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The 2020 Presidential Election

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The democrats should split into sub parties, then primary the primaries. Having multiple candidates, like having multiple parties, puts the minority in a place of power over the majority.

Bernie has 27% of the party. Trump won his party with a minority vote (33%?).

One third of 50%, less than 17% of the country really makes the decision for the other 83%. No wonder so many get upset. Claim it’s all corrupt. Want to send a big FY to Washington.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
oh I see, you are saying people with minimum wage jobs are poor. I think it comes to what your perception of poor is. if you live in Thailand, someone in the usa on minimum wage would be doing pretty good.

I think you get two types of people in life, some people are complacent some are higher achievers. you can have two brothers, grow up in the same minimum wage household, one gets a job in Walmart, one goes to college, university, and gets a degree to become a lawyer.
difference is one made opportunities for himself, the other said there's no opportunity for me.
that's why no one is forced to be poor. lifes what you make of it.

im not missing your point I just don't agree.

My point about lack of mobility previously was stated with the person in Thailand or Africa or South America in mind but it could also apply to someone living on an American reservation or born disabled in a poor US neighborhood.


Active member
did anyone watch ''undercover billionaire'' I found that really inspiring. im inspired by anyone who claws their way up from nothing and comes out on top. love it.

The reason they show it is that it’s the exception, rather than the rule. So much depends on circumstance and not hiccuping on the way. Kudos to those who do. Branding those who don’t as lazy people or having defeatist attitudes isn’t always correct.

I think this conversation started about healthcare being socialism and how that is somehow supposed to support lazy people and keep them from working. IDK

Capra ibex

The reason they show it is that it’s the exception, rather than the rule. So much depends on circumstance and not hiccuping on the way. Kudos to those who do. Branding those who don’t as lazy people or having defeatist attitudes isn’t always correct.

Exactly right.... of course a lot of wealthy people did work hard to get where they are but everyone needs a bit of luck.
A lot of people greatly benefitted from circumstance in certain ways or another that they might not really even realise (or want to admit).
The same for the lack of acknowledgement of many others' negative circumstances, just ignorant or ego padding.
To think that luck isn't any factor in your success is ego tripping.

Life doesn't have to be shit for the less fortunate, and shouldn't be....


Well-known member
Someone working minimum wage should keep filling out job applications or save enough money to move to a place with more opportunities.

someone working minimum wage had better be living in his mommies basement if they expect to save any money. if you are paying rent and have a car payment & ever eat, you are already working in negative numbers.


Sadly they do seem to go hand in hand regardless of what people claim.

My guess is we have had different experiences on that front. We can get all anecdotal, but I just think on the face of it its nonsense to equate political party and work ethic.

I guess its probably pretty common to paint whatever group you view as "the other" as lazy, be it based on political party, race, class,etc.

Personally, I get salty that we liberal folk that move around the country following jobs and opportunities have to prop up Billy bob that wont leave coal mining. We have to upend our lives all the time to make it, why shouldn't those lazy fucks. Most are sitting around waiting for a handout being lazy and popping pills.

You can insert whatever group you view as the other into the above. My father in law went on some big rant about how "niggers" are lazy and were just sitting on their porch drinking all day. I asked why he was in the hood. He was waiting for this crappy white trash bar to open. I viewed him (big Republican) in the same light as he viewed the black dudes, they were all lazy in my opinion.


Active member
My guess is we have had different experiences on that front. We can get all anecdotal, but I just think on the face of it its nonsense to equate political party and work ethic.

I guess its probably pretty common to paint whatever group you view as "the other" as lazy, be it based on political party, race, class,etc.

Personally, I get salty that we liberal folk that move around the country following jobs and opportunities have to prop up Billy bob that wont leave coal mining. We have to upend our lives all the time to make it, why shouldn't those lazy fucks. Most are sitting around waiting for a handout being lazy and popping pills.

You can insert whatever group you view as the other into the above. My father in law went on some big rant about how "niggers" are lazy and were just sitting on their porch drinking all day. I asked why he was in the hood. He was waiting for this crappy white trash bar to open. I viewed him (big Republican) in the same light as he viewed the black dudes, they were all lazy in my opinion.

It’s the sense of entitlement we as Americans have due to where our parents had sex.

Mr D

So why does Bernie need to bring celebrities and rock bands to a rally on a college campus? Is it really that hard to get 6000 people to come to a rally on a college campus that you need to bring celebrities and musical entertainment?

Trump had more people standing out in the cold than Bernie had at his rally and all the audience got to see was Trump. No Hollywood celebrities, Rock/punk bands required to draw a crowd 2 - 3 times bigger than Bernie.

What's up with that?


Well-known member
Many billionaires seem like egotistical sociopaths.

These people are a sign that our economy is a failure as no one person should have that much power.


Well-known member

So I guess the Democrat party is run by fools. They literally have so much pride or whatever wrapped up in Biden they do not even want to face the fact nobody wants a Biden. Just keep throwing money at him. Lol.

There is your proof. They have millions upon millions to spend within there own party trying to avoid Bernie. Its funny.

I keep saying it. But Bernie could almost do better or even win as a third party.

All the people the would like to send a fuck you to the established problement and not to every respectful person on the planet, are noticing.


Well-known member
im not sure that rich people should pay more money because they have more money. that's not really fair. everyone should pay the same percentage of their income in taxes. the problem in my mind is the corruption and loop holes that allows many multimillion dollar companies pay next to no tax at all.

and another thing is that its pointless moaning about the rich, no one forced anyone to be poor or earn a regular income. the opportunity is their to follow your dreams whatever that may be.

50% of US workers make $32,000 or less which is only a couple grand above the poverty level. You saying half of working Americans chose to be poor?


Well-known member
So why does Bernie need to bring celebrities and rock bands to a rally on a college campus? Is it really that hard to get 6000 people to come to a rally on a college campus that you need to bring celebrities and musical entertainment?

Trump had more people standing out in the cold than Bernie had at his rally and all the audience got to see was Trump. No Hollywood celebrities, Rock/punk bands required to draw a crowd 2 - 3 times bigger than Bernie.

What's up with that?

The first thing that comes to mind is that hanging out with musicians sounds 100x more fun than going to a rally for a turd.


Well-known member
Probably because Trump cant get good musicians or celebs to come talk about him lmao.

Who's he gonna get? Kevin Sorbo and Ted Nugent? Haha


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