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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
So why does Bernie need to bring celebrities and rock bands to a rally on a college campus? Is it really that hard to get 6000 people to come to a rally on a college campus that you need to bring celebrities and musical entertainment?

Trump had more people standing out in the cold than Bernie had at his rally and all the audience got to see was Trump. No Hollywood celebrities, Rock/punk bands required to draw a crowd 2 - 3 times bigger than Bernie.

What's up with that?

lol, that just tells ya how many uneducated people there are..You cant tell me someone would rather listen to his BS than listen to some good music .. Many of those people wont vote for Trump. Many of those people go just to see the show lol.


Active member
Ive been watching Americas book of secrets "Billionaire agenda" on the history channel. Billionaires think way different than those that don't have billions. They have there $$ in everything. Watch it.

Not the same BS as undercover billionaire. This is a puff piece made for MSM.

The episode is here


I did a lot of stone work on for this guy.


And one of his business partners.

Mr D

ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl was at President Trump’s massive rally in New Hampshire Monday night.

“This rally is in an arena that I was at just two nights ago — Saturday night at an event that included ALL of the major Democrat candidates and we have a bigger crowd by far just for Donald Trump than we had on Saturday for all of the Democrats.”

So where were all the huge number of Bernie supporters I keep hearing about? Especially when Bern's home state was just a short drive away?

Busy building gulags?


ICMag Donor
Probably because Trump cant get good musicians or celebs to come talk about him lmao.

Who's he gonna get? Kevin Sorbo and Ted Nugent? Haha

Yup. Several musicians have told trump "Don't use my music at your rallies".

Mr D

I watched Bernie's rally and it was pretty clear by the cheers and the number of people I could see who waited for the band to break out the cell phone cameras.....that the kids came to see a free concert.

It was hard to spot a single person at Bern's rally that was wearing Bernie gear. It was hard to spot anyone at Trump's rally who wasn't wearing Trump gear.

Mr D

Did you know that Mayor Pete won an essay contest in High School defending socialism and Bernie Sanders?


Well-known member
I watched Bernie's rally and it was pretty clear by the cheers and the number of people I could see who waited for the band to break out the cell phone cameras.....that the kids came to see a free concert.

It was hard to spot a single person at Bern's rally that was wearing Bernie gear. It was hard to spot anyone at Trump's rally who wasn't wearing Trump gear.

Pretty clear by the numbers. Close to 1/3 of the primary votes so far are for Bernie. I have yet to see a poll that places shithead close to 50%. All of the Democratic nominees have said they will support whomever is nominated in order to defeat shithead.

Do the math


Well-known member
Did you know that Mayor Pete won essay contest in High School defending socialism and Bernie Sanders?

Good for him. All you shit fans are making the word socialism more acceptable by the day. Every time a known liar uses it negatively it helps make its case.

Thanks for your support.

Bernie 2020



I have a close friend who can't pay for his student loans because no one is hiring in his field.

You like to say that people deserve what they get.

I've seen people struggle for decades.

I'm sure you will blame them for their circumstances.

But I live in the real world.

I know people with first-hand experience in the reality I am subject to.

They are poor and trying like hell not to be, but they're too poor to not be poor.
Boo Fickin Hoo. Your mindset is pathetic.

Mr D

Why? It's pretty clear he can't get 5k people to a rally without celebrities.

Using a racist like Bloomberg and a hack like Chris Hayes to try and reinforce a false narrative dosen't make it true.

I said that in 2016 when Trump and Bernie were considered outsiders by the uniparty I felt Bernie could win. However a lot has changed since then. I'd love to see Bernie get the nomination so the voters can send a message about how they feel about Democrat socialism.


Well-known member
??? Bernie has had the largest rallies of this election cycle so far. 28k in Queens NYC as well as holding the largest rally in Iowa of any candidate including Trump.

I'd be less worried about rally size and more worried about how Bernie is capable of stealing multiple swing states and rust belt states away from Trump. Or how he won 50% of the non white vote and 50% of the 18-45 vote in Iowa... He's basically crushing in every demographic besides the elderly saps glued to their TV's.

Mr D

Funny how that happens when you spend your whole life claiming you want to nationalize every industry.

As a small business owner from where I sit Bernie's platforms suck as far my business is concerned.

I don't have a single employee who makes less than $25 an hr. and they all have excellent medical coverage that includes dental and coverage for eye glasses.
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