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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters

Three Berries

Active member
lol, he clearly misspoke, hes saying don't boost kids in rich countries when many of the worlds most vulnerable are still totally unvaccinated. ie use the vaccine first on those most likely to be killed by covid, not the young and healthy.

So what is the death rate for those not over 80 from the Covid?


People <65 years old have very small risks of COVID-19 death even in pandemic epicenters and deaths for people <65 years without underlying predisposing conditions are remarkably uncommon. Strategies focusing specifically on protecting high-risk elderly individuals should be considered in managing the pandemic.


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I didn't die - had both jabs and the booster - otherwise this Gypsy cannot travel - and I'm over 60 - never felt healthier -

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
WTF? Times are bad but I'm not buying Holocaust survivors are saying that.shit they are mostly dead! That article is obviously fake.and honestly offensive to anyone who was around in WW2

Halfway down the page is a video of Ver Sharav (born 1937)

Vera Sharav

"Sharav was born on 1937[SUP][3][/SUP] in Romania and survived the Holocaust as a child; her father did not survive. Her mother emigrated to the United States while she was cared for by relatives; she rejoined her mother, in New York City, when she was 8. She attended City College of New York and studied art history, and after marriage and two children she went back to school, to the Pratt Institute, where in 1971 she received her master's in library science."

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
out of interest, how would we know this document was really filed with the icc? also just filing a case doesn't prove the case. i do think its legit to worry about the way the medical establishment is teaming up with the government to impose authoritarian solutions to medical problems. i also don't think it was wise to use the whole population as test subjects. but the comparisons to a time of war and concentration camps seems extreme even to me. not that i don't think we are on a slippery slope, i just don't think we have slid down yet.

It's not a case yet. It is a filing. So, we will all have to be a little patient. And, this is not an innocent matter of bad ethics. This is a greater Holocaust. This is a time of war and concentration camps. And, if we didn't have the Trump administration and Operation Warp Speed, it would have been incredibly bad (hell on earth - forever). We are in a war.

"We went through the worst attack we've ever had on our country, this is worst attack we've ever had. This is worse than Pearl Harbor, this is worse than the World Trade Center. There's never been an attack like this."

-Donald Trump, May 6, 2020



Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Looks like I will not be allowed to buy food from any restaurants in Oakland (my neighborhood). Guess, I'll be doing more cooking at home..

(Dark Winter) This too shall pass.

Here's Where You Will Need Proof of Vaccination in Oakland

"Places that will now require proof of vaccination include where food or drinks are served, entertainment venues, theaters, concert venues, museums, recreational facilities, yoga studios, gyms, fitness centers, senior adult care centers, large indoor events at facilities owned by the city or privately, City Hall and programs at city senior centers."


Well-known member
It's not a case yet. It is a filing. So, we will all have to be a little patient. And, this is not an innocent matter of bad ethics. This is a greater Holocaust. This is a time of war and concentration camps. And, if we didn't have the Trump administration and Operation Warp Speed, it would have been incredibly bad (hell on earth - forever). We are in a war.

"We went through the worst attack we've ever had on our country, this is worst attack we've ever had. This is worse than Pearl Harbor, this is worse than the World Trade Center. There's never been an attack like this."

-Donald Trump, May 6, 2020


I didn't realize hotmail was still a thing.

Do transactional lawyers usually file genocide charges in international court?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
If Joe Biden is so worried about hopital beds filling up, why doesn't he send those big Navy hospital ships to NYC, LA, and Seattle, like Trump did?
When Trump sent them, did they get utilized? No? Why not?


Well-known member
Looks like I will not be allowed to buy food from any restaurants in Oakland (my neighborhood). Guess, I'll be doing more cooking at home..

(Dark Winter) This too shall pass.

Here's Where You Will Need Proof of Vaccination in Oakland

"Places that will now require proof of vaccination include where food or drinks are served, entertainment venues, theaters, concert venues, museums, recreational facilities, yoga studios, gyms, fitness centers, senior adult care centers, large indoor events at facilities owned by the city or privately, City Hall and programs at city senior centers."



ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
out of interest, how would we know this document was really filed with the icc? also just filing a case doesn't prove the case. i do think its legit to worry about the way the medical establishment is teaming up with the government to impose authoritarian solutions to medical problems. i also don't think it was wise to use the whole population as test subjects. but the comparisons to a time of war and concentration camps seems extreme even to me. not that i don't think we are on a slippery slope, i just don't think we have slid down yet.

Probably it wasn´t. I mean says in the write up that Bill Gates + others are charged with genocide and war crimes. Because why not? That´s what Bill Gates does, he goes to war and murders people.
Also he could use some more money, he´s only worth like $200 billion million.

Plus the dumb shit like:

"We, the survivors of the atrocities committed against humanity during the Second World War, feel bound to follow our conscience…Another holocaust of greater magnitude is taking place before our eyes. We call upon you to stop this ungodly medical experiment on humankind immediately. It is a medical experiment to which the Nuremberg Code must be applied."

If a Holocaust survivor actually said that, which I doubt very much. A group of Holocaust survivors saying that, even more doubtful. Oh but here´s their unique view on the subject, which sounds a lot like the rest of the story there. Probably cause it was written by the same dumbass who doesn´t understand the difference between Nuremberg laws and trials vs Nuremberg code, which according to him was violated and that´s a criminal offense. Which it´s not, nowhere on the planet. Because the Nuremberg Code is not official even as an ethical guide. But then who cares about details when making shit up?

There´s also a part that says something like "concentration camp inmates used to sing and praise the lord no matter how bad it got, and we should do the same with covid. Hug it out and pile on the religion and forget science and what doctors say, because they are evil. Lawyers are the good guys here." - I´m paraphrasing a bit, but I´m not gonna read that dumb shit again just for accuracy. That´s pretty much what was said. And that´s pretty cocky, cause Nazis used to make newcomers at death camps sing, while they beat em. Just to see who could take it.
Also you could get hanged for talking, unless spoken to by guards or given the permission to so. There was no karaoke available. But I digress. Kinda weird that a guy who claims to be a doctor would tell you to drop the science babble and just rely on religion and spirituality. Because that´s what you want a doctor to tell you, if you go see a doctor about something that´s wrong with you. Those guys go thru med school just to be sure that Jesus is the medicine available. No doubt.

Also less offensive stuff, like the people of East Berlin shouting "We the people" when the Berlin wall came down. Because people in East Berlin were American patriots, too.
And Berlin wall demolition party was sponsored by Coca-Cola.

And then he finishes his story by saying that fake news, misinformation and fear mongering in media needs to stop. So that journalists can go back to investigative reporting on real shit after we get done with this pandemic stuff.

He will prolly never stop doing all that shit tho, because the foundation of his write up is all BS. Then again he is not a journalist, just a dumbass with a keyboard and a website. 35+ year career in medicine.. I´d be surprised if this guy can count to 35.

So yea, 0 outta 5. Fuck this dumb shit. If you buy any of this crap and think you´re on to a massive conspiracy..
Think again.

Actually forget all that, just stop reading this bullhockey and look up some legit news and reporting. There´s a reason why shit like this isn´t reported in mainstream news or allowed on youtube. It´s because they have some standards left, and decency. And they don´t wanna look like absolute idiots. Stuff like this makes FOX news look neutral and well researched. Damn it.

If you take a big shit after the great awakening, then get outta bed..

You´re doing it wrong!

Merry Xmas :)

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Probably it wasn´t. I mean says in the write up that Bill Gates + others are charged with genocide and war crimes. Because why not? That´s what Bill Gates does, he goes to war and murders people.
Also he could use some more money, he´s only worth like $200 billion million.

Plus the dumb shit like:

"We, the survivors of the atrocities committed against humanity during the Second World War, feel bound to follow our conscience…Another holocaust of greater magnitude is taking place before our eyes. We call upon you to stop this ungodly medical experiment on humankind immediately. It is a medical experiment to which the Nuremberg Code must be applied."

If a Holocaust survivor actually said that, which I doubt very much. A group of Holocaust survivors saying that, even more doubtful. Oh but here´s their unique view on the subject, which sounds a lot like the rest of the story there. Probably cause it was written by the same dumbass who doesn´t understand the difference between Nuremberg laws and trials vs Nuremberg code, which according to him was violated and that´s a criminal offense. Which it´s not, nowhere on the planet. Because the Nuremberg Code is not official even as an ethical guide. But then who cares about details when making shit up?

There´s also a part that says something like "concentration camp inmates used to sing and praise the lord no matter how bad it got, and we should do the same with covid. Hug it out and pile on the religion and forget science and what doctors say, because they are evil. Lawyers are the good guys here." - I´m paraphrasing a bit, but I´m not gonna read that dumb shit again just for accuracy. That´s pretty much what was said. And that´s pretty cocky, cause Nazis used to make newcomers at death camps sing, while they beat em. Just to see who could take it.
Also you could get hanged for talking, unless spoken to by guards or given the permission to so. There was no karaoke available. But I digress. Kinda weird that a guy who claims to be a doctor would tell you to drop the science babble and just rely on religion and spirituality. Because that´s what you want a doctor to tell you, if you go see a doctor about something that´s wrong with you. Those guys go thru med school just to be sure that Jesus is the medicine available. No doubt.

Also less offensive stuff, like the people of East Berlin shouting "We the people" when the Berlin wall came down. Because people in East Berlin were American patriots, too.
And Berlin wall demolition party was sponsored by Coca-Cola.

And then he finishes his story by saying that fake news, misinformation and fear mongering in media needs to stop. So that journalists can go back to investigative reporting on real shit after we get done with this pandemic stuff.

He will prolly never stop doing all that shit tho, because the foundation of his write up is all BS. Then again he is not a journalist, just a dumbass with a keyboard and a website. 35+ year career in medicine.. I´d be surprised if this guy can count to 35.

So yea, 0 outta 5. Fuck this dumb shit. If you buy any of this crap and think you´re on to a massive conspiracy..
Think again.

Actually forget all that, just stop reading this bullhockey and look up some legit news and reporting. There´s a reason why shit like this isn´t reported in mainstream news or allowed on youtube. It´s because they have some standards left, and decency. And they don´t wanna look like absolute idiots. Stuff like this makes FOX news look neutral and well researched. Damn it.

If you take a big shit after the great awakening, then get outta bed..

You´re doing it wrong!

Merry Xmas :)

Well, you are simply wrong about all kinds of shit here. First of all, Any member nation signatory to the ICC recognizes the Nuremberg code as international law and the very basis for the court. This is why over the last few weeks, there is a major push (particularly by Germany) to through out the Nuremburg code permanently. Also, most people don't realize that, while the US is not obligated (self-obligated) to the ICC or Nuremburg Code, California has adopted the code into it's health and safety code of law. So, you are wrong. Just so wrong. You also seem to be a Holocaust denier who doesn't believe a known and well documented Holocaust survivor.

Lastly, if this is fake news, where are all the fact check stories??

We saw them in May...tons of them. But, Zero in this case. Why?

Screenshot (120).png
Screenshot (121).png

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Thanks for the warm invite! texasjack also gave me a kind invite to The State of Texas. (Thank you TexasJack!) For now I plan to stand my ground here in Oakland. More and more neighbors are realizing what is happening and seeing the Deep State death spiral in action. If it becomes impossible to remain in Cali. I will likely move to either Texas or Florida (though, I do also love AZ!) Remember, many undocumented immigrants (like many of my neighbors and friends) work in restaurants. If the restaurants can't serve the jab free community then the restaurants will have to lay off workers who got the jab. This pisses people off so bad because they realize that they are treated as political pons by the democrats and casted aside at every turn (making their situations impossible). My neighbor and good friend cries and drinks and gets so depressed everytime the local restaurant that he works at lays him off. He says he will be forced to move back to Mexico City. He got all his jabs but still cant work (hours cut to nothing) because bay area restaurants have too much overhead and can't survive with less than full capacity. And let me tell you, restaurants around here are almost empty. The people pushing the lock downs seem to be incredibly stupid. But, I believe that they know exactly what they are doing.