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Well-known member
Hi Zif,
First, a disclaimer: I am not a genetics expert and don't claim to be. I do however have a small amount of knowledge about things that most in our community simply don't understand.
I also have the ability to explain complex things in a way that non-experts can "get it."
When faced with the sweeping generalizations that Hempy has been making, an expert is not required to refute his points.
One must just point out a single case where his statement was not true (which I did with the OG Kush example.)

The foundation of my point is that ALL outcomes in plant breeding are ultimately the result of selection. If/when "inbreeding depression" occurs, it would be the result of the selection choices made by the breeder and not the method of obtaining the pollen.
Selfing accelerates positive progress towards the (inbreeding) goal of isolating traits. That also accelerates other aspects of inbreeding like the appearance of negative traits that exist in the DNA. In the end, (in)breeding is (in)breeding. I probably should have written it that way the first time :dance013:
I don't like being forced to distill the argument down to that level, but Hempy forces me to because of his ridiculous generalization.

Raho, what evidence do you have?
The theory and data from other plant breeding argues the opposite. I also suspect it’s unlikely that Sam completely ignored vigor in his single-cannabinoid selfing work. Instead, most plant breeders agree that outcrossers generally suffer from severe inbreeding depression, especially when repeatedly selfed.
I have not personally inbred a line beyond F4 myself before outcrossing or moving on to other work. In those projects I have never seen anything I would describe as inbreeding depression, although I have completely screwed up lines through bad male selection. Operating under prohibition pressures meant that I was forced to choose single males from small populations and you know immediately the next season when the offspring have gone downhill from the parents.
I have no doubt that legal food crops grown at industrial scale for decades, that inbreeding depression is a very real thing.
I get it.
Although in cannabis we have a much broader genepool to work with than what you describe with corn, if breeding were allowed to progress at the the same level as other commercial crops, I am sure examples of inbreeding depression would be easy to find.
As far as Sam seeing depression, I am sure that he saw the negative traits quickly, but I believe the real the question is "did he care?"
The goal of Sam's project that Hempy focused on was basically using a plant to produce a single cannabinoid. He did not have a choice to select away from the high THCV phenos, even though he probably could have easily avoided the "low vigor" traits if he had been willing to.
The high THCV pheno that Sam based his work on was probably not common. I know that he expressed interest in high THCV lines from the community on the forums for many years. He had to be expecting negative traits to be an issue from the beginning, but clearly he already had a plan to deal with them.

Corn, where folks have the luxury of running as many plants as they like, still suffers tremendous losses in yield, vigor, and fertility in single-digit selfed generations. It was so daunting that breeders spent half of the golden age of corn improvement making F1s from weak inbred lines just so they could cross those F1s to get enough seed for market. Elite inbred lines did ultimately emerge, but they were so few that single cross hybrids almost all derive from a very few starting lines.
I don't really know anything about corn genetic so I can't contribute or comment intelligently here. I understand your point about the challenge they face with extremely limited genetics to work with. Those must be tough decisions ;-)

The standard argument is that harmful recessive genes are unmasked by inbreeding, since it fixes 50% of heterozygous loci per generation. Even with intense pressure for a few traits of interest, far, far more traits will fall into a random fixed state. Half of those loci will be recessive. The breeder is largely powerless to affect this progression.
Yes. Agreed. Even though the breeder is powerless to affect the how the combination of traits play out, we always have choices to make about which traits are more important to us.
Girl Scout Cookies is a good example of a plant where the quality of the smoke has managed to reward growers who continue to grow her regardless of her poor growth performance in the garden (slow growth and low yields) .
There is a qualitative element in selection that sometimes overwhelms the quantitative benefit that can come from more vigorous selections. Those choices are made with intention.
Luckily we have a huge variety of options to choose from with cannabis unlike corn (apparently) and outcrossing expands those options exponentially.

Vigor is generally thought not to be a trait, per se. That is, it cannot be selected for, because it’s not the result of one or a few heritable gene states, but rather the interactive effect of large numbers of heterozygous loci throughout the genome.
Agreed. A combination of traits that would be almost impossible to produce if so many of the desirable traits didn't seem to be dominant. Clearly thousands of years of natural selection have had an impact on what we have been left to work with there.

Totally homozygous lines are surely possible (e.g., doubled haploids), and *might* allow one to make F1s less prone to totally fizzling under extensive selfing. This would be true because any totally homozygous plant that can live and set seed, by definition does not carry any lethal or fertility-destroying recessive gene pairs. But this would be a highly artificial state, and one that relies on the fact that the tissue culture methods employed are basically unaffected by the thousands (and thousands?) of gametes that do carry lethal recessives - since only healthy gametes would grow at all.
And who knows, maybe someday we'll see that.
Again, my statement to Hempy was not that a collection of negative traits described as "inbreeding depression" didn't or couldn't occur/exist. Just that the cause of those expressions was not exclusively caused by selfing or even inevitable when using selfing. The cause of those traits aggregating in a pheno is the decisions of which offspring to self to take the line further from F3, F4, F5, etc, or S2, S3, S4 etc.
It is also highly influenced by the heterozygosity of the initial selfed plant or the initial M/F parent selections.

Each of those decisions are more important to the outcome than the pollen production method that led them there.

Breeders may feel like they have no choice but to select for traits that further their initial goal(s), but they do have choices. If they choose to move forward with a selection because of specific desirable traits when they see them combined with undesirable traits, does it make sense to blame the results of their decision on where the pollen came from? Hempy says yes. I say no.

Outside of such unusual situations, the standard prediction is that intense inbreeding is harmful. Have you actually observed otherwise?
No I haven't, and I am not arguing that it's not.

Probably the largest scale example we have of inbreeding in the history of commercial illegal cannabis is the Dutch/EU seed industry from 1984 to the present.
Strains from Nevil, Sam and a few others were knocked off by competing breeders as F2's, F3's, F4's etc for more than 2 decades. Changes in laws and other disasters have resulted in these shops losing parents and having to rework the lines from seed. It is commonly accepted that the loss of breeding stock and resulting re-work has led to a loss of quality on the lines that defined the industry. Somehow though, the inbreeding they have had to do to keep their businesses alive has not resulted in loss of vigor.
Those breeders have made selection decisions that put vigor over the quality of the smoke those flowers produce.
The plants may look the same, but they don't smoke the same.

Anyway, I hope I have explained the thinking behind my statements Zif. Those are great questions and I am glad you posted 'em!


The Haze Whisperer
Originally Posted by Raho
I am saying that selfing does not cause cannabis inbreeding depression.
Breeding is breeding.

Well that is not what Sam has posted.

Originally Posted by [B

By S4 the plants are seriously screwed up and many are functionally sterile, also poor yields, no pest and disease resistance. We made many S3 or S4 seeds for selecting parents for our single Cannabinoid breeding work but we did have the ability to restore the Vigor and delete or mask the recessive negative traits with a method used for other crops. Any single Cannabinoid say for THCV, we used 4 landrace unrelated lines, in the case of THCV, Afghan, Thai, S African Durban, and Calif Orange that all had about 1% THCV. After selfing each line separately and selecting the progeney plants with the highest THCV values which by S3 or S4 yielded plants that were 5%-7% THCV but all inbred and all but useless except for the target Cannabinoid, we combined the best of each of the 4 lines and restored the full F1 vigor found in F1 hybrids. A bit of work but it did work very well. As long as the 4 combined lines are unrelated. We ended up with a great THCV mother clone with closer to 15% THCV with little other Cannabinoids, and high yielding with great pest and disease resistance, and vigor.
All Cannabis is Heterozygous and will deteriorate as a Homozygous plant with lots of problems expressed. By selfing S4 or more you get closer to Homozygous and all the recessive problems are expressed.

Also another point, using STS does not need to be selfing, if you use a transformed Female as the pollen source and pollinate a completely different and unrelated Female there is no inbreeding it is more like an F1, just all Female.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raho https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=8844875#post8844875View Image
I am saying that selfing does not cause cannabis inbreeding depression.
Breeding is breeding.

Well that is not what Sam has posted.

Originally Posted by [B

By S4 the plants are seriously screwed up and many are functionally sterile, also poor yields, no pest and disease resistance. We made many S3 or S4 seeds for selecting parents for our single Cannabinoid breeding work but we did have the ability to restore the Vigor and delete or mask the recessive negative traits with a method used for other crops. Any single Cannabinoid say for THCV, we used 4 landrace unrelated lines, in the case of THCV, Afghan, Thai, S African Durban, and Calif Orange that all had about 1% THCV. After selfing each line separately and selecting the progeney plants with the highest THCV values which by S3 or S4 yielded plants that were 5%-7% THCV but all inbred and all but useless except for the target Cannabinoid, we combined the best of each of the 4 lines and restored the full F1 vigor found in F1 hybrids. A bit of work but it did work very well. As long as the 4 combined lines are unrelated. We ended up with a great THCV mother clone with closer to 15% THCV with little other Cannabinoids, and high yielding with great pest and disease resistance, and vigor.
All Cannabis is Heterozygous and will deteriorate as a Homozygous plant with lots of problems expressed. By selfing S4 or more you get closer to Homozygous and all the recessive problems are expressed.

Also another point, using STS does not need to be selfing, if you use a transformed Female as the pollen source and pollinate a completely different and unrelated Female there is no inbreeding it is more like an F1, just all Female.

Yeah, I'm gonna assume this is just you not understanding Sam.
When he posted . . .
Sam said:
By S4 the plants are seriously screwed up and many are functionally sterile, also poor yields, no pest and disease resistance.
. . . he was basically writing it like a journal entry.

The comment was about THAT specific breeding project. Not a generalization about all selfing inevitably resulting in that outcome.
It doesn't. You misunderstood him if you think that's what he meant.



The Haze Whisperer
That's not correct.. He couldn't make that cross without A5. No one gave him A5 x TW. This is his work. He then made A5Hbx which is A5h x (A5HX TW ) He couldn't have made these with out the A5 as well. Karma holds A5H.. He then made A5H S1 which many of us have.

I do agree it takes allot more hunting through haze to find the gems. These are truly exceptional smoke. Having said that yes you will find allot of hay while you search. Its def worth it to go looking.

Inbreeding can def cause bad plants.. I don't think anyone disputes that... The more you inbreeding you do the less likely you will find good selections to breed with. If you make good selections along the way, the less likely inbreeding depression stops the process.. IMO I don't think you will see issues until after S4 that's just a guess. IMO Its def possible to get to +s6 before you had to stop because there are no good selections to pick from..

Thanks for That Sammy, you are the most Knolidged guy on this subject online 100%.

I know most of that if fact, by own knolidge.

Do you know Which Pheno it is your specifly looking for. From my memory there was more then One, they where labeld Like A5 pheno1 to 4 i think.

Anyway i got some old friends i invited begining November, gone try get you a Timeline for thsi cut i got now,

I wasnt introduced to the A5 before 1995 i think, But we grew C5 and A5 , HPH

From my memory the C5 was verry differnt then the A's it was light coloured had a more friendly smell,

The A5 was heavy in smell Strong, flowerd 14 to 15 weeks, And most impresive part was last weeks flower, when grown well looks like Crystald Moss.

The reason i Picked my White OG is beacuse i know that line so well, i expect it to be easy'r sellecting Mulitple A dominant males by looks. for my first BX.

My prefered end would be not another haze mixed in, that would make it harded for me to be shure i select A genes.

But i am all on same line, that when you want to do a Hybrid to make a new Haze strain A Sativa land race male (i am always a bit scared of outcome there Because of unstabilty in raw lines) But a nice Nevils male would have been super. Ore Mango Haze.

Sam i wont forget, i am gone try get this verifeid as well as posibel, and will keep you posted, I will grow here out altho pic's wont be anouf to make shure for you, we just gone have to make shure you get to sample it, As you are without a doubt somone who deserve's this cut, and it frustrates me huge i cant just give it to you, to see.

Give me some time, i will put the work in, I want to do it my own way first, when i fuck up, i will start over and go another route.

PS how far in flower are your whiteA5haze ? I know ET is growing some, and i got 2 others growing some at the moment aswell, They where only made for this project, they not a finished product. And i expected it to be throwing very wide Pheno's. which is what i need for the selection.

My thought behind it was that i could more easy breed out the white OG then another haze, which would make it harder for me to pick right plants in veg and early flower, i could so easaly make mistakes then and pick wrong haze pheno's.

I will start It up in January, please check in from time to time, And when you are willing i would love to have you run the Results, of the BX when i am done.



The Haze Whisperer
Yeah, I'm gonna assume this is just you not understanding Sam.
When he posted . . .

. . . he was basically writing it like a journal entry.

The comment was about THAT specific breeding project. Not a generalization about all selfing inevitably resulting in that outcome.
It doesn't. You misunderstood him if you think that's what he meant.

No i fully understand what Sam is saying Raho Sam is very clear in his post.

Sam says - By S4 the plants are seriously screwed up and many are functionally sterile, also poor yields, no pest and disease resistance. We made many S3 or S4 seeds for selecting parents for our single Cannabinoid breeding work but we did have the ability to restore the Vigor and delete or mask the recessive negative traits with a method used for other crops.

And to fix the - inbreeding depression that results in a reduced biological fitness in the s1 s2 and so on you need to outbreed so you can repair.

That can be done by using a male or a reversed female that is unrelated so you fix the reduced biological fitness.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
lmao,, Round and round we go..

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Well-known member
No i fully understand what Sam is saying Raho Sam is very clear in his post.

Sam says - By S4 the plants are seriously screwed up and many are functionally sterile, also poor yields, no pest and disease resistance. We made many S3 or S4 seeds for selecting parents for our single Cannabinoid breeding work but we did have the ability to restore the Vigor and delete or mask the recessive negative traits with a method used for other crops.

And to fix the - inbreeding depression that results in a reduced biological fitness in the s1 s2 and so on you need to outbreed so you can repair.

That can be done by using a male or a reversed female that is unrelated so you fix the reduced biological fitness.

You're moving the target Hempy.
I am not replying to your posts any more. You are too stubborn to admit when you're wrong. This will never end unless I stop taking the bait so I'm done.


The Haze Whisperer
You're moving the target Hempy.
I am not replying to your posts any more. You are too stubborn to admit when you're wrong. This will never end unless I stop taking the bait so I'm done.

No ones moving a thing we are having a discussion opinions very and that is allowed.

Having an opinion based on facts logic and science is not being stubborn .


The Haze Whisperer
You guys could just drop the insults and personal attacks and just put your argument across with science as the basis of your disagreement but no that takes to much work and thought and effort and energy.

Why not go tell Sam his wrong ?.


Well-known member
Premium user
I feel sorry for all the people that click this thread and don't know the mind states of those involved!!!!!!

Donald Mallard

el duck
You guys could just drop the insults and personal attacks and just put your argument across with science as the basis of your disagreement but no that takes to much work and thought and effort and energy.

Why not go tell Sam his wrong ?.
hahaha and back to being a victim ,
your amazing man ,
you miss the actual point , but see insults and lack of respect where ever you look ,
a behavioral scientist would have a field day reading your posts hempy ... classic denial , victim complex wrapped up a nice neat narcissistic package ,impressive form ....

not even worth a thinking mans time to reply to you hempy ,, seriously ,, im sure everyone else gives up just like i did before..

i think youve proven to be a stubborn pathetically poor learner among many other things ,

makes me recall how u raved on about how thai plants were not hermie blah blah blah ,
when i questioned you , you said you based your theory on striking 3 seeds and the outcome of those , 1 was female , 1 was male , the other was hermie,

which shows me you have no idea how things work ,
and years later you still have no idea ..

and never well ....


Active member
I wonder if hempy is just goofing on us this whole time??

Playing whos on first No, what's on first....who's on second?

I feel stupid putting together rational explanations

So I dont

It seems every line of this 'discussion' leads right back to karma's A5

If you cant darken the origin of the genetics

Then just do your best to discredit the entire concept of S1

just forget it



Well-known member
You guys could just drop the insults and personal attacks and just put your argument across with science as the basis of your disagreement but no that takes to much work and thought and effort and energy.

Why not go tell Sam his wrong ?.

think yaself lucky i dream of insults and personal attacks but instead i get ignored lol


The Haze Whisperer
I wonder if hempy is just goofing on us this whole time??

Playing whos on first No, what's on first....who's on second?

I feel stupid putting together rational explanations

So I dont

It seems every line of this 'discussion' leads right back to karma's A5

If you cant darken the origin of the genetics

Then just do your best to discredit the entire concept of S1

just forget it


Well to be honest i would not self my plants but i would reverse a male as a breeding tool.

Selfing a plant to make s1 s2 s3 s4 creates huge problems that's a fact and you can see the huge changes in the s1 all ready starting.

You can fix the problems by outcrossing if i am wrong tell me why ?.

As for the A5 cut i have all ready said it dose not look like Mr Nices that came from Nevil and Karma posted saying there were at lest 4 versions of it.Do the maths if there are 4 versions and the cut Nevil used and past to shanti was one then 3 are imposters.

Time will tell how good karmas version is once the grow reports start to flood in.

I find it odd you all come in attacking me yet when Nevil or Mr nice are attacked by the same people all you moral crusaders are silent but your fast to defend Karma.


The Haze Whisperer
hahaha and back to being a victim ,
your amazing man ,
you miss the actual point , but see insults and lack of respect where ever you look ,
a behavioral scientist would have a field day reading your posts hempy ... classic denial , victim complex wrapped up a nice neat narcissistic package ,impressive form ....

not even worth a thinking mans time to reply to you hempy ,, seriously ,, im sure everyone else gives up just like i did before..

i think youve proven to be a stubborn pathetically poor learner among many other things ,

makes me recall how u raved on about how thai plants were not hermie blah blah blah ,

when i questioned you , you said you based your theory on striking 3 seeds and the outcome of those , 1 was female , 1 was male , the other was hermie,

which shows me you have no idea how things work ,
and years later you still have no idea ..

and never wel
l ....

Well clearly your not a thinking man then Donald as you keep posting insults and wasting your energy on bull shit rather than substance or something intelligent.

Your so full of it Donald you make it up as you go.

The only Thai lines i ever grew or pure sativas that did show hermaphrodites was only at sexing you see males / females / hermaphrodites.

I ran a Thai grow thread in icmag to show Sam just that years ago.

If your seeing hermaphrodites at flowering in a Thai then your growing hermaphrodites time to get some good genetics Donald.


If the personal insults keep flying I will just remove any/all posts that are basically insults. You can all stick to info you know or believe about Haze and discuss that as well as Haze related info, try and keep all the attacks of other posters person to your self, or I will be forced to close the thread.
It is clear that some of the posters seem to enjoy the personal attacks, or what they consider a clever debate, but it has almost ruined this thread, please try and ignore the people involved with insults and stick to the Haze discussions, regardless if you feel justified or not. I really do not want to waste my time being a traffic cop on this thread but I will if I am given no choice.

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