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Band Aid Haze is Cuban Black x A5 / Thai ?

I have Band Aid x A5 fems . They will get done this winter down under .

Heres one that just got flipped.

Very vigorous and very easy growing compared to the 3 A5's I popped. 2 of the A5 were super runts. Probably getting the chop and I will pop more in the fall as my time is limited for this run but got 2 of the Bandaids and a Nevil's at 12 days and already shooting pistils.


Well-known member
inbreeding is not a bad thing at all its a myth that people describe it as such but like other breeding systems it can be bad it depends what your inbreeding if you take a landrace from a small island weres there been a small popluation for say 500 years and you bred a brother and sister together <the heaviest inbreeding possible> you will get a combination of both siblings positive and recessive traits some of the unseen recessive traits maybe defects or undesirable but they should be quite easy to know understand and isolate with such a pure genepool,,if you then cross a brother and sister from a lemon sk x og kush x haze x hawaian you will again get both the dominant an recessive genes of both parents in the offspring but this time you have them from 4 different lines most of which are a mix themselves of several lines you will therefore have many more possibiltys showing up in the offspring both good and bad because of the much larger amount of bad recessives in outcrossbred lineages people assume inbreeding is a bad thing when all it does is reveal whats already there which in effect is of great use to a breeder in removing defects and improving health ,,plants an animals come from nature and nature breeds to such a level of purity that animals look like clones but the selection criteria is much higher than mans and any defect is not tolerated and therefore gets eliminated or reduced greatly from the genepool when you hear stories of inbreeding being bad its human beings fucking around with nature trying to apply there own humanity to a system that already works perfectly with no humanity is pretty vain of us really lol so in the case of human being we go forth an multiply we are esentially mongrels therefore we carry many recessive defects and positives from a 1000 lineages so if we inbreed you gonna see a whole heap of defects pop straight up but its not the inbreeding that caused it its genetic material being used and the inbreeding simply revealed it hope that made sense as to how it can be bad sorry to ramble lol

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this female is pollinated by a nephew who is the offspring of her full brother and sister,,pretty inbred

Damn dude.
Go back and fix that post with some punctuation and formatting.
The little bit I read is all over the place too.


Well-known member
Iv seen sum stuff going around personally ....probably made with s1 parents...with probably plenty s1-s4's in ther background....wat im seeing with lines like this now at s3 or 4 from a clone, the seeds are taking many months to grow...throwing many mutant plants, ridiculously small yields, throwing way to many runty plants....thers some lines that are like this that have used regular breeding with males or females but ther not doing too good....but it really depends on what your doing it with...an how you do it...usually f1's work different an should work better than the parents depending on if ther done with proper unrelated plants....if your gona inbreed you need to know wat your doing...how to do it an wat your working with....its not always easy to cary all the traits through in a line....abit easier if the line is pure...meaning breed for many many generations to give a set of traits.. plant can take inbreeding quite well....doing it properly is not so easy...but then it would also depend on what your trying to inbreed.....evrything an anything in the line as well as its decendants..good and bad an stuff you may not even see.... or are you trying to inbreed an cary something in particular.

By S4 the plants are seriously screwed up and many are functionally sterile, also poor yields, no pest and disease resistance. We made many S3 or S4 seeds for selecting parents for our single Cannabinoid breeding work but we did have the ability to restore the Vigor and delete or mask the recessive negative traits with a method used for other crops. Any single Cannabinoid say for THCV, we used 4 landrace unrelated lines, in the case of THCV, Afghan, Thai, S African Durban, and Calif Orange that all had about 1% THCV. After selfing each line separately and selecting the progeney plants with the highest THCV values which by S3 or S4 yielded plants that were 5%-7% THCV but all inbred and all but useless except for the target Cannabinoid, we combined the best of each of the 4 lines and restored the full F1 vigor found in F1 hybrids. A bit of work but it did work very well. As long as the 4 combined lines are unrelated. We ended up with a great THCV mother clone with closer to 15% THCV with little other Cannabinoids, and high yielding with great pest and disease resistance, and vigor.
All Cannabis is Heterozygous and will deteriorate as a Homozygous plant with lots of problems expressed. By selfing S4 or more you get closer to Homozygous and all the recessive problems are expressed.

In the breeding program you describe above Sam, it sounds like you were selecting for one specific uncommon chemotype to the exclusion of all other traits.
It doesn't surprise me to hear that particular pheno had enough recessive traits in her to result in a basket case of problems when selfed further in that direction exclusively to S4. Yet I am sure you consider that part of the work a success. Right?
Had you been selecting for more typical commercial traits, I have no doubt that even starting with the same high THCV P1, you could have found yourself at S4 with a plant that was healthy and a viable candidate for ongoing commercial flower production if those traits were a priority.
Your solution to develop breeding plants from other lines that shared the trait and outcrossing them together was great. Thanks for sharing that experience.

I guess my point is that the results you got with selfing to S4 in that project should not be considered typical among the work that people here might encounter working with S4 seeds (selected by anyone with even average skill) for traits that make them suitable for personal or commercial THC flower production.
You set out to find a freak through selection and succeeded. It was the selection as much as the inbreeding that produced the results you ended up with.
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ICMag Donor
You need to learn how to explain story's better then

You didn't mention anything about your friend only liking Indica dom and wanting big yields as that's completely different from them just not growing well . Also to make it clear he dropped them to you but they were Dead before you got to try them so it was only your Indica loving Cash cropper friend who got to try them and of course someone into Indica early finishers wont like any of the extremely Sativa.

Also for the record the Mullumbimby Madness x Nevil Haze 21 was a huge yielder and the Swiss Thai x Nevil Haze was a nice yielder to.

I try not to post in this thread anymore and dont want to argue with anyone but show some respect especially the people who grow his strains but bad mouth him every other post

You might make good seeds , but your reading comprehension is not the best .

The guy ran them once .They didn`t grow well . Then he had to shift house so binned them . He did pass them on to me .

Dude didn`t like the yield and prefers Indica . He offered them to other folks who said no thanks . I received them . They died .

No hating no talking BS .


The Haze Whisperer
You need to learn how to explain story's better then

You didn't mention anything about your friend only liking Indica dom and wanting big yields as that's completely different from them just not growing well . Also to make it clear he dropped them to you but they were Dead before you got to try them so it was only your Indica loving Cash cropper friend who got to try them and of course someone into Indica early finishers wont like any of the extremely Sativa.

Also for the record the Mullumbimby Madness x Nevil Haze 21 was a huge yielder and the Swiss Thai x Nevil Haze was a nice yielder to.

I try not to post in this thread anymore and dont want to argue with anyone but show some respect especially the people who grow his strains but bad mouth him every other post

Nevil told me he had given the NH to set friend as a back up but i don't think Nevil wanted them handed out and past along to people.

The guy did smoke sativas but for some reason started to get right into high CBD lines from shanti.

I hope you continue to post ojd i hope the mods put a stop to the trolling and end the crap.Clearly its been there goal to kill this thread from the get go.


The Haze Whisperer
In the breeding program you describe above Sam, it sounds like you were selecting for one specific uncommon chemotype to the exclusion of all other traits.
It doesn't surprise me to hear that particular pheno had enough recessive traits in her to result in a basket case of problems when selfed further in that direction exclusively to S4. Yet I am sure you consider that part of the work a success. Right?
Had you been selecting for more typical commercial traits, I have no doubt that even starting with the same high THCV P1, you could have found yourself at S4 with a plant that was healthy and a viable candidate for ongoing commercial flower production if those traits were a priority.
Your solution to develop breeding plants from other lines that shared the trait and outcrossing them together was great. Thanks for sharing that experience.

I guess my point is that the results you got with selfing to S4 in that project should not be considered typical among the work that people here might encounter working with S4 seeds (selected by anyone with even average skill) for traits that make them suitable for personal or commercial THC flower production.
You set out to find a freak through selection and succeeded. It was the selection as much as the inbreeding that produced the results you ended up with.

How is a low yielding plant of any value to any commercial grower Raho and how is producing plants that have no ability to deal with environmental changes or pests advancing cannabis in any way.

A male contributes half the gean pool of that strain so by selfing only the female you have all ready lost Half of its ancestors. More importantly the male contributes a lot more than half the genetics.


Well-known member
Damn dude.
Go back and fix that post with some punctuation and formatting.
The little bit I read is all over the place too.

that post was to starcrash who thanked me for it so you go back an fix it and you can fix your manners to while your at it :tiphat:


Well-known member

12 weeks to the day be interested to hear how much longer some of you hazexperts think she needs as im far better at smoking it than growing it lol

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
You need to learn how to explain story's better then

You didn't mention anything about your friend only liking Indica dom and wanting big yields as that's completely different from them just not growing well . Also to make it clear he dropped them to you but they were Dead before you got to try them so it was only your Indica loving Cash cropper friend who got to try them and of course someone into Indica early finishers wont like any of the extremely Sativa.

Also for the record the Mullumbimby Madness x Nevil Haze 21 was a huge yielder and the Swiss Thai x Nevil Haze was a nice yielder to.

I try not to post in this thread anymore and dont want to argue with anyone but show some respect especially the people who grow his strains but bad mouth him every other post

Swiss Thai would be Thai 82 by Green Hornet I think .

I also received some Super Kush / Mullum / Thia . I made f2s of those .


Well-known member
I don't think my post could have been any clearer Hempy.
Breeding is about goals.
Sam's goal was to create a strain that produced high levels of THCV exclusively. He reached that goal in a ridiculously small number of cycles through the use of cannabinoid analysis assisted selection and selfing.
Once he had accomplished that goal, he found his selections had also resulted in plants that expressed negative recessive traits.
Eliminating those phenos from the offspring was a simple matter of a single outcross with another plant that did not share the recessive trait. He took it further than that by breeding outcross lines with specific traits, but a single outcross could have stopped those expressions in the resulting F1 progeny.
Even though the genes for the traits would still exist in the offspring, they would never express because they recessive genes and need to exist in both parents. The negative traits would be masked.
How is a low yielding plant of any value to any commercial grower Raho
Sam's selections from the selfed line had nothing to do with yield.
and how is producing plants that have no ability to deal with environmental changes or pests advancing cannabis in any way.
Sam never mentioned that as a specific goal of his selections. All breeders measure success against their own goals, not what other people expect or want. My point is that if he had started out with a goal of using selfing to create a plant with ability to deal with environmental changes or pests, he could have just as easily accomplished it using the same methods. I think that is the part of my post you do not understand.
A male contributes half the gean pool of that strain so by selfing only the female you have all ready lost Half of its ancestors. More importantly the male contributes a lot more than half the genetics.

You have a long history of preaching against the use of FEM pollen or selfing in breeding. This was a common perspective 7 years ago, but now we know that this bias is rooted in a legacy of bad practices, myths and ignorance that have been debunked by science for many years. Because of your old bias, your absolute certainty that what you think you know is right, I wouldn't expect you to understand what Sam was doing or what my post was about. You are either unaware of or stubbornly blind yourself to/deny the validity of many of the revelations/innovations that have become common knowledge/practice during your time away from the canna-web the last 7 years or so.

I'm not saying that the breeding discussion I am trying to have with Sam is common knowledge in our community, it's not.


Well-known member
that post was to starcrash who thanked me for it so you go back an fix it and you can fix your manners to while your at it :tiphat:
You're right harvest. I didn't mean for that to come out as blunt and humorless as it did. I apologize.


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12 weeks to the day be interested to hear how much longer some of you hazexperts think she needs as im far better at smoking it than growing it lol

Just as with any plant observe the trichomes. Cloudy with some amber. Amber isn't going to make a 12-16 week strain magically turn into an indica pumpkin. It will tell you when she's ripe and ready for the taking. I would take at 10% amber maybe up to 20%. I think its mostly filled in but you still have pistils looking like they need more time. I definitely wouldn't think she needs more than 2 more weeks from the pic.


Well-known member
Just as with any plant observe the trichomes. Cloudy with some amber. Amber isn't going to make a 12-16 week strain magically turn into an indica pumpkin. It will tell you when she's ripe and ready for the taking. I would take at 10% amber maybe up to 20%. I think its mostly filled in but you still have pistils looking like they need more time. I definitely wouldn't think she needs more than 2 more weeks from the pic.

thanks lostribe i took a small cut of her before for a test but didnt keep notes had it 12 to 14 from memory she looked like she needs another week to me but two could be interesting i dont have a luope so cant see trichomes easily she was straight speedweed on the test which i like ,ll reassess her next week maybe ill take some an leave rest see if theres much diffrence thanks for your imput :tiphat:


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Just as with any plant observe the trichomes. Cloudy with some amber. Amber isn't going to make a 12-16 week strain magically turn into an indica pumpkin. It will tell you when she's ripe and ready for the taking. I would take at 10% amber maybe up to 20%. I think its mostly filled in but you still have pistils looking like they need more time. I definitely wouldn't think she needs more than 2 more weeks from the pic.

Monkey Haze F2 resin

I´d love to hear your opnion...and everyones else ..of course

The source :)

PS: I know I´ve had several questions unanswered...sry about that...I´ll do when I have the time :)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
When there's no shiny or silver looking heads left is what I look for.. The more cloudy the heads the whiter the flowers look. If you don't have anything else you can take pics to look at heads.


The Haze Whisperer
In the breeding program you describe above Sam, it sounds like you were selecting for one specific uncommon chemotype to the exclusion of all other traits.
It doesn't surprise me to hear that particular pheno had enough recessive traits in her to result in a basket case of problems when selfed further in that direction exclusively to S4. Yet I am sure you consider that part of the work a success. Right?
Had you been selecting for more typical commercial traits, I have no doubt that even starting with the same high THCV P1, you could have found yourself at S4 with a plant that was healthy and a viable candidate for ongoing commercial flower production if those traits were a priority.
Your solution to develop breeding plants from other lines that shared the trait and outcrossing them together was great. Thanks for sharing that experience.

I guess my point is that the results you got with selfing to S4 in that project should not be considered typical among the work that people here might encounter working with S4 seeds (selected by anyone with even average skill) for traits that make them suitable for personal or commercial THC flower production.
You set out to find a freak through selection and succeeded. It was the selection as much as the inbreeding that produced the results you ended up with.

Again Raho How is a low yielding plant of any value to any commercial grower Raho and how is producing plants that have no ability to deal with environmental changes or pests advancing cannabis in any way.

A male contributes half the gean pool of that strain so by selfing only the female you have all ready lost Half of its ancestors. More importantly the male contributes a lot more than half the genetics.

[B said:

By S4 the plants are seriously screwed up and many are functionally sterile, also poor yields, no pest and disease resistance. We made many S3 or S4 seeds for selecting parents for our single Cannabinoid breeding work but we did have the ability to restore the Vigor and delete or mask the recessive negative traits with a method used for other crops. Any single Cannabinoid say for THCV, we used 4 landrace unrelated lines, in the case of THCV, Afghan, Thai, S African Durban, and Calif Orange that all had about 1% THCV. After selfing each line separately and selecting the progeney plants with the highest THCV values which by S3 or S4 yielded plants that were 5%-7% THCV but all inbred and all but useless except for the target Cannabinoid, we combined the best of each of the 4 lines and restored the full F1 vigor found in F1 hybrids. A bit of work but it did work very well. As long as the 4 combined lines are unrelated. We ended up with a great THCV mother clone with closer to 15% THCV with little other Cannabinoids, and high yielding with great pest and disease resistance, and vigor.
All Cannabis is Heterozygous and will deteriorate as a Homozygous plant with lots of problems expressed. By selfing S4 or more you get closer to Homozygous and all the recessive problems are expressed.

By s4 the plants are seriously screwed up and many are functionally sterile dose that sound like a positive to you Raho.

Mask the recessive negative traits is not fixing things and if you delete them what else is deleted a long with the recessive negative traits ?.

A male contributes 50% of the geans but it also plays a important role in keeping the next generation healthy do you know what that is Raho.
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