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The 2020 Presidential Election

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cant re Member
My point is that millions of people are forced to work minimum wage jobs.

They are poor. They want more money. There's no way for them to get it. There is not a way around it. Plenty of people are forced to be poor.

I don't understand how so many people believe anybody can earn any amount of money they desire.

I really don't get why billionaires shouldn't be taxed at the same rate as the single mom household either.

Are you seriously missing my point or are you ignoring it?

oh I see, you are saying people with minimum wage jobs are poor. I think it comes to what your perception of poor is. if you live in Thailand, someone in the usa on minimum wage would be doing pretty good.

I think you get two types of people in life, some people are complacent some are higher achievers. you can have two brothers, grow up in the same minimum wage household, one gets a job in Walmart, one goes to college, university, and gets a degree to become a lawyer.
difference is one made opportunities for himself, the other said there's no opportunity for me.
that's why no one is forced to be poor. lifes what you make of it.

im not missing your point I just don't agree.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
That doesn't happen because two kids growing up in a minimum wage household won't be able to go to college.

There's glass ceilings all over.

You won't hear about it from talk radio.

You can ask the people directly though.

But then you would have to take their word for it.


Well-known member
confusingly written first paragraph but lets respond anyway..

I was born to a single mother in one of the poorest parts of my country. crime there was rife, education was poor at best. im not from a privileged background at all but ive worked my way up to something. Anyway, point is, unless you live in the third world (we don't, we live in the western world) theres opportunity to be had.

regular, by regular I mean average, so average wage/job/ 9 to five average pay bracket for wherever you live.

not sure why you are trying to argue with me with no point to make.

My dad was poor as shit growing up in the south side of Chicago, got his hvac certification and plumbing license and moved to a more affordable place and started a business that I now work for. He grosses about 250-350k year now coming from nothing.

Nothing is stopping anybody from success except themselves and the negative nancies in their ear. Someone working minimum wage should keep filling out job applications or save enough money to move to a place with more opportunities.


Active member
When I was 16 finding a job was no problem. I started off bagging groceries in a food market. Now those jobs don't exist. Dish washing which was a popular first time job are now filled by adults. Same with fast food. At one time fast food places were run by teenagers with a few adults for supervising. Not anymore.

My father got a job right out of college with his bachelors degree. By the time i graduated college you needed a masters degree to earn the same level of income as my dad. Now you need a PhD to earn what a masters used to get you.

As the US becomes more educated more people will also get left behind. And that's what we are now seeing. The jobs of breaking your back in a factory to make a decent living are disappearing. Robots took those over and it takes a person with computer knowledge to program the machines.

IMO it also doesn't help now how we let people piss away 10 years of their lives between the ages of 20-30 playing bartender, attending college then dropping out, and just "trying to find my path". Reminds me of a Pink Floyd song.

"Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
Fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.
Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain.
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun."

When my father got out of high school it was get a job or go to college. For my generation we could take up to two years off between high school and college before people started riding your ass about getting on. Now it seems like the fucking off time has went up to 7-10 years.

Wish I had the answers to help people in low wage jobs out. It's sad how so many people struggle now working several jobs. The people who I tend to see do the best from a bad situation are women who were married early had kids but then got divorced. Many women I know had no college. The divorce forced them into college to better their lives. Their play time was over. Going back to college was do or die. No more fucking around.


cant re Member
That doesn't happen because two kids growing up in a minimum wage household won't be able to go to college.

There's glass ceilings all over.

You won't hear about it from talk radio.

You can ask the people directly though.

But then you would have to take their word for it.

when life throws you lemons, make lemonade.


cant re Member
When I was 16 finding a job was no problem. I started off bagging groceries in a food market. Now those jobs don't exist. Dish washing which was a popular first time job are now filled by adults. Same with fast food. At one time fast food places were run by teenagers with a few adults for supervising. Not anymore.

My father got a job right out of college with his bachelors degree. By the time i graduated college you needed a masters degree to earn the same level of income as my dad. Now you need a PhD to earn what a masters used to get you.

As the US becomes more educated more people will also get left behind. And that's what we are now seeing. The jobs of breaking your back in a factory to make a decent living are disappearing. Robots took those over and it takes a person with computer knowledge to program the machines.

IMO it also doesn't help now how we let people piss away 10 years of people's lives between the ages of 20-30 playing bartender, attending college then dropping out, and just "trying to find my path". Reminds me of a Pink Floyd song.

"Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
Fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.
Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain.
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun."

When my father got out of high school it was get a job or go to college. For my generation we could take up to two years off between high school and college before people started riding your ass about getting on. Now it seems like the fucking off time has went up to 7-10 years.

Wish I had the answers to help people in low wage jobs out. It's sad how so many people struggle now working several jobs. The people who I tend to see do the best are women who were married early had kids but then got divorced. Many women I know had no college. The divorce forced them into college to better their lives. Their play time was over. Going back to college was do or die. No more fucking around.

im not even that old, and when I was a teen I could just walk onto a building site and ask for a job and make good money as a labourer. now you need a CIS card and whatever else.
sad fact is you got to adapt or get left behind. that's just life I guess.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
My dad was poor as shit growing up in the south side of Chicago, got his hvac certification and plumbing license and moved to a more affordable place and started a business that I now work for. He grosses about 250-350k year now coming from nothing.

Nothing is stopping anybody from success except themselves and the negative nancies in their ear. Someone working minimum wage should keep filling out job applications or save enough money to move to a place with more opportunities.

One simply cannot start a business just because they believe in themselves.

If your father really was poor he wouldn't be able to save enough money to pay for the education or the move.


cant re Member


cant re Member
One simply cannot start a business just because they believe in themselves.

If your father really was poor he wouldn't be able to save enough money to pay for the education or the move.
tbh by your standards no one would ever be wealthy. if I was poor id start a little online business or ebay to pay for an education. theres got to be something people can do. either that or just say ''well im poor'' and then just let your life spiral out of control.


Active member
That doesn't happen because two kids growing up in a minimum wage household won't be able to go to college.

There's glass ceilings all over.

You won't hear about it from talk radio.

You can ask the people directly though.

But then you would have to take their word for it.

Bull shit
You been living in a cave somewhere?
I know plenty of folks who worked their asses off and put themselves thru school...some worked hard and
Recieved scholarships....and I know
A great many who never even went to school but put their hard work and
Brains to work for themselves with great success
You speak with a defeatist attitude
And sounds like you are very unsure of yourself
In this country opportunity abounds
You just have to put your whole ass
Out there beyond your safe zone and negative attutude...



cant re Member
did anyone watch ''undercover billionaire'' I found that really inspiring. im inspired by anyone who claws their way up from nothing and comes out on top. love it.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites

I have a close friend who can't pay for his student loans because no one is hiring in his field.

You like to say that people deserve what they get.

I've seen people struggle for decades.

I'm sure you will blame them for their circumstances.

But I live in the real world.

I know people with first-hand experience in the reality I am subject to.

They are poor and trying like hell not to be, but they're too poor to not be poor.


Idk muh dudes. You guys seem to be trying to equate political affiliation with work ethic. That's goofy and dumb.


ICMag Donor
And you will remain that way till the end of your days with that bullshit attitude

Thank you Gabby Johnson.

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