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DEA Agent
Premium user
I see their value as a tool but personally i would not grow them as i don't enjoy smoking them. Nevil knew my stance on most of the Dutch genetics.

You can find NL every were even in Jamaica but you cant find good quality sativas that easy.

I also disagree with you on this one.
99% of the NL's are just watered down inbred dutch garbage. Good quality Northern lights/Hashplants/Afghans are rare to find these days.

Shitty Pollen chuckers/Breeders with shitty breeding techniques F'ed up the quality in the gene pool.

I agree with you on the Jamaican weed scene, they went down hill once the euro seeds came in. I can still remember smoking some shitty brown sativa buds from Jamaica that blew my mind.


What kind of smells? Typical hazey?
So many MNS are so genetically similar it makes me wonder if you can really tell them apart.

I'm growing it right now, it's Afghani x HazeAC not NL5 btw.

There has been 3 recent grows at the MNS forum, all dank/skunk/dark/pine/incense/leather smells, practical plants for indoors, consistently potent and resinous, the phenotypes that go 12-14+ weeks seem to the winners in terms of best hazey type high.

It's very good I'd recommend it, doesn't seem to be a massive shit show of different phenotypes like some of the other hazes.

Donald Mallard

el duck
What kind of smells? Typical hazey?
So many MNS are so genetically similar it makes me wonder if you can really tell them apart.
the one with thinner flowers was more enjoyed and reminiscent of what one expects from haze hybrids ,
the other had quite large fat flowers ,
not sure how unique they were compared to other haze hybrids , could well be as u say all a little similar ..

Thats more than reasonable Donald...a k is great.....you managed to see these grow unrestricted in a very good environment wer they wer able to fully express themselves.....how far different wer the phenotypes from one another...did you manage to see the whole pack grown out..an do you remember the time period they wer acquired ?
they were quite different plants darkie ,but nevertheless folks found them both pleasing to imbibe ,
i got a hundred pack , lol ,, i didnt grow them all and think i still have some ,
a buddy who i shared some with grew an 8.5 pound plant , and another an 8 pounder ,
so they were yielders for sure ..

Not bad mate :biggrin: wish i lived closer to the equator:tiphat:
has some advantages sometimes dr ,
i speak to folks that live in the far reaches of our country and im glad i dont get their winter ,
we get some cold nights up in the mountains here , but the days are in the mid 20s more often than not ,
we can even grow cannabis in the winter ,, and drive to the coast and go swimming in the ocean ,so definitely some advantages ..


The Haze Whisperer
I also disagree with you on this one.
99% of the NL's are just watered down inbred dutch garbage. Good quality Northern lights/Hashplants/Afghans are rare to find these days.

Shitty Pollen chuckers/Breeders with shitty breeding techniques F'ed up the quality in gene pool.

I was gifted some very old pure afghani / Kush and a lot more and they are stored.The strongest indica to date hands down is the G13/sk it fried me.

Nevil and shanti both knew my pot snobbery when it came to indicas i know they along with most shake their head at me but that is how i feel i see their value as a tool but i don't like smoking them.

I dont get excited when i see indicas but show me a sexy sativa that will get my attention.

Yes i am a pot Snob


Well-known member
Tangerines muthafucka

Tangerines muthafucka

Anyone know where that tangerine haze (NYCD x G13) went I fucking loved that strain..

yes EwArk :tiphat:


Well-known member
All that soap-bar crap did have an upside - it led to more people wanting to grow their own - if all they could get was 'soap' - then someone had to start growing some green - and thats what we have in the UK mostly now, green - no-one has tried to sell me any 'soaps' in a very long time - which is good - perhaps I'm not the only one - and that awful fake hash - has gone away -

your right it was in that climate that the nl skunk haze ,5 haze arrived on the scene and thankfully we never looked back,, remember sunlight systems >??


Well-known member
I never knew how bad things were until i saw a picture of a field of NL being grown in Jamaica close to 2 decades ago.

When i first logged on line around 2000 i expected to be able to order Thais /Colombians /Africans / all the things of old.

I started to look at what was on offer i would see Thai lines that looked nothing like the Thai we grew Colombians the same every thing was to fast flowering nothing looked like what we were use to seeing.

That is when it hit me and i knew the legal seed market was not the place to find the strains of old.

Yes an its sad....at one point things were alittle better hempy...especially in the earlier times there was still some very good pure landraces about in seedform...probably didnt sell alot due to what most people demanded...but ther was some about...we got some Nigerian in seedform once...and I remember a couple of the plants was really strong...there was a very strong lowland thai held in Holland too...the thai 82 was around....even some of the stuff you see on sams listing was available in Holland.....alot changed when seed production became illegal...thats wen alot of stuff was lost...by 2000 alot of things changed..
Then we come to now...wer some small guys are trying to bring you pure strains in ther true form..but because of the cost an time an travel in comparison to the money made back, the number of people doing this is only a few.


The Haze Whisperer
Yes an its sad....at one point things were alittle better hempy...especially in the earlier times there was still some very good pure landraces about in seedform...probably didnt sell alot due to what most people demanded...but ther was some about...we got some Nigerian in seedform once...and I remember a couple of the plants was really strong...there was a very strong lowland thai held in Holland too...the thai 82 was around....even some of the stuff you see on sams listing was available in Holland.....alot changed when seed production became illegal...thats wen alot of stuff was lost...by 2000 alot of things changed..
Then we come to now...wer some small guys are trying to bring you pure strains in ther true form..but because of the cost an time an travel in comparison to the money made back, the number of people doing this is only a few.

Their are a lot of old sativas in the hands of older growers still the last 20 years i have told the ones i know and come across of the importance of preserving the genetics and to also to share them with close friends so they don't end up lost.

I have collected a few also and been offered a lot that all i need to do is travel to go collect more.

The largest problem is the laws the next huge problem is the corporate cannabis industry who think all cannabis belongs to them.

I will give one example a New Zealand corporate cannabis industry owner used a chopper to search for strains in gorilla grows of NZ lines and went stole them and now claims ownership of set strains.

This is a larger threat than law enforcement ever was.


@hempy , your talking about the guy in a helicopter in the documentary Patrick Gower on weed, who stole coromandel gold plants?

Pretty sure that guy went out bankrupt shortly after the show aired, no one should be able to patient old-school NZ strains I don't believe there worked lines there just wild cannabis or someone's guerilla grow he stole.

Most our weed came with the dutch when they settled in my area in the 60/70s and from Australia I would assume, stuff in my area has a lot of Thai influence ... Or it did before it died out 10 years ago it doesn't seem to exist anymore


Well-known member
Their are a lot of old sativas in the hands of older growers still the last 20 years i have told the ones i know and come across of the importance of preserving the genetics and to also to share them with close friends so they don't end up lost.

I have collected a few also and been offered a lot that all i need to do is travel to go collect more.

The largest problem is the laws the next huge problem is the corporate cannabis industry who think all cannabis belongs to them.

I will give one example a New Zealand corporate cannabis industry owner used a chopper to search for strains in gorilla grows of NZ lines and went stole them and now claims ownership of set strains.

This is a larger threat than law enforcement ever was.

Thats disgusting hempy...how can anyone stoop so low.. dam sory world we live in now....so much greed....im sure if he had asked an done some sort of deal with some of the guys an being that he's able to legally hold an protect some of the strains, that some arangement could have been made....but no one wants to help anyone nowdays.....I know they hold some beautiful strains over ther (N Z)....I dont know if youve seen the old purple thai stick line they have ther...its a beautiful looking sativa...as well as many others there.....
Evryone should keep collecting as much as they can an sharing what they can with those they trust...its because of the community that somethings have been saved.....thank the Lord somthing as marvelous as the haze is still about


Well-known member
@hempy , your talking about the guy in a helicopter in the documentary Patrick Gower on weed, who stole coromandel gold plants?

Pretty sure that guy went out bankrupt shortly after the show aired, no one should be able to patient old-school NZ strains I don't believe there worked lines there just wild cannabis or someone's guerilla grow he stole.

Most our weed came with the dutch when they settled in my area in the 60/70s and from Australia I would assume, stuff in my area has a lot of Thai influence ... Or it did before it died out 10 years ago it doesn't seem to exist anymore

Do you know if the purple thai stick line in pure form is still about....come to think of it..it looks very similar to the purple beaded type haze plants that mad mak was growing


The Haze Whisperer
@hempy , your talking about the guy in a helicopter in the documentary Patrick Gower on weed, who stole coromandel gold plants?

Pretty sure that guy went out bankrupt shortly after the show aired, no one should be able to patient old-school NZ strains I don't believe there worked lines there just wild cannabis or someone's guerilla grow he stole.

Most our weed came with the dutch when they settled in my area in the 60/70s and from Australia I would assume, stuff in my area has a lot of Thai influence ... Or it did before it died out 10 years ago it doesn't seem to exist anymore

Hi DK no thats not the guy i tried to find the news story will again later.

The guy is Aussie and i think Israeli back ground he started a company here made threats to people on FB or Tweeter of snipping them and was forced to step down as director some years ago the guys a dick.He then went to NZ and started a company their and has pushed industry control their as he did here.

What angers me is he can legally fly into a illegal gorilla grow rip off their genetics and be fully legal and protected by the NZ law WTF.Then try and claim it is his property this is why people need to start pushing for real law reforms and not bull shit laws that hand it all over to industry.


The Haze Whisperer
Thats disgusting hempy...how can anyone stoop so low.. dam sory world we live in now....so much greed....im sure if he had asked an done some sort of deal with some of the guys an being that he's able to legally hold an protect some of the strains, that some arangement could have been made....but no one wants to help anyone nowdays.....I know they hold some beautiful strains over ther (N Z)....I dont know if youve seen the old purple thai stick line they have ther...its a beautiful looking sativa...as well as many others there.....
Evryone should keep collecting as much as they can an sharing what they can with those they trust...its because of the community that somethings have been saved.....thank the Lord somthing as marvelous as the haze is still about

We have the medical cannabis industry here charging up to $1000 an oz after a patient pays $100s for a script from a doctor and on going consulting fees monthly.

Most of the cannabis activists are not supporting law reform bills as there neck deep into the profiting off patients them self's and know if its legal will loos lots of money.

The legal law reforms that came about early this year in the ACT came about because of politicians no activist publicly supported it this is what greed dose to people.


Well-known member
We have the medical cannabis industry here charging up to $1000 an oz after a patient pays $100s for a script from a doctor and on going consulting fees monthly.

Most of the cannabis activists are not supporting law reform bills as there neck deep into the profiting off patients them self's and know if its legal will loos lots of money.

The legal law reforms that came about early this year in the ACT came about because of politicians no activist publicly supported it this is what greed dose to people.

Same here hempy...the prices are more tho as a import licence is required too which only covers you a month...along with all the hoops they make you jump through...all this crap an the people it affects the most are the families with sick children, cancer patients who are so sick they cant work an the severly sick, ill an disabled ..ive seen parents sell ther homes just so they can keep supplying ther children the medication...an others people who are traumatized because theve spent all ther savings an have no more money...all for weed thats been blasted with radiation an uv-c....an the worst thing ther being given popular strains that they can grow for much cheeper an grow in a more health friendly way for a fraction of wat ther forced to pay


I've got a few small original haze x skunks from the old seedboutique freebies

Looks like I've got one skunk leaner and 2 hazy ones.



The Haze Whisperer
Found the article read and watch the video and tell me this guys not a peace of work.

Businessman Ross Smith is a venture capitalist who calls himself 'The Wolf of Weed Street' - and he wants to cash in on any cannabis boom.
"There's a new sheriff in town," he says, grinning. "He's called 'The Wolf'."

He lives in a luxury property in The Mount, has two Bentleys sitting in his driveway, and a robot mowing his lawn - all paid for with legal cannabis money.
After Australia legalised medical marijuana in 2016, The Wolf says he made millions from his cannabis businesses.
He's now returned to New Zealand where he wants to bring back to the market classic Kiwi cannabis strains like Te Puke Thunder and Coromandel Gold.
Thought to be long gone, the Wolf believes he has found these valuable plants.
"I picked spots where you can guerilla grow and I literally helicoptered in and went looking and isolated these genetics and been working on them ever since," he says.


Cannabis *mogul Ross Smith in *homophobic, violent tirade


The odd thing about this guy is you cant get a Medical cannabis License or work with in the industry if you have a criminal record he did and was also legal to work with in the industry.
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