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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
i feel like you've reached a new level of ridiculous with this one

What is your explanation, then? Let me guess; He tweeted "Covfefe" accidentally or incoherently... (even though there is no evidence to support that claim).

Until recently, it was understood to be an arabic term, meaning "I will stand up" or something very close to that. Google scrubbed the arabic term from the internet in response. But, now that the army has announced the new "soccer ball" vaccine, maybe a deeper double meaning was intended...

"Double meanings exist"


Well-known member
Then, why would you be against him (particularly), lol?

His stance on the environment, the border, healthcare, education, foreign relations, religion, race and taxing the rich. That is just off the top of my head right now. I could make a more detailed list. But it is easier to say that if he says or does anything it has proven 99% or more of the time I disagree with him.


Well-known member
"explain how Az, Ga & Pa state officials certified the vote and their electorial vote that biden won if he didnt."

They certified them fraudulently and knowingly so. They simply signed off on them (corruption).

"why did trumps cyber security expert say the election was safe from hacker intervention after the election?"

That person was a deep state plant within the cyber symposium's cyber team. He simply lied at the last minute in order to allow the fakenews articles and headlines to be created.
Was he trusted by the cyber team? Was he REALLY trusted?

"how is it that trump & or his supporters filed 60 law suits claiming election fraud and he lost them."

Most lawsuits were not taken up. I lost track of how many there are or were, but most were dismissed. This could be due to corruption, but it could also be because some judges understand that this is a mater for a military tribunal, not a court of criminal law. Has Trump lost any lawsuits over the 2020 election or any defamation suits related to it??

"how is it that the sham audit done in Az started looking for uv ink, then bamboo fibers, then whatever else they did only to come to the conclusion that Biden still won and voter fraud took votes away from trump."

That was not the conclusion of the audit. That was the result of a recount. A recount counts fraudulent votes as regular votes. The audit sorts out the illegal votes. The audit results have been submitted to the AZ attorney General and is under an ongoing criminal investigation. (Ask yourself why you don't know this)

"why doesnt it matter that Mitch McConnell and many other republican's all admitted that biden won only to change their tune when trump started crying the election was stolen and the radical part of his base would call republican officials in those states making death threats."

So, this is a pretty complicated question because you are talking about so many people (when you say "and many other republicans" and "the radical part of his base"), but I'll start with McConnell. I am pretty sure that Mitch McConnell is actually a good guy. He uses very precise language and there are some very interesting things about him and his chinese spy of a wife. Who is spying on who? Is his wife spying on him (and USA) or is she spying on China and the deep state? Most Trump supporters hate McConnell and Trump pretends to hate him for optics (I believe). So, give me a direct quote of McConnell saying that Biden won (as you claim) and I will take a look. But, when McConnel was talking about Jan 6th and the insurrection, I believe he was actually referring to the crimes of the deep state (THAT insurrection). As for Trump's "radical supporters making death threats, well how many of those alleged death threats actually happened and of those, how many were actually made by Trump supporters, rather than deep state insurrectionists?? My guess is that most of them were faked.

"Truth doesnt matter to you?

care to explain why all those republican lawmakers would want biden as POTUS?"

Again, some republicans are deep state operatives and, thus, against Trump. Others may have other reasons such as those who may have knowledge of the military angle of all of this. You'd have to give me specific examples of individuals and their specific statements.

so you say all the republican lawmakers in Az & Ga fraudulently certified the vote. Why did they do this and how is it that trump lost in those states but other republicans won?

Why did trump appoint a deep state plant? BTW, i dont think he was part of the deep state.

the election lawsuits that were dismissed was done due to lack of standing, AKA no evidence but why believe that when a more ridiculous explanation is out there in conspiracy land, the judges were corrupt or they knew it was for a military tribunal. Explain how a military tribunal is appropriate for a civilian matter.

the cyber ninjas Arizona recount was an Audit, by their own words. Ask yourself why you dont believe the outcome of what the cyber ninjas did. is it b/c they found fraudulent votes cast for trump.

Mitch McConnell statement that Biden won. I know you probably doubt any of the sources im listing but its an easy find.




regarding my comment "other republicans" if you care what other republicans, then you are free to look it up. i showed you that McConnell said it and it really doesnt matter who all said it. Who would you need to hear it from to believe it? Trump?

All those Republican lawmakers is referring to Az & Ga state officials.


moose eater

Well-known member

Another anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, Republican, talking head, ladder-climber, ignorant of science, but leading the charge against whatever paranoia she experienced re. medical tyranny, or whatever, is no longer robbing the planet of 02, or sending excess trash to the landfill.

Relatively young and healthy, in her mid-40's, and not obese by appearances, yet there she be; deader than a rock... Darwin.

Ignorance and thought disorders can both be lethal. She's proof of that.


Well-known member
What is your explanation, then? Let me guess; He tweeted "Covfefe" accidentally or incoherently... (even though there is no evidence to support that claim).

Until recently, it was understood to be an arabic term, meaning "I will stand up" or something very close to that. Google scrubbed the arabic term from the internet in response. But, now that the army has announced the new "soccer ball" vaccine, maybe a deeper double meaning was intended...

"Double meanings exist"

So you're suggesting that trump knew the intricate details of covid 19 in the middle of the night, in May of 2017?

Then, did nothing to prepare?


Well-known member

Another anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, Republican, talking head, ladder-climber, ignorant of science, but leading the charge against whatever paranoia she experienced re. medical tyranny, or whatever, is no longer robbing the planet of 02, or sending excess trash to the landfill.

Relatively young and healthy, in her mid-40's, and not obese by appearances, yet there she be; deader than a rock... Darwin.

Ignorance and thought disorders can both be lethal. She's proof of that.

Once all the misinformers die where will the get their nonsense from?

moose eater

Well-known member
Once all the misinformers die where will the get their nonsense from?

Diminishing returns; the long, hard road toward cleansing untruths from the airwaves and our ears. Let 'er roll.....

If a conspiracy theorist repeated bullshit and lies in the forest, and there were no other people around to hear it, would the trees be disgusted? :)

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
so you say all the republican lawmakers in Az & Ga fraudulently certified the vote. Why did they do this and how is it that trump lost in those states but other republicans won?

Why did trump appoint a deep state plant? BTW, i dont think he was part of the deep state.

the election lawsuits that were dismissed was done due to lack of standing, AKA no evidence but why believe that when a more ridiculous explanation is out there in conspiracy land, the judges were corrupt or they knew it was for a military tribunal. Explain how a military tribunal is appropriate for a civilian matter.

the cyber ninjas Arizona recount was an Audit, by their own words. Ask yourself why you dont believe the outcome of what the cyber ninjas did. is it b/c they found fraudulent votes cast for trump.

Mitch McConnell statement that Biden won. I know you probably doubt any of the sources im listing but its an easy find.




regarding my comment "other republicans" if you care what other republicans, then you are free to look it up. i showed you that McConnell said it and it really doesnt matter who all said it. Who would you need to hear it from to believe it? Trump?

All those Republican lawmakers is referring to Az & Ga state officials.


"so you say all the republican lawmakers in Az & Ga fraudulently certified the vote. Why did they do this and how is it that trump lost in those states but other republicans won?"

No, I did not say "all republican lawmakers in AZ and GA fraudulently certified the vote (though, that may be what occurred, I did not make such a statement). The fact that down ballot republicans won is considered, by many, to be evidence of voting / election fraud. This is because most fraudulent votes only had Biden and no down ballot voting. So, real votes that were counted were obviously republican leaning and thus dems did not win the down ballot races (at least not to the extent that they would have liked).

"Why did trump appoint a deep state plant? BTW, i dont think he was part of the deep state."

Who knows who hired the person? It could be that they actually trusted the person and were tricked (not likely). More likely, the administration keeps close tabs on all enemies planted within and is using umbrella surveilance on all of their associates. What is the point of going to war against the deep state if they can just regroup and continue their war against humanity? Wouldn't it be much better to track down, identify, and eliminate every single last one of them to make sure that this never can happen again?

"the election lawsuits that were dismissed was done due to lack of standing, AKA no evidence but why believe that when a more ridiculous explanation is out there in conspiracy land, the judges were corrupt or they knew it was for a military tribunal. Explain how a military tribunal is appropriate for a civilian matter."

Explain how an attempted international takeover (attack) of the US is a civilian matter and not a military matter.

"the cyber ninjas Arizona recount was an Audit, by their own words. Ask yourself why you dont believe the outcome of what the cyber ninjas did. is it b/c they found fraudulent votes cast for trump."

No. This is false. Cyber Ninjas completed a recount (which showed more votes for Biden) and then an audit (which was submitted to the justice department for criminal investigation). I have not heard of any fraudulent votes for Trump. The reason you think the audit was a recount or vice versa is most likely do to fake news consumption.

"Mitch McConnell statement that Biden won. I know you probably doubt any of the sources im listing but its an easy find.




Where does he say Biden won? He did not say "biden Won" despite the fakenews headlines and propaganda. He spoke very precisely, but did not say "Biden won." So, what did he say and why did he say it that way?

"regarding my comment "other republicans" if you care what other republicans, then you are free to look it up. i showed you that McConnell said it and it really doesnt matter who all said it. Who would you need to hear it from to believe it? Trump?"

I'm good.

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