levels of THC (0.3% or less), whereas cannabis plants typically contain 5% to 20% THC. Hemp has high levels of the medically useful chemical CBD, while high-THC cannabis contains minimal CBD.
Jacob Toth, first author of the paper and a doctoral student in Smart’s lab, developed a molecular diagnostic to demonstrate that the hemp plants in the study fell into one of three genetic categories: plants with two THC-producing genes; plants with two CBD-producing genes; or plants with one gene each for CBD and THC.
To minimize the risk of plants going hot, hemp growers ideally want plants with two CBD-producing genes.

What dose that tell you about the back ground of industrial hemp Hammerhead as a breeder dose that not tell you that the development of industrial hemp used both a drug strain and a non drug strain in its development ?.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Hammerhead your a breeder and understand genetics .

Have you heard about industrial hemp becoming hot (THC% increasing) as a result being destroyed ?.

Hemp and cannabis are both of the family Cannabis sativa, but hemp plants produce low levels of THC (0.3% or less), whereas cannabis plants typically contain 5% to 20% THC. Hemp has high levels of the medically useful chemical CBD, while high-THC cannabis contains minimal CBD.
Jacob Toth, first author of the paper and a doctoral student in Smart’s lab, developed a molecular diagnostic to demonstrate that the hemp plants in the study fell into one of three genetic categories: plants with two THC-producing genes; plants with two CBD-producing genes; or plants with one gene each for CBD and THC.
To minimize the risk of plants going hot, hemp growers ideally want plants with two CBD-producing genes.

What dose that tell you about the back ground of industrial hemp Hammerhead as a breeder dose that not tell you that the development of industrial hemp used both a drug strain and a non drug strain in its development ?.

Dude your turning an easy answer in a science project. I like having genetics I can produce different ratios of THC/CBD:tiphat:.
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