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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

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    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

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Three Berries

Active member
World Economic Forum Anticipates Technology to Spy on Your Brain Waves

February 5, 2023

At the latest annual World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, Switzerland, attendees saw a presentation of brain-wave monitoring technology which is said to allow employers to observe how hard employees are working. It can also be used to determine if workers are distracted, and even if they have feelings of attraction to one another.

“You can not only tell whether a person is paying attention or their mind is wandering, but you can discriminate between the kinds of things they are paying attention to,” the presenter said, as reported by Breitbart. “Whether they’re doing something like central tasks, like programming, peripheral tasks like writing documentation, or unrelated tasks like surfing social media or online browsing.”

He added that, “When you combine brain-wave activity together with other forms of software and surveillance technology, the power becomes quite precise.”

A brief video that was part of the presentation displayed a concept for the workplace of the future. In the future, an employee worries that her boss will detect “amorous feelings” she has for a co-worker, but is then relieved when she instead gets a bonus after “brain metrics” display her productivity.

Next, the video showed the government issuing a subpoena for employees’ brain-wave data in order to unearth co-conspirators in a wire-fraud plot taking place within the office.

“You discover they are looking for synchronized brain activity between your coworker and the people he has been working with. While you know you’re innocent of any crime, you’ve been secretly working with him on a new start-up venture. Shaking, you remove your earbuds,” the video narrated.

In addition, the presentation displayed various other uses of the technology, such as waking people up if they begin to fall asleep at work by means of an MIT-made haptic scarf that gives employees “a little buzz.”

According to the presenter, the point of the display was to demonstrate the “positive use cases” of brain-monitoring technology.

moar: https://thenewamerican.com/world-economic-forum-anticipates-technology-to-spy-on-your-brain-waves/

Three Berries

Active member


Well-known member
True lefties believe in the religion of communism.
See below:

And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. (Acts 2:44-45)

Acts 2:44-45​

King James Version​

44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common;

45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.



Well-known member
Nancy Pelosi had a 'total nuclear meltdown' on January 6th: Trump's defense secretary says Democrat was 'shrieking' about rioters 'taking selfies' and slams 'geriatric' Congressional leaders for 'cowering like frightened children'

6 February 2023

Nancy Pelosi was in a 'state of total nuclear meltdown' during the January 6th insurrection, Donald Trump's Defense Secretary Christopher Miller writes in his forthcoming memoir, saying the then-speaker of the House called him 'incoherent' and 'shrieking' about 'a rowdy band of MAGA supporters' who were 'taking selfies' throughout the Capitol.

Miller describes – in gripping detail – the afternoon Trump's supporters stormed the Capitol to stop the certification of the 2020 presidential election in his book Soldier Secretary, out Tuesday, and available for pre-order on Amazon and obtained by DailyMail.com.....

'I had known when I took the job that it was going to be wild. But I never could have imagined anything like this—getting reamed out by a histrionic Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell as they implored me to send troops to forcibly expel a rowdy band of MAGA supporters, infiltrated by a handful of provocateurs, who were traipsing through the halls of the Capitol, taking selfies, and generally making a mockery of the entire institution.'


Feel duped or stupid yet?

MAGA media are a bunch of liars spreading Fake News................remember when the MAGA Media lied to save face over 1/06 by telling their gullible supporters that it was ANTIFA or BLM that stormed the capital.

and then the MAGA faithful tried spewing that Fake News in this thread.

but now 3berries and all the fellow MAGAts can see for their own eyes that Mr Miller admits it was Donald Trumps supporters who stormed the capital on 1/06.

Those of us who are not told what to believe knew it was Trump supporters who were crawling all over the capital like roaches. We believed our eyes, we saw the flags they carried and the Trump schwag they wore but somehow the MAGA base believed it was antifa or blm wearing Trump gear trying to make them look bad.


what do you think of Trump saying those convicted of crimes resulting from 1/06 he wants to pardon them?

why pardon criminals who broke into the capital building regardless of who they support?


Three Berries

Active member
Feel duped or stupid yet?

MAGA media are a bunch of liars spreading Fake News................remember when the MAGA Media lied to save face over 1/06 by telling their gullible supporters that it was ANTIFA or BLM that stormed the capital.

and then the MAGA faithful tried spewing that Fake News in this thread.

but now 3berries and all the fellow MAGAts can see for their own eyes that Mr Miller admits it was Donald Trumps supporters who stormed the capital on 1/06.

Those of us who are not told what to believe knew it was Trump supporters who were crawling all over the capital like roaches. We believed our eyes, we saw the flags they carried and the Trump schwag they wore but somehow the MAGA base believed it was antifa or blm wearing Trump gear trying to make them look bad.


what do you think of Trump saying those convicted of crimes resulting from 1/06 he wants to pardon them?

why pardon criminals who broke into the capital building regardless of who they support?

Duped about what? McCarthy said all 1400 hrs of the video will be released. We will see who is responsible for what. Well those who watch the videos will as there is already enough out there to show who was responsible and enough testimony to show the FBI had infiltrated the crowd.

Trump should pardon them all or should Trump prosecute the Feds who are responsible? I think he will pardon them all as a gesture and to avoid the prolonged legalities. Much more bigger things to get them on.....

Three Berries

Active member


1) Interestingly enough, the US biological presence in Taiwan might be worse than Ukraine. According the the NIH, there are 1,251 biolabs in Taiwan, 262 of which are private. Including a BSL-4 lab in Taipei, which notoriously saw C19 outbreak (NIH link next slide).


2) If the Chinese MIL are true in their displeasure in the US biological presence in Ukraine, surely the US biological presence in Taiwan is a main factor in their desire to reclaim Taiwan from US Deep State proxy activity.


Taiwan's Public Health National Laboratory System: Success in Influenza Diagnosis and Surveillance
Taiwan's National Laboratory System is one of the action packages of the Global Health Security Agenda, which was launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) to promote health security as an...




Well-known member
Duped about what? McCarthy said all 1400 hrs of the video will be released. We will see who is responsible for what. Well those who watch the videos will as there is already enough out there to show who was responsible and enough testimony to show the FBI had infiltrated the crowd.

Trump should pardon them all or should Trump prosecute the Feds who are responsible? I think he will pardon them all as a gesture and to avoid the prolonged legalities. Much more bigger things to get them on.....

Trump should pardon those who broke windows, vandalized the capital and beat capital police?

is this who you think should get a pardon just because they support Trump?

and when one accepts a pardon it IS an admission of guilt.........you realize this dont you?

duped about what you say...............about your media pushing Fake News that it was antifa / blm that stormed the capital on 1/06 in an attempt to save face only to be admitting it was the MAGA crowd that broke windows, beat cops, vandalized the capital and now they somehow didnt do anything wrong.


Three Berries

Active member
Trump should pardon those who broke windows, vandalized the capital and beat capital police?

is this who you think should get a pardon just because they support Trump?

and when one accepts a pardon it IS an admission of guilt.........you realize this dont you?

duped about what you say...............about your media pushing Fake News that it was antifa / blm that stormed the capital on 1/06 in an attempt to save face only to be admitting it was the MAGA crowd that broke windows, beat cops, vandalized the capital and now they somehow didnt do anything wrong.

We need to see the videos and have hearings to see just how much involvement the government had in the riots. Now that the traitors are out of control of the House Committees they can't hide behind redactions.

Adam Schiff can't help you now, Hunters become the Hunted....