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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
You are right if we roll back the clock to 2016. Once old Bern threw in with Clinton many people stopped believing he was a fighter. If he won't stand up for himself how can he be expected to stand up for those who support him?

Sanders has no choice but to do what ever is necessary to run as Democrap. The system is rigged so a 3rd party has zero chance. It is the 12th amendment. No one reaches 270 electoral votes in a 3 way race, then "congress picks" the president from top 3 candidates. Congressmen from each state vote amongst themselves for whoever they want. Each state then gets one vote. If that state does not have a majority of congressmen from that 3rd party, there is a snowballs chance in hell of them getting elected. So a majority, in a majority of states is needed by that 3rd party. How can that ever happen.

There is a contract that says they must support whoever the nominee is. He violates that, then can not hijack the Democrap party.


Active member
4.4 million Obama voters stayed home in 2016

1 in 10 Bernie voters voted for Trump

More HRC voters voted for the republican nominee the last time she ran for president than bernie voters voted for trump in 2016.

just face it, the democrats ran a garbage candidate in 2016 and they moved so far to the right that they've become an ineffectual party of wall street oligarchs.

With Bernie, they’ll stay home again.


Active member
Sanders has no choice but to do what ever is necessary to run as Democrap. The system is rigged so a 3rd party has zero chance. It is the 12th amendment. No one reaches 270 electoral votes in a 3 way race, then "congress picks" the president from top 3 candidates. Congressmen from each state vote amongst themselves for whoever they want. Each state then gets one vote. If that state does not have a majority of congressmen from that 3rd party, there is a snowballs chance in hell of them getting elected. So a majority, in a majority of states is needed by that 3rd party. How can that ever happen.

There is a contract that says they must support whoever the nominee is. He violates that, then can not hijack the Democrap party.

Why aren’t there more 3rd party congress members? Because they don’t get the votes.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes - true we now have an information network that can expose those with power and ill intent - but at the same time - those in power with ill intent also have a global tool to obfuscate and propagandize their message - by questioning the media services - that they either own - or can easily buy - so creating even more confusion - with the truth - a confusion that they sensationalize - then sell back to us via their own media -

All part and parcel of - The Great Political Soap Opera - oh the drama -

Hello all,

The governed now have the information network (such as it is) with which to expose those with power and ill intent.

So there is that...it is the finding of the truth within the chatter that is difficult. Something I am not always good at.



Well-known member
If Bernie was more like Clint Eastwood in 'Grand Turismo' - he'd wipe the floor with Trump - Just about everyone I know can relate to Eastwood's role in that movie -
That's the problem with America these days, we need more John Wayne's and Clint Eastwood's, but no, we get a bunch of fairies like Buttigieg.

The way I see it Trump is the only man running for president and he's a little bitch compared to John Wayne. The Democrats need someone who could win, like Chuck Norris. :biggrin:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
A lot of people do think that way in this modern millennial age - its all about identity politics - and what you look like - before whatever policies really matter - so yeah - more people would vote for Dirty Harry than Elmer Fudd -

That's the problem with America these days, we need more John Wayne's and Clint Eastwood's, but no, we get a bunch of fairies like Buttigieg.

The way I see it Trump is the only man running for president and he's a little bitch compared to John Wayne. The Democrats need someone who could win, like Chuck Norris. :biggrin:


Active member
Saw John Wayne driving a green El Dorado. He looked a bit hunched over like the car was too small for him.

We had one actor already. That was enough though Clint Eastwood might be interesting. His one foray into politics was for personal gain. Carmel and Monterey were fiercely anti building and he wanted to build.
It was always a battle in that area and for good reason. It was a beautiful spot with a lot of history.



Active member
Hating on billionaires is a white person problem. It's a popular thing among middle class white people. For the record I'm white.

When an African American male is pulled over on the side of the road because they were racially profiled by a cop who makes 30k they could give a fuck less about the money Bezos has or any other billionaire. Their concern is being fucked by the people who won't hire them because of their skin color. Or the cop who has them pulled over.

The African American community love their billionaires. They love Oprah, Jay Z, Beyonce, and Tiger Woods. They love it when one of their home town kids makes it in professional sports. These communities see the benefit and feel the effect of the money being brought in by sports hero's or people like Oprah.

So while the angry white person can hate billionaires all they want it doesn't play well in minority communities when their lives can be fucked over by a cop who makes 30k. The Dem candidate will need all the minority votes they can get to beat Trump.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Does anyone remember Eastwood's speech at the republican convention? He seemed a little 'clouded'. It totally backfired.


ICMag Donor
For me it's not about 'hating billionaires'.

It's more about two inherent problems.
1, At a certain point, The more the system gives you - the less you give back to the system that made acquiring this wealth possible.
2, When people have endless amounts of money that will last for endless generations of yachts, private jets and mansions and they enjoy this while so many are trying hard not to fall off the edge, it proves the distribution and taxation systems are broken.

Hating on billionaires is a white person problem. It's a popular thing among middle class white people. For the record I'm white.

When an African American male is pulled over on the side of the road because they were racially profiled by a cop who makes 30k they could give a fuck less about the money Bezos has or any other billionaire. Their concern is being fucked by the people who won't hire them because of their skin color. Or the cop who has them pulled over.

The African American community love their billionaires. They love Oprah, Jay Z, Beyonce, and Tiger Woods. They love it when one of their home town kids makes it in professional sports. These communities see the benefit and feel the effect of the money being brought in by sports hero's or people like Oprah.

So while the angry white person can hate billionaires all they want it doesn't play well in minority communities when their lives can be fucked over by a cop who makes 30k. The Dem candidate will need all the minority votes they can get to beat Trump.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
As actors get older - many of them just can't remember their lines any more - same goes for reality show judges - that's why they need a teleprompter -

Does anyone remember Eastwood's speech at the republican convention? He seemed a little 'clouded'. It totally backfired.


Active member
Hey Zeez.

Just saying that minority communities view the people who hold them down is different then many whites. To beat Trump we need all the minority votes we can get. The party platform for the Dem candidate should reflect the demographics of their voters and just not cater to the most vocal supporters most closely associated with them.

Mr D

You can't achieve financial equality or even fairness in a system that runs on debt based fiat money.

When you get that mortgage, car loan or put a new washing machine on your credit card new money is created out of thin air. But what's not created is the interest required to pay them back.

The biggest driver of wealth inequality is our debt based fiat currency. To many Americans have no clue how money works, especially how new money is created.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
As actors get older - many of them just can't remember their lines any more - same goes for reality show judges - that's why they need a teleprompter -

Sounds like uncle joe....hahaha
"The kids need to hear words,you have to put on the phonograph at night for them "

I love my Vinyl too but WTF


ICMag Donor
Hey Zeez.

Just saying that minority communities view the people who hold them down is different then many whites. To beat Trump we need all the minority votes we can get. The party platform for the Dem candidate should reflect the demographics of their voters and just not cater to the most vocal supporters most closely associated with them.

I get that and it's probably a situation that is invisible to most white people.

The thing with billionaires - They should pay the highest tax rates and they don't.


Active member
Not the billionaires. They’re just people.

It’s about redistribution so there’s more resources at the bottom.

They often do it themselves while protecting the bulk of their fortunes.
Lord Hanson used to provide medical transportation, paid for a few medical buildings. He gave my wife’s doctor a million dollars for research. Paid me well.
All while screwing the Kentucky coal miners...Peabody mines.



Active member
You can't achieve financial equality or even fairness in a system that runs on debt based fiat money.

When you get that mortgage, car loan or put a new washing machine on your credit card new money is created out of thin air. But what's not created is the interest required to pay them back.

The biggest driver of wealth inequality is our debt based fiat currency. To many Americans have no clue how money works, especially how new money is created.

Then we all chase the same dollar to pay off the dollars created.

Exactly what I think fueled our last recession. As the real estate appraisers inched their appraisals up, it created a false equity that drove up the amount of money borrowed. Borrowed money drove inflation creating more false equity in other products. The economy had no clothes. I put more blame on the appraisers than I do the 1%.
I think Obama had more currency printed which helped to put more in circulation, but that’s hard to do without devaluation. It’s a hard balance.

At least then we were building houses, not just selling off our resources.

Very good. Just when I was giving up on you.:dance013:


Active member
I get that and it's probably a situation that is invisible to most white people.

The thing with billionaires - They should pay the highest tax rates and they don't.

Tax them if they don’t spend it here.
A higher minimum wage would do virtually the same thing.
Medical benefits that don’t go away if you lose your job or are unable to work.
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