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Donald Mallard

el duck
You should know how hybrids work by now Donald especial a poly hybrid like mangohaze that has NL5 x Hz on one side and SkxHz on the other parental side.

You select the female F1 being Queeny mom and Hazy her brother being the Male F1.You cross them and you get F2s your odd of finding her is greatly reduced to that of say the F1 seed as you go into the F2s.

I have found plants very close to her but not quiet her i found closer to her a few times but still not her but i have found special plants most would settle for but not me i want Queeny.
i understand how it works ,
why not try more of those same seed ??

if its all good genetics , according to your formula it doesnt take numbers to select something good,

why is that not working further down the track ??
all good genetics went into it , so surely according to the hempy breeding practices , u will easily find a good plant in 10 seeds right??

or did u exaggerate initially ?


New member
I dont remember any of G13haze in NL before late 90's.

This G13 haze thing start with male G13 airborne from Reeferman what i know.
Neville Haze x G13=AmnesiaHaze,Amnesiag13 and G13haze just differnet selection.
A5 was old TheSeedBank NL5 original cutting x O.haze
C5 was NL5 cutting founded from seeds NL5(og)xNL2 x hazeC later sold at Mr.Nice as Nl5xhaze.


Well-known member
Nevil found 2 keepers in less than 10 hybrid plants that produce some of the best hybrids in the world so going by your argument that is bull shit.

I don't call that Bro science i call that being smart.


Did he really find two keepers or did he find two males and that’s all he had? I’m just being open minded here. Because if I was in nevs shoes back then I would have kept anything that made it through with such a smalll population to start with.....


ICMag Donor
Your dad can thank Neville for his good days back then !
Did he really find two keepers or did he find two males and that’s all he had? I’m just being open minded here. Because if I was in nevs shoes back then I would have kept anything that made it through with such a smalll population to start with.....


The Haze Whisperer
P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } [FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]That looks nice, I would smoke it! [/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]I think there's still a lot of good genes around in these areas but it's been dangerous to grow fields of it for a long time. They passed some sort of medical a while back but it's far from being available to foreigners or to be grown freely. I have seen one friend apply to grow and sell weed about 2 years back but to this day he hasn't received a license to do so. The government grows it and they only prescribe it in the form of oil. My hope is that they will realize that they could get some serious tourism for cannabis if they let it go free (with tax etc.). it's already a paradise to hang out on the beach and smoke weed here, if it was relaxed and legal I bet it could benefit a lot of people financially as well. [/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]How is the smoke from that thai line? Is it the racy kind or the chill type? I tend to love the kind that will act like a day brightener. I had some a few weeks past from a local friend here where I am that really smelt like lime and lemons and when I smoked it sounds got softer, the light and colors got more intense and I couldn't help smiling. It had kind of the same flower shape as that one. Quite a lot of them have that look though some look bigger yet with quite airy flowers.[/FONT]

I follow the activism/Law reforms close the next steps for Thailand will be legal recreational use and home growing.They also want no out sliders growing and profiting from the medical cannabis they want to allow locals to do it a co op.

I also like how they are protecting the country's genetics from out side interests win win i think.

The Thai pictured is very racy / trippy the high takes quite a while to come on you can feel it soon after smoking it but it just builds and builds lasts a long time to.


The Haze Whisperer
i understand how it works ,
why not try more of those same seed ??

if its all good genetics , according to your formula it doesnt take numbers to select something good,

why is that not working further down the track ??
all good genetics went into it , so surely according to the hempy breeding practices , u will easily find a good plant in 10 seeds right??

or did u exaggerate initially ?

Were did i say i never found good plants all i said was i have not yet found an identic copy of Queeny YET.


Well-known member
Your dad can thank Neville for his good days back then !

And he does. And I do too. That’s the misunderstanding here. I’m not attacking nev. I hold him in high regard. I don’t bring personal life or hearsay into it. Not judging the man. Just analyzing his seed and trying to give another point of view some may not have thought of before. If people want to take it the wrong way that’s something that I can’t control.


ICMag Donor
Even if it was just 2
Look what he achieved ?

What about others who had 1000's of the same seeds ?
Didnt even come close to what the Haze master achieved.
And I'm more into his Haze work but wow the other strains he did and spread around the world made our movement what it is today , well advanced it years anyway. Alot of people wanted to and still to this day keep it a small expensive market and Neville was churning out seeds like butter.

Since Neville has passed (RIP) all the cockroaches have crawled out from the woodwork claiming this , claiming that , where were they the last 20 years ?
Did he really find two keepers or did he find two males and that’s all he had? I’m just being open minded here. Because if I was in nevs shoes back then I would have kept anything that made it through with such a smalll population to start with.....


The Haze Whisperer
Lovely Thai hempy!!! That green one in flower the same one that cures brown in the bud pic?

How's she smell and smoke? Do you notice any similarities to Haze in her?

Hi Nexus that is the one that drys Green and cures brown over months unlike the other Thais i grew that would dry Brown from a green harvest.

Smells are odd in flower it can have an almost rotten meat kinda smell and changes towards the end nothing fruity about this plant.

The high is racey / trippy very strong i think it is very close to the racy trippy haze affect as did Nevil.

This turned out to be the strongest Thai Nevil tried.


Well-known member
Even if it was just 2
Look what he achieved ?

What about others who had 1000's of the same seeds ?
Didnt even come close to what the Haze master achieved.
And I'm more into his Haze work but wow the other strains he did and spread around the world made our movement what it is today , well advanced it years anyway. Alot of people wanted to and still to this day keep it a small expensive market and Neville was churning out seeds like butter.

Since Neville has passed (RIP) all the cockroaches have crawled out from the woodwork claiming this , claiming that , where were they the last 20 years ?

Fair enough. I spoke with new online here and there when he was around and always questioned some of his gear, directly to him.

What I was pointing out about the males is that 10 plants, is that really enough to “select” from???? What that is, is an awesome roll of the dice in his and our favor. I’m not discrediting his work either. I’m just calling it like I see it.

All I know is that from all the old seed that was in my family there are only two lines left that have stood the test of time and they are oaxacan and a Affie line from god knows where. I know it isn’t sams Affie though.

I wish I could get my hands back on that original 5hz. That would be a dream.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Were did i say i never found good plants all i said was i have not yet found an identic copy of Queeny YET.
so its taking numbers to find correct?? , which is my point that you seem to be dancing around ,
to find stand outs , takes numbers , you have proven this by what you have said after i asked you

but deny it to be the case ... you cant have it both ways mate ..

maybe after tomorrows coffee you relax a little before replying so you dont speak so much crap ....


ICMag Donor
Yes I hear what your saying but other people in Holland had the same seeds not just 10 seeds but 1000's and didnt achieve nothing near Neville nor did any other company. Compared to how easy we got it these days with clones , seed companies , internet etc etc we got it real easy so yes some of the stuff might seem not as impressive 20 years later in legal climates where you guys can do big numbers and much quicker advance with lab test etc etc.
Also some people in Holland did have liceneses and could grow 10,000 plants every run legally with no worries and they still didnt find things as good as Neville or even make seeds as good or famous as Neville did with his much smaller operations.
These other people have achieved many great other things but best strains and seeds goes to Neville Schoenmakers every time
Fair enough. I spoke with new online here and there when he was around and always questioned some of his gear, directly to him.

What I was pointing out about the males is that 10 plants, is that really enough to “select” from???? What that is, is an awesome roll of the dice in his and our favor. I’m not discrediting his work either. I’m just calling it like I see it.

All I know is that from all the old seed that was in my family there are only two lines left that have stood the test of time and they are oaxacan and a Affie line from god knows where. I know it isn’t sams Affie though.

I wish I could get my hands back on that original 5hz. That would be a dream.
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The Haze Whisperer
so its taking numbers to find correct?? , which is my point that you seem to be dancing around ,
to find stand outs , takes numbers , you have proven this by what you have said after i asked you

but deny it to be the case ... you cant have it both ways mate ..

maybe after tomorrows coffee you relax a little before replying so you dont speak so much crap ....

No i can find a great plant in 10 seeds what i have not found is a identic copy of Queeny yet that is very different to what your assuming.


New member
Yes I hear what your saying but other people in Holland had the same seeds not just 10 seeds but 1000's and didnt achieve nothing near Neville nor did any other company. Compared to how easy we got it these days with clones , seed companies , internet etc etc we got it real easy so yes some of the stuff might seem not as impressive 20 years later in legal climates where you guys can do big numbers and much quicker advance with lab test etc etc.
Also some people in Holland did have liceneses and could grow 10,000 plants every run legally with no worries and they still didnt find things as good as Neville or even make seeds as good or famous as Neville did with his much smaller operations

it's because people are lazy, why didn't you go looking for something new if you already considered yourself a breeder and doing ''breeding''.
You get some good Neviles gear(haze) and cross it to OGkush.
Nevile also do this what you are doing but he had Sam stock which was superrior to others genetic stock at thet time.
You have Mr.Nice,Reservoir seeds and many others and cross them.
Neville also to this, not something magical.
But i remember good that times he was first in the world to do this.
Today they are 1000000 of pollenchuker like you who think they are some kind of breeders and no one prise so much anybodys genetics.
just becouse i can buy Chem OG from 1000000 breeders and progeny is the same.
So here comes marketing thats why DNA seeds sell 1000x better then you cuz you dont know how to make good marketing but your gentics are the same to DNA.
People are lazy just like you are, you rather buy Neviles pack then make your own Haze hybrid.
I was there when N. was there smoked his stuff,grown his stuff.
But his most achivment was his The Seed Bank work with genetics mosty gived by Sam to him from USA.

Later work is just further crossing of TheSeedBank work.

Biggest Nevile achivment was NL5 clone x O.Haze
he didnt breed NL5 nither O.Haze.
His Nevile Haze is also NL5xO.haze x hazeC.
SuperSilverHaze is NLxHaze...hazexskunk1
MangoHaze NLxhaze....

So his best breeding are just like yours whit genetics he
received not he created.


Well-known member
Did he really find two keepers or did he find two males and that’s all he had? I’m just being open minded here. Because if I was in nevs shoes back then I would have kept anything that made it through with such a smalll population to start with.....

In that batch jet he found 7 due to age of seeds...only 3 made the grade tho.


Well-known member
I dont remember any of G13haze in NL before late 90's.

This G13 haze thing start with male G13 airborne from Reeferman what i know.
Neville Haze x G13=AmnesiaHaze,Amnesiag13 and G13haze just differnet selection.
A5 was old TheSeedBank NL5 original cutting x O.haze
C5 was NL5 cutting founded from seeds NL5(og)xNL2 x hazeC later sold at Mr.Nice as Nl5xhaze.

Its ther ...in the cataloge...seedbank of holland.....soma had a original f1 g13haze pure male.....an nevil had allready sellected his own nl5 pure male diffrent to the usa one...nevils was looked an bred all indica...you can see throw back of thhis still in the a5 s1 wich is done with one of the most nl5 leaning seeds...an thers some work been done with nevils 89nl5 seed, have a look at royal flushes pictures. He has grown some of the the recent work done with the 89nl#5 seedline....c5 is straight nl5 times haze c as is a5 straight nl5 x haze a....most of your info is jumbled up...mabe due to missinformation in recent times....pleanty of original g13 crosses in the old seedbank cataloges if you wish to take a look


New member
Its ther ...in the cataloge...seedbank of holland.....soma had a original f1 g13haze pure male.....an nevil had allready sellected his own nl5 pure male diffrent to the usa one...nevils was looked an bred all indica...you can see throw back of thhis still in the a5 s1 wich is done with one of the most nl5 leaning seeds...an thers some work been done with nevils 89nl5 seed, have a look at royal flushes pictures. He has grown some of the the recent work done with the 89nl#5 seedline....c5 is straight nl5 times haze c as is a5 straight nl5 x haze a....most of your info is jumbled up...mabe due to missinformation in recent times....pleanty of original g13 crosses in the old seedbank cataloges if you wish to take a look

Do you have that page from Seedbank catalogue of g13xhaze ?
I dont remember that cross.


Well-known member
Also I agree with both sides here...hempy is trying to put across the thoughtthat if a breeder has planted 20 males and then has 20 females and goes through each combination available to him/her which is quite afew...an then actually bothers to tests multiple seeds from each combination...he should be able to hunt down the combination that gives you the best result...so you shouldnt have to buy multiple packs of seed...but can someone actually tell me a breeder who actually does this nowdays.....but I agree the larger the number you start with the beter the results should be..now weve hot that clear an both view points are made clear mabe we can move on from this ..


New member
I just looked at my catalogues i have from SeedBank and i have them all from 85-90s.
Only crosses of G13 are G13xHP and G13xNL2.
Not a word of G13xHaze in any of it.
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