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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
As a small business owner from where I sit Bernie's platforms suck as far my business is concerned.

I don't have a single employee who makes less than $25 an hr. and they all have excellent medical coverage that includes dental and coverage for eye glasses.



Well-known member
28k in October 2019 before the primary season even really began is pretty good. It's so good that it's still the largest rally held of this cycle lol. When he goes back this year I would hedge my bets and say he'll have an even bigger crowd now that he has more name recognition, is the front runner, and brings around AOC with him.

Mr D

The 1 term congresswomen is latching on to Bernie's wagon so she can stay in government. Bernie's should start touting her as his pick head up the Department of Education..lol

Mr D

Local Queensbridge Community leader Bishop Mitchell Taylor said the event “seemed to be a pretty white rally.”

Politico reported crowd size at 26k.....again not very impressive in a city of 8 million. That's less than 1% of the population.

In deep Blue NJ the Wildwood rally drew in more people than the entire population of the town.


Well-known member
okay. so what?

the queens crowd also looks overwhelmingly male (and white). meanwhile bernie's largest demographic nationwide is non-white women. that's who showed up the most for him in Iowa so the data is at least backed up by a state election rather than the randomness of a crowd



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Back in 2016 after Bernie got shafted most of Bernie's supporters voted for Trump. That ain't gonna happen in 2020. People want real change.


Well-known member
Bernie's voter demographics from the Iowa caucus;

Non-White Women: 45%
Non-White Total: 38%
White 18-44: 42%
White 18-29: 58%
Non-college 18-44: 61%
All 18-44: 43%


Well-known member
Back in 2016 after Bernie got shafted most of Bernie's supporters voted for Trump. That ain't gonna happen in 2020. People want real change.

West Virginia for example. Half of Bernie voters in the state flipped to Trump over HRC in the general.

Mr D

Bernie's voter demographics from the Iowa caucus;

Non-White Women: 45%
Non-White Total: 38%
White 18-44: 42%
White 18-29: 58%
Non-college 18-44: 61%
All 18-44: 43%

That's great , however turn out was low, so demographic numbers are a good deflection from a lack of excitement among voters.

Mr D

Sanders takes a page from Trump's playbook and reneges on pledge to release health records.
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