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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Trump supporters support freedom of speech........................................


A black man kneels during the national anthem for a football game.

Capra ibex

Ohhhh man.... :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

Watching Trump at his rallies is so freaking ridiculous.... i think all of his bullsh*t is going to cause him to stroke out on live TV.

I honestly don't think even he can believe how stupid the people are who go to those things.... he just makes sh*t up and it gets gradually more whack event after event.
It is pure insanity.

The irony of folks who don't like politicians because they lie yet they stand behind a f&%$ing LIE GENERATOR covered in spray tan and cellulite :covereyes:

He's not even a good liar FFS. :covereyes: :covereyes:


Active member
Trump supporters support freedom of speech........................................


A black man kneels during the national anthem for a football game.

I support Americans freedom of speech. I use my free speech to criticize a disgusting action. Your argument is shallow at best. Free speech is specifically for disgusting, speech.


Active member
Trump supporters support freedom of speech........................................


A black man kneels during the national anthem for a football game.

Black privilege? Lest we forget his ‘white’ mother? Fuuuuug ‘race’ is such a fickle thing...


Well-known member
The only people I seen who were highly bothered with kneeling are boomers. Many dislike it including myself but still support their right to freedom of speech.


Active member
Black privilege? Lest we forget his ‘white’ mother? Fuuuuug ‘race’ is such a fickle thing...

If you didn't know who Kap was and saw him walking down the road I highly doubt you would consider him white. Or even think he has a white parent. Claiming since he has a white mom it somehow made it so people no longer saw him for the skin color he is.

Get real.


Active member
That's your spin on what you think it is.. In reality most Trumpturd supporters are not racist, there just easily manipulated. The truth is all racist do in fact support Trumpturd. He is excited to except there support. Remember he believes there very fine people :biggrin:.

All raycisssss? Bruh explain Byrd... your queen’s hero. This is the ‘do you still beat your wife’ or the ‘are you out of the closet yet’ argument....


Active member
Every word Trump, and his supporters say bothers you. Are you opposed to free speech because you complain about it?

Conservatives love to cloak free speech with hate speech. If you criticize hate speech they then cry you are against "free speech".

Not sure when criticizing hate speech became a bad thing for conservatives.


Active member
If you didn't know who Kap was and saw him walking down the road I highly doubt you would consider him white. Or even think he has a white parent. Claiming since he has a white mom it somehow made it so people no longer saw him for the skin color he is.

Get real.

Lmao... I walk down the street high with squinted eyes =/= doesn’t mean I’m fucking Chinese...

Also, ‘race’ means nothing to the majority of Americans. Kaepernick uses his ‘race’ to play victim. He fucked up his career. Reap what you sow. Gonna have to have some reason other than ‘he’s black’ for me to feel sorry for him. Should I feel bad for juicy smollet too? He’s black. Is there some implied sympathy because I’m white and he’s black? Nah. Color was NOT the deciding factor of him not working. He stepped up to the machine known as the nfl and LOST. Another person tried to take on the same machine. Guess what? He too lost... that guy was.... wait for it... wait for it... Irony

Drumpf and white america became ‘rayciss’ when he ran as a Republican and smashed your queen. There are plenty of picture of him and ‘black’ women.


Active member
Lmao... I walk down the street high with squinted eyes =/= doesn’t mean I’m fucking Chinese...

Also, ‘race’ means nothing to the majority of Americans. Kaepernick uses his ‘race’ to play victim. He fucked up his career. Reap what you sow. Gonna have to have some reason other than ‘he’s black’ for me to feel sorry for him. Should I feel bad for juicy smollet too? He’s black. Is there some implied sympathy because I’m white and he’s black? Nah. Color was NOT the deciding factor of him not working. He stepped up to the machine known as the nfl and LOST. Another person tried to take on the same machine. Guess what? He too lost... that guy was.... wait for it... wait for it... Irony

Drumpf and white america became ‘rayciss’ when he ran as a Republican and smashed your queen. There are plenty of picture of him and ‘black’ women.

Claiming race means nothing to people anymore would be like saying baldness for men doesn't matter for women.

The idea race doesn't matter anymore to people. Get real.


cant re Member
So they made that career change.

How are they faring these days?

no thats my point, they were not that way inclined. they took that degree not thinking what they were actually going to do with it. I hate to be harsh but they should have really thought about that in the first place so its their fault that they are in that position. a couple of them did change carrer completely but most of them just stayed in min wage jobs like the library etc.


Active member
Conservatives love to cloak free speech with hate speech. If you criticize hate speech they then cry you are against "free speech".

Not sure when criticizing hate speech became a bad thing for conservatives.

Hate speech is a intersectional leftist creation to silence people they disagree with. Hate speech is free speech, maybe you don't remember the ACLU used to defend the Klan. The first ammendment was written specifically to defend speech most people deplore.

It's not a conservative principle, it's a liberal principle. Lenny Bruce, and George Carlin, would berate you for such a fascistic statement.

Liberals are such a rarity these days.


cant re Member
Ive been watching Americas book of secrets "Billionaire agenda" on the history channel. Billionaires think way different than those that don't have billions. They have there $$ in everything. Watch it.

Not the same BS as undercover billionaire. This is a puff piece made for MSM.

The episode is here

was just saying I find things like that inspiring. I think we all need a bit of that from time to time.

50% of US workers make $32,000 or less which is only a couple grand above the poverty level. You saying half of working Americans chose to be poor?

well for the people who earned that wage, then decided to increase their salary by whatever means, did someone say 'no cant do that you have to stay poor'' no. im not saying its easy to better your situation. and at times for sure government is against us. but you can either except defeat or keep pushing forward.


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