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The Haze discussion thread

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The Haze Whisperer
Interesting. I get a nice green apple taste when I reclaim the condensate on my vaporizer. It doesn't get me that high that so I guess it's a terpene rich fraction. It's a jungle mix of strains but no G13 or leb hash in the lineages afaik.

I dont know what the G13/NL or G13/Hz taste like but the G13/Sk test seed i grew tasted similar Lebanese Blonde Hash not black hash.I dont know about dry sive hash maybe Sam can chime in on this but i read recently the hash process a lot of the flower terpenes are lost.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
The G13/Sk was the last cross Nevil made with the G13 and said to be the best cross of the G13 and that was never sold Nevil had the seed sitting on the shelf on top of his fire place going by what shanti had posted at mr nice.

So no it was not a pack of seed and the seed that did germinate selection was done was made by shanti and F2s made they were then given out to a few as test seed to be grown and the grows documented.

The G13/Sk sold could be f3 or f4 i don't know.

These are G13/Sk test seed
View Image

I have a very good memory Hempy . https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=8875674&postcount=4766
Here is the quote I was referencing re G13 / SK hanging from an ornament [ wind chime ] and the cops raiding but over looking them ... ;

This may be true but I gave him the last G13SK seeds I made with my latest SK1 in 2004. I expect that he is using it. They were hanging on a wind chime in my house for a while so I wouldn't forget to give them to SB. They survived the bust. The cops didn't see them. I expect that they were pretty good. I'd like to see that crossed to a Super Skunk!



DEA Agent
Premium user
I have a very good memory Hempy . https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=8875674&postcount=4766
Here is the quote I was referencing re G13 / SK hanging from an ornament [ wind chime ] and the cops raiding but over looking them ... ;

This may be true but I gave him the last G13SK seeds I made with my latest SK1 in 2004. I expect that he is using it. They were hanging on a wind chime in my house for a while so I wouldn't forget to give them to SB. They survived the bust. The cops didn't see them. I expect that they were pretty good. I'd like to see that crossed to a Super Skunk!


G13/skunk x SuperSkunk Sounds good but we all know Shanti would never let that happen.
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Active member
G13/skunk x SuperSkunk Sounds good but we all know shitty Shanti would never let that happen.

If only people realised how their trash talk makes them look in the wider scheme of things. This thread has been full of trash talk and it seems to come with the territory when discussing strains which to be honest most people are just bloody jealous that they don't have in their inventory.

Shanti has always been nothing but kind helpful and straight whenever I've had dealings with him over the last 15 years. Hey may not always be crystal clear when talking about the details but that's his business and he has achieved more in his business over the last 22 years than most people in the cannabis industry. The guy literally changed the game and has always been at the cutting edge of where the industry is leading towards. The Body Shop Swiss operations legal us operations leading the CBD market any of that come to mind?


Well-known member
If only people realised how their trash talk makes them look in the wider scheme of things. This thread has been full of trash talk and it seems to come with the territory when discussing strains which to be honest most people are just bloody jealous that they don't have in their inventory.

Shanti has always been nothing but kind helpful and straight whenever I've had dealings with him over the last 15 years. Hey may not always be crystal clear when talking about the details but that's his business and he has achieved more in his business over the last 22 years than most people in the cannabis industry. The guy literally changed the game and has always been at the cutting edge of where the industry is leading towards. The Body Shop Swiss operations legal us operations leading the CBD market any of that come to mind?

can only go on my own dealings but shanti has always been straight and honurable with me to,,, any mix ups were cleared up drama free


Well-known member
Raho a good find i do remember shanti posting and saying Nevil had them on top of his fire place on a shelf ether way glad they survived and germinated years later.

If you remember all the old seed packs were paper not real good for storage Nevil did not store seed well.

I hear ya. Funny how memory works.
In my mind, I remembered it clearly that he had them stashed in a ceiling fan :)

Had to change my search when that didn't work, and then . . . oh yeah . . . Wind Chime!

That's why I sometimes make a big deal about going to get the actual quote on this Nev stuff, ya know? I was SO SURE I was right. :-(

At least we all got the part right about the cops missing them in the bust. I like how he put a date on it too.

So much time has passed for us all.
:clock watch:


Well-known member
Lebanese from Bekaa Valley grown at 43ºN 11 or 12 years ago... low altitude and very close to the sea...1mile +/-

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=1209&pictureid=2025019&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

My friend GrassMan gifted me the seeds :tiphat:

Lets talk about plasticity :biggrin:

Colombian from Barranquilla :)

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=1209&pictureid=2023857&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

I remember that plant! Beautiful expression!
I started bringing seeds to Spain from Lebanon in the early '90s. Seeds were collected from imported dry flowers purchased in Israel.
A Lebanese x THH F2 would be something interesting to dig in.

Young still un-sexed THH & Frodo ...0ld mongrel...gone years ago :)

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=82574&pictureid=2037165&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Miss those days.
I must come for a visit Sir!


DEA Agent
Premium user
If only people realised how their trash talk makes them look in the wider scheme of things. This thread has been full of trash talk and it seems to come with the territory when discussing strains which to be honest most people are just bloody jealous that they don't have in their inventory.

Shanti has always been nothing but kind helpful and straight whenever I've had dealings with him over the last 15 years. Hey may not always be crystal clear when talking about the details but that's his business and he has achieved more in his business over the last 22 years than most people in the cannabis industry. The guy literally changed the game and has always been at the cutting edge of where the industry is leading towards. The Body Shop Swiss operations legal us operations leading the CBD market any of that come to mind?

Put the pipe down bud, Shanti has lied plenty of times and is shady about certain information. Go do some real research instead of talking out of your...

The guy literally changed the game

That guy is Nevil Schoenmakers (RIP)


Y'all expect way too much out of people, smoke some herbs and let the weed do the talking. I see it often around the weed scene that people expect the most honest, upright do gooders and it's often overlooked that the seed and weed industry is/was comprised of people that were at one point considered drug dealers and criminals at pretty much one point of their lives.

I think it's not as much lies as some things are just kept proprietary secrets, just like coca cola isn't spreading the recipe to their nasty brown syrup every where, a little bit of mystery goes a long way in keeping people interested in your product. The proof is in this thread as y'all argue daily about what some guy did 30+ years ago and rehash his old posts over and over again looking for some kind of magic or something or just the bragging rights to be able to school someone that hasn't followed nevil and Shanti a every word and internet posting for the last 25 years. Meanwhile as y'all bash Shanti
and put nevil on a pedastal he's laughing all the way to the bank, he was smart, he was at the right place at the right time and invested in some genetics that have paid him back 1000 fold.


Dread & Alive
The difference between being a good breeder and excellent businessman and a good breeder and business man who treats customers as idiots to be milked, is subtle, but perceptible ...
After all, even senses has their own loyal customers, ready to swear that it is the best sb in the world, and so is it for mns ...
Surely those who are a little astute have made a lot of money in the past, and many will make money in the future, but cannabis is also passion, and passion has nothing to do with money ...
Many people shared haze, landrace and several other prized cuts / strains with other growers, for free,and let me be honest, Shanti is not the only one,there are many others, he is perhaps the most striking because when you find him in front of the spannabis he talks to you and jokes with you as if he has always been your friend, he gives you seeds, but then all this lose in vague answers ...
PS Coca cola will never tell you their recipe, but when he changed it he admitted it ...
It's called respect for customers...
My 2 cents


Active member
Put the pipe down bud, Shanti has lied plenty of times and is shady about certain information. Go do some real research instead of talking out of your...

That guy is Nevil Schoenmakers (RIP)

Trash talk continues.....

So pray tell, did Nevil not decide with whom he wanted to work with and pass on genetic library to? At that time could have been a huge number of other breeders in the game in Holland, why Shanti. Why not you is that the issue? The only thing Royal is the shit u need to flush coz u chat some shit. Seems ur butt is hurt n can't let it go.

The difference between being a good breeder and excellent businessman and a good breeder and business man who treats customers as idiots to be milked, is subtle, but perceptible ...
After all, even senses has their own loyal customers, ready to swear that it is the best sb in the world, and so is it for mns ...
Surely those who are a little astute have made a lot of money in the past, and many will make money in the future, but cannabis is also passion, and passion has nothing to do with money ...
Many people shared haze, landrace and several other prized cuts / strains with other growers, for free,and let me be honest, Shanti is not the only one,there are many others, he is perhaps the most striking because when you find him in front of the spannabis he talks to you and jokes with you as if he has always been your friend, he gives you seeds, but then all this lose in vague answers ...
PS Coca cola will never tell you their recipe, but when he changed it he admitted it ...
It's called respect for customers...
My 2 cents

And your proof that recipe has changed is observable differences in the progeny of seed that you are growing, or pics on the net or DNA analysis, genotype testing or what. It's all anecdotal and you all know it. Get some real data and prove that it has changed.

Edit to add.... Whatever your individual agendas at least be objective. Data speaks volumes.


Active member
....shady about certain information.

Well no shit Sherlock, coz you would give the recipe to Coca Cola or KFC if u were the CEO right? This ain't a hippy commune bud it's a multi-billion dollar/euro/sterling industry. Take ur head out of your arse. And while we are at it the Haze bros were as close to hippy as u like, and we are STILL arguing over the pedigree of HAZE... Not drawn any parallels yet??

Apologies for my change in tone but this is getting tiresome, as it seems to boost the egos of many to put people down, like Gypsy said countless times stay on topic. he lied she lied blah blah blah.... You have no proof of what you speak of, that's the point. It is what it is. What you can do is say "in my opinion" at best. Stop acting like you categorically know this info


PS Coca cola will never tell you their recipe, but when he changed it he admitted it ...
It's called respect for customers...
My 2 cents

I get that and yeah that's the right thing to do.

But how can you prove anything has been changed?

Most MNS strains are textbook poly hybrids with phenos all over the place. I've grown a few SSHs every year for over 10 years, I've never seen the same pheno pop up more than once not in the F1s or the F2s. The phenos are all over the place from 9 weeks to 20. Most MNS strains are constructed the exact same way (AxB) x (CxD), ssh for example throws NL phenos, skunk phenos, haze A phenos, haze c or what ever phenos and about a million hybrid types. I don't really follow the indica lines much but I've never read many complaints about the widow, shit, or the devil.

As for coca cola, I don't recall full pages ads and tv commercials bragging their switch from real sugar to the much unhealthier and cheaper high fructose corn syrup, but maybe I just wasn't paying attention. If you live outside the US your experience with coca cola is probably different.


Dread & Alive
Don't get me wrong, many mns products are better than other things, but some strains I find them different than years ago (for example Nev.hz is less pheno nld, and I discovered it at my expense, or ww, once it was more "white", now it's more nld, and honestly I prefer it that way, but it's no longer that of 20 years ago), the same thing goes for the lineages, understanding what a strain contains is an impossible, and if you ask Shanti, it's even worse ...
Then I can tell you that shit is the best version of skunk, and among the things I would buy several times, but it's another matter ....


Dread & Alive
Trash talk continues.....

So pray tell, did Nevil not decide with whom he wanted to work with and pass on genetic library to? At that time could have been a huge number of other breeders in the game in Holland, why Shanti. Why not you is that the issue? The only thing Royal is the shit u need to flush coz u chat some shit. Seems ur butt is hurt n can't let it go.

And your proof that recipe has changed is observable differences in the progeny of seed that you are growing, or pics on the net or DNA analysis, genotype testing or what. It's all anecdotal and you all know it. Get some real data and prove that it has changed.

Edit to add.... Whatever your individual agendas at least be objective. Data speaks volumes.

No agenda, and no DNA tests ... and honestly, I might even have become idiot and no longer know how to grow a plant ...
But the few things I've grown recently from mns are different than 15 years ago, the same for tfd, and sensi,...and I could ask myself questions about my mistakes, if it weren't that other things (including original haze) come out well ...
Read carefully, I said different, not worse, different means that if on two packages of Neville haze I do not find a pheno more nld than Nl5hz there is some reason, beyond what I am or I am not able to grow .. .

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Put the pipe down bud, Shanti has lied plenty of times and is shady about certain information. Go do some real research instead of talking out of your...

That guy is Nevil Schoenmakers (RIP)

Sells seeds with old school names that are remakes or back crosses .
Will send seeds .
Will send again if the don`t arrive . Will they be what it says in the advertising ? Maybe , maybe not .

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Y'all expect way too much out of people, smoke some herbs and let the weed do the talking. I see it often around the weed scene that people expect the most honest, upright do gooders and it's often overlooked that the seed and weed industry is/was comprised of people that were at one point considered drug dealers and criminals at pretty much one point of their lives.

I think it's not as much lies as some things are just kept proprietary secrets, just like coca cola isn't spreading the recipe to their nasty brown syrup every where, a little bit of mystery goes a long way in keeping people interested in your product. The proof is in this thread as y'all argue daily about what some guy did 30+ years ago and rehash his old posts over and over again looking for some kind of magic or something or just the bragging rights to be able to school someone that hasn't followed nevil and Shanti a every word and internet posting for the last 25 years. Meanwhile as y'all bash Shanti
and put nevil on a pedastal he's laughing all the way to the bank, he was smart, he was at the right place at the right time and invested in some genetics that have paid him back 1000 fold.

Hey bro .

Its only legal in some USA states and Canada .
The rest of the world it is still fcking illegal . And we are drug dealers and criminals .

Mericans ....
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