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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member


Well-known member
He made some valid points as to why he hated America.
most, if not all, of us have points about this country (and others) that we hate. but i'm not going to fly jets into skyscrapers to bring that to everyones attention. bin Laden was okay with us helping them run Russia out of their country, but hated us for abandoning the people after Russia left, and we had installed what he saw as an occupational force of infidels in Saudi Arabia, home of Islams greatest mosques and religious sites. the powers that be in DC are so tone-deaf to the rest of the worlds opinions/religious beliefs that it is beyond alarmingly ignorant. they never see the downside, only the short-term profits.


Well-known member
most, if not all, of us have points about this country (and others) that we hate. but i'm not going to fly jets into skyscrapers to bring that to everyones attention. bin Laden was okay with us helping them run Russia out of their country, but hated us for abandoning the people after Russia left, and we had installed what he saw as an occupational force of infidels in Saudi Arabia, home of Islams greatest mosques and religious sites. the powers that be in DC are so tone-deaf to the rest of the worlds opinions/religious beliefs that it is beyond alarmingly ignorant. they never see the downside, only the short-term profits.

I completely agree. Meanwhile how many military operations is our country involved in throughout the world that had killed hundreds of thousands if not millions of civilians? That particular interview suggested 600,000 children just in Iraq.

I support no killing. But if I had to vote as to who is doing more evil in this world between the country spending billion sending it's death machine around the world or one crazy middle eastern guy who recruited some confused people to buy plane tickets and kill a few thousand.

​​​​​​It's hard to find an angle that does not make us a desirable target to anyone who has lost any loved ones to our countries action's.


Well-known member
most, if not all, of us have points about this country (and others) that we hate. but i'm not going to fly jets into skyscrapers to bring that to everyones attention. bin Laden was okay with us helping them run Russia out of their country, but hated us for abandoning the people after Russia left, and we had installed what he saw as an occupational force of infidels in Saudi Arabia, home of Islams greatest mosques and religious sites. the powers that be in DC are so tone-deaf to the rest of the worlds opinions/religious beliefs that it is beyond alarmingly ignorant. they never see the downside, only the short-term profits.

Also. Watch the video I originally posted. His list of reasons for hating us went far beyond us abandoning them after Russia left. Our media just chose not to share any of that with us.


Well-known member
​​​​​​It's hard to find an angle that does not make us a desirable target to anyone who has lost any loved ones to our countries action's.

which continues to "justify" our military expenditures & actions in the eyes of those making money from the military-industrial complex Ike warned us about. every action causes a reaction.


Well-known member
which continues to "justify" our military expenditures & actions in the eyes of those making money from the military-industrial complex Ike warned us about. every action causes a reaction.

I believe we have a government of over reactions. With the money spent on the so called war on terror we could have solved almost every humanitarian and environmental problem on the planet. Not to mention how many new allies instead of enemies that would have created.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I believe we have a government of over reactions. With the money spent on the so called war on terror we could have solved almost every humanitarian and environmental problem on the planet. Not to mention how many new allies instead of enemies that would have created.

No mistakes were made. The goal was accomplished. Mass death, maximum profit, geo-political (minerals, opium, and degradation of US forces) goals were all planned for. That was the Deep States' policy, not ending world hunger or curing disease or any of the other GREAT things that could have been accomplished (think: MAGA agenda).


Well-known member
No mistakes were made. The goal was accomplished. Mass death, maximum profit, geo-political (minerals, opium, and degradation of US forces) goals were all planned for. That was the Deep States' policy, not ending world hunger or curing disease or any of the other GREAT things that could have been accomplished (think: MAGA agenda).

I agree with most of that. The MAGA part is nonsense. Your guy is in bed with the worst of them.

Three Berries

Active member
Mass Formation Psychosis (look it up!)

Google Manipulates Results as Searches of ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Explode Due to Collapsing Covid Narrative


Those paying attention to the current situation regarding the establishment’s control on the narrative around Covid-19, have watched as anyone — including esteemed experts in the field — are censored into oblivion for attempting to put forth information that challenges the status quo. For the first time in recent American history, merely talking about alternative treatments for a disease is met with mass censorship by big tech. This is diametrically opposed to actual “science” and the opposite direction in which a free society should be moving.

One of the people who has been censored the most is Robert W Malone MD, MS who is one of the inventors of mRNA & DNA vaccines. Dr. Malone has been outspoken about the way the establishment system is handling, or rather mishandling, the covid crisis.

His Twitter account had grown to over a half million followers last week before the platform decided that his alternative views on the pandemic were a danger to the narrative. So they banned him.

Three Berries

Active member

Currently there are 14,213 Resignations on the Resignation List.

It doesn't make sense to implement Resignations on this page again while we already have a complete website for this topic.

Please use https://www.resignation.info to get ALL the up to date information.

Of course all resignations are searchable on QResear.ch!

There is also the ResignationShow once a month!

Below you'll find some statistics...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Currently there are 14,213 Resignations on the Resignation List.

It doesn't make sense to implement Resignations on this page again while we already have a complete website for this topic.

Please use https://www.resignation.info to get ALL the up to date information.

Of course all resignations are searchable on QResear.ch!

There is also the ResignationShow once a month!

Below you'll find some statistics...

Thanks for sharing, Three Berries :tiphat:

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