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High Blood Pressure - Silent Killer


Seed Whore
I imagine there must be others in here suffering from High Blood Pressure (aka Silent Killer).
I woke up about a week ago feeling ill and went to the Hospital. They tested my BP and it
was higher than ever at 180/110. Last year, it was much lower so I know I may drop dead if
it doesn't go down. I got tired after 6+ hours of waiting to see a Doctor and left.

I read the following online. :frown:

Normal pressure is 120/80 or lower. Your blood pressure is considered high (stage 1) if it reads 130 to 139 mmHg/80 to 89 mmHg. Stage 2 high blood pressure is 140/90 or higher. If you get a blood pressure reading of 180/120 or higher more than once, seek medical treatment right away. A reading this high is considered “hypertensive crisis.”

I don't have a Doctor anymore and hate waiting to see Big Pharma dummies
whose only advise it to take pills which eventually mess up everything.

So the question is have any of You reduced High Blood Pressure naturally and how?



The Tri Guy
Lower salt, increase water intake. It's all you can do naturally. The rest involves pills or exercise, both seem a bad idea to me.

Oh and avoid the cold, it thickens your blood which also increases B.P.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear you are having problems with your health friend. At my age I see this happen often with a lot of good people just like you. The Doctors will give you a type of blood thinner to thin your blood, but not tell you what or how to fix the original problem. It's fucking crazy. If you care enough to change your life conditions, your overall health will change. If you keep doing what you have been doing until now you will get worse.

I had similar health issues and found myself facing a doctor telling me to take meds for the rest of my life. Found a better doctor who said to stop eating sugar because it was harming my overall health. Sugar can only be processed through the liver and is very slow to leave the body. When we eat sugar we flood the body with lots of insulin from the pancreas to stabilize the blood sugar putting a strain on our pancreas and liver. So I quit about a year ago and he was right my ill health went away all of it. I take no meds. today.

The problem why so many people are sick today is because they become insulin-resistant and don't even know it. In old age, we fall victim to diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, clogged arteries, pancreatitis, liver disease, mental illness, and so many more because of insulin resistance. Stop snacking and give your pancreas a daily rest for 14 to 16 hours a day. Eat only during a 6 to 8-hour window every day and let your body recover.

I eat 3 large meals a day but only during my restricted eating time, 6 AM to Noon. The fasting period gives the body a chance to heal and return to homeostasis every day. I'm used to it now and it's easy to do and I'm back to the weight I was in my 20s. No more high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, leaking gut, GERD, or inflammation, and best of all, no medicine. I have friends who take 14 types of medicine a day. If they stop their medicines it bye bye world. I can't help them now it's too late once they are on meds. Stop snacking all day long and let the body heal.


Seed Whore
Think, I need to slowly cut out Pepsi and start drinking lots of water.
I do suffer from chronic dehydration and that could be a big factor.
I got Calcium/ Magnesium supplements and have been cutting out
salt a lot.



The Tri Guy
You could also grab a bottle of vitamin K2, there's 600 mg tabs on Amazon quite cheap. It will just make sure your arteries are clear, or slowly clear them.

Edit: I checked, 600 mu grams, it a weird u with a tail g. About 10 times weaker than mg I think.
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Well-known member
Eat fish,chicken,veggies and fruits,limit,remove red meat,drink only water or natural juice,no alcohol,detox.Lose weight if needed,excersise regularily,meditate,calm your thoughts,remove stress from your life,get a job you love if you don't nowetc.Good luck


Well-known member
I have seen so many different addictions that become apparent after spending time in the addiction. There's one addiction that is a silent killer and kills most of our older generation and no one talks about it. Tobacco, alcohol, meth, heroin, cocaine, people, addictions. I have struggled with all of the above addictions. I have learned by watching people, and myself that the hardest, most secret, or silent addiction that destroys people's health is the sugar addiction. Most all health issues come from this secret addiction.

You laugh and say I'm crazy, but if you don't believe me, then stop eating sugar for 30 days and see what I'm talking about. If one can do 30 days without soda, cookies, cake, and ice cream, or any kind of sugar one can say he or she is not addicted. If you refuse to try you're probably addicted. People get mad at me and don't like me when I say something about their sweet addiction.

When someone talks to me about their disease I almost always find out they have a secret sweet addiction most of their lives. Don't take my word, whenever you talk to someone who is experiencing disease just ask them if they love sweets and what their favorite sweets are. You'll be surprised. 😎


learning and laughing
Eat fish,chicken,veggies and fruits,limit,remove red meat,drink only water or natural juice,no alcohol,detox.Lose weight if needed,excersise regularily,meditate,calm your thoughts,remove stress from your life,get a job you love if you don't nowetc.Good luck
Am on the same page with Dime here.

Examen (+change) eating + drinking habits.
Exercise, weight + stress reduction, yoga, meditation.

Or one can keep on burning the candle at all ends and have a shorter life with a high probability of a more violent end. But the satisfaction of keeping on keeping on, not evolving/changing much in ones life.

Good luck to you 🤞🏼🙏🏼


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Sodas are corn syrup and (mostly) corn derived chemicals, I'd definitely switch to clean water and stop eating the damn sugar. I quit eating refined sugars a long time ago with multiple benefits. Switch to honey and or agave.

Use pink himalayan salt. I eat LOTS of it and my blood pressure is 110-120/80.

I'm over 50 and I've been eating for my blood type for the last 15 years. I get raised eyebrows and honestly surprised looks from doctors when they check my blood work. ;)


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Oh yeah... I also avoid highly processed foods and foods which have additives, fillers, artificial and natural flavors/colors. The 'legal' list of natural flavors is horrifying, and happens to include things which make my brain wonky for a day or so. I avoid those foods entirely.

Is it a pain avoiding heroin, living in a heroin paradise as a junkie? Uh... yeah. Is it worth it to avoid all that crap? Uh... YEAH! In my experience, my health and life experience is significantly better for it, and completely worth the hassle. :)


Seed Whore
Not gonna lie I'm beyond depressed. Got a BP tester yesterday and seeing high test results
are telling me I'm close to Heart Attack and/or Stroke. It's like I don't see myself making it
to Christmas. Think my chronic decade long dehydration is a factor as well. So I'm trying
to drink water but it sucks. I was never a big water drinker. Dehydration explain why I get
cramps once a month for as long as I can remember.

Dehydration can cause high blood pressure (hypertension) in some cases.
When your body is dehydrated, your blood becomes thicker and more
concentrated, which can cause your blood pressure to rise. This is because
your heart has to work harder to pump blood through your body, which
increases blood pressure.

Just in case something happens and You don't see Me online for a month
in the future. Do take of yourselves and it was nice knowing all of You.
Until then, I'm gonna try to fight this all the way to Hell.



Well-known member
I have seen so many different addictions that become apparent after spending time in the addiction. There's one addiction that is a silent killer and kills most of our older generation and no one talks about it. Tobacco, alcohol, meth, heroin, cocaine, people, addictions. I have struggled with all of the above addictions. I have learned by watching people, and myself that the hardest, most secret, or silent addiction that destroys people's health is the sugar addiction. Most all health issues come from this secret addiction.

You laugh and say I'm crazy, but if you don't believe me, then stop eating sugar for 30 days and see what I'm talking about. If one can do 30 days without soda, cookies, cake, and ice cream, or any kind of sugar one can say he or she is not addicted. If you refuse to try you're probably addicted. People get mad at me and don't like me when I say something about their sweet addiction.

When someone talks to me about their disease I almost always find out they have a secret sweet addiction most of their lives. Don't take my word, whenever you talk to someone who is experiencing disease just ask them if they love sweets and what their favorite sweets are. You'll be surprised. 😎I w

I have seen so many different addictions that become apparent after spending time in the addiction. There's one addiction that is a silent killer and kills most of our older generation and no one talks about it. Tobacco, alcohol, meth, heroin, cocaine, people, addictions. I have struggled with all of the above addictions. I have learned by watching people, and myself that the hardest, most secret, or silent addiction that destroys people's health is the sugar addiction. Most all health issues come from this secret addiction.

You laugh and say I'm crazy, but if you don't believe me, then stop eating sugar for 30 days and see what I'm talking about. If one can do 30 days without soda, cookies, cake, and ice cream, or any kind of sugar one can say he or she is not addicted. If you refuse to try you're probably addicted. People get mad at me and don't like me when I say something about their sweet addiction.

When someone talks to me about their disease I almost always find out they have a secret sweet addiction most of their lives. Don't take my word, whenever you talk to someone who is experiencing disease just ask them if they love sweets and what their favorite sweets are. You'll be surprised. 😎
Sorry about the double post, dunno what i did or how to undid it.

I stopped sugar and most carbs a few months back. BEFORE losing any weight, just a few days into the diet change, i started feeling dizzy and weak, so took BP readings, and it had dropped VERY low. I stopped taking my BP meds, immediately, and informed my doc what was happening. Am still off the BP meds and have dropped about 25 pounds. Blood work showed a HUGE drop in triglycerides, which i've had big numbers on, for years...it dropped into the mid-normal readings (I was very pleased with that) Cholesterol is about the same, but i don't get excited about that, even though the docs want it lower. (Will NOT go on statins again) I eat salt like crazy, because, yes, increased fluids and need to keep minerals balanced, watching magnesium and potassium, also.
If I consume even tiny amounts of sugar or starchy carbs, weight loss stops and takes a lonnnng time to get back into ketosis. Right now, basically 'maintaining' weight, but do hope to lose another ten pounds. If it takes a year, that's okay, as i'm content to be where i am, for a while. Maybe not everyone has the sugar thing that affects BP, but i do.


Well-known member
Sorry about the double post, dunno what i did or how to undid it.

I stopped sugar and most carbs a few months back. BEFORE losing any weight, just a few days into the diet change, i started feeling dizzy and weak, so took BP readings, and it had dropped VERY low. I stopped taking my BP meds, immediately, and informed my doc what was happening. Am still off the BP meds and have dropped about 25 pounds. Blood work showed a HUGE drop in triglycerides, which i've had big numbers on, for years...it dropped into the mid-normal readings (I was very pleased with that) Cholesterol is about the same, but i don't get excited about that, even though the docs want it lower. (Will NOT go on statins again) I eat salt like crazy, because, yes, increased fluids and need to keep minerals balanced, watching magnesium and potassium, also.
If I consume even tiny amounts of sugar or starchy carbs, weight loss stops and takes a lonnnng time to get back into ketosis. Right now, basically 'maintaining' weight, but do hope to lose another ten pounds. If it takes a year, that's okay, as i'm content to be where i am, for a while. Maybe not everyone has the sugar thing that affects BP, but i do.
Damn friend I'm so glad to hear your story and thanks for sharing. Sugar is like a drug that has to be processed through the liver the same as alcohol. Snacking is the same as binge drinking when it comes to the damage to one's health. The only real problem with sugar is the harmful effects are very subtle and not seen until one gets sick. Looking at 70 now and I love not having to take any kind of medicine.


Well-known member
Oh, yes, more water helps, a lot. The diet did best when consuming at least a quart more than 'usual'.
You are right Nannymouse because if you break down the molecules of a carbohydrate you will find one molecule that is Carbon and two molecules that are H2O which is the same as water. When you eat any carbohydrates you are eating 2 molecules of water to every carbon molecule. When you crave sweets it can be because you are thirsty or dehydrated. So when one stops sugar or other carbohydrates they need to drink a lot of water to keep the sugar cravings down.


Active member
Hey man, I’ll third this that carbs are the demon here. Been off for 9 months and blood lipids have been in a positive direction. Take Rhodiola rosea for depression and gamma tocotrienol along with EPA for bad cholesterol. Fuck statins. My BP and glucose also are back to normal. Fixed my electrolyte issues with mag glycinate and trace minerals. Hope you take care, I enjoy your input on landraces.


Well-known member
Not gonna lie I'm beyond depressed. Got a BP tester yesterday and seeing high test results
are telling me I'm close to Heart Attack and/or Stroke. It's like I don't see myself making it
to Christmas. Think my chronic decade long dehydration is a factor as well. So I'm trying
to drink water but it sucks. I was never a big water drinker. Dehydration explain why I get
cramps once a month for as long as I can remember.

Just in case something happens and You don't see Me online for a month
in the future. Do take of yourselves and it was nice knowing all of You.
Until then, I'm gonna try to fight this all the way to Hell.


Hope your changing the diet and reducing the BP. Life kicks us sometimes but remember you have resilience and you can turn things around. Take it serious and we can all enjoy sharing more posts. Don't forget to think of good things in life, it's important.

I work in the 911 emergency area and the shit i hear is sad. Don't be a statistic.

Sending you good vibes brother.


Chasing The Present
I have seen so many different addictions that become apparent after spending time in the addiction. There's one addiction that is a silent killer and kills most of our older generation and no one talks about it. Tobacco, alcohol, meth, heroin, cocaine, people, addictions. I have struggled with all of the above addictions. I have learned by watching people, and myself that the hardest, most secret, or silent addiction that destroys people's health is the sugar addiction. Most all health issues come from this secret addiction.

You laugh and say I'm crazy, but if you don't believe me, then stop eating sugar for 30 days and see what I'm talking about. If one can do 30 days without soda, cookies, cake, and ice cream, or any kind of sugar one can say he or she is not addicted. If you refuse to try you're probably addicted. People get mad at me and don't like me when I say something about their sweet addiction.

When someone talks to me about their disease I almost always find out they have a secret sweet addiction most of their lives. Don't take my word, whenever you talk to someone who is experiencing disease just ask them if they love sweets and what their favorite sweets are. You'll be surprised. 😎
I agree with you
Does anyone here know what it's like to have an Heart Attack?
What does it feel like, etc.?
cannabis especially potent sativa varieties can fuck with your BP, I bet you’re getting panic attacks not Heart

Covid absolutely fucks with your heart, BP, pulse etc - I’ve been an athlete my entire life & still in pretty good shape in my older middle age, COVID definitely fucked with my heart a bit like nothing else ever has & I’ve pushed it to extremes - too many nonstop benders on pure sativa, SE Asian especially & too much coffee fucked with my BP some too… but I really think COVID fucked with the heart, men especially, it definitely flared up my psoriasis too though I never got vary sick by it, it fucked with things in me, I know my body well…

No chicken little shit, you know me some I live a healthy & good grounded life, very fortunate person…

But everyone has one health, both mental & physical & we all only get one…

Limit sugar, eat healthier, excercise, breath hours a day of fresh outside air, enjoy nature, work your body hard & you’ll sleep well / better, sleep is huge, diet is too… if you drink cut it back or out…

In 6 months you’ll be a new man - doctors on average do far more bad, than good & are beholden to endless powers at be above & beyond them, especially these days…

GL, make the hard decisions & behavior changes & you’ll be golden…

PS: I still eat sativa edibles all day & puff it too, just recognize it along with other things can make the heart race & BP rise, take it all in with proper moderation for you

hang tough dood !