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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Will socialists join the Freedom Truckers and anti-mandate workers in the world's largest workers protest in human history?

Or, are they really just communists (who want to destroy individual liberties)?

Hempy calls this "The Socialist's Dilemma."

The worlds largest workers protest in human history, huh?

"top of the class"



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
It was completely related. And you never answered those questions. It was related, (obviously), because you insinuated that the Great Awakening is not happening and that it is a coincidence that the Freedom Ralleys are occuring. The questions that I followed up with, were meant to show you that the 'trajectory of all things' disagrees with you.

You are so full of shit. I did not say those protests were not occurring.I never inferred coincidence to your views. I said I was against the mandate myself. I only expressed that none of that relates to what you had been professing re; Great Awakening Q crap; At one point in your thread, if I recall correctly, you even confessed (pretended) that it suddenly dawned on you that the vaccine issue is what the GA is all about. Kind of grasping at straws. Especially your last question is nonsensical in terms of my statement. Doors of perception.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
You aren't being clear about what you are SPECIFICALLY referring to and you're accusing me of being dodgy... I will say it again, I don't know what you are referring to. You are being vague. And, I'm not going back to try and put that whole mystery together (for you) because, I'm frankly not interested, enough. Your sentence structures can also use a little work. So, maybe if I missed something, it is because you didn't word it clearly.

I referred to the definition of the word, which I posted more than once; an indication of your lack of attention and willingness to be corrected.


Active member
Why close? I couldn't read it without a subscription. I've seen this topic come up on the internet. Closing makes them look like they have something to hide. Doesn't it? Intimidation and harassment has become the 'new normal' thanks to the dems going after Trump, Kavanaugh, and others. And I think the jab-free people might also have a few complaints about harassment and intimidation. Clueless much??

Such bullshit, all of what you wrote there.

Ever been to our Nation's Capital? There's a building there, with huge block letters carved into its side.

They read:

The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance

So, let's be thankful that we have a political system that actually has checks and balances that work.

As much as I have always never appreciated the big "D" -- never ever once -- and as much as I was literally horrified by his election --

(and hey, here in MI., during the 2016 election, the GOP led Secretary of State, literally threw away 75,000 uncounted ballots from Wayne Co., due to malfunctioning voting machines. Threw. Them. Out. And then obstructed any effort to count them AND NOBODY PISSED AND MOANED ABOUT IT)

-- and his presidency, it is apparent that checks and balances really do work the way they are supposed to. Amazing.

But let me cut right to chase:

The affluence and comfort that you and I enjoy, here in the developed "First World" is a direct result of 500 years worth of exploitation directed on those regions of the world holding the resources we believe "we" have the right to.

All of the Sub-Tropic and Tropical Nations, as well as Eurasia and China. All OUR Colonies. All invaded, subjugated, raped beaten brutalized and enslaved, at a profit, of course.

For you and me bro.

YOU and ME.

And now, in a world where we are literally forcing changes in our atmosphere that are going to cook every single Tropical/Sub-Tropical Nation, visiting untold pain and suffering on the People, Flora and Fauna there?

Let me say that again in another way:

The "Developed World" has sealed the fate of the "Developing World", and that fate is environmental collapse.

We have literally FUCKED everyone living in what your amazing hero, showing his utter contempt for Humanity, had the indigence to call "Shit-Hole Nations."

Where do you think all those people are going to go, when the wet-bulb temperature rises above 100F? A lot of them to their GRAVE.

And these Regions, that we have so elegantly fucked,

are all the places that, for all practical purposes, Cannabis is endemic to.

Without the people we have exploited for centuries, there would be no Cannabis.

Everything we love about this plant, is what we love about its relationship with Humanity, and its relationship to the Land, to the People, and Regions it has culturalized itself into.

And this is what you bring, to a Cannabis Community?


Find your Center. Find your Ground. Find your Heart. And Find your Soul. Hempy McNoodle, you have clearly misplaced these things.

Good luck correcting your miss-steps. May you one day dance again, though for now, you stumble.



Well-known member


Well-known member
Well I don't think that's any legal liability on Trump's part.

i never said it would make trump liable...........typical response to something not asked.

you asked me what proof i had that those who beat cops were Trump supporters and just listen to their attnys and what they are saying motivated there client.

still no proof from you backing up you claim that those who beat cops were not Trump supporters.



Well-known member
No, I just wasn't up to date. Not a matter of me consuming fake news.

thats a first for an excuse.

claiming your Fake News was out of date but you still need to examine why you believed that non sense.

did you dream this up to fit an overall narrative that you want to believe or did one of your sources of information mislead you and many others?

it seems like you need to take a close look at much of the info you intake and the info that evokes emotion you need to ask yourself, is the emotional aspect of this info, a call to action, false or half truths b/c you need to realize you are being played.



Well-known member
I think the big question is, "was this storm created artificially in an attempt to thwart the Freedom Truckers?"

so the deep state can control the weather patterns.

you sound really stupid and gullible if you believe this or are you posting this for humor, kinda like calling me a liar then claiming you were just joking.

please enlighten me as to how and when humans developed the ability to control the weather b/c if that was true then the global warming issue could become less of worry as people could avoid droughts in the crop production regions.



Well-known member
OK. I would say you guys got at the most two years. Then with Trump back in power it's won't be like the first term. And I hear he'll get a 2 year reprieve so in total will serve 10 years. How sweet is that????? And you better off Durham as he's got the goods. Don't count on FBI Wray to help you out. He's a white hat.......

you trumppetts dont give a fuvck about the constitution b/c yall explain away why the republicans can ignore it when in their favor.

you are delusional if you think trump will get and extra 2 yrs of office for a total of 10 yrs.....based on what fucked up premise? and why only an extra 2 and not 4yrs if your premise, i assume, is that trump won 2020.

you dont blink an eye at ignoring the Constitution when in favor of your side and this is not democracy you want, you want to be in an Autocratic society where trump and his allies rule.

go ahead and admit this b/c the things you post seem to scream this loud and clear.

what would be different in a trump second term? will he act presidential? no, he will be an autocratic tyrant determined to cling to power any way he can and history will show that Trump the Terrible ended the greatest experiment in the worlds history, our democracy.



Well-known member
So, their defense is to blame Trump? LOL I'm sure they aren't Deep State asshats (I mean assets).

If they loved Trump so much that they would "insurrect," why would they through him under the bus like that?

Does it really make sense to you??

It's almost as if they participated for the purpose of blaming Trump and his supporters.


read slower to avoid misunderstanding my post. where am i stating that their defense is blaming trump.

i stated that their defense stated that their clients came in support of trump. in a court of law where Truth matters and is backed up by evidence why do they say they were there to support trump. do you think their social media accts have been examined to see what all has been posted to back up their claim that they were there to support trump.

you would need to follow the court proceedings to be able to determine why they would turn on trump.

so these Deep State asshats are the ones Trump wants to pardon.

what do you believe when you will post Trump will pardon 1/6 criminals then a few pages later you are attempting to claim that those 1/6 criminals are Deep State asshats posing as trump supporters.



Well-known member
...the left has disingenuously labeled all of their opposition as 'fascists,' 'racists,' 'gang rapists,' 'Russian assets,' and 'nazis.' Now any accusation like that just falls flat. It is absolutely meaningless. Furthermore, I'd be shocked if they didn't slander someone like that. It is expected, by now.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf...

where are the instances of democrats labeling their opposition as you describe? with regards to labeling trump as racist just look to David Duke and white supremist / white nationalist and their support of trump and their statements that they finally have a guy in the WH. the democrats are only stating the obvious, trump likes the support of the racist segment of this country and when those racist say trump is a racist you should believe them.

but your ok wen trump claims ALL immigrants are rapist, murderers and drug dealers when everyone knows that is false?

you trying to flip the saying the boy who cried wolf but it is a more accurately applied to republicans.


Three Berries

Active member
i never said it would make trump liable...........typical response to something not asked.

you asked me what proof i had that those who beat cops were Trump supporters and just listen to their attnys and what they are saying motivated there client.

still no proof from you backing up you claim that those who beat cops were not Trump supporters.


How can you tell they are Trump supporters or not? Apparently you can somehow.