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the Hand Watering coco thread


Well-known member
you obv aren't understanding what I'm saying..

treat it like soil. after a transplant.. you don't want to go to runoff when you take a clone and put it into a 1 gallon pot.. and then if u put a beercup clone into a 5 gallon like I idid.. u can overwater .. until the roots actually get settled into the new pot...

this is what I was told. I treated it like coco like your telling him to do.. and when I transplanted my plants drooped.. and had issues..

then I treated it more like soil. allowing the tops of the coco 2-3 inches to dry out before watering.. then once your plant is taking off and u see roots coming out the bottoms.. I started watering every 3 days.. then 2 days.. now its everyday about 40 days into flower...


Well-known member
If I don't treat it like a soil grow, how do I treat it? Like hydro?

ph 5.8-6.2

once the pots are filled with roots u can literally water as much as u like. don't let them dry out.. I know people who water 1 time a week.. and others water every 3 days.. every 2 days.. and some people every day..

next grow.. once I sell some of this harvest.. I will get an automated watering system so I don't have to water by hand anymore especially in COCO
I am looking for the right medium to use for my needs. I want to produce as large a yield as possible (who doesn't lol) and have the highest variety of strains for different uses. I will be starting a multi cab grow so 2 27gal totes roughly 15" deep 15" wide and 27" long 1 used for mothers bonsai style and one used for clones/few mothers as well as a dog style flower dresser conversion. The question is I will obviously have my hands full with a high plant count (mainly to identify and isolate top quality mothers) will coco coir be right for me if I want to water or open cabs no more then 1-2 times a day


Well-known member
with coco.. u don't need more then 5 gallons of coco in almost ANY situation. I grew 6 footers in 3.5-4 gallons of soil. yielded half pound EACH plant EASY.. not weighed yet but each plant looks like a lb.. but I wont say weight until weighed..


New member
Quick nute question. I'm using the canna line (1/2 to full strength) plus the addition of calmag, roots HPK (instead of canna bloom), and earthjuice microblast.

The roots hpk and microblast both say to add once every two weeks, but kinda read as if they are referring to a large res vs hand watering.

So here's the question. Should I only be adding those once every couple weeks per their instructions?? I've been adding HPK daily since bloom without issue, but the micro only bi-weekly. I feel I should be adding the micro more often as I water to about 20% runoff once daily in 5 gal fabric pots.

Any advice on this would help. Here's a cpl current pics. Day 22 in flower. Not even sure if I need the microblast.

Xray Kimono

with coco.. u don't need more then 5 gallons of coco in almost ANY situation. I grew 6 footers in 3.5-4 gallons of soil. yielded half pound EACH plant EASY.. not weighed yet but each plant looks like a lb.. but I wont say weight until weighed..

Yep... Once you have a pot that big, even when vegging just feed it more and more times per day as it gets bigger and bigger. I grew a diesel that when I untangled it from the trellis was over 10' tall in 5 gal coco. Only time I go any bigger is when it is a mama plant and is only getting fed once a day.


I beg the differ, I yeild more in 7 gallon pots than I do 5. But to me personally pot size is dependent upon your enviroment, space, and lighting. Once rooted I will put clones straight in 1 gallon pots which I found they grow faster with thicker stalks. I will water every day but with measured amount for first week, after that they get fed EVERY day sometimes twice. Coco is a hydro medium as the definition of hydro is " without soil" which coco definetly is not. By treating coco like soil you are essentially frying your roots every time you let it dry and drastically reducing the rate at which your roots will grow. Your are also taking the " robustness" out of them by keeping them deflated from not being able to perform osmosis which has a direct correlation with the health of your roots. But I'm ranting now so let me shut up.


New member

Really nice thread and thanks. :)

I'm growing in CoCo, watering by hand and am having a lot of fun.

I had the irrigation system or watering system with medusa drippers but am making a prove and I am growing outdoors, I have not parameters fixed like when i'm growing indoor and therefore I didn't put the watering system.

I'm in flowering time and I water every day using a watering time of 1:2 or 1:3, in the cloudy days they don't need the same amount of water than in the sunny days and therefore is being funny for me because everyday I go to see them (I like to see them every day whatever substratum I were growing) and check what's the best for today and maybe some days more and I give them exact what they need by hand... I can see every day the results... :)
Also I haven't full sun all day like in the most of gardens (in indoors have full sun all 12 hours of day) what give me more time to water later or right now, a little bit or a lot.

It's being so funny.:woohoo:



Well-known member
I reuse until its gone.. lol . just keep sawing out the stem and part the root ball. enzyme the fuck out of it and your good .. lol

add new to replace the shit u take out with the roots.. and continue.. this second grow in this coco is faster vegging.. beautiful growth.. and I don't have any SOIL TO GET RID OF anymore..

after this tent of GG4 in soil is done. its ALL COCO from here on out.. I cant stand having to find somewere to get rid of spent soil.


Active member
I see a lot peoples don't go more than 800 when growing in coco with multiple feeding per day. But when I hand watering I can feed only once per day. So my question is if I feed once per day can I up the nutes and how much ec plants can take it is good to feed 2.0 e.c or up to 2.4e.c in full bloom if environment is good?


New member
I see a lot peoples don't go more than 800 when growing in coco with multiple feeding per day. But when I hand watering I can feed only once per day. So my question is if I feed once per day can I up the nutes and how much ec plants can take it is good to feed 2.0 e.c or up to 2.4e.c in full bloom if environment is good?
In theory, yes... but IMO it's nutrient line/system dependent.

I use Rock Nutrients (feeding once a day) and I peak EC at about 2.3 in bloom and range from 1.3 (1.6 avg) and up during veg. I've seen other nutrient lines call for higher EC...some lower. I personally used Rocks feed schedule as a pretty steady guide with some alterations here and there but the alterations are minimal TBH.


HippieLettuce ✌🏻


I'm using Mother Earth brand coco and on the bag it says it's pH is between 6.3 - 6.8, my question is should I be watering/feeding around that pH or keep it around 5.8 anyway? I use two pH pens an el cheapo and a BlueLabs to make sure I'm on point. I use citric acid for pH down but no matter what EC I feed them at pH 5.8 the plants (different strains) get Cal/Mag deficiencies and didn't look as happy to me as they do when I just forgot to pH them and gave them some nutes at pH 6.4 yesterday. I think I will feed them like that again to see if they still respond in a positive way, is 5.8 the law or does it apply more to the coco bricks than the loose, bagged, precharged coir?


Active member
I'm using Mother Earth brand coco and on the bag it says it's pH is between 6.3 - 6.8, my question is should I be watering/feeding around that pH or keep it around 5.8 anyway? I use two pH pens an el cheapo and a BlueLabs to make sure I'm on point. I use citric acid for pH down but no matter what EC I feed them at pH 5.8 the plants (different strains) get Cal/Mag deficiencies and didn't look as happy to me as they do when I just forgot to pH them and gave them some nutes at pH 6.4 yesterday. I think I will feed them like that again to see if they still respond in a positive way, is 5.8 the law or does it apply more to the coco bricks than the loose, bagged, precharged coir?
I add cal mag full dose every water along with coco specific nutes and if I skip or add lower dose plants start to show deficiency I have cal hungry plant and she start to yellowing tips if I add lower. And have magnesium hungry plant start to curl leaves and make tako. I always ph 5.8 and use tap water. Meter is calibrated and I use ph stips to confirm. I find cal mag really help me. I also foliar every 3 days full dose cal mag.
Out of curiosity, how many of you add Cal/Mag to your feed, using CANNA coco, in particular? The CANNA nutes say "contains everything a plant needs for growth," so I've been taking them at their word. My last grow everything looked dark green and healthy not adding any... just curious.

Out of curiosity, how many of you add Cal/Mag to your feed, using CANNA coco, in particular? The CANNA nutes say "contains everything a plant needs for growth," so I've been taking them at their word. My last grow everything looked dark green and healthy not adding any... just curious.


Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

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