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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters


Active member
Such bullshit, all of what you wrote there.

Ever been to our Nation's Capital? There's a building there, with huge block letters carved into its side.

They read:

So, let's be thankful that we have a political system that actually has checks and balances that work.

As much as I have always never appreciated the big "D" -- never ever once -- and as much as I was literally horrified by his election --

(and hey, here in MI., during the 2016 election, the GOP led Secretary of State, literally threw away 75,000 uncounted ballots from Wayne Co., due to malfunctioning voting machines. Threw. Them. Out. And then obstructed any effort to count them AND NOBODY PISSED AND MOANED ABOUT IT)

-- and his presidency, it is apparent that checks and balances really do work the way they are supposed to. Amazing.

But let me cut right to chase:

The affluence and comfort that you and I enjoy, here in the developed "First World" is a direct result of 500 years worth of exploitation directed on those regions of the world holding the resources we believe "we" have the right to.

All of the Sub-Tropic and Tropical Nations, as well as Eurasia and China. All OUR Colonies. All invaded, subjugated, raped beaten brutalized and enslaved, at a profit, of course.

For you and me bro.

YOU and ME.

And now, in a world where we are literally forcing changes in our atmosphere that are going to cook every single Tropical/Sub-Tropical Nation, visiting untold pain and suffering on the People, Flora and Fauna there?

Let me say that again in another way:

The "Developed World" has sealed the fate of the "Developing World", and that fate is environmental collapse.

We have literally FUCKED everyone living in what your amazing hero, showing his utter contempt for Humanity, had the indigence to call "Shit-Hole Nations."

Where do you think all those people are going to go, when the wet-bulb temperature rises above 100F? A lot of them to their GRAVE.

And these Regions, that we have so elegantly fucked,

are all the places that, for all practical purposes, Cannabis is endemic to.

Without the people we have exploited for centuries, there would be no Cannabis.

Everything we love about this plant, is what we love about its relationship with Humanity, and its relationship to the Land, to the People, and Regions it has culturalized itself into.

And this is what you bring, to a Cannabis Community?


Find your Center. Find your Ground. Find your Heart. And Find your Soul. Hempy McNoodle, you have clearly misplaced these things.

Good luck correcting your miss-steps. May you one day dance again, though for now, you stumble.


:scripture::jerkit: wadda load of shit....37% of precincts in Detroit counted more votes than registered voters in their districts...with no way of determining who voted for who...
the precincts tallies are voided...that's the law
In Michigan....deal with it



Well-known member
Photograph by Sean Gallup / Getty
MOSCOW (The Borowitz Report)—Offering the diplomatic community a new rationale for his recent actions, Vladimir Putin said that he deserves Ukraine as consolation for losing the White House in 2020.

“Losing control of the most powerful nation on earth was a bitter pill for me to swallow, to say the least,” the Russian President said. “Giving me Ukraine would make things somewhat better.”

“It’s only fair,” he continued.

At the White House, President Biden called Putin’s logic “unacceptable,” but added, “At least he admits he lost

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
"Will make the Super Bowl look like a puppy show."
- Q


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Photograph by Sean Gallup / Getty
MOSCOW (The Borowitz Report)—Offering the diplomatic community a new rationale for his recent actions, Vladimir Putin said that he deserves Ukraine as consolation for losing the White House in 2020.

“Losing control of the most powerful nation on earth was a bitter pill for me to swallow, to say the least,” the Russian President said. “Giving me Ukraine would make things somewhat better.”

“It’s only fair,” he continued.

At the White House, President Biden called Putin’s logic “unacceptable,” but added, “At least he admits he lost


Three Berries

Active member
Pence is Deep State. Him and Paul Ryan when they were running for the GOP nomination were the first ones to use the Steele Dossier. After Trump was nominated and chose Pence as VP he dropped the Dossier and it went on to Clinton.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Pence is Deep State. Him and Paul Ryan when they were running for the GOP nomination were the first ones to use the Steele Dossier. After Trump was nominated and chose Pence as VP he dropped the Dossier and it went on to Clinton.

I disagree. I think it had to be done this way to put the military in control.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I disagree. I think it had to be done this way to put the military in control.

Three Berries, I'll add that, if pence would have rejected the certification, the fakenews and deep state would create chaos and the narrative that Trump is a dictator who did a coup. They would fabricate a boatload of fake recounts that would really hurt the optics, and the military would not be in control because the insurrection act could not be activated. They had to allow the election to be stolen (no other choice). Now the deep state is 'all in' beyond the point of no return.


Well-known member
How can you tell they are Trump supporters or not? Apparently you can somehow.

i believe their attnys......who are you believing, you Fake News outlets?

their own admission via their attnys statement in a court of law that they were there in support of trump.

but go ahead and ignore their statements under oath just to believe some ones who is pushing a false narrative.

i gave you the reason why i believe they are trump supporters and yet yall offer nothing but excuses that they are not trump supporters claiming your proof is they are wearing new looking trump schwag.

well then by that metric, which is total BS, then look how many imposter trump supporters attent trumps rallies, most are holding new printed signs that they bought or were given to them and their hats look new too.....just search any of his maga rallies.



Well-known member

quit believing this pathological liar........where is his proof, never had any credible evidence just hot air. 59 of the 60 law suites filed on trumps behalf were dismissed due to lack of standing so legally they could not move forward.

where is the proof mike lindell keeps promising only to move the date of disclosure?

please quit posting Donald John Trump's FAKE NEWS, you look desperate and quite foolish.
