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Well-known member
Yeah - things kinda exploded around 20 years ago with home growing - around the time Overgrow came onto the internet - and so information on growing cannabis was very easy to access - along with the seeds - before we had weedbase and a few chat channels used by growers - but Overgrow seemed to bring everyone together who was growing and had an internet connection internationally - so fuelling an enormous shift to cannabis being grown indoors and covertly - over the established smuggled cannabis from foreign lands -

If growers are to take such great risks - what propels many of them is the potential financial savings and/or gains they might make from growing the plant - and so they look for a plant that has large yields, a shorter flowering time - and other traits that make it easier to grow than say a 16 week flowering HAZE - So as one of the larger seed vendors at the time - for every HAZE seed sold - I must have sold 1000 seeds or more that were not HAZE -

Also at that time - around 20 years ago we started to see feminized seeds appear for sale - and then autoflowerer's - again this benefitted the fast home grower - who was growing for gain rather than exploring the potential of a particular cannabis cultivar by crossing it with another - for every breeder/seedmaker there must be at least 1000 or more plain growers -

When it gets down to sales - HAZE is a very niche market - in the flowers and seeds - Only a few people will like the crazy ride HAZE gives the brain - and only a few growers will be able to keep a plant alive and well for up to six months from seed or cut indoors -

Personally I do find HAZE interesting - and would certainly be growing some now - if I had the space -

Its interesting you talk about the ratio of seed sales gypsy. People in the UK seem to be happy if the bud is named something haze ut it needs to look like a crystal laden indica bud. They wouldn't know a good buzz if it bit them on the arse.
I can't be too sure but I think I actually met you in person back in 96. Did you have a shop in Amsterdam? I was 21 travelling from Australia and was chatting to an English geezer for an hour or more. He gave me a cannagraphic magazine and a load of cannagraphic CDs

Often wandered if it was you

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hmmm - yes it could have been me in 2006 - but in 1996 not - since The Seedboutique was not there back then - I closed it in 2008 since I had moved out to SEAsia by then -

I chatted with so many from a-far back then in the shop - and quite a few Aussie's -

Its interesting you talk about the ratio of seed sales gypsy. People in the UK seem to be happy if the bud is named something haze ut it needs to look like a crystal laden indica bud. They wouldn't know a good buzz if it bit them on the arse.
I can't be too sure but I think I actually met you in person back in 96. Did you have a shop in Amsterdam? I was 21 travelling from Australia and was chatting to an English geezer for an hour or more. He gave me a cannagraphic magazine and a load of cannagraphic CDs

Often wandered if it was you


DEA Agent
Premium user
Originally Posted by Nevil View Post
Grade 9 Biology.
There are four main inheritance patterns observed in genetics.
1 Dominant Recessive
If even one copy of the dominant trait is present, it is expressed.
2 Intermediate Inheritance
Offspring express a trait midway between the two parents.
3 Multiple Allels
Three or four allels code for the same trait.
4 Polygenic Inheritance
Multiple different gene locations code for the same trait.

Most of the traits we are looking for like resin production, gland type yield etc are not a result of Dominant Recessive traits.
Good breeders are keen observers who are capable of recognising quality and trends within populations. Scientists are not responsible for most of the breeds of plants and animals. Passionate individuals are and most top breeders are not particularly well educated. I've been hanging around breeders and clubs all my life and most of the advances in breeding I've seen have come from fanatics working with small populations.
Over the years I've learned a few tricks that seem to tilt the odds a little more in my favour, but I'm not inclined to share these tricks as anything not found in text books will set me up for days of unproductive debate with pompous self styled scientists whose main contribution to discussion seems to be ridicule and derision, without offering to share their own practises and techniques.

It is funny, Nevile was never such a breeder like you all think it is.
He just select good proven genetics in not so big numbers.
And crossed the desired traits he found in seeds he got.
Like most of today ''breeders'' they start with good genetics and breed some good things.

'' The doors to four grow rooms are wide open, disclosing the blinding glare of dozens of sodium and halide lights. Powerful exhaust fans circulate the air, and the smell of cannabis is overpowering. Three of the rooms are devoted to young seedlings, while the largest contains 40 flowering females in their spectacular resinous glory.''
Inside cannabis castle 1986.

“Breeding is a matter of bending nature to your will,” he says while drawing a toke on a joint of Skunk #1. “There’s not a coffee shop in Holland that can produce better weed than this.''
ICC 1986

So at thet time not any weed is close to SKUNK 1 so still today most good weed in Europe is called Skunk.

He become star becouse he was one of the first man who legaly grow and select plants and sold them commercially.

If he was that good breeder he would make good seeds/strains out of seed stock of pre American genetics,but it is not a case.

Wiet in Netherland start become ''SKUNK'' or high grade when USA genetics come to NL.
Where are dose genetics being breed we shurley dont know but they arrived in NL like selected strains of cannabis so they were being breed for long time with very very big selections and this cant be done without some scientific background and big numbers of plants.

The man literally bred other things besides plants and won competitions with them, shitty breeders don't win shit. Comparing Nevil to today's pollen chuckers shows your ignorance about the man.
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The Haze Whisperer
What is the role do Male cannabis plants play do you really know? Do you know of any trait that is linked to males only?
I only know that Males are what determine a seeds sex, if the Male parent gives a Y the seed is Male if the Male parent gives an X the seed is Female.

I would love you to list the reasons a male role is important and for what traits? Or what reasons.When I make a reciprocal cross of any single fairly STS does not reverse a Male it transforms Females to express male flowers to use to self or make all female seeds.To reverse a male you need to use Ethephon. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread....sformed+female
What is nice about Ethephon is the males reversed to female can be smoked to judge, unlike Females reversed to male with STS, as STS can not be smoked, but you should already know the quality of any female that you want to transform to male,so not really needed. With males it can be hard to know what they will pass on to progeny, a male transformed to female gives you a better idea what might get passed on from the male. You can also make super males YY if you wanted to.

Also another point, using STS does not need to be selfing, if you use a transformed Female as the pollen source and pollinate a completely different and unrelated Female there is no inbreeding it is more like an F1.

Hi Sam well males can act to remove the mutation load on population viability, thereby offering a benefit to sexual reproduction.Sexual reproduction can increase population viability relative to asexual reproduction by allowing sexual selection in males to remove deleterious mutations from the population without large demographic costs.

Any hybrid plant that has 2 unrelated parents be they (a true Male or a transformed Female to Male) X an unrelated Female that is expressing recessive negative traits will mask or eliminate the recessive traits, this is part of the reason that unrelated F1 hybrids are so much better than inbred lines. In other words Males are no better at removing recessive traits than a Female or Female transformed to a Male. -SamS

The Y chromosome is passed on without recombination, the DNA on that chromosome provides a genetic history of a males paternal ancestral line.

YY is called polysomy is that right Sam ?.

I think only if with XYY-SamS

I do know STS is only used to reverse females to males and thanks for the link on reversing males i will read that it looks very interesting.

I follow what Luther Burbank's says select the best and reject the rest.

Luther Burbank also did grow outs of 10,000 or more from seed plants to select from, not the same as today's Cannabis breeders that work in a closet, with just a few plants to select from. -SamS

A few more quotes from Luther Burbank's.

Those who take refuge behind theological barbed wire fences, quite often wish they could have more freedom of thought, but fear the change to the great ocean of truth as they would a cold bath

For those who do not think, it is best at least to rearrange their prejudices once in a while.

It is well for people who think to change their minds occasionally in order to keep them clean.

Only a few years ago, it was generally supposed that by crossing two somewhat different species or varieties a mongrel might be produced which might, or more likely might not, surpass its parents. The fact that crossing was only the first step and that selection from the numerous variations secured in the second and a few succeeding generations was the real work of new plant creation had never been appreciated; and to-day its significance is not fully understood either by breeders or even by many scientific investigators along these very lines.

Plant breeding to be successful must be conducted like architecture. Definite plans must be carefully laid for the proposed creation; suitable materials selected with judgment, and these must he securely placed in their proper order and position.
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Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I also would like to know what you think a male brings, other than the obvious.

In the Sour Dubble x Bucksaw Haze cross, Bucksaw brought bag appeal to the buds. Buds all the way up the stems, massive trichomes, some fruit flavor and earlier harvest, with heavier yield. The mother (Sour Dubble) brought strong fuel flavor, and super strong instant high. It also added height to the plants

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
“males can act to remove the mutation load on population viability, thereby offering a benefit to sexual reproduction.Sexual reproduction can increase population viability relative to asexual reproduction by allowing sexual selection in males to remove deleterious mutations from the population without large demographic costs.

The Y chromosome is passed on without recombination, the DNA on that chromosome provides a genetic history of a males paternal ancestral line”

Where did you get that info from, hempy? Doesn’t sound like something you would write off the top of your head as you yourself have said you’re a phonetic speller..can you share your source of that info please? Thanks.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
For those who do not think, it is best at least to rearrange their prejudices once in a while.

LMAO. IMO most in this thread are doing more thinking then you seem to be. You asked me what inbreeding has to do with selfing as if there unrelated. You obviously didn't have a clue what selfing and inbreeding had to do with ea other. How else would interpret your question. When I tell ya what it is you act like you already knew it. Idf so Why would you ask a question like that if you knew what they have to do with ea other. Trying to have a conversation with you is not easy. You don't seem to understand whats going on or you don't understand English. By the by Nice cut and paste in your reply to Sam.

In the Sour Dubble x Bucksaw Haze cross, Bucksaw brought bag appeal to the buds. Buds all the way up the stems, massive trichomes, some fruit flavor and earlier harvest, with heavier yield. The mother (Sour Dubble) brought strong fuel flavor, and super strong instant high. It also added height to the plants

Go re read what Hempy posted.. It wasn't a question for anyone else. That's why I asked him.


The Haze Whisperer
“males can act to remove the mutation load on population viability, thereby offering a benefit to sexual reproduction.Sexual reproduction can increase population viability relative to asexual reproduction by allowing sexual selection in males to remove deleterious mutations from the population without large demographic costs.

The Y chromosome is passed on without recombination, the DNA on that chromosome provides a genetic history of a males paternal ancestral line”

Where did you get that info from, hempy? Doesn’t sound like something you would write off the top of your head as you yourself have said you’re a phonetic speller..can you share your source of that info please? Thanks.


Well HB as i was responding to Sam i made more of an effort mate so he and others reading my response read it correctly.

I started to research the importance of a male in sexual reproduction in plants a decade ago then stopped because of personal reasons.

Information like males clean up mutations and more was still in my memory so all i did was google and find a few quotes.

If i get time i will but try a basic search on Y chromosome.


The Haze Whisperer
LMAO. IMO most in this thread are doing more thinking then you seem to be. You asked me what inbreeding has to do with selfing as if there unrelated. You obviously didn't have a clue what selfing and inbreeding had to do with ea other. How else would interpret your question. When I tell ya what it is you act like you already knew it. Idf so Why would you ask a question like that if you knew what they have to do with ea other. Trying to have a conversation with you is not easy. You don't seem to understand whats going on or you don't understand English. By the by Nice cut and paste in your reply to Sam.

Go re read what Hempy posted.. It wasn't a question for anyone else. That's why I asked him.

I and many posting in here would appreciate it if you showed respect to other members in here HH. Dr P has every right to post respond to whom ever he wants if you don't like it you know were the door is.

I asked you what a male contributed to see if you knew the males important in a sexual mating clearly you did not.

You use STS as a result you get loss of vigor massive loss in yield and your plants become less able to deal with environmental changes and to pests inching closer to sterility.

Sam knows how to fix that (i suspect i do to ) but the question is do you ?.

Also DNA has a memory when Sam says he has the ability to restore the Vigor and delete or mask the recessive negative traits i suspect he means to delete or mask the DNA memory.


The Haze Whisperer
Shantibaba uses for SELECTING MALE PLANTS

Hi All

well someone brought this thread to my attention and asked for me to comment...so I will.

In my experiences with the Haze plants, the actual breeding of traits into a plant are not easy.The only way you can attempt this, and it maybe out of the reach of most due to the number of plants required is this. You crack a batch of Haze from a reliable and as pure source as you can find. Keep the best 3 males that exhibit traits you are after in the physical plant. You do the same for 3 females you get from the same batch. You then proceed to pollinate each female to ABC males and crack the seed you make...identify those plants displaying traits you are looking for and pick the male that shows most true in the F1 progeny. This can only be achieved by doing larger samples of seeds...and then you will need to keep a fair few clone back ups until you are sure that certain plants do not shine your way. An example of such breeding was Super Silver Haze and Mango Haze from Mr Nice Seeds. Nev cracked over 1000 seeds and followed them through testing large F1 progeny...Mango female was easy to find for me but the male took a fair while...1.5 years. In that time I killed several hundred F1 seeds to find the male that proved to be most true in its progeny.However now with Nev Haze C, and my MH male I have two plants that combine well and carry certain Haze/sativa traits to all they mate with...but this has now taken quite some years.

So it can occur with luck and it can occur with hard work, but the amount of plants needed to fulfil this type of breeding is much more greater than Indica dominant breeding imo.

(A quick word on "backward" hermaphrodites ? declared males that eventually sport female flowers ? as opposed to the usual female-to-male hermaphrodites. These are semi-rare occurrences, usually sterile but sometimes viable, that I have found at times to be valuable in their genetic contributions. Some of the most resinous and desirable males I have encountered exhibited this trait. This trait almost seems to guarantee against unwanted hermaphroditism in subsequent generations as it also increases the female to male ratio in its progeny.)

(These are the Male's used through out the life of the origional haze and the mystery of it.)

It explains about bad and good haze I belive..

I generally employ a simple process of elimination while selecting males. First, any auto-flowering or very early-declared males are eliminated. (Auto-flowering means that male flowers form regardless of light cycle timing.) This is mainly to insure against hermaphroditism or unwanted flowering traits, but also as a means to insure quality. The very early declared males have a tendency to be less desirable in terms of their contributions to the quality of the finished product. (If you are trying to specifically create an early-flowering strain, then your priorities may be different.)

Next, any male plant that grows too tall or too fast is usually eliminated. The reason for this is that most plants which dedicate so much energy to fiber production generally are best for making fiber. The exception to this rule is when an over-productive plant also exhibits a number of the desirable characteristics mentioned later.

The next criteria for elimination is borrowed from Michael Starks' book, Marijuana Potency, and involves stem structure. Large, hollow main stems are sought while pith-filled stems are eliminated. Backed by years of observation, I agree that hollow stems do seem to facilitate THC production.

Another consideration is the type of floral clusters that develop. Even on males, clusters which are tight, compact and yet very productive are desired over an airy, loose structure. These observations are most notable in the indoor environment. Outdoors, the differences in stem and floral structures are more difficult to discern.

The next and perhaps most important characteristic to examine is that of odor, flavor and trichome development. Again, the females will prove themselves by their finished product, but the males are a bit trickier.

I usually begin with a Sativa female and an Indica male. It has been my observation that the females primarily contribute the type of flavor and aroma and the males contribute the amount of flavor and odor. The "Sativa/Indica" aspects of this formula are mainly apparent in the P1 or very early filial crosses (to about f3). Beyond the f3 generation the apparent "Sativa/Indica" ratio in a given individual is less important than the odor/flavor and trichome development aspects it exhibits. Therefore, one of the main aspects to consider when selecting a male is the depth of its aroma and flavor. (If you are seeking to develop a low-odor indoor strain you might wish to begin with a low-odor Sativa male and an Indica female.)

With the remaining males I usually employ an odor/flavor test. Using males at least two or three weeks into the flowering cycle (and preferably beyond if a separate, isolated space is being used), a sort of "scratch-and-sniff" technique is first employed. With clean, odor-free fingers, gently rub one plant at a time, on the stem where it is well developed and pliable, above the woody part and below the developing top (approximately at the spot where a clone would be cut). The newer leaves at their halfway point of development may also be rubbed and sniffed.

These are the places that the earliest chemical signatures of a developing plant present themselves, and it is our intent to gently disturb these chemicals and inspire an odor/flavor reaction on the fingers and on the plant. By examining these various aromas in this way one may be able to determine certain desirable (and also undesirable) characteristics. After clearing one's palate and refreshing one's fingers, another plant may be tested.

The finalists are best compared for at least a week and at different times of day, to determine who performs best over a period of time.

A few of the "good" aromas which I have found to be associated with both male and female high quality cannabis are: sweet, floral, fruity, berry, wine/brandy, other savory spirits, skunky and spearmint. Some of the "bad" aromas associated with both male and female cannabis are: grassy, chlorophyll (green), celery, parsley, carrots, cinnamon, pepper-mint or wintergreen, gear-oil and gasoline. Some of the aromas that are considered "good" from females but not necessarily from males are: woody, cedar, pine, citrus, tropical fruit, chocolate, vanilla, coffee, garlic and astringent.

Worldwide weed

It is sad that due to the Unfortunate State of Assholes in the world today we herbalists are treated criminally. Sad because given saner times we would be able to produce vast amounts of fine quality herb by virtue of no more than the great outdoors, large numbered populations and trial and error.

Someday perhaps, but in the meantime I have few alternate suggestions. Holland, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain and other parts of Europe are opening up more and more toward herbal tolerance. It is relatively easy in these places to score some high quality product.

It is advisable for the newbie to a scene to buy many small samples of herbals at first until one finds what one likes. Just like in any other travel situation, special surprises await those willing to venture out from the centralized tourist areas (except in Christiania where "one stop shopping" is greatly enjoyed).

I am willing to bet that some of the many herbal "sweet spots" around the globe may once again be producing their specialties. I am eager to verify any rumor of such possibilities. These sweet spots would include many equatorial and near equatorial regions such as Colombia, Highland Mexico, parts of Thailand, Burma and Bhutan to name a few. Places such as Nepal and Jamaica have been ideal for herbal expeditions as well. These are some of the places one could venture in search of educating one's herbal palate and expanding one's experience. n

Constant testing

After selections are made, it is also necessary to remember to test for these qualities across a number of clone generations. Do the desirable characteristics present in a new plant (from seed) persist through the following clone generations of that plant? Does the plant from clones of the original carry the same odor/flavor quality? The same potency? Overall desirability? The answers most definitely need to be "yes" if that individual is to be considered for future breeding.

With much practice and years of experience it becomes apparent to those with a sensitive palate which individuals possess the most desirable characteristics from a given sample.
I suggest that your taste and smell be augmented with the use of an illuminated magnifier, either 30X, 60X or 100X power
will do.

Look at the same aforementioned spot on the stem or developing leaves any time after the second week in the bud cycle and look for the greatest abundance of developing trichomes or secretory hairs (hairs that secrete fluid obvious at 30X and above magnification). More fully developed trichomes with very clear heads are generally the most desirable.

These observations need to be done over a period of time (that is, not just a one-time look) and at different times of the day to determine which individuals perform best. Many various phenomena become apparent to those who are able to pay close attention over a period of time. To that effect I suggest you compile and composite detailed notes on one's observations, and to compare those notes over time. Detailed, comprehensive notes are the hallmark of any successful breeding program.

It is possible to test males by smoking or otherwise consuming them. This practice may be somewhat beneficial to beginners as it does involve a sort of obvious discretion. I suggest using only fresh tips, properly cured and rolled into a joint. Also, make sure that this test smoke is the first smoke one consumes in a day in order to best discern its qualities, or lack thereof.

Some other aspects to consider

When you have a series of males.Without checking for early resin gland production or any other trait you should look for uniformity of the plant.If you take the internode space from the bottom of the plant and follow it up to the top of the plant.What you should find is the plant displays a 1:1.6 ratio.If you see the bottom internode space is 1cm and the next internode space is 1.6cms and so on...then I say this is a better more stable plant to select...as well as takeing other traits into consideration

Originally Posted by Shantibaba
to base it on the internode ratio is one important factor for inbreeding genetic consistency that is already inherent.But by far not the only factor.
These are some of the techniques, selections and considerations that I employ when breeding fine quality cannabis. Famed horticulturist Luther Burbank's quote: "select the best and reject all others" is the single most important aspect to consider.

All the best Sb

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
The man literally bred other things besides plants and won competitions with them, shitty breeders don't win shit. Comparing Nevil to today's pollen chuckers shows your ignorance about the man.

Can you show us what he won as a breeder ?
Coz I looked years ago couldn`t find any achievements ?

Heard about fish ,sheep and bird breeding . What prizes did he win ?

I said earlier his learning curve re cannabis was extremely steep . In 4-5 years he becomes a master ?
Starts selling seeds from the rolling trays of coffee shops . Meets Sam , buys his seeds . Breeds everything to everything .5 years later he is on the run from the DEA and has to quit .
But in those 4/ 5 years he becomes a cannabis seer . I find that hard to believe .


Active member
A few haze pictures from my Recent work in the Caribbean, the first pic is Haze E clone around 11 weeks , the second pic is about 9 weeks flowering a Clone the last Pic is a O haze x OTH IBL I have some more interesting Pics I grew several thousand Hazes we germinated around 700 seeds per round , I wish I could have dedicated a entire HA to the haze project like Pink Kush and other more demanded strains , I would be continuing this work now in St Vincent but the Virus has caused me Delays .

I will dig up some more interesting pics if anyone is interested , I learned a lot in the process of growing hazes near the Equator .



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DEA Agent
Premium user
Can you show us what he won as a breeder ?
Coz I looked years ago couldn`t find any achievements ?

Heard about fish ,sheep and bird breeding . What prizes did he win ?

Really? I found an article years ago, I can't remember what animal it was (might have been a horse or something of that nature) but they do exist. I wish I could find it again but after reading thru millions of articles, websites, blogs, ect.. thru out the years I wouldn't know where to start.


Active member
Can you show us what he won as a breeder ?
Coz I looked years ago couldn`t find any achievements ?

Heard about fish ,sheep and bird breeding . What prizes did he win ?

I said earlier his learning curve re cannabis was extremely steep . In 4-5 years he becomes a master ?
Starts selling seeds from the rolling trays of coffee shops . Meets Sam , buys his seeds . Breeds everything to everything .5 years later he is on the run from the DEA and has to quit .
But in those 4/ 5 years he becomes a cannabis seer . I find that hard to believe .

Exactly. All this 'history" is one embellished joke. It is a plant, it wants to grow. You find seeds in great weed, you grow them & cross them if you wish. If you have a great female clone and cross
a great male to it, you might get an elite strain - does not mean you are a "master breeder". Great photos & info from people here who are not limited by their ego's & petty senseless arguments. :tiphat:


Active member
Really? I found an article years ago, I can't remember what animal it was (might have been a horse or something of that nature) but they do exist. I wish I could find it again but after reading thru millions of articles, websites, blogs, ect.. thru out the years I wouldn't know where to start.

I Knew Nevil and was in Communication with him every two or three months on Skype I was sharing pics and info from Jamaica with him and working on genetics we shared mutually .

My background is in Live stock breeding Pigs specifically so we spoke about breeding of plants and animals , Nevil Bred KOI fish when I initially met Him in Amsterdam he was breeding Koi and he had been featured in a Japanese magazine for his efforts .

His Financial backers called in there loans and he was forced to sell his farm and he than returned to Oz .
My experience with Nevil was mixed he was certainly out for his best interest and would say and do whatever was in his own interest .

I am very straightforward and say what I think regardless of what I stand to gain or loose .

My Experience the seedy seed biz is full of all types of personalities I find it exhausting , I work my ass off in more countries than I can count on one hand so I focus on my work and try not to get Drawn into Drama.

That being said I miss Nevil and our Talks he sent me some amazing genetics and advice on selection of the Lines .

I will say that proof is in the genetics and some of the best hazes I have grown out , came from Skunkman Via someone we know in common and Mau from Nirvana he has a 5haze that is really elite I am not sure what he charges for it or if he still sells it but his haze was amazing !
Greenhouse Stuff sucked in 04-06 and They did last year literally nothing .
We also have had old timers haze and "purple haze " for many years we received when everyone did but we have made some Ibl's between it and 5 haze "O haze " and we have found some of these IBL's to be genetically Superior and throwing a Higher Ratio of Keepers in the Equatorial region outdoors .



DEA Agent
Premium user
Can you show us what he won as a breeder ?
Coz I looked years ago couldn`t find any achievements ?

Heard about fish ,sheep and bird breeding . What prizes did he win ?

I said earlier his learning curve re cannabis was extremely steep . In 4-5 years he becomes a master ?
Starts selling seeds from the rolling trays of coffee shops . Meets Sam , buys his seeds . Breeds everything to everything .5 years later he is on the run from the DEA and has to quit .
But in those 4/ 5 years he becomes a cannabis seer . I find that hard to believe .

Not that hard to believe. 4-5 years (that's 1,460-1,825 days) is plenty of time to master something that you deal with every day. Dedication and intelligence is key, also space... Then again breeding isn't Rocket science.


DEA Agent
Premium user
I Knew Nevil and was in Communication with him every two or three months on Skype I was sharing pics and info from Jamaica with him and working on genetics we shared mutually .

My background is in Live stock breeding Pigs specifically so we spoke about breeding of plants and animals , Nevil Bred KOI fish when I initially met Him in Amsterdam he was breeding Koi and he had been featured in a Japanese magazine for his efforts .

His Financial backers called in there loans and he was forced to sell his farm and he than returned to Oz .
My experience with Nevil was mixed he was certainly out for his best interest and would say and do whatever was in his own interest .

I am very straightforward and say what I think regardless of what I stand to gain or loose .

My Experience the seedy seed biz is full of all types of personalities I find it exhausting , I work my ass off in more countries than I can count on one hand so I focus on my work and try not to get Drawn into Drama.

That being said I miss Nevil and our Talks he sent me some amazing genetics and advice on selection of the Lines .

I will say that proof is in the genetics and some of the best hazes I have grown out , came from Skunkman Via someone we know in common and Mau from Nirvana he has a 5haze that is really elite I am not sure what he charges for it or if he still sells it but his haze was amazing !
Greenhouse Stuff sucked in 04-06 and They did last year literally nothing .
We also have had old timers haze and "purple haze " for many years we received when everyone did but we have made some Ibl's between it and 5 haze "O haze " and we have found some of these IBL's to be genetically Superior and throwing a Higher Ratio of Keepers in the Equatorial region outdoors .


How's Barney treating you these days? I remember looking for Hashplant×NL#1 years ago and came across Violator Kush aka Charles kush(?). are you still working with that HP#1?
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